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Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake 2011
Learning objectives:
Understand the relationship between global plate boundary distribution and tectonic hazards
Understand the primary and secondary damages caused by earthquakes
Identify the impact of natural hazards from satellite image, video and photos
Understand nuclear power and its advantages and disadvantages
Present the pros and cons of using nuclear power in table format
Conduct questionnaire in school and collect opinions whether nuclear power should be kept
Learning and Teaching Tips:
The worksheet is divided into 4 parts as follows:
Firstly, teachers use Part 1 (a) and (b) as pre-lesson homework and instruct students to complete
at home
Secondly, teachers explain Part 1 (c) and the order for the rest of the worksheet could be
re-arranged by teachers themselves
Part 2 states the impact of Tohoku, Japan earthquake
Part 3 presents the earthquake triggered the Fukushima I nuclear accidents that teachers guide
students to extend their thoughts on this natural hazard so as to recognize the advantages and
disadvantages on using nuclear power.
For the part of questionnaire, conducting group project
work is suggested where presentation on the findings is to be carried out in class
Part 4 compares the damage level and preventive measures of disasters between Indonesia and
Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake 2011
1. Part 1:What had happened in Tohoku, Japan on 11 March 2011?
(a) Watch a news video clip on 11 March 2011 and answer the following questions:
Source from : SINA news
1. What kinds of tectonic hazards had
happened in Tohoku, Japan stated in the
news video clip?
2. What kinds of effects does this tectonic
hazard bring to the coastal areas?
(b) The following satellite images were taken before and after the tectonic hazards
occurred on 12 March 2011:
Source from: New York Times
1. Use the slider from the photos to compare the differences of landscape before
and after the tectonic hazards.
2. Use Google earth and Atlas to locate the 5 affected areas by the tectonic
hazards of Sendai, Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki and Fukushima, and fill in the boxes in
Figure 1 below.
3. Describe the location distribution of the 5 affected areas mentioned in (b) 2.
Figure 1:Map of Japan
(c) Browse website below and answer the following questions. What are causes of
Tohoku, Japan earthquake? What are the relationships between the Tohoku
Earthquake and plate movements?
Relationship among plate
distribution, earthquake
zone and Japan
Major plates involved in
this earthquake
Movements of plates
Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake 2011
Part 2:What are the impact of the Japan (Tohoku) earthquake?
(a) Refer to the link below, summarize the impact of the tectonic hazards.
Source from: BBC
Farmland/houses/buildings are
(b) By searching from the internet, check the current numbers of lives causalities and
missing people.
(c) According to the following website, explain the reasons for increasing number of
deaths after the earthquake occurred from 11 March 2011?
Source from: BBC
Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake 2011
Part 3:Fukushima nuclear plant, Japan – Country disaster=Global
(a) The links reveals the situation of Fukushima nuclear plant after 11 March 2011
Source from: BBC
Mingpao daily
Read the newspaper cuttings below and search for more information in regard to
Tohoku, Japan earthquake. Discuss how the radiation leak from Fukushima
nuclear plant affects humans, ecosystem, environment and economy worldwide.
Summarize the impact by using the mind map.
Figure 1:World map
Nuclear radiation objects spread worldwide
Effects of nuclear radiation crisis in Japan has been further expanded through the
shipping, Two Japanese tourists from Nagano and Saitama, were detected excessive
amount of radiation at Wuxi, Jiangsu airport. Whilst radiation was also detected
from a U.S. ship had parked the Port of Tokyo in Xiamen, Fujian.
Newscut 1
12 million people of the world fear of cancer
The nuclear power plant in Fukushima I radioactive water leakage expands its crisis,
following the emergence III reactor units exceeded one million times with radioactive
water, so do the other three reactors ... the European Committee stated the risk of
radiation in Fukushima, will lead to twelve million people of the world with cancer in
the next five years.
Newscut 2
Expert: Infant mental retardation
Living in radiation affected areas for long period of time may find problems such
as fertility problems, higher opportunity of giving birth to mentally retarded babies.
Newscut 3
Fukushima nuclear power plant crisis
"the worst situation is not over"
In case of huge damage found in reactor III, a serious situation will result in a lot of
radioactive water directly leaks to the sea in which will cause severe water pollution.
Newscut 4
Global automotive electronics supply were found affected
Japan is the world's major supplier and producer of electronics parts for automotive,
auto parts and steel. Although this earthquake does not result extensive damage to
the plant, but production has stopped which affects the global supply chain of related
electronic products. Car exports definitely will be affected in the coming weeks.
Newscut 5
(b) Group work : Design a questionnaire and survey in school for collecting views
Design a questionnaire and interview for 30 people
Write a report:
Briefly indicate the purpose of the questionnaire
with its processes, summarize the data found and
conclude the views of interviewees on using nuclear
power for generating electricity from the Fukushima
nuclear radiation leakage crisis
Presentation in class:
Search information of nuclear power such as photos,
tables and data
renewable energy resources or non-renewable
energy resources, its global distribution and
Analysis and summarize the reasons of support for
and against on using the nuclear power.
are suggested to be illustrated by graphs)
Conclusion: Whether the nuclear power should be kept
Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake 2011
Part 4:Comparing and contrast the damages and preventive measures
of earthquakes in Indonesia and Japan?
(a) : Read the following information and complete Table 1 and answer the answers.
Case Study 1:magnitude 9 earthquake in Indonesia
December 26, 2004 a Richter magnitude 9 earthquake occurred in Indonesia, and
triggered a tsunami which swept the Indian Ocean killing about 15 million people dead,
millions homeless, billions of dollars in economic losses. Earthquake in the 7:59 am
local time occurred as far away as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia also felt shock.
Seismic experts say a strong earthquake in Indonesia triggered a tsunami to
Southeast Asian countries, heavy casualties was caused by the lack of tsunami early
warning system. If it could have been made, many people could survive. But the
affected areas was no official warning system. Assisting in the relief work, Sri
Lankan police complained that the country did not predict the devastating power of
natural disaster. Therefore, relief work for them is a huge challenge. And the roads
were broken by the disaster, only rescue stuff could be supplied by air.
Case Study 2:Japan magnitude 9 Earthquake
On March 11, 2011 afternoon, a devastating magnitude of 9 earthquake occurred
and thereby triggered off tsunami, at least 50 countries and regions including Taiwan,
Hawaii, Canada and even South America have issued a tsunami warning. The
earthquake had caused more than 1 million people dead and missing. Estimated
economic loss of the Japanese government hit by the earthquake and tsunami, the
amount may be higher than 2.4 trillion dollar, representing about 6% of GDP.
Japan's location in the circum-Pacific seismic belt with frequent earthquakes, the
Japanese government and Japanese nationals have strong sense of disaster prevention
and conduct regular drillings to prevent earthquakes, it indeed plays an important role
to reduce earthquake casualties. In addition, local governments develop and improve
the disaster prevention system from time to time in terms of the relief process. It can
prevent and reduce disaster damage, and then adjust the disaster prevention system.
The Japanese has developed "Earthquake Early Warning System" in 2006 which
offers a great help on the electricity, gas and railway system after the struck of
(b) Complete Table 1.
No. of deaths
No. of
1. Which country is a more developed country? __________________________
2. Refer to the information in Part 4 (a), compare the differences of disasters
measures taken between the earthquake and tsunami in South Asia, 2004 and
that in Japan.
3. Do you think the natural hazards happened on 11 March 2011 was serious ? Are
we truly prepared for living with those natural hazards? Could we better equip?