Download Childrens Theatre Performance Scoring Rubric

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Children’s Theatre Performance Scoring Rubric
Group Members________________________________________________________________
Performance Name______________________________________________________________
Students demonstrated good
performance technique and etiquette
by introducing their piece, using
projection and diction, having their
lines memorized, holding their
bodies confidently, and thanking the
audience. (10 pts.)
The production was appropriately
staged and designed. No awkward
position (i.e. backs to the audience
or clearly uncomfortable
performers). The performers all had
costumes and props were
appropriate to their piece and would
appeal to children. (ex. Bright
colors, masks, puppets, etc.). (10
The piece demonstrated good
practices of children’s theatre. By
respecting children, using
appropriate content, not talking
down to the audience, and following
the rules of good children’s theatre
established in class. (10 pts.)
The piece cleverly adapted a wellknown story or fairy tale. The piece
clearly addressed an issue. The
performance showed unusual insight
into the problem and possible
solutions. (10 pts.)
Students demonstrated only some of
the good performance techniques.
(6 pts.)
Students demonstrated few to no
good performance techniques.
(3 pts.)
The production includes some of the
elements of appropriate staging and
good design.
(6 pts.)
The production was poorly staged
and had few to no costumes and
(3 pts.)
The piece demonstrated some good
(6 pts.)
The piece lacked appropriate
practices in children’s theatre.
(3 pts.)
The piece was somewhat adapted.
The issue was present. The piece
showed possible solutions. (6 pts)
The piece was adapted. The issue
was unclear as were the solutions.
(3 pts.)