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CS 391 - Advanced Programming in Java
Autumn 2006
Quiz 2
Marks: 15
Time: 10 min.
Roll Number: ______________
Date: 21/09/06
Fill in the blank spaces:
1. ________________ clause is used to close resources that are opened and need to be
closed during exception handling.
2. ____________________ exceptions must be caught or declared in a throws clause.
3. If we want to create a checked custom exception we need to inherit it from the
___________________ class.
4. ___________________ is a special java type which defines a set of method
prototypes, but does not provide the implementation for the prototypes.
5. How do you call a function called ‘myFunction’ which is defined in a parent class
from child class? ________________________
6. Interfaces imply what kind of a relationship? _____________________________
(e.g. Inheritance is “Is-A” relationship)
Encircle True or False:
1. Abstract classes can have methods that are fully implemented.
True / False
2. An abstract class can be instantiated.
True / False
3. We can define static final constants in an Interface.
True / False
4. Classes inherit from classes (single), interfaces inherit from interfaces (can be
multiple) and classes implement interfaces (can be multiple)
True / False
Write the output for the following program segments?
public interface Animal
public void speak();
class Lion implements Animal
class Cat implements Animal
public void speak()
public void speak()
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
Animal a;
Lion l = new Lion();
a =l;
a=new Cat();
Output: _________________________________________________________________
public class ExceptionTest
public static void main(String arg[])
System.out.println("Line 1");
throw (new Exception());
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Line 2");
System.out.println("Line 3");
Output: _________________________________________________________________