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An Empire, a Murder, and Roman Glory
EQ: ​How did the Roman Republic become and Empire?
[ Costa’s Level 1
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Costa’s Level 2
Trouble with the Republic ● In the 70s BC, Rome was a corrupted place, where politicians sought power and individual gain. ● The Tripartite fell apart and riots started. ● The most powerful of generals, Julius Caesar won the loyalty and power of Rome. Caesar’s Rise to Power ● Julius Caesar ​was a great general ● Admired for his skills in battle ● Treated his soldiers well ● 58 BC- 50 BC Caesar conquered all of Gaul ● ( modern day France) ● Referred to himself in 3​rd​ person, as “Caesar”, in his war journals. ● * Caesar’s military successes made him a key figure in Roman politics.* ● Caesar made great alliances that eventually ended because of their extreme jealousy of Caesar. ● In 45 BC Caesar declared himself “dictator for life” ● Caesar worked to improve Roman society, yet his gain of respect and power made members of the Senate jealous. Caesar is Murdered ● Members of the Senate, including a senator named Brutus gathered in secret and plotted the murder of Julius Caesar. ● On March 15, 44 BC, a day known as the “Ides of March” ​in a Senate session, a the group of senators pulled daggers from their robes and ambushed Caesar, stabbing him to death. Antony and Octavian ● Marc Antony ​was one of Caesar’s former assistants ● Octavian​ ​was Caesar’s adopted son. Octavian was later known as Augustus. ● Octavian and Antony worked together to bring Caesar to justice and find the men who murdered Caesar. After 2 years, all of Caesar's killers were captured and killed. Betrayal: Antony and Cleopatra ● Octavian became Emperor of Rome ● In 40 BC Antony married Octavian’s sister, but fell in love with the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra ● divorced Octavia. ● Octavian was furious and sent an army after Antony and Cleopatra. Rome’s Growing Empire ● In 27 BC Octavian “symbolically” gave power back to the Senate​, and ​Octavian then became known as Augustus, or “the revered one”. ● Rome reached its extent in 117 AD. Summary:
The Roman Republic became an Empire in _______ B.C.E. The Republic became an empire by ________________________________. In addition, _______________________________________.