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Answers to Chapter 9 Cell Cycle/Cell Divison Review
1. A carcinogen is something that might cause CANCER . Chapter 9
2. Mitosis which has 4 stages PMAT is important because it helps to reduce the number of CHROMOSOMES so
each cell has the right number. Chp 9
3. During Metaphase the chromosomes will LINE UP in the middle of the cell.
4. If a cell starts with 22 chromosomes but must make a new cell, how many chromosomes will be in the new cell?
Chp 9 22
5. What phase of mitosis pulls the chromosomes(sister chromatids) apart? ANAPHASE chp9
6. What proteins control the cell cycle timing? _CYCLINS AND CDK’s Chapter 9.3
7. In cytokinesis, plant cells form a CELL PLATE while animal cells form a CLEAVAGE FURROW. Chp 9
8. Telophase is always accompanied by actual division of the cytoplasm. This is called CYTOKINESIS Chp 9
9. What are the three parts of the cell cycle? 9.2 INTERPHASE, MITOSIS, CYTOKINESIS some books leave out
10. Diffusion over long distances is inefficient, why is it important cells are small? Chapter 9.1 BECAUSE the surface
area to volume ratio will slow down transport of important molecules if they are too big.
11. How do prokaryotes like bacteria divide? Chp 9 BINARY FISSION
12. Adult stems cells can be found in what parts of the body? Chp9.3 Brain, bone, blood
13. How much DNA does a cell have in the last part of Interphase and first part of Mitosis? Chp 9 DOUBLE the
amount of the original cell
14. Cancer is caused by MUTATIONS to the DNA. Chp 9
15. When does DNA replicate or make new copies in the cell cycle? Chp 9 INTERPHASE, (S )
16. The longest stage of the cell cycle is INTERPHASE . Chp 9
17. The longest stage of mitosis is PROPHASE . Chp 9
18. During development some cells that have abnormalities or can’t fix themselves will blow up. This is called,
19. A cell membrane that only allows some things to enter and some to leave is called