Download PLANTS QUIZ 2 REVIEW How does the anther help with

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1. How does the anther help with reproduction of the flowering plant?
a. It develops into the fruit after fertilization
b. It moves pollens to the roots of the plant
c. It produces and stores pollen
2. Name 3 ways roots contribute to the survival of a plant:
3. What process of reproduction can take place in flowering plants?
a. Only sexual reproduction, and this is called cross pollination
b. Only asexual reproduction, and this is called self pollination
c. Both asexual (self pollination) and sexual (cross pollination)
4. What roles do the sepal play in the reproduction of a flowering plant?
a. The sepal enlarges to form the ovary after fertilization
b. The sepal encases the developing flower after fertilization has occurred
c. The sepal produces and stores pollen to help fertilize flower
d. The sepal regulates temperature to ensure survival of seed
5. What is the benefit of the flower on some plants?
a. To make food
b. To provide heat
c. To absorb water from the air
d. To attract birds and insects that spread pollen
6. What is the main function of the leaf in flowering plants?
a. To produce seed for sexual reproduction
b. To pollinate the plant
c. To make food during photosynthesis
d. To support the plant
7. What happens to the ovary of flowering plants when fertilization occurs?
a. When fertilization occurs, new petals form on the flower
b. When fertilization occurs, the stamen sends pollen to the anther
c. When fertilization occurs, the ovary grows into fruit or vegetable
d. When fertilization occurs, the new flower begins to grow towards sun
8. What happens during pollination?
a. When pollination occurs, new petals form on the flower
b. When pollination occurs, the stamen sends pollen to the anther
c. When pollination occurs, the ovary grows into fruit or vegetable
d. When pollination occurs, the new flower begins to grow towards sun
9. What is the female reproductive structure called? HINT: there are two different words that
mean the same thing!
10. Why do flowers have such colorful petals?
Name: ________________________ Date: ___________________ Block:____________________
WARM –UP 2/23/17
1. Why is the leaf able to contribute to the prevention of water loss?
a. The leaf takes in sunlight which moves the water through the plant to prevent it from
being lost
b. The epidermis provides an outer covering to the leaf with a waxy cuticle and a stomata,
that helps to prevent water loss
c. The roots take in oxygen providing the leaf with the energy it needs to contain the water
it collects
d. The petal of the plant’s flower encases the leaf’s water, thus eliminating the risk for
water loss in the plant
2. What purpose do guard cells serve in a plant?
a. They help the plant gather food to ensure its survival
b. They prevent herbivores from consuming (eating) the plant
c. They surround and control the opening and closing of the stomata to help them regulate
d. They allow water to enter the roots, where the process of photosynthesis begins
3. Where does most of the photosynthesis occur?
a. In the petals
b. In the leaves
c. In the stamen
d. In the pistil
4. What part of the plant’s anatomy protects the leaf from losing water? This is the top layer of
the leaf, and it is waxy and almost water proof? In class we called this layer the crust of the sand
5. What layer is just under the cuticle? It also has tough cells and protects the leaf, and also
prevents water loss ___________________
6. What layer is an opening in the epidermis that allows gas and water to enter and exit?
7. What part acts like a guard to the stomata, and controls the opening and closing of
it?____________________8. Which tissue consists of xylem and phloem? ____________________
9. ________________ provides water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. FLOWS UP
_______________ provides water and minerals from the leaves to the rest of the plant. FLOWS
10. What is the inside of the leaf called? This is the place where most of the photosynthesis occurs,
and it contains the palisade and spongy layer______________________
Label each part of the flower and explain the function of them
1. How does the anther help with reproduction of the flowering plant?
a. It develops into the fruit after fertilization
b. It moves pollens to the roots of the plant
c. It produces and stores pollen
2. Name 3 ways roots contribute to the survival of a plant:
They anchor the plant in the ground, they draw up minerals and water from soil, they store
food for the plant
3. What process of reproduction can take place in flowering plants?
a. Only sexual reproduction, and this is called cross pollination
b. Only asexual reproduction, and this is called self pollination
c. Both asexual (self pollination) and sexual (cross pollination)
4. What roles do the sepal play in the reproduction of a flowering plant?
a. The sepal enlarges to form the ovary after fertilization
b. The sepal encases the developing flower after fertilization has occurred
c. The sepal produces and stores pollen to help fertilize flower
d. The sepal regulates temperature to ensure survival of seed
5. What is the benefit of the flower on some plants?
a. To make food
b. To provide heat
c. To absorb water from the air
d. To attract birds and insects that spread pollen
6. What is the main function of the leaf in flowering plants?
a. To produce seed for sexual reproduction
b. To pollinate the plant
c. To make food during photosynthesis
d. To support the plant
7. What happens to the ovary of flowering plants when fertilization occurs?
a. When fertilization occurs, new petals form on the flower
b. When fertilization occurs, the stamen sends pollen to the anther
c. When fertilization occurs, the ovary grows into fruit or vegetable
d. When fertilization occurs, the new flower begins to grow towards sun
8. What happens during pollination?
a. When pollination occurs, new petals form on the flower
b. When pollination occurs, the stamen sends pollen to the anther
c. When pollination occurs, the ovary grows into fruit or vegetable
d. When pollination occurs, the new flower begins to grow towards sun
9. What is the female reproductive structure called? HINT: there are two different words that
mean the same thing! PISTIL OR CARPEL
10. Why do flowers have such colorful petals? To attract animals for pollination
WARM –UP 2/23/17
1. Why is the leaf able to contribute to the prevention of water loss?
a. The leaf takes in sunlight which moves the water through the plant to prevent it from
being lost
b. The epidermis provides an outer covering to the leaf with a waxy cuticle and a stomata,
that helps to prevent water loss
c. The roots take in oxygen providing the leaf with the energy it needs to contain the water
it collects
d. The petal of the plant’s flower encases the leaf’s water, thus eliminating the risk for
water loss in the plant
2. What purpose do guard cells serve in a plant?
a. They help the plant gather food to ensure its survival
b. They prevent herbivores from consuming (eating) the plant
c. They surround and control the opening and closing of the stomata to help them regulate
d. They allow water to enter the roots, where the process of photosynthesis begins
3. Where does most of the photosynthesis occur?
a. In the petals
b. In the leaves
c. In the stamen
d. In the pistil
What part of the plant’s anatomy protects the leaf from losing water? This is the top layer of
the leaf, and it is waxy and almost water proof? In class we called this layer the crust of the
What layer is just under the cuticle? It also has tough cells and protects the leaf, and also
prevents water loss. We called this the bread of the sandwhich
What layer is an opening in the epidermis that allows gas and water to enter and exit?
What part acts like a guard to the stomata, and controls the opening and closing of
it?_____guard cells_______________Which tissue consists of xylem and phloem? ____vascular tissue________________
______XYLEM______ provides water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. FLOWS UP
____PHLOEM________ provides water and minerals from the leaves to the rest of the plant.
What is the inside of the leaf called? This is the place where most of the photosynthesis occurs,
and it contains the palisade and spongy layer___mesophyll layer___________________-