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National Cancer Registrars Association
“Elevator Speech”
I am a cancer registrar.
Do you ever wonder how cancer statistics are collected? How doctors determine what
cancer treatments are the most effective? Or how public health officials learn where
clusters of cancer diagnoses are located?
The work that I do as a cancer registrar provides answers to these questions.
Cancer registrars are healthcare professionals that collect, analyze, and report cancer
data. Details on diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship are collected for every cancer
patient in the U.S. We work at hospitals, medical facilities, and central registries and the
information we collect is reported, by law, to the state and federal government, including
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute.
Besides being a cancer registrar; I am also a Certified Tumor Registrar or CTR. The
CTR is the credential that signifies professional excellence in the cancer registry field. I
am an active member of the National Cancer Registrar Association. NCRA is a
volunteer organization with over 5,000 members. Its mission is to serve as the premier
education, credentialing, and advocacy resource for cancer data professionals.