Download Unit 6 - Content Vocabulary Quiz

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Match the definition on the right to the vocabulary word on the left.
Use capital letters in all blanks.
Algebraic Expression
A. Substituting numbers for variables and then finding the value of
the expression.
B. An expression that contains at least one variable.
C. A value that does not change.
Dependent Variable
D. An expression that contains only numbers and operations.
E. The number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic
Evaluating an Expression
F. A mathematical sentence that shows that two expressions are
Independent Variable
G. The output of a function; a variable whose value depends on the
value of the input, or independent variable.
Like Terms
H. Terms with the same variables raised to the same exponents.
Numerical Expression
I. The input of a function; a variable whose value determines the
value of the output, or dependent variable.
Terms (in an Expression)
J. A symbol used to represent a quantity that can change.
K. The parts of an expression that are added or subtracted.
Match the definition on the right to the property on the left.
Commutative Property of Addition
L. The sum of a number and its opposite, or
additive inverse, is zero.
Commutative Property of Multiplication
M. When multiplying, changing the order of
the numbers does not change the product.
Associative Property of Addition
N. When adding, changing the order of the
numbers does not change the sum.
Associate Property of Multiplication
O. Adding zero to a number does not change
its value.
Distributive Property
P. Multiplying a number by one does not
change its value.
Identity Property of Addition
Identity Property of Multiplication
Inverse Property of Addition
Q. Multiplying a number by a sum or
difference is the same as multiplying by
each number in the sum or difference and
then adding or subtracting.
R. When multiplying more than two numbers,
the grouping of the numbers does not
change the product.
S. When adding more than two numbers, the
grouping of the numbers does not
change the sum.
Match the example on the right to the property on the left. Use capital letters in all blanks.
Commutative Property of Multiplication
T. 2 x 4 = 4 x 2
Associative Property of Addition
U. - 3 + 3 = 0
Distributive Property
V. 6(2 + 4) = 6(2) + 6(4)
Identity Property of Addition
W. 1 x 7 = 7
Identity Property of Multiplication
X. (3 + 4) + 5 = 3 + (4 + 5)
Inverse Property of Addition
Y. 9 + 0 = 9