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Ashley Kuntz
3 hour
December 2, 2013
Ancient Greek Mythology
Mythology there were gods in the B. C. area, now there is a god today so truly not much
has changed religion wise we all believe or believed in a higher power above our selves. Greek
mythology it in many ways. The history the way they interacted with one another reason it
interests me. The titans and the gods the way they fit together. Did does not matter if from the
people to the gods.
One of the stories of the gods is Cronus the king of the titans. His children became the
gods. Cronus ate all of his children. His wife Rhea saved her youngest son and feed Cronus a
rock instead of Zeus (Keenan, 62). After Zeus grow up the defeated his father and forced Cronus
to throw up Zeus’ siblings. Cronus had later ruled Elysian Fields in Hades.
Instead of worshiping dark idols like their neighbors, Greeks had the gods. The people
worshipped the gods and the gods worshiped mother earth. Mother Earth mothered the titans.
The father of the titans was Uranus. The father of Cronus, he had also over thrown his father.
The most famous gods in the time of the Greeks is Zeus the king of the gods, Poseidon the king
of the sea, hades the king of the underworld. They are the highest power of the gods. Then they
disappear, the god we have now starts to show up in every culture. From Rome, Greek, Egyptian,
Norse, and Chinese. The god today popped in the very late B.C. time. The question a lot of
people want to know is why the Greeks stopped believing in the gods and onto the god we have
known a day. For the gods to the god today either way they affect many aspects in our lives.
There are three different powers above man, mother earth, titans and the gods. The titans
had the god. the gods defeated the titans. The most famous titans are Cronus and rhea they made
the gods but there is still a lot more titans. Other titans are Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Thea,
Mnemosyne, Themis, Coeus, Phoebe, Iapetu, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. Those were the
titans all of them got exiled, excepted for Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus. They sided
with the gods.
There were a lot of gods at least fifty-three gods total. The main gods Zeus, Poseidon,
Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia. Each of the gods had a special that no other god would have
power. Sometime the gods would have more than one pacific power. Like Zeus were the god of
the sky and the king of the gods, Poseidon the god of the sea, or Hades the god of the
underworld. The other gods’ hade different powers. The minor gods were Aphrodite, Ares,
Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Hephaestus, and Hermes. That was just some of them there is a lot
more these are more of the known ones. Some gods and there special ability are Aphrodite the
goddess of love, Ares the god of war, Artemis a hunter, Athena goddess of wisdom craft and
protector of cities, Hephaestus no special power, and Hermes one of his grim jobs was to bring
the dead to Hades. The Greeks worshipped the gods by temples, shrines, statues, and sacrifices.
The gods had different ideas about marriage. An example is Zeus married his sister Hera.
They also had c