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Students will be able to:
Define key terms associated with computer technology.
Demonstrate knowledge of file storage to the extent that they can open and save files
in a targeted directory or folder.
Determine the type of application software that is appropriate for a given project.
Evaluate the performance of a microcomputer based on the processor, memory,
storage and other peripheral devices.
Demonstrate an understating of the concepts in data communication in that they will
be able to list and describe the function of communications hardware and software.
Identify hardware and software used in on-line services including the Internet.
Utilize appropriate methods to protect a computer system from viruses.
List software available for word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications.
Discuss issues of security, confidentiality, and ethical behavior in computer usage.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the operating system in computer
operations including file management.
Develop skills leading to effective use of computers outside of the classroom
Utilize operating system software to;:
 Boot the system
 Identify and describe Windows procedures
 Troubleshoot common problems that occur during the boot system
Utilize word processing software to:
 Create, enter, save, retrieve, and print documents
 Edit and format documents including centering, boldfacing, underling, indenting,
and justification
 Change margins and line spacing
 Spell check and use the thesaurus
Utilize spreadsheet software to:
Create a spreadsheet, enter labels, values, formulas and functions
Edit and format a spreadsheet
Open, save and print spreadsheets
Utilize database software to:
Design and create a database file
Enter data, add, update, and delete records from the database
Modify the database
Query the database, organize the data, and print information from the database
Use computers as a tool after the completion of the course
Use problem solving techniques in troubleshooting hardware and software errors.
Discuss legislation influencing computer use.
Discuss the changes in our society resulting from on-line services and the Internet.
Understand how people throughout the world, from all disciplines, communicate and
influence others by using the computer.
Discern the ethical and responsible use of the computer in both business and personal