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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Component 1: Establish a PRG comprising only of registered patients and use best endeavours to ensure a PRG is representative. Hilltop Medical Practice is a small but growing practice with a population of 2544 patients, 1179 females and 1365 males of Mixed Ethnicity which is reflective of the Brent area. Working patterns of patients are also mixed with some in full time employment, self employed and unemployed. When we first advertised the PPG we put messages on our Jayex board, messages on the right side of the FP10 prescriptions, had notices on the noticeboard and also by word of mouth. Receptionists would promote the event as would the doctor. The dates of meetings are also promoted on the practice website as are minutes of meetings and annual report. After a MJOG text message to ALL patients, we had interest from 50 patients with a wide range of age groups, ethnic groups and social groups but due to work/education commitments they have been unable to attend meetings. We also tried an evening forum which was unsuccessful. We therefore settled on afternoon meetings as these had a better turnout. We did not deter those that could not attend- they were encouraged to email to the Practice generic email, could leave messages in the practice suggestion box anonymously or write in. we have ensured any ideas they have for the practice surveys or agenda of each meeting have been taken in to consideration. We send out MJOG texts to all patients and to those who have shown an interest in the past and ask them to let us know if they can attend and if they have any issues they wish to be discussed. Our PPG is comprised of 7-10 regular patients, mostly in the 40-75 age group but there have been attendances and input from 17 patients during the year. In our most recent PPG Meeting the group consisted of three in the 40-50 age group, three in the 50-60 age group and one whom is over 75. Two of the group are retired, three are employed and two are unemployed. Ethnicities were Afro-Carribean and white British. The full PPG consists of individuals who are white British, African, Carribean , Indian ,Middle Eastern, Lithuianian. We are hoping to recruit some South American participants who are the other ethnic background not represented. Whilst the majority of patients were men, we had representation from eight women (out of 17). In the whole PPG Group we have a wide range of patients with different health factors; including diabetes, epilepsy, mental health issues, rheumatoid arthritis, learning disabilities. We also have a representation from a carer. We are continuously asking patients with other health problems if they would be able to attend. We are aware that we could do with representation form younger patients eg under 25s and also from young mums. We advertise each meeting in and around the practice; on the notice board, on the website and where suitable over the phone when patients have called. We are also calling patients in and taking an opportunistic approach when they come in to the practice. During the writing of this report, we have realised that we could also improve by asking the opinion of our housebound patients Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Component 2: Agree with the PRG which issues are a priority and include these in a local practice survey. In our June 2013 meeting with the PPG, we discussed with the group which issues they thought were important. An action plan was drawn up and it was agreed that we would give feedback at the following meeting at which time the priorities for the PPG could be further streamlined and the questions could be reviewed. Action plan agreed by PRG 2013-2014 At the following meeting the action plan was reviewed (see below) as some progress had been made. Action plan PPG no2 2013-2014.doc The PPG reviewed their previous Priorities in view of progress made and decided on themes that needed to be addressed in the Practice survey. They also took into account complaints we had received from patients- these were either written or verbal and had been collated during the year and also discussed at our complaints meeting issues the staff had raised. We had also been visited by CQC and were awaiting feedback from them. The questions to be included in the practice survey were circulated to the PPG and feedback requested so that we could remove or add to these. It was decided amongst the group that the priorities would remain: Access – patients being able to access appointments when they needed for either routine or urgent medical issues, this was obviously an ongoing issue. Doctor/nurse – Any issues patients had with the doctor/nurse they had seen while at the practice and if they were pleased with the outcome of the consultation Reception staff – did they find the staff helpful? Were they greeted in the appropriate way? Waiting room - Was the practice waiting room clean and tidy? Posters etc in date. Are patients happy with the refurbishment or was there more to do. Is this a good and healthy environment? Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Component 3: Carry out the local practice survey and collate and inform the PRG of the findings The surveys were produced by an independent company CFEP with independent analysis. The questions included had been previously viewed and agreed by the PPG as identifying their concerns. Over the period of 2 weeks, 179 surveys were collected by patients attending the practice. These were distributed to patients in the reception area by the receptionist before consultations with the doctor. 125 of these were generic practice surveys pertaining to the practice and doctors in general and 54 were relating to Dr N Ghosh-Chowdhury in particular when discussing the feedback for the clinician. The filled in forms were anonymous and were then sealed in an envelope by the patient and put in a box provided by the company. This was to assure patients of confidentiality and that their care would not be compromised by doing the survey. The questionnaires were then sent to the Company for analysis. The PPG agreed that emailing questionnaires was time consuming, we had not had any luck with any email feedback so far and it would be labour intensive trying to find patients to contact unless they had requested email communication. It would be very time consuming to call patients and ask over the phone (without seeming to coerce answers); also it would not be cost effective to send to all our patients by post. By giving the survey to patients in person it was an efficient way to identify patients who had indeed had contact with the Practice. Practice Survey We discussed the methodology and analysis with the PPG and evidenced this in the report to assure them of the credibility of results. We ensured the areas discussed with the PPG were covered in the survey and that patients had their say. The report was circulated within the PPG and adequate time given to peruse and discuss the findings. If requested either a hard or electronic copy would be given to take home. Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Component 4: Provide the PRG with an opportunity to comment and discuss findings of the local practice survey. Reach agreement with the PRG of changes and manner of delivery of services. Where relevant, notify NHS England of the agreed changes. A meeting was held after the survey results had been analysed to discuss the findings. The report itself was circulated within the group and copies supplied either electronically or hard copy if requested. We would then use the results to stimulate discussion about developments and areas for improvement. Please see the Summary of the results below- the actual report itself has been inserted above. IPQ - Hilltop Medical Practice - 39307 - Poster.pdf In general the survey had a positive outcome (and was above or met the national average). 87% of patients rated the Practice good, very good or excellent. This is confirmed by feedback on NHS choices which was pleasing and was commended by the CQC inspector who also saught feedback from patients in the waiting room during inspection. 73% were satisfied with the doctor/nurse they had seen and 76% happy with the reception staff. Patients were happy with the Clinical Care given and from the service provided by the clinicians. This was reiterated by the PPG who were very supportive of Dr NGC. Some of the issues raised by the survey were around the subject of access and the inability to see the doctor when required, when the patient may feel that their needs are urgent. We discussed how access is driven by two factors, the Patients and the Practice. As a practice we have a very flexible approach, keeping a constant check on our waiting times. We pride ourselves on never having a patient wait for than 10 days to see a Doctor. As soon as this threshold is passed our solution is to employ a locum to come in in order to provide additional access. As the Practice has grown we have called in two additional doctors on a regular basis to provide additional appointments and also access to a male doctor when required. Doctor NGC is also doing an additional chronic disease clinic with longer appointment times to ensure that good clinical care is provided for those who have additional needs. This was well received by the PPG and will help reduce waiting times dramatically. This of course, only addresses the routine appointments. We discussed how we have same day appointments available in addition to this. These are on a first come first served basis and are usually well used. We never turn away a sick child under 5. When our capacity is full, we advise patients to attend the Walk in Centre in Wembley and in addition are working closely with our Locality in the Piloting of the Locality Hub. These are additional Primary care appointments provided in the same building on a Monday and Friday (busiest days) for either a doctor or nurse and additional Saturday morning appointments for those that cannot come during the week. Patients are fully utilising these appointments and feedback so far has been good. Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report This stimulated the idea of weekend opening in general, which has been discussed in the local and national media. We do have appointments on a Saturday with the locality hub, which has been discussed above, and we will now ensure patients are aware of these when they need to see a health professional over the weekend. We also have the services of the Walk in centre. We need to promote the appointment options we have. Discussion was had about the introduction of telephone consultations or perhaps changing the configuration of our appointments. Introduction of this may impact on the availability of routine appointments. The PPG were very happy about the 10 day interval and did not want to jeopordise this. There was also discussion about the introduction on online appointment booking and repeat prescription ordering. The PPG needed to be reassured that this would not jeopordise those that did not want to participate in this. They accepted that this would be useful for some patients who may be working or unable to attend or call the surgery. They accepted that this was natural progression of the digital/ electronic age and would monitor these incentives. We also discussed the opening times of the Practice and whether this should change. The PPG did not support this and were happy with current times. The discussion was had about seven day surgeries but it was pointed out that this would not mean that DR NGC would necessarily be seeing patients seven days a week. The PPG commented that they preferred to see their usual Doctor (DR NGC) for continuity and therefore the seven day service was not a priority. The other factor was Patients and DNA rates- we have approximately 60 wasted appointments each month. The PPG was staggered to hear this. This is all despite MJOG text reminders, Posters on the notice and Jayex board, on the Patient leaflet and a DNA policy whereby each DNA is followed by a letter asking the patient to call to cancel if an appointment is not used. Further warning letters are sent if more appointments are missed until after 4 DNA the patient is advised that they are to be removed. Dr NGC accepted, that perhaps, the Practice could be more strict in actually removing these patients as we are not always sticking to this and are at times too lenient. There was further discussion about repeat offenders, common courtesy in cancelling appointments, effects on others and why DNA occur. Whilst incidents can occur, there seemed to be no excuse for 4 DNA. This was included in the Action plan. The PPG also wanted to discuss issues about the waiting room and environment. This was very important to the PPG. They explained that people feel unwell and are vulnerable when they attend and are uncomfortable for both the receptionist and themselves when agitated and aggressive patients attend. The youths and empty cans are no longer an issue and the waiting area is now warm. However, at times there are agitated individuals who attend either to register or book appointments and it was felt that their behaviour was not acceptable at times. The PPG were concerned about the welfare of both Staff and other patients. The Zero tolerance Policy was discussed and the PPG suggested that this be promoted more and enforced more rigorously. Health promotion was also a priority with request that the notice board continues to be updated with current health promotions local or national. Up to date information should be available in reception. The Jayex board is put to good use with information going across for Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report patients who are waiting to see a doctor, this can have information about health promotions, DNA figures and useful information. The renovations were well liked. Component 5: Agree with the PRG an action plan setting out the priorities and proposals arising out of the local practice survey. Seek PRG agreement to implement changes and where necessary inform NHS England After a lot of discussion with the PPG we came to an agreement regarding the changes the practice need to implement to keep the practice running as well as we have. One of the major problems faced is that of DNA’s, up to 60 appointments a month are wasted through DNA’s. Members of the PPG feel this has a huge impact on the access issues - Dr NGC explained the DNA policy and the reason why we have it in place. Whilst the Surgery continues to enforce our DNA Policy (reminders sent out after every nonattendance) there is still a steady DNA Rate. All Forum attendees agreed that this should remain a priority. The group had a long discussion regarding reasons and explanations for patients non-attendance at appointments and the impact it has on others when it comes to access. PPG decided that ‘3 strikes and you’re out’ rule would be much better. They thought 4 were far too generous especially when an MJOG message is sent to each patient, and patients can easily call to cancel appointments. The PPG think one missed appointment is understandable if a patient has no way of contacting us or something comes up, but three times is far too many. Most people have mobile phones and can phone in to cancel. It was decided patients will be given a period of 12 months to have up to 3 DNA’s. The practice is also to ensure that the DNA Policy is displayed on the Notice Board. We need to keep information on the Jayex Board up to date. We will be adding on to MJOG messages to call surgery if not able to attend appointment. Patients were happy with opening hours and appointments so we will not be making any changes to those. We will just keep on top of the waiting times to ensure the wait is not too long. Patients advised us to keep the notice board in reception up to date with any developments or incentives both within the Practice or within the NHS. The different ways to access appointments should be publicised so patients are aware of what is going on. There was increased concern about the Shaping a Healthier Future Initiative and the effects of this locally to the configuration of Central Middlesex. Patients wanted to be informed so that they could attend any Public meetings if possible. They were not happy with current representation and did not feel empowered enough to make their voices heard. The PPG felt the locality PPG was not representative of them and wanted to attend the public meeting themselves. We will keep them informed of when this is taking place. Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Regarding, locum doctors, patients have requested when a good locum comes with whom they feel comfortable with, they will let us know and so that we can make sure we request them again when a locum is needed. Action Plan for 2014-2015 Priorities Proposed Change Person Responsible Timeframe Access to Appointments Enforce a stricter DNA Policy- amend current protocol to reflect access as a priority. Practice to amend and enforce 3 months Practice Staff 3 month 3 chances instead of 4. Access to appointments 2 Practice to promote the availability of other primary care services to patients who may be in need and continue to monitor access ensuring that there is an acceptable waiting time. Local Changes to Healthcare Service Provision- Practice to improve Practice communication about any changes in local services or service design eg Changes to Central Middlesex and A+E. Hilltop Medical Practice PPG to be allowed to represent themselves 3-6 months Practice noticeboard to be continuously updated. Public meeting to be publicised and PPG members allowed to attend and represent themselves directly. HealthCare Practice should maintain and Practice 3-6 months Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Promotion educate patients at every opportunity, timing this with national promotions. Eg Leaflets, Jayex Board, Website information. Ensure a safe and welcoming Waiting Environment Practice to be better at promoting a Zero tolerance policy. Practice 6 months “Know your Practice” Suggestion made for a “Hilltop Medical” Social event. To promote sense of Community and for patients to know their Doctor and allied Professionals. Practice to liaise with PPG. 1 yr Component 6: Publicise the Local Patient Participation Report on the practice website and update the report on subsequent achievement Updates from Previous Action Plans Previously, You said We did The outcome was Increase the number of Emergency appointments Updated our appointment system Increased number of Same day emergency appointments-currently 6/day Let us know about Locality Patient Forum Meetings so that we can attend PPG Chair informed whenever there is a Patient forum meeting for Brent Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Forum would like to represent itself at Locality Patient Meetings rather than being represented by an unknown individual. Please provide better gritting We wrote to the Estates There was better gritting 2012-2013 Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report outside the building in Winter as it is unsafe when icy. Department requesting this. Winter 2012 and 2013. Luckily there was a warmer winter 2013. Draughty waiting area in reception Both the Practice and the PPG Chair write to Estates department. Outlining our concerns and issues. There was complete refurbishment of the waiting area, heater installed and screen put up to prevent draughts Please advertise the DNA rate so that we can see how bad the problem is and make up our mind whether this is a problem The DNA rate is monitored weekly and the figure publicised on the Jayex board for all to see while they wait for their appointment. Patients are also asked to cancel if they do not need their appointment. Patients do now ring to cancel their appointment and even let us know if they are running late. Too long to wait for routine appointment We constantly monitor our waiting times and bring in additional help if needed. We also make use of the Locaility Hub pilot to offer additional access to a GP on Mon/Fri/Sat Waiting times are rarely over 10 days. How can we reduce our DNA rate and improve our waiting times? We publicise the DNA rates The DNA rate has on the Jayex board. We send unfortunately stayed stable MJOG text messages 48 after an initial drop. hours in advance reminding patients of their appointment The Local pharmacy does not answer their phone and we have to go further to get our medication We contacted the Pharmacy in question who added an additional line and fax . NO further issues. The Practice is also now offering online repeat prescribing and electronic prescribing service which will make ordering and collecting repeat medication much easier. Please educate others to cover their mouth in the waiting area to prevent spread of infection. This is a Community education issue. General good health and hygiene Posters were put up in the Practice. Individual patients We will try to carry on with general health and hygiene promotion. 2013-2014 Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report can not be identified without causing offense. There are young youths loitering outside the main building which make us feel uncomfortable. The empty alcohol cans outside the building are not a good promotion of health. We wrote to the Estates department outlining your concerns. No further issues of loitering. Cleaners are more vigilant and no more cans seen outside. Publish results and Agreed Action Plan: The patient participation report is being published on the Practice website Results of the survey are displayed in the practice waiting area including all clinical rooms. Hard copies are retained at reception and will be made available upon request. A copy report will be submitted to North West London GP contract team. Practice Opening Hours The Practice Opening Hours remain unchanged over the Past year. Appointment System We operate a mixed appointment system as follows: daily routine appointments can be booked in advance Urgent same day appointments / booking on the day Currently patients can book up to 2 month in advance. All clinical sessions are entered onto the computer up to 2 months in advance to allow for patients to pre-book within this period. When a patient contacts the practice to make an appointment they are asked whether they have a preference for a particular doctor or the next available appointment. If a patient need to be seen within 48 hours and the doctor of their choice is not available they are offered a choice of other doctors but if they prefer to wait to see the doctor of their choice we either book the patient or leave a message for the doctor to call the patient back. We are flexible with our appointments and try to accommodate patients as best we can. Patients can contact the practice via telephone or face to face. We have just implemented EMIS ACCESS with the facility to book appointments and order Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report repeat medications on line. We in turn can also contact patients using the same mode plus via text messaging using MJOG (with consent) We use GRIP and language Line for booking interpreter in other languages including sign language. We are also fully engaged with the Locality Hub Access system which provides additional access to primary care physicians. These provide additional appointments on a Monday and Friday (busiest days in the week) for both the Doctor and Nurse and there are also additional Saturday morning GP appointments. All based in Hillside Primary Care Centre. Our opening hours are advertised on our website, practice leaflets and posters in the reception area. Practice access and opening hours Monday 09.00-19.00 Tuesday 09.00-19.00 Wednesday 09.00-14.00 Thursday 09.00- 19.00 Friday 09.00-19.00 Patients can also access GP services in the Harness walk in centre in Chaplin Road which is open 7 days/ week , 365 days a year. 8am- 8pm Out of Hours: Patients can access the following services when the surgery is closed. LCW is the service covering the surgery when the practice is closed at weekends and Bank Holidays. Please contact them for emergencies only Tel: 03000 333 777. Patients can also contact – 111 for medical advice and information or 0203 402 1111 if for some reason 111 is not accessible. Hilltop Medical Practice Patient Participation Forum Annual Report Health information, opening hours and out of hours service information can all be obtained on the practice website or NHS Choices website Summary The Patient Forum has enabled the Practice to reflect on our service and focus on priorities and objectives for the future. We hope that our patients have gained some value in helping to develop their Practice in this ever changing NHS. Their support and suggestions for development are greatly received. We would like to thank all of our patients who have taken time to attend our meetings, provide feedback and have completed surveys. Your contributions help us work towards a better service for you.