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The Community Oncology Alliance
Innovating and Advocating for
Community Cancer Care
The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) is a non-profit organization
dedicated to advocating for community oncology practices and, most
importantly, the patients they serve. COA is the only organization dedicated
solely to community oncology where close to 70% of Americans with
cancer are treated.
The mission of COA is to ensure that cancer patients receive quality,
affordable, and accessible cancer care in their own communities. More than
1.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year
and deaths from the disease have been steadily declining due to earlier
detection, diagnosis, and treatment.
Cancer treatment can be intense and span many years requiring regular
physician visits for chemotherapy and checkups. Keeping patients close to
their homes, families, and support networks lessens the burden of this
devastating disease. With the majority of Americans battling cancer receiving
treatment in the community setting, it is imperative that the vitality of the
community cancer care delivery system be preserved.
For nearly 12 years COA has built a national grassroots network of community
oncology practices to advocate for public policies that benefit patients.
Individuals from all levels of the cancer care delivery team – oncologists,
hematologists, pharmacists, mid-level providers, oncology nurses, patients
and survivors – volunteer their time on a regular basis to lead COA and serve
on its committees.
By offering innovative solutions to Congress and policymakers, empowering
patients, and working closely with other healthcare stakeholders, COA is
helping to shape a future where all Americans have access to quality,
affordable cancer care.
Learn more about the Community Oncology Alliance at
©2015 Community Oncology Alliance. All rights reserved.
Leading Community Oncology
Legislative Action
COA members are regularly in Washington, D.C. and have testified before both
chambers of Congress, helping to shape key, bipartisan legislation that impacts
community oncology. Currently, COA is working to permanently remove
sequestration cuts to cancer drug reimbursement; advance the cancer care
payment reform act and CMS demonstration projects; introduce increased
transparency and accountability to the 340B program; and more.
Oncology Medical Home (OMH)
COA has pioneered policy on the Oncology Medical Home (OMH) and payment
reform for cancer care. The OMH model is a patient-centered system focused on
promoting, delivering and ensuring quality and value in cancer care. Working
with the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, OMH accreditation
standards have been completed and, to date, 9 pilot practices have been
fully accredited.
The Community Oncology Alliance Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN)
The Community Oncology Alliance Patient Advocacy Network (CPAN) was created
in recognition of the vital role patients should play in advocating for access to local
affordable care for all cancer patients. CPAN is a non-cancer type specific national
network representing patients, cancer survivors, caregivers, family members,
medical and oncology professionals, and members from the general community.
Community Oncology Pharmacy Association
The Community Oncology Pharmacy Association (COPA) was formed in
response to the increasing number of community oncology clinics dispensing
oral cancer drugs and ancillary therapies. Financial pressures have begun to
separate oral cancer therapy from the point of care and oncologist control,
thus interfering with the physician-patient relationship, medication adherence,
and more. As a non-profit, COPA is in the unique position of serving as a noncommercial organization dedicated to addressing these and other oncology
pharmacy issues, all in the sole interest of patient care.
COA Administrators Network (CAN)
The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) Administrators’ Network seeks to
enhance communications among practice administrators within community
oncology practices, especially relating to operational and reimbursement issues.
CAN members regularly share best practices and intelligence on the issues
their practices face, focused on increasing operating efficiencies and providing a
unified advocacy voice with both Medicare and public payers.
©2015 Community Oncology Alliance. All rights reserved.