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Notion Press
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Chennai - 600 031
First Published by Notion Press 2016
Copyright © Himanshu Shangari 2016
All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 978-93-5206-987-3
This book has been published in good faith that the work of the
author is original. All efforts have been taken to make the material
error-free. However, the author and the publisher disclaim the
No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner
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in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and
They Come First
1. Exalted and Debilitated Planets
2. Exalted Venus in 1 House
3. Exalted Venus in 2nd House
4. Exalted Venus in 3rd House
5. Exalted Venus in 4 House
6. Exalted Venus in 5th House
7. Exalted Venus in 6 House
8. Exalted Venus in 7 House
9. Exalted Venus in 8th House
10. Exalted Venus in 9 House
11. Exalted Venus in 10th House
12. Exalted Venus in 11th House
13. Exalted Venus in 12 House
14. Exalted Mars in 1st House
15. Exalted Mars in 2 House
16. Exalted Mars in 3 House
17. Exalted Mars in 4th House
18. Exalted Mars in 5 House
19. Exalted Mars in 6th House
20. Exalted Mars in 7th House
21. Exalted Mars in 8 House
22. Exalted Mars in 9th House
23. Exalted Mars in 10 House
24. Exalted Mars in 11th House
25. Exalted Mars in 12 House
26. Exalted Mercury in 1st House
27. Exalted Mercury in 2nd House
28. Exalted Mercury in 3 House
29. Exalted Mercury in 4th House
30. Exalted Mercury in 5 House
31. Exalted Mercury in 6 House
32. Exalted Mercury in 7th House
33. Exalted Mercury in 8 House
34. Exalted Mercury in 9th House
35. Exalted Mercury in 10th House
36. Exalted Mercury in 11 House
37. Exalted Mercury in 12th House
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Exalted and Debilitated Planets
xalted and debilitated planets have always remained a
major point of discussion among many astrologers as
well as among many readers interested in astrology. Many
astrologers believe that if a planet is exalted in a horoscope, it
will always give benefic results to the native, which means that
an exalted planet is always a benefic planet in a horoscope.
The same astrologers believe that if a planet is debilitated
in a horoscope, it will always give bad results to the native,
which means that a debilitated planet always behaves as a
malefic planet in a horoscope. Over a period of many years,
so many good things have been said about exalted planets and
so many bad things have been said about debilitated planets,
that a majority of people interested in astrology have fixed
their opinions about these planets. These people consider an
exalted planet as a blessing in a horoscope and they consider a
debilitated planet a curse in a horoscope.
However, this is not true and the exaltation status as well
as the debilitation status of a planet has nothing much to do
with the working nature of such exalted or debilitated planet
in a horoscope. Before continuing with this discussion, let’s
first get to know the sign of exaltation as well as the sign of
debilitation for each planet among navagraha.
Sun: Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries and Sun is
debilitated in the sign of Libra.
Moon: Moon is exalted in the sign Taurus and Moon is
debilitated in the sign Scorpio.
Exalted Planets - Part II
Jupiter: Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer and Jupiter
is debilitated in the sign of Capricorn.
Venus: Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces and Venus is
debilitated in the sign of Virgo.
Mars: Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn and Mars
is Debilitated in the sign of Cancer.
Mercury: Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo and
Mercury is debilitated in the sign of Pisces.
Saturn: Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra and Saturn
is debilitated in the sign of Aries.
Rahu: Rahu is exalted in the sign of Gemini and Rahu is
debilitated in the sign of Sagittarius according to one belief
of astrology. Rahu is exalted in the sign of Taurus and it is
debilitated in the sign of Scorpio according to another belief
of astrology.
Ketu: Ketu is exalted in the sign of Sagittarius and Ketu
is debilitated in the sign of Gemini according to one belief
of astrology. Ketu is exalted in the sign of Scorpio and it is
debilitated in the sign of Taurus according to another belief
of astrology.
Moving ahead, the placement of a planet in its sign of
exaltation only indicates that the planet is very strong and the
results produced by this planet are going to be significant ones.
But those results may be significantly positive or significantly
negative depending on the nature of such exalted planet in a
horoscope. For example, exalted and positive Saturn is capable
of producing strong positive results regarding the significances
ruled by it, regarding the house it is placed in and regarding
the planets and houses it aspects. On the other hand, there is
almost no planet in a horoscope which may be as destructive
Himanshu Shangari
as negative and exalted Saturn. Malefic Saturn placed in Libra
can be destructive, very destructive or extremely destructive
and it can completely destroy the significances of the houses
and planets under the effect of its placement or aspects.
I have personally witnessed many cases where Saturn
is exalted and negative in the horoscope and the natives are
suffering from great pains and difficulties in different fields
of their lives depending on the placement of such malefic
exalted Saturn in their horoscopes, as well as depending on the
overall tone of their horoscopes. The most surprising as well
as the most upsetting thing is that most people suffering due
to such negative exalted planets are finding the cause of their
miseries and sufferings in some other planet. This is because
these people believe that an exalted planet simply means
a strongly positive planet and it is never supposed to cause
any harm. Due to this misconception, they are not able to
find the planet responsible for their sufferings till late in their
lives, and sometimes throughout their lives. These people just
keep guessing about which planet can be the cause of their
sufferings and misfortunes.
In some cases, their misconception about an exalted
planet in their horoscope is so strong that they are not willing
to believe even an astrologer who tells them that an exalted
planet in their horoscope is working negatively and it is the
root cause of most of their problems. Such people refuse to
believe this astrologer and they look for some other astrologer
who can find the cause of their problems with some other
planet which is not exalted. When it comes to find such
planets, the easiest planets in a horoscope to blame for all the
sufferings, misfortunes and problems are debilitated planets.
Talking of debilitated planets draws attention to one
more misconception that prevails strongly among the people
Exalted Planets - Part II
interested in astrology. It is generally believed by most people
and many astrologers that a debilitated planet simply means a
negative planet and it can only cause problems and sufferings
to the native having such debilitated planet in his horoscope.
This is again a misconception and a debilitated planet simply
means that it lacks strength. Accordingly it may not be able
to protect the significances ruled by it in a proper way and
so the results produced by such debilitated planet may not be
significant ones. But whether those results will be positive or
negative has nothing to do with the placement of this planet
in its sign of debilitation. The positive or negative results
produced by a debilitated planet usually lack the strength
which is needed to produce significant results and that is why
it is called debilitated or weak. However, a debilitated planet
can be malefic as well as benefic and it can even be the most
benefic planet in a horoscope in spite of being in its sign of
It is the time to know that just like us humans, planets
also possess three essential qualities and to be precise, we copy
these three essential qualities from these planets, since they
influence us. The first one among these qualities is physical
strength which means how strong or weak a planet may be
when it comes to work and produce results in a horoscope
whether such results are positive or negative. The placements of
different planets in a various houses of a horoscope, in various
signs, and in various nakshatras are some of the most effective
ways of measuring the physical strength of these planets.
Even among these common measures, the most effective
way to measure the strength of a planet among navagraha
is to check its placement in a particular sign among the
twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces. Each planet among
navagraha is the weakest when placed in one of these twelve
Himanshu Shangari
signs, it lacks strength in some of these signs, it does well in
some of these signs, it is strong in some of these signs and it
is the strongest in one of these signs.
The sign in which a planet achieves maximum physical
strength is called its sign of exaltation and the planet so placed
in this sign is called an exalted planet. On the other hand, the
sign in which a planet achieves maximum physical weakness
is called its sign of debilitation and the planet so placed in
this sign is called a debilitated planet. However the presence
of different planets in different signs is a measure of their
physical strength and such placements do not have much
impact on their working nature, though they may certainly
affect a part of their working nature in some cases.
The second essential quality possessed by the planets
among navagraha is their working nature and the third quality
possessed by them is their level of activity. The working nature
of a planet is decided based on a complex set of calculations
and it is undoubtedly the most complex as well as the most
difficult job for an astrologer, when he analyzes a horoscope.
The placement of a planet in any one of the twelve signs
including its sign of exaltation and its sign of debilitation can
have some weight in deciding the working nature of a planet,
and nothing more than that. The third essential quality called
the level of activity is the virtue which tells us how active or
passive a planet may be in a horoscope. It should be noted that
physical strength and level of activity are two different things
and they should not be confused with each other.
For example, a physically well built person may be passive
or lazy whereas as a physically average looking person may be
quick and hardworking. Similarly, a physically strong or weak
planet may be very active, active, less active or least active in a
Exalted Planets - Part II
Hence the working of each planet in a horoscope is defined
primarily after calculating these three aspects for such planets
in a horoscope, though there are many other factors which may
affect the working of a planet in a horoscope. Among these
three essential qualities, the exaltation or debilitation status
of a planet is just a measure of its physical strength and not
much more than that. For example, debilitated Moon placed
in the first house of a horoscope in the sign of Scorpio may
be very weak by virtue of its debilitation, it may be benefic in
that horoscope as decided through a set of calculations done
to find out the working nature of a planet, and it may be very
active in that horoscope as once again calculated through a set
of calculations for the same purpose.
It means that such debilitated Moon will try to do good
things for the native every now and then, but it may not be
able to produce sufficient good results as it is weak. Hence
the native may come across many good opportunities in many
spheres of his life from time to time, but most of them may
not materialize due to such weakness of benefic Moon. On
the other hand, if the same debilitated Moon is placed in the
first house of a horoscope, it is malefic and active; it may
produce bad results from time to time, though they may also
not be significant ones. Hence the native may have to face
small issues and tensions from time to time, but they may get
sorted in most such cases.
Similarly, exalted Moon placed in the first house of a
horoscope in the sign of Taurus may be benefic and active.
In this case, such benefic exalted Moon will try to benefit the
native and such benefits may be actively felt by the native, many
times in his life. This is because such benefic Moon is strong
by virtue of its exaltation and hence it can initiate good things,
as well as complete them. On the other hand, if exalted Moon
Himanshu Shangari
is placed in the first house of a horoscope, it is malefic and
active; it can trouble the native with intense types of problems
which may be actively felt by the native from time to time.
This is due to the reason that such malefic Moon is strong and
hence it can initiate bad things and then complete them.
Hence the presence of a planet in its sign of exaltation
or the presence of a planet in its sign of debilitation is only
a measure of its physical strength or weakness and nothing
more than that, to a great extent. Therefore a debilitated
planet can also be a benefic or even the most benefic planet in
a horoscope whereas an exalted planet can also be a malefic or
even the most malefic planet in a horoscope. The placement
of a planet in a particular sign is not a measure of its working
nature and it is more a measure of its physical strength or its
style of working in a horoscope. Vedic astrology lays many
important guidelines for deciding the working nature of a
planet in a horoscope and those guidelines should be used
to decide the working nature of a planet in a horoscope. It
should be understood that even a debilitated planet can form
some of the best yogas in a horoscope if it is benefic in that
horoscope. On the other hand, an exalted planet can cause
some of the worst types of problems to the native under its
impact, if it is working negatively in his horoscope.
Exalted Venus in 1st House
ccording to Vedic astrology, Venus is exalted in a
horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Pisces, which
in simple words means that Venus gains maximum strength
when placed in Pisces compared to its placement in all the
other signs. Exalted Venus is associated with many good
things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of
astrologers that exalted Venus always works positively in a
horoscope and it brings good results for the native under its
influence. This is not the case in actual practice and exalted
Venus can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope
depending on the other deciding factors and depending on the
overall tone of the horoscope of a native under consideration.
The word exalted simply relates to the strength of Venus
in a horoscope and it doesn’t relate to the nature of Venus
in a horoscope. Accordingly exalted Venus placed in different
houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic
results depending on the nature of Venus as well as depending
on the overall tone of the horoscope. We will now discuss
some of these benefic as well as malefic effects which can be
experienced when exalted Venus is placed in different houses
of a horoscope.
Exalted Venus in 1st House: When benefic in nature,
exalted Venus placed in the first house of a horoscope can
bless the native under its influence with good results related
to his marriage, profession, finances, fame, overall well being
and many other types of good results. Accordingly the natives
under the effect of this benefic influence may come across
Himanshu Shangari
some of these good results depending on the overall tone of
their horoscopes. Such benefic exalted Venus can especially
give very good results related to the professional sphere of
the native due to which the natives under its influence may get
good results through many professional spheres. Since Venus
is the planet of beauty and creativity, benefic exalted Venus
placed in the first house of a horoscope can bless the native
with these qualities and accordingly the native may succeed in
professional spheres where these qualities are valued.
Some natives under the effect of such benefic exalted
Venus may enter into professional spheres like acting, singing,
dancing, writing and many other types of professional spheres
which require beauty, creativity or certain special abilities in
order to give good results. For example, if benefic exalted
Venus is placed in the first house of a horoscope in the sign
of Pisces, benefic Mercury is placed in the tenth house of
this horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius and benefic Jupiter
is placed in the second house of this horoscope in the sign of
Aries, the native under the combined effect of these benefic
planets may become a singer. Such benefic combination of
these planets may produce better results in the horoscope of
a female than in the horoscope of a male. The female native
under the combined effect of such benefic exalted Venus and
all other benefic planets may become a singer and she may
achieve good amount of success as a singer.
At the same time, if benefic Moon is placed in the fifth
house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer and benefic
Mars is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign
of Capricorn, the equation may improve. This is because the
presence of such benefic Moon in its own sign and benefic
Mars in its sign of exaltation can provide much more positive
energy to this equation. Accordingly the female native under
Exalted Planets - Part II
the combined effect of all these benefic planets may achieve
much more success as a singer and she may earn very good
amount of money, fame and recognition as a singer. The
addition of benefic Ketu to the eighth house of this horoscope
in the sign of Libra and that of benefic Rahu to the second
house of this horoscope in the sign of Aries can supply much
more energy to benefic exalted Venus in the first house and all
other planets in this example.
Accordingly the female native under the combined
effect of all these benefic planets may not only be famous
on national level, but her fame may spread to some other
countries also. The addition of benefic Saturn to the fifth
house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer can further
enhance this equation. Hence the female native under the
combined effect of all these benefic planets may now become
a famous international singer and she may have millions of
fans in many countries of the world. Such female native may
earn huge amount of money and fame as a singer and she may
become an iconic star or an iconic celebrity. As more benefic
influences add to this horoscope, the female native under the
combined effect of all such benefic influences may achieve
even more success as a singer.
Such benefic exalted Venus in the first house of a
horoscope can also bless the native under its influence with a
post of power and authority in some government department,
by virtue of a job or through politics. For example, if benefic
exalted Venus is placed in the first house of a horoscope
in the sign of Pisces, benefic Mars is placed in the second
house of this horoscope in the sign of Aries and benefic
Jupiter is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the
sign of Sagittarius, the native may become a revenue officer
in some government department. Such native may work in
Himanshu Shangari
some revenue department or in some taxation department of
government. At the same time, if a benefic combination of
Sun, Moon and Mercury is placed in the twelfth house of this
horoscope in the sign of Aquarius, the native may become an
income tax officer or some other similar type of officer.
However if the same benefic combination of Sun, Moon
and Mercury is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope
in the sign of Scorpio, the native under the combined effect
of all such benefic planets may become a revenue intelligence
officer. Such native may investigate big matters related to
revenue frauds and he may achieve good amount of success
as a revenue intelligence officer. At the same time, if benefic
exalted Saturn is placed in the first house of this horoscope
in the sign of Pisces along with benefic exalted Venus, the
equation may improve. The native under the combined effect
of all these benefic planets may become a well recognized
and successful revenue intelligence officer and he may not
only investigate revenue frauds on the national level, but he
may investigate some revenue frauds committed by some
international groups also. As more benefic planets add to this
horoscope, the native under the combined effect of all such
benefic planets may achieve even more success through this
field of profession.
On the other hand, malefic exalted Venus placed in
the first house of a horoscope can trouble the native with
problems related to his marriage, profession, health, lifeline,
reputation and many other types of problems. Accordingly
the natives under the effect of such malefic influence may
have to face some of these problems depending on the overall
tone of their horoscopes. Some of these natives may have to
feel the heat of this malefic influence in the sphere of their
professions and accordingly the may not be able to properly
Exalted Planets - Part II
establish in their professions, till late in their lives. Some other
natives suffering from malefic exalted Venus in the first house
of their horoscopes may have to face losses, failures, setbacks
and bad reputation through the sphere of their professions.
Such problems may intensify if there are other malefic planets
in their horoscopes, which support such malefic exalted Venus
in the first house of their horoscopes.
For example, if a malefic combination of exalted Venus
and Jupiter is placed in the first house of a horoscope in
the sign of Pisces and malefic Saturn is placed in the sixth
house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo, the native under
the combined effect of these malefic planets may witness
problems in his profession. It should be noted that though
Jupiter is placed in its own sign in this example and Venus is
placed in its sign of exaltation, this combination can still bring
bad results for the native, if it turns malefic in the horoscope.
Hence the native may not be able to find a proper profession
till late in his life. At the same time, if malefic Sun is also
placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Leo
along with malefic Saturn, when all other malefic planets are
placed in the already mentioned houses of this horoscope, the
equation may become even worse.
The native under the combined effect of all these malefic
planets may not only have to remain jobless for long periods
of time, many times in his life, but he may also have to face
losses and bad reputation through his field of profession. At
the same time, if malefic Rahu is placed in the twelfth house of
this horoscope in the sign of Aquarius along with Moon; and
malefic Ketu is placed in the sixth house of this horoscope in
the sign of Leo along with malefic Saturn and Sun, the equation
may become disastrous. The native under the combined effect
of all these malefic planets may not be able find a permanent
Himanshu Shangari
profession till the end of his life. Frustrated by being jobless,
such native may enter into the life of crime and he may have
to face a long term imprisonment by virtue of some crime
committed by him. Such native may also get killed in a planned
or unplanned violence, while engaging in some type of crime.
Exalted Venus in 2nd House
hen benefic in nature, exalted Venus placed in the
second house of a horoscope can bless the native
under its influence with good results related to marriage,
profession, finances, fame, education and many other types of
good results. Accordingly the natives under the effect of this
benefic influence may come across some of these good results
depending on the overall tone of their horoscopes. Such
benefic placement of exalted Venus can render some creative
or special abilities to the native and accordingly some natives
under its effect may succeed in professional fields which
require creative or special abilities. For example, if benefic
exalted Venus is placed in the second house of a horoscope
in the sign of Pisces and a benefic combination of Saturn and
Rahu is placed in the ninth house of this horoscope in the
sign of Libra when Ketu is placed in the third house of this
horoscope, the native may become an actor.
Such native may act in some television programs or he
may act in some movies in supporting roles and he may achieve
good amount of success through this field of profession. At
the same time, if benefic Jupiter is present in the eleventh
house of this horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius along with
benefic Mars, the equation may improve a lot. The native
under the combined effect of all these benefic planets may
now become a lead movie actor and he may work in some very
good main stream movies. Such native is likely to work in a big
movie industry and he is also likely to get some movies with
big budgets, due the combined effect of benefic exalted Venus
in second house and all other benefic planets mentioned in
Himanshu Shangari
this example. As more benefic planets add to this horoscope,
the native may achieve even more success and fame as an
actor. For instance, the presence of a benefic combination of
Sun and Mercury in the fifth house of this horoscope in the
sign of Gemini or in the seventh house of this horoscope in
the sign of Leo can increase the amount of success achieved
by this native through this field of profession.
Taking another example, if benefic exalted Venus is placed
in the second house of a horoscope in the sign of Pisces,
benefic Ketu is placed in the third house of this horoscope
in the sign of Aries, Rahu is placed in the ninth house of this
horoscope in the sign of Libra and a benefic combination
of Sun and Mercury is placed in the eleventh house of this
horoscope in the sign of Sagittarius, the native may become
a singer. Such native may achieve good amount of success
as a singer and he may also become famous among a good
number of people in a geographical region within a country.
However the addition of benefic Moon to the ninth house of
this horoscope in the sign of Libra can improve this equation
a lot. Accordingly the native under the combined effect of
these benefic planets may now become a singer of national
fame and he may earn very good amount of fame, money and
success as a singer.
The addition of benefic Mars to the second house of this
horoscope in the sign of Pisces along with benefic exalted
Venus can add even more positive energy to this equation.
Hence the native under the combined effect of all these
benefic planets may become a very famous singer in a country
and he may attract very good amount of money, fame and
success through his gift of singing. Such native may appear in
many live performances and he may become known for his
energetic style of singing as well as for his energetic and vivid
Exalted Planets - Part II
type of live performances. The addition of benefic Jupiter to
the fourth house of this horoscope in the sign of Taurus can
enhance the results even more. Accordingly the native may
now become one of the most famous and successful singers
in a country and he may witness great amount of money, fame
and success coming his way, through his gift of singing. The
combined effect of such benefic exalted Venus in the second
house and all other benefic planets can also bless the native
with some formal awards for some of his songs.
However this is not the end of good things this native can
get and these good results can increase a lot by the presence
of the most important planet in this horoscope, in a specific
house of this horoscope, as well as in a specific style. If
benefic Saturn is placed in the second house of this horoscope
in the sign of Pisces along with benefic exalted Venus and
Mars, the native may become a singer of international fame.
At the same time, if benefic Saturn placed in the second
house of this horoscope turns retrograde, the results may
become wonderful. The native under the combined effect of
this benefic combination of retrograde Saturn, exalted Venus
and Mars in the second house of his horoscope in the sign
of Pisces; and all other benefic planets already mentioned in
this example may achieve wonderful results. Such native may
become one of the most successful as well as one of the
most famous international singers of his time and he may
witness huge amount of financial incomes, fame, success and
recognition through this field of profession.
Apart from making the native succeed in creative fields,
benefic exalted Venus in the second house can also bless the
native with a post of power and authority in some government
department, when supported by the rest of the horoscope.
For example, if benefic exalted Venus is placed in the second
Himanshu Shangari
house of a horoscope in the sign of Pisces, benefic Saturn is
placed in the eighth house of this horoscope in the sign of
Virgo and benefic Ketu is placed in the sixth house of this
horoscope in the sign of Cancer when benefic Rahu is placed
in the twelfth house, the native may become a revenue officer
in some government department. At the same time, if benefic
Mars is placed in the first house of this horoscope in the sign
of Aquarius and a benefic combination of Sun and Mercury
is placed in the tenth house of this horoscope in the sign of
Scorpio, the equation may improve a lot.
The native under the combined effect of all these benefic
planets may directly get selected for a high rank in a revenue
department or in a taxation department of government and
he may achieve very good amount of success through this
field of profession. As more benefic influences add to this
horoscope, the native under the combined effect of all such
benefic influences may witness even more success through
this field of profession. For instance, the presence of benefic
Moon in the second house of this horoscope in the sign
of Pisces along with benefic exalted Venus can increase the
good results witnessed by this native through this profession.
Similarly, the addition of benefic Jupiter to the fourth house of
this horoscope in the sign of Taurus can improve the results
even more.
Apart from this, benefic exalted Venus in the second house
of a horoscope can bless the native with good results through
many other professional spheres. Such benefic influence can
also bless the native with very good marriage and overall
finances when supported by the rest of the horoscope. On
the other hand, malefic exalted Venus placed in the second
house of a horoscope in the sign of Pisces can trouble the native
with problems related to his marriage, profession, finances,
Exalted Planets - Part II
health and many other types of problems. Accordingly the
natives under the effect of this malefic influence may have to
face some of these problems depending on the overall tone of
their horoscopes. Some natives under the effect of this malefic
influence may face problems in their professional spheres and
they may not be able to get a proper profession till late in their
lives. Some other natives suffering from malefic exalted Venus
in the second house of their horoscopes may have to face
losses and setbacks through their fields of profession.
Such malefic influence can also trouble the native on
account of health problems and such problems may intensify,
if at the same time, there are some other malefic influences in
the horoscope of a native under consideration. For example,
if malefic exalted Venus is placed in the second house of a
horoscope in the sign of Pisces, malefic Ketu is in the seventh
house in the sign of Leo, malefic Rahu is in the first house
in the sign of Aquarius and malefic exalted Jupiter is placed
in the sixth house of this horoscope in the sign of Cancer,
the native may become a drug addict. At the same time, if a
malefic combination of debilitated Sun and Mercury is placed
in the ninth house of this horoscope in the sign of Libra, the
problem may intensify.
The native under the combined effect of all these malefic
planets may become addicted to some harmful drug and he
may consume it in heavy quantities on regular basis. If at the
same time, malefic Saturn is placed in the seventh house of
this horoscope in the sign of Leo along with malefic Ketu,
the worst may happen. The native under the combined effect
of such malefic exalted Venus and all other malefic planets
mentioned in this example may die at a young age due to drug
overdose or due to some disease inflicted on him by the regular
use of a harmful drug in heavy quantities, unless there is some
life saving planet or combination present in the horoscope of
this native.
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