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Chapter 1
Growth Spurts- Time of rapid growth
Adolescence- The period of life between childhood and adulthood
Puberty- The time during adolescence when a boy or a girl becomes sexually
Heredity- The passing of traits to offspring from parents
Traits- Features that are passed from parents to child
Hormones- Chemicals that affect or control the activity of some body organs
Endocrine Glands- Glands that make and release hormones into the blood
Ovaries- Sex glands in the female
Testes- Sex glands in the male
Pituitary Gland- An endocrine gland that controls other endocrine glands
Ova- Female sex cell
Sperm- Male sex cell
Menstruation- Process during which an unfertilized egg, blood, and tissue pass
out of a female’s body
Penis- Male reproductive organ located outside the body
Acne- A skin condition where there are many pimples
Genitals- Sex organs located outside the body
Chapter 2
Scrotum- Pouch that contains the testes
Foreskin- Fold of skin that covers the glans
Glans- Tip of the penis
Circumcision- Surgical operation to remove the foreskin from the penis
Epididymis- Organ above each testicle where sperm become mature enough to
fertilize an egg
Vas Deferens- Either of two long tubes connecting the epididymis and the
prostate gland where sperm are stored
Semen- Fluid made in male reproductive organs, which contains sperm
Urethra- Tube through which both semen and urine leave the male body
Erection- Stiffening of the penis when the spongy tissue fills with blood
Ejaculation- Release of semen from the penis
Nocturnal Emission- Release of semen during sleep
Chapter 3
Pelvic Girdle- A ring of bone that protects the female reproductive organs located
inside the body
Estrogen- A hormone responsible for the development of female traits
Progesterone- A hormone responsible for preparing the uterus for possible
Fallopian Tubes- The female sex organs through which eggs pass to reach the
Uterus- The female sex organ in which a baby develops
Cervix- The lower end of the uterus
Vagina- The female sex organ through which a baby passes during birth
Hymen- A ring of tissue inside the opening of the vagina
Vulva- Female genital consisting of two inner and two outer folds of skin covering
the outer opening of the vagina
Clitoris- Female genital at the top of the vulva filled with nerve endings and blood
Urethra- The opening through which urine leaves the female body
Anus- The opening through which bowel movements leave the body
Follicle- A case of tissue enclosing an egg
Ovulation- The egg’s leaving of the ovary
Cilia- Tiny hairlike structures covering the surface of the Fallopian tubes
Fertilization- The joining of a sperm with an egg
Menstrual Period- The time during which a female is menstruating
Menstrual Cycle- The time span between the beginning of one menstrual period
and the beginning of the next.
Menarche- A female’s first menstrual period
Premenstrual Tension- A term used to describe changes taking place in females in
the days before the menstrual period begins
Menopause- The permanent end of menstruation
Chapter 4
Sexual Intercourse- The inserting of the erect penis into the vagina
Pregnancy- The period when a baby develops in a woman’s uterus
Placenta- Baglike organ that surrounds a developing baby
Umbilical Cord- Cord containing blood vessels that connects the baby to the
Genes- Structures by which traits are passed from parent to child
Chromosomes- 46 threadlike parts of body cells that carry genes
Recessive Genes-Member of a gene pair that can express itself only when two
given trait are present
genes for the
Dominant Genes- Member of a gene pair that can express itself when only one such gene for
the given trait is present
Identical Twins- Twins who develop from the same fertilized egg. They look
almost exactly
Fraternal Twins- Twins who develop from two eggs and two sperm. They can look totally
Prenatal Care- The care that a woman and her developing baby get during
Chapter 5
Obstetrician- A doctor whose practice is limited to caring for pregnant women
and delivering babies
Stethoscope- Instrument through which a doctor listens to a developing baby’s
Miscarriage- The ending of a pregnancy before the developing baby can live
outside of the mother’s body
Delivery- The birth of a baby
Labor- The contraction of the muscles of the mother’s uterus when the baby is
ready to be born
Caesarean Section- Operation in which the doctor cuts through the mother’s
abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby
Bonding- Establishing a loving and caring relationship between parents and baby
Infant- Child in the first year of life
Physical Needs- Needs of the body
Emotional Needs- Needs of the mind
Social Needs- Need to interact with others
Toddler- Child age one through three
Role Model- Person whose attitudes and behavior influence the attitudes and
actions of others