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Two Column Proofs
PROOF Geometry
Finding & Describing Patterns
• Geometry, like much of mathematics and
science, developed when people began
recognizing and describing patterns.
• Inductive reasoning is used to find and
describe patterns.
Using Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning was used to discover
many of the theorems and postulates we
use today
You can use inductive reasoning to make
your own conjectures when you are
given a situation and you need to find a
Steps involved in using
Inductive Reasoning
1. Look for a Pattern: Look at several
examples. Use diagrams and tables to
help discover a pattern.
2. Make a Conjecture. Use the example to
make a general conjecture.
A conjecture is an unproven statement
that is based on observations.
3. Discuss the conjecture with others.
Modify the conjecture, if necessary.
EXAMPLE: Making a
• Conjecture:
The sum of the two positive even integers
is _____________.
• How to proceed:
List some specific examples and look for a
ExAMPLE: Making a
Some evens added:
2+2 = 4
2+4 = 6
4+6 = 10
6+8 = 14
To show that a conjecture is
• We need to prove it for all cases.
• A proof like this will typically involve algebra,
geometry definitions, postulate and theorems
and deductive reasoning.
Let the first integer be 2n and the second 2m
Sum = 2n + 2m
=2 (n + m)
always even
To show that a conjecture is
• Show the conjecture is false by finding a
Conjecture: For all real numbers x, the
expressions x2 is greater than or equal to x.
Finding a counterexample Solution
Conjecture: For all real numbers x, the
expressions x2 is greater than or equal to x.
• The conjecture is false. Here is a
counterexample: (0.5)2 = 0.25, and 0.25 is NOT
greater than or equal to 0.5. In fact, any number
between 0 and 1 is a counterexample.
Conditional Statement
We often write conjectures as conditional statements
Definition: A conditional statement is a statement that
can be written in if-then form.
“If _____________, then
Example: If your feet smell and your nose runs,
then you're built upside down.
Conditional Statements have two parts:
The hypothesis is the part of a conditional statement
that follows “if” (when written in if-then form.)
-The hypothesis is the given information, or the
The conclusion is the part of an if-then statement
that follows “then” (when written in if-then form.)
-The conclusion is the result of the given
Every theorem can be written as a conditional
Using the Laws of Logic
• Definition:
• Deductive reasoning uses postulates,
definitions, and theorems in a logical order to
write a logical argument.
• The logical argument is called a proof
This differs from inductive reasoning, in which
previous examples and patterns are used to
form a conjecture.
Comparison of Inductive and
Deductive Reasoning
Comparison of Inductive and
Deductive Reasoning
Types of proof
• A paragraph proof
Most commonly used in upper-level mathematics
Types of proof
• A two column proof:
Most commonly used in high school.
Has numbered statements and reasons that show
the logical order of an argument.
Types of proof
• A flow chart proof
Justification in Proofs using
Properties of equality
Definition of …
• Used when using a definition of defined term to justify
• Examples:
• Congruent to equal:
Def. of congruent segments
• Equal to congruent:
Def. of congruent segments
Definition of …
Definition of congruent angles
Definition of congruent angles
Definition of … Example
1 and 2 are complementary
m1 + m2 = 90
Def. of complementary angles
Two Column Proofs
• We will start with simple, short, easy proofs.
• With the short proofs I will show you how to
do a Formal Proof which will include writing
down each logical step – even if it seems
• Once the proofs get more complex we will
write more Compact Proofs so we don’t get
bogged down in notation.
• Although the proofs are called compact I will
still require accurate use of logic, definitions,
postulates, theorems and the two-column
Two Column Proofs
• We will use the following method:
• Create two columns, label the left Statements and the right
• Start with a given and if possible make some conclusions
before using another given.
• Number each line and providing a reason for each statement.
• Sometimes your reasons will include references to previous
line numbers.
• When you have finished the proof, write Q.E.D. (quod erat
demonstrandum, which is Latin for "which was to be shown")
or make a filled-in square (a "bullet") at the end of the proof.
Two Column Proof:
Algebra Example
• If 5x – 18 = 3x +2, prove that x= 10
1. 5x – 18 = 3x + 2
1. Given
2. 2x – 18 = 2
2. Subtraction prop. of
3. Addition prop. Of
4. Division prop. Of eq.
3. 2x = 20
4. x = 10
• Beginning Proofs Worksheets