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Why Strength Train
Briefly discuss strength
Briefly discuss the “Overload Principle”
Athletic Reasons
◦ Stronger Physically on the field than your
◦ Faster on the field than your competition
◦ Better coordination than your competition
◦ More Disciplined
◦ Reduce Injury Rates
Life Reasons
Improved Bone Health
Confidence - Mood
Improved Physique
Improved General Health
◦ Stronger Physically on the field than your
◦ Faster on the field than your competition
◦ Better coordination than your competition
◦ More Disciplined
◦ Reduce Injury Rates
◦ Improved Bone Health - Osteoporosis
◦ Confidence – Mood
◦ Improved Physique – You Look Good
◦ Improved General Health – Blood Health
Osteoporosis – Medical condition in which the
bones become brittle & fragile from loss of
Heart Rate – HR
Blood Pressure – BP
Overall Cholesterol
LDL/HDL Cholesterol
Blood Sugar
To better understand & define what strength
is, we should understand what strength isn’t.
The amount of contractile force produced by
the neuromuscular system
Organ System that consists of three types of
muscles: skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles
and smooth muscles
Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles
Skeletal muscles do such things as:
Movement of the body
Provide strength
Help the body with balance
Help with posture
Conscious effort originates in the brain sending a
signal in the form of an action potential, through
the nervous system to the motor neuron/motor
unit that innervates several muscle fibers.
Smaller motor units are more excitable than
larger motor units. As the strength signal
increases, more motor units are excited as
well as larger ones and with this, the force of
the contraction gets stronger.
Progressively overloading the muscle helps
increase strength and size of the muscle.
◦ Increase the size of the cells (myofibrils)
◦ Increase the number of myofilaments
Work through the threshold barrier to recruit
more tissues to work
Too much weight and not being able to finish
your sets and/or reps will not allow your
muscles to go through progressive overload.
IF you want to get stronger, you must
complete your program and perform it the
way it is designed, to progressively overload
your muscle.
Are you working out with high intensity?
Are you progressively overloading your
Are you lifting all body parts equally?
If you answered YES to these questions….then
YES you are going to get stronger.