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Health and wellness tips for your work, home and life—brought to
you by the insurance specialists at Greene-Hazel & Associates, Inc.
Revolutionary Healthy Diets
Safe ways to shed pounds and feel great
As obesity rates continue to rise
and health care costs go with
them, many Americans are
searching for diets that will help
them finally win the weight
battle. There are so many diets
advertised on the market today,
it’s hard to tell which ones will
produce positive results in a
healthy way.
Luckily, scientists have provided
a guideline for what to look for
when determining which diet is
best. According the Wellness
Council of America (WELOCA),
researchers at the Harvard
School of Public Health and the
Pennington Biomedical Research
Center compared four popular
diets—high-carbohydrate, highfat, low-fat and high-protein—to
see which diets generated the
most weight loss for
participants. The study revealed
that the calories consumed were
ultimately the most important
factor in determining weight
loss success, regardless of what
form they came in. If calorie
intake was reduced, study
participants lost weight.
With this knowledge in mind,
here are diets that are designed
to provide participants with
nutrient-rich foods and help
them keep calories in check.
The Structure House Weight
Loss Plan:
Written by Dr. Gerard Musante,
this diet asserts that many
Americans eat to fill emotional
voids, such as loneliness,
boredom or sadness. Therefore,
it targets a dieter’s relationship
with food while emphasizing the
need for overall health and
• Helps dieter identify food
triggers and develop coping
strategies for these triggers
• Provides meal plans and ways
to eat healthy while on
vacation or eating out
• Offers a lifestyle shift to heal
the mind, body and spirit
The Step Diet:
This diet consists of a walking
program designed to help
people lose weight and keep it
off. The Step Diet was devised
by a group of weight-control
experts from the University of
• The philosophy is based on the
idea that if more calories are
burned than consumed,
dieters will lose weight.
• Dieters use a pedometer to
track the number of steps
taken in a day and then the
diet requires adding 2,000
steps to that number.
Gradually, this number
increases even more as fitness
levels rise.
• Dieters are told to eat onequarter less the amount of
food they were eating before
they started the diet.
Dr. Ann’s 10-Step Diet:
This diet, developed by Dr. Ann
Kulze, teaches individuals how
to select the right
carbohydrates, fats and proteins
to lose weight and feel good.
• Recommendations for meals
are realistic, comprehensive
and flexible to most lifestyles
• Diet tells people when to eat,
what to buy at the grocery
store, what to avoid eating,
how to prepare meals at home
and how to dine out wisely.
Provides 10 steps for preventing
10 of the most chronic
conditions, including breast
cancer, colon cancer and heart
Weight Watchers®:
This well-known diet program
centers on their four pillars of
weight loss – “Eat Smarter, Move
More, Healthful Habits and Get
Support.” The focus of the diet is
to support individuals and help
them adopt a healthy, lasting
The EatingWell® Diet:
This diet, developed by Dr. Jean
Harvey-Berino and the editors of
EatingWell magazine, focuses on
the idea that weight loss can only
be achieved when individuals
exchange their everyday habits
with healthier alternatives.
• Provides goal-setting tools, selftracking and assistance with
controlling cravings
• Contains recipes from chefs and
nutrition experts from
The Volumetrics Eating Plan:
This diet is designed to allow
individuals to indulge from time
to time so that they stick to the
program. Barbara Rolls created
the concept of Volumetrics.
• It allows dieters to eat foods
that are low in “energy density”
(such as vegetables, fruits and
soups). This means that these
foods have a high water content
and are low in calories.
Therefore, dieters can eat more
of that food without consuming
too many calories.
• Program includes forms for
charting daily food intake and
weight-loss progress
• Offers many recipes that are
delicious and low in calories
The Best Life™ Diet:
Created by Bob Greene – best
known for being Oprah Winfrey’s
personal trainer – this program is
divided into three phases to teach
the necessary skills to change life
for the better. Each phase reexamines decisions made on a
daily basis and offers suggestions
for altering unhealthy habits to
achieve positive results. The diet
includes meal plans to allow
dieters to meet nutrient
requirements easily, even when
their time is limited.
The Solution Diet:
Promoted by Laurel Mellin, this
diet asserts that there are six
causes of weight gain and six
cures – two focusing on the body,
two on the mind and two on
• Helps dieters understand the
emotional and psychological
reasons for why they gain
• Provides suggestions for
nurturing the mind and for
controlling eating in a feasible
You: On a Diet:
This diet was developed by Drs.
Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz. It
is based on the biological reasons
for why people indulge in their
cravings and overeat. By
understanding how the body
stores fat and burns it, dieters
can learn how to control their
weight for the long term. The diet
plan offers information about how
the brain, stomach, hormones,
muscles, heart, genetics and
stress levels impact body size.
The Spectrum:
Created by Dr. Dean Ornish, this
diet is based on the philosophy
that lifestyle modifications can
reverse some severe medical
problems, such as heart disease,
without surgery or medication.
• Focuses on nutrition (low-fat
and vegetarian), exercise
(aerobic training, resistance and
flexibility), stress management
techniques and developing good
• Recipes offered use seasonal
ingredients and are designed to
be modified based on a dieter’s
progress in the program.
Low-Fat Lies:
This program is based on a typical
Mediterranean diet, which is rich
in seafood, fresh fruits,
vegetables and olive oil. Drs.
Kevin Vigilante and Mary Flynn
wrote a book about this plan.
• Includes recipes from famous
American restaurants
• Offers ways to fit exercise into
your day
Though there may not be a
cookie-cutter diet out there for
you, one of these programs may
be just the ticket to get you on
your way to shedding pounds,
looking great and feeling more
vibrant than ever before!
Worst diets: See what diets
are ranked amongst the worst
by WebMD:
The truth about Fad Diets:
Did You Know...?
Calories are calories, plain and simple. If you eat more calories
than you burn, you will gain weight. However, if you trim the
number of calories that you consume and increase your activity
level, you’ll see a positive change in your weight.
This brochure is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. For further information, please consult a medical professional.
Weight Watchers® is a registered trademark of Weight Watchers International, Inc. EatingWell ® is a registered trademark of EatingWell, Inc.
Best Life™ is a registered trademark of Best Life Corporation. © 2009-2010 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.