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-DRAFT COURSE DESCRIPTIONEvolutionary Astrology for Psychotherapists and Healers
This is an astrological mentorship program developed and taught by Jason Holley, MA LPCC, to educate
psychotherapists, social workers, energy healers, and other healing practitioners in the use of
Evolutionary Astrology in your practice.
Key features of this program:
One two-day and three one-day intensives focusing on key astrological concepts and dynamics
Evolutionary Astrology: a focus on the evolutionary journey of the Soul: the question, “why?”
Astrology taught specifically in the context of the healing encounter; from the beginning a focus
on recognizing archetypes somatically, mentally, and in the intersubjective field
Comprehensive treatment of the primary astrological archetypes: Signs, Houses, and Planets
Intensive treatment of participant charts, to learn the material through direct experience
Optional biweekly chart clinic: in-depth practice of evolutionary analysis with live charts
CEU’s may be provided for licensed counselors and social workers (pending Board approval)
Structure of this program:
Intensive One: The 12 Archetypes and the Evolution of Consciousness – 2 days
A comprehensive introduction to the 12 signs and their associated houses and planets in the
astrological mandala, from the perspective of evolutionary astrology, which investigates the
karmic reasons and evolutionary necessities associated with each archetype. An exploration of
these archetypes as they are manifest in different states of consciousness, as well as
correlations to modern languages of diagnosis and assessment. A consideration of cultural
conditioning relative to these archetypes, and their natural and distorted expressions.
Intensive Two: The Soul’s Curriculum: The Evolutionary Axes of the Chart – 1 day
Evolutionary analysis of bottom-line dynamics in the chart as shown by Pluto, the nodes of the
moon, and the rulers of the nodes, using the method developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green. These
describe the past evolutionary process of the Soul, its evolutionary intentions in this lifetime,
and the ego structures and patterns in consciousness developed relative to these: the “why” of
the personality and its experiences. In some sense the “Axis 2” carried by anyone: enduring and
deep grooves in consciousness that result in characterological patterns and related influences.
Transference and countertransference dynamics relative to these deeply entrained patterns.
Evolutionary Astrology for Psychotherapists and Healers
DRAFT Course Description, as of November 27, 2011, Page 1 of 3
Jason Holley, MA LPCC
Intensive Three: Evolutionary Cycles of Change: The Planetary Phases and Aspects – 1 day
A comprehensive introduction to the natural cycle of evolution, as described astrologically by
the eight phases of planetary relationships, correlating directly to the cycles of earth and sky.
Identification of the phasal relationships in the natal chart in terms of the Soul’s history and
current evolutionary intentions. Identification of choice-points and healing interventions and
approaches relevant to given phases and aspects.
Intensive Four: Special Topics and Synthesis – 1 day
Astrological correlates to some of the most common issues presented in healing work –
relationship patterns, trauma and trauma responses, work issues, family patterns – and
guidance for how to understand the archetypal associations and evolutionary intentions of
these patterns. Skills and ethics relative to the use of the chart in counseling.
Chart Clinics – 2 hours biweekly
Participants bring birthcharts for practice with evolutionary analysis, with instructor guidance.
Where the material comes to life and the thread is pulled through from intensive to intensive.
Written Case Study
An in-depth case study of one client will be developed by each participant across the program.
This will be prepared in stages, relative to the material covered in each intensive, with instructor
feedback and guidance.
2012 Dates:
Intensive One: February 10-11, 2012
Intensive Two: May 12, 2012
Intensive Three: August 11, 2012
Intensive Four: November 17, 2012
Chart Clinics: Begin after February 10. Biweekly. Day and time to be decided with group.
Fee Structure:
Intensive One (2 days): $180
Other Intensives (1 day): $120
All Intensives Paid in Advance: $450
Chart Clinics
Offered in clumps of 6 each quarter; $25 each, or $125 for all six paid in advance.
Evolutionary Astrology for Psychotherapists and Healers
DRAFT Course Description, as of November 27, 2011, Page 2 of 3
Jason Holley, MA LPCC
Additional Logistical Information:
There will be suggested reading throughout the program. The only required reading however
will be Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeffrey Wolf Green.
The intensives are designed to be taken in sequence. If you cannot attend one, please speak to
the instructor to see whether it will be appropriate to continue or wait for the next sequence.
According to your level of pre-existing knowledge of evolutionary astrology, it may be possible
to participate in parts, rather than the whole, of this program. Please speak to the instructor.
Chart clinic participation is based on 4 three-month quarters, with approximately 6 clinics each
quarter. It is understood that some sessions will be missed, however a commitment to attend
at least four clinics in any quarter signed up for is requested.
About Evolutionary Astrology:
Evolutionary Astrology is a powerful psychology of the Soul developed by Jeffrey Wolf Green. It has
been recognized by many as the most penetrating and comprehensive approach to the birthchart
available. It is a natural companion to psychotherapists and healers as it identifies the deepest and most
pervasive Soul patterns, and reveals them in the totality of their history and their potentiality. More
information is available at the website of the Jeffrey Wolf Green School for Evolutionary Astrology,
About Jason Holley:
Jason Holley, MA LPCC is a psychotherapist and astrologer in private practice integrating the two in
Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has practiced astrology for over 25 years, and lectures nationally on
astrology, psychotherapy, and mythology. He is also a professor at Southwestern College, a
transpersonally-oriented graduate school for counseling and art therapy, where he teaches courses on
sexuality, trauma, human development, and the evolution of consciousness. He is currently writing a
book on sexuality in the birthchart from the Evolutionary Astrology perspective.
Evolutionary Astrology for Psychotherapists and Healers
DRAFT Course Description, as of November 27, 2011, Page 3 of 3
Jason Holley, MA LPCC