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Question: With reference to two countries, each chosen from a different region
(excluding the US or the USSR), assess the social and economic impact of the Cold
War. (Korea and Cuba)
Growing off of post-World War II tensions between the United States and the
Soviet Union, the Cold War spread to other parts of the world during the second half
of the 20th century. In order to combat the spreading communism, the American
government developed a strategy of containment to stop this spread and in turn
promote capitalism. This strategy was supported by American allies in NATO,
however it was also greatly opposed by nations who saw this as a new form of
imperialism. This rising tension in ideologies were present in both Cuba and Korea
where the ideological preferences caused an extension of the Cold War. In both
situations, the USSR and the US provided alliance and aid to the areas, which
supported their ideologies in an attempt to further contain the other ideology from
spreading. During the spread of war, the Cold War superpowers gave Korea and
Cuba, political alliances, a “guide” for the particular ideology, weapons, military
assistance, and trade alliances. This in turn helped these countries increase social
power but the effects of war negatively impacted them economically.
Theme 1 (Economic):
(1898) Cuban fight for independence from Spain
o Jose Marti (Cuban national hero. Through his writings and political
activity, he became a symbol for Cuba’s bid for independence)
o Spanish- American War (Americans win, Cuban independence, and
America invests in Cuba)
(1902) Platt Amendment
o 80% of economy dominated by US companies  Cubans don’t have
own industry or way of obtaining sufficient economy without the
United States.
(1930s) The Cuban Revolutinary party wanted to take a more nationalistic
turn and promoted greater Cuban control of the economy.
o This was a threat against American interests, so American
government helped to establish the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista
(American dominance of the Cuban economy)
(1959) Castro led up to lead guerrillas to succeed in a revolution that ended
Batista’s government. He became a nation hero, cementing his role as the
new leader of Cuba.
 Castro wanted to expropriate U.S properties and investments,
and to covert Cuba into a one-party Communist system 
quickly deteriorated relationship between Cuba and the United
 Castro began to institute land reform, nationalizing land that
was owned by American companies.  In response (to ‘punish’
Cuba whose economy was heavily dependent on the US)
United States severed diplomatic relations (EMBARGO)
 The failure of the CIA invasion by Cuban exiles (1961) (Bay of
Pigs)  Castro regime became anti- American
 American sanctions against his regime a new relationship
with the Soviet Union (Has to do with the Cold War because
USSR wants Cuba as a trade parter (oil), since Cuba is antiAmerican at the moment it would strengthen USSR in Cold War
and the opporutinity to expand communism in a vulnerable
Soviet relationship with Cuba
o Provided a ‘protective umbrella’ (U.S and USSR wanted to avoid
nuclear war)
o Unrestricted Soviet weapon deliviers to Cuba  Castro becomes an
important international leader.
(1991) Collapse of Soviet Union
o Soviet economic subsidies (aid and weapons) to Cuba ended  Cuba
submerged in a mjor economic crisis
o However, the rehime continued to cling to Marxism, refusing to open
the political process or the economy.
Cuban economy was opened up during the Cold War because Castro helped to
nationalize businesses and expand trade relations to Soviet Union and its allies.
However, when the Soviet Union fell in 1991, Cuba faced an economic crisis because
it no longer had any trade allies since Communism in the East fell with the regime.
o Both nations suffered massive damage to their economies and
infrastructure, as a result of bombings, artillery strikes and loss of
skilled workers.
o South Korea was able to modernize and industrialize with the help of
the United States and NATO (government is democratic).
o Withdrawl of Soviet support and catastrophic weather led to a near
collapse of the North economy.
o This part of the cold war (USSR inhabited the North and America as
well as other UN militaries inhavited South Korea, making this a cold
war conflict, was fought all in korea and had many Korean people
fight a battle which in the broader picture was solely for a Cold War
superpower to gain “advantage” over the other).
Korean War negatively impacted both North and South Korea, but with the help of
the U.S and NATO, South Korea was able to dramatically increase its economy by
opening up its trade markets.
Theme 2 (Social)
Castro’s Regime:
o Catro abolished legal discrimination, brough electricity to the country
side, and provided full employment and advanced the causes of
education and health care.
o He also closed down opposition newspaapers, jailed thousands of
political opponents and made no move toward elections. He limited
the amount fo land a person could own and abolished private
o Provided military and financial aid to various leftist guerilla
movements in Latin America and Africa. (i.e. Angola)
o End of 1975, Portugguese colonialist deserted Angola, depleting the
country of most of its skilled work force and therefore destroyings its
o Soviet Union and Cuba supported the recently emerged Marxistinfluecned political party. The MPLA (the political party) received
militaryassistance fro Cuba.
o After this, the Angolan government relied on Cuba for militeray
o (Cubans were now seen as a stronger country that was able to provide
assistance for less developed areas)
o (1988) Cuba agrees to withdraw its troops from Angola following and
agreement with South Africa.
During the Cold War, Cuba is able to increase their Social Power worldwide by
providing aid to coutnries with leftist revolutions occurring (expand influence).
Japan annexed Korea in 1910 but still in occupation of Korea when World War Two
ended. Korean nationalist, who had led a revolution in 1945 and who included man
Communists, were not allowed to decide the fate of Korea in 1945 and it was agreed
by USA and USSR that the two superpowers would take joint responsibility for
repatriating the Japanese forces there. (38th parallel created.)
Mao and Kim convinced Stalin that an invasion of South Korea would be an easy win
for communist powers and would show how weak America is (China has an
inexhaustible amount of men for war.)
o Stalin didn’t get to involved (didn’t send any of the red army to fight and
instead sent arms for the men to use. This way if they did lose the USSR
wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.)
Both areas losing (China was losing to many men and Kim he knew that there a lot
of the population was being executed by US bombings and the area was in crumbles.
Eisenhower threated to use the Atomic Bomb on China
o Stalin feared this because he didn’t want to be dragged into a nuclear war
with America
o Stalin Dies  New Russian leaders (Malenkov) decided to end the war in
Korea because they wanted to lessen tension with the West.
o Armistice finally signed in 1953.
US was able to contain communism while USSR was able to spread communism to at
least North Korea (legitimize the UN)
Common opinion went against Communism (saw how many innocent people were
forced to go into the war and fight for something they didn’t support.)
Cold War spread after 1950 in an attempt to get ‘leverage’ against the other during the Cold
War and heightened tensions. (US felt they needed to get involved once communism spread
to North Korea and possibly South Korea.) The Cold War split Korean based on different
ideological beliefs in which it is still split today, with North Korea as one of the last
Communist regimes in the world.