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T Tauri Stars
Kate Barnes
T Tauri Stars: Background
Very young, solar-type stars
~107 yrs
Low mass 0.5 M☉< M < 2 M☉
Name: T Tauri, found in Taurus-Auriga dark cloud
Discovered in the 1940s
Found near molecular clouds
Optically visible
Connection between IR sources and MS stars
What makes a T Tauri
Optically visible, but pre-Main Sequence
Youth inferred from:
Other common features:
Proximity to MCs
High Lithium abundances
Excess emission – above that of a MS star
P Cygni profiles (mass inflow and outflow)
Circumstellar Disks
Note: LOTS of variability amongst these
Basic Model
Old model (1980s)
that illustrates a
typical T Tauri star
Young, convective star
with accretion disk
and strong stellar
winds and mass loss
Lots of variation of
features amongst TTs
Observations: Optical Spectra
Optical Spectra reveal a
range of features
Emission features:
Variation between
emission and
absorption features
Continuum “veiling”
Balmer Emission
Neutral & singly ionized
metals (Ca II H & K)
(few) forbidden lines
Where is emission
coming from?
Why so different?
Are these objects really
Classification Scheme: Wλ of Hα
T Tauri stars are grouped into one of two types:
Grouped by the Wλ of Hα
Classical T Tauri Stars (CTTSs)
Weak-lined T Tauri Stars (WLTTs)
CTTSs have Wλ (Hα) > 10 Å
WLTTs have Wλ (Hα) < 10 Å
Probably similar objects
All found near MCs
Similar locations on HR diagram
Observations: SEDs & IR Excess
Energy distributions
show IR (and UV)
CTTSs ~10%
WLTTs – no
Recall: Optically
visible -> not a
spherical distribution
of dust
Must be a disk!
Observations: X-Ray
All TTs emit in X-Ray
Steady flux
No correlation between Lx and continuum
excess (circumstellar matter)
 Source
must be photospheric
Tx too low to be coronal
Steady-state flux from unresolved flaring
Observed Features
WLTTs do not emit in Hα and must be
detected in X-Rays
Emission lines (or lack of in WLTT)
 IR and UV excess
 X-Ray emission
What are the physical mechanisms behind
these features?
Line Emission & Stellar Winds
~1/4 of CTTSs show broad
Hα profiles
Populated n=3 state but
unionized H:
Width-> v~200 km/s for
thermal broadening
5,000 K < T < 10,000K
T~106 K - would ionize H
Bulk motion
~3/4 of CTTSs show
blueshifted absorption dip
Outflowing opaque
material -> represent
stellar winds
~70 km/s
Forbidden Lines
Emission from [O I] 6300 Å shows winds
with similar velocities
 [S II] 6716 & 6731 Å => electron
Used in conjunction with [O I] luminosity and
crafty physics…
Mass loss from winds of ~ 8 x 10-9 M☉yr-1
One Idea of the presence of winds…
Hα and Forbidden line emission (trace
stellar winds) are only found in CTTSs
 IR Excess (traces circumstellar disks) are
also only found in CTTSs
 Conclusion:
Winds are caused by circumstellar disks?
Not necessarily true! Lots of possibilities
Mass Inflow: YY Orionis Stars
Subclass of TTs
~1/2 of CTTSs
Show mass infall!!
Redshifted H
absorption at 250km/s
Increasingly deep in
Balmer series
Einstein A increases w/
Balmer series & traces
optical depth
Mass Inflow (cont’d)
Absorption increases w/ decreasing optical depth
Infall occurs close to star
One idea: Mass falling in on magnetic loops
To measure redshifted absorption must start with
broad Hα
Limited to CTTSs
Such profiles are highly variable
Mass infall fluctuates
Circumstellar Disks
Originally theorized to
explain the IR excess seen
in TT SEDs
Observed in IR and mm
around a number of TTs!!
IR emission from disk
within 10 AU – denser dust
Seen in CTTSs
mm emission from disk
within 100 AU – low
density gas component
Seen in both CTTSs and
Circumstellar Disks (cont’d)
Disk modelling is v. complicated (ask Dick!!)
Important to understand disk dynamics to better
understand TTs
Disk contribution to luminosity – Active vs. Passive disks
Accretion and winds
Magnetic fields
Pose an interesting problem
CTTSs and WLTTs are of similar age, but show v.
different disk distribution
What is causing this?
Known for decades that
TTs are highly variable –
often erratic periods
WLTTs have fairly regular,
small amplitude periods on
order of days or weeks
Variability due to cool
Signifies presence of
magnetic fields
Other tests show B ~103 G
Variability of CTTSs
Much higher amplitude than WLTT
 Highly erratic
 Astronomers believe these contain hot
spots instead of cool spots
Occur where infalling matter hits the stellar
surface elevating temps through shock heating
Likely the results of mass moving along
magnetic loops
FU Orionis Stars
Stars that show sharp
outbursts of energy with
Fast increase and gradual
V1057 Cyg has TT-like
spectrum and exhibits FU
Orionis behavior
What causes these?
Not IR sources before
Should be convective and
stably decreasing in
Summary: What’s going on in a TT star?
Mass accretion (onto star and/or disk)
 Mass loss through stellar winds
 Flaring seen in X-Ray
 Heating from shocks in disk and winds
 Circumstellar Disks (or not)
 Variability from cool spots or hot spots
Everything you could ask for!
Outstanding Problems
Hard to disentangle effects of the many
components of TTs
Are winds originating in disks or is there another
explanation for this correlation
What are the transport mechanisms for mass infall?
Why are CTTSs so aperiodic?
What causes the massive flaring of FU Orionis outbursts?
Little understanding why CTTSs and WLTTs have
such different features and are evolutionarily so
Post T Tauri star problem:
Few stars found in intermediate stage between TT and
Why is this evolution occuring so quickly?
Bertout, C. 1989. ARAA, 27, 351
 Stahler, S.W. & Palla, F. The Formation of
Stars. 2004: Wiley-VCH.