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PateoPedia Paper
Sumerian Picture of Tiamat
By Johan Oldenkamp
The picture below dates back to about 2000 years Before our Common Era (BCE). It is one of
many representations created in ancient Sumer. What can we see on this picture, besides four
individuals and a vase?
At the top in the middle, it clearly looks
like a depiction of the central star of our
solar system. Wholly Science names
this star Helios. Helios is the King of
the Day. Next to it, we see a very thin
crescent with a representation of a full
moon. Wholly Science names this moon
Luna. Luna is the Queen of the Night.
Below the sun King Helios and
the moon Queen Luna, there a three
more spheres. The lowest of this three
is surrounded by a ring. Is that perhaps a representation of the planet Saturn, also known as
the Lord of the Rings? If so, than the middle one probably represents Jupiter, and the top one
most likely depicts Mars. According to Zecharia Sitchin (1920 – 2010), the “straw” between
Mars and Jupiter represents the asteroid belt.
The interpretation of the straw being a representation the asteroid belt might be
questionable. However, Sitchin could very well be right about the other celestial bodies. If so,
then the Sumerians knew about the rings of Saturn many thousands of years before we, in our
current era, could see them though our telescopes.
The perhaps most famous Sumerian figure was created by the cylinder seal that is catalogued
under “VA/243” in the German State Museum in East Berlin. It’s one of the most ancient
Sumerian cylinder seals, and it is at least 4500 years old. It creates this picture:
© 2014 January 22, (Wholly Science) – PateoPedia Paper No. 1 – Sumerian Picture of Tiamat
Between the heads of the individuals on the left-hand side, there are twelve spheres. When we
count the main spheres of our solar system (from our perspective), then there are currently
only eleven celestial bodies. In his book “The Twelfth Planet” that appeared in 1976, Sitchin
concluded that the missing twelfth sphere was known to Sumerians as “Nibiru”. However,
according to my research, that conclusion is wrong. Below, I proof that this additional
heavenly body, that is currently no longer present in our solar system, was the planet known
as Tiamat.
The figure on the left-hand side shows
these twelve spheres numbered according
to the ordering of the sizes of their
diameters. The smallest sphere is the one in
the upper right corner. According to my
interpretation, this sphere represents Pluto.
The largest sphere is the one in the middle.
It is depicted as the core of a six-pointed
star known as the Seal of Solomon. The
name “Solomon” is a triple reference to
Helios: Sol (Latin), Om (Sanskrit), and On
(Ancient Egyptian). I assume that we can
all agree that this sphere represents the
central star of our solar system.
Sitchin claimed that the sphere numbered as 9 in the picture above represents Nibiru.
However, this does not make any sense. My research shows that it is not this number 9, but
the largest planet that is missing, meaning the sphere numbered as 11 in the picture above.
Only the remains of this planet are currently present in our solar system, referring to what is
known as the asteroid belt. This asteroid belt used to be a planet. This planet between Mars
and Jupiter was named Tiamat. It was also known as Phaeton, Vulcan, Rahab, Typhon, or
Tistrya. This planet was mostly covered with surface water (oceans), and it had at least three
moons. Tiamat’s diameter was about 15 times larger then the one of our home planet, named
Terra by Wholly Science. Seen from the surface of Terra, Tiamat appeared as a second sun,
due to the surface waters brightly reflecting the sun light emitted by Helios.
The table below shows the names of the twelve celestial bodies of our solar system (from our
perspective), together with their diameter in kilometers and their relative diameter in the
Sumerian picture (where Helios’ diameter is set to the value of 100).
2,306 21,6
3,473 22,4
4,880 27,2
6,794 28,4
12,104 32,8
12,756 34,8
49,532 42,0
51,118 43,2
120,536 51,2
142,984 53,2
191,340 60,8
1,392,684 100,0
© 2014 January 22, (Wholly Science) – PateoPedia Paper No. 1 – Sumerian Picture of Tiamat
Though this is not a perfect match, it does make a lot of sense. First of all, the positioning of
Tiamat (number 11) is between Mars (number 4) and Saturn (number 10). That is precisely
the positioning of Tiamat before it exploded. Furthermore, Luna (number 2) is depicted next
to Terra (number 6). That is precisely the current positioning of Luna.
Before Tiamat exploded and became the current asteroid belt, it had (at least) three moons
(Sitchin mentions the total amount of 11 moons of Tiamat). These three moons are nowadays
known as Ceres, Pluto, and Luna. After the explosion of Tiamat, Ceres started to orbit Helios
at about the same distance as before, together with many fragments of Tiamat. The diameter
of Ceres is less ten 1000 kilometers, and it is not shown in the Sumerian
representation of our solar system. Both Pluto and Luna are placed in a
kind of second ring around Helios. My conclusion is that this was done in
order to signify that both Pluto and Luna are moons (or secondary
planets), while all spheres in the first ring correspond to (primary) planets.
Can we, based on all this, conclude that Sitchin was wrong, and that there
never was a celestial body known as Nibiru? Perhaps there is more to this
famous depiction created by a cylinder seal like the one shown to the left.
The picture to the right shows Sitchin with his most
important Sumerian depiction. The symbols to the right
represents names, and the statement of “your servant”.
Let us now take a closer look at the three individuals.
The height of the sitting individual equals those of both
standing individuals, which is rather remarkable. Even
more remarkable is the sphere close to the nose of the
standing individual closest to the sitting individual.
Does this sphere represent Nibiru? If so, then we can indeed refer to it as the tenth planet or
“Planet X”, as NASA named it (in which “X” both refers to “unknown”, as to the Roman
numeral 10).
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© 2014 January 22, (Wholly Science) – PateoPedia Paper No. 1 – Sumerian Picture of Tiamat