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Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
2006 – 2007
FitzGerald Bldg., 150 College Street, Room 88, Toronto ON M5S 3E2
Tel: 416/978-0746
Fax: 416/946-5713
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
DIRECTOR’S REPORT………………………………………………………………………………….2
MISSION STATEMENT………………………………………………………………………………….4
COLLABORATING DEPARTMENTS…………………………………………………………………..4
- Executive
- Program
COURSES OFFERED…………………………………………………………………………………...5
PROGRAM SPONSORED ACTIVITIES……………………………………………………………….6
- Annual Student Research Day
- Student Forum Night
- Cardiovascular Summer Initiative - CSI
- Human Biology Job Fair
- Medtronic Travel Award
- Bigelow Book Prize
- Lorne Phenix Graduate Award
- Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award
- Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (OGSST)
ADVERTISING MATERIAL…………………………………………………………………………….13
- Currently Enrolled
- Convocated/Follow-Up
- Awards and Honors
- Publications
- Circulation Rounds
- Members
- Peer Reviewed Funding
- Awards and Honors
- Publications
This past year continued the ongoing objectives of the
Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program and the possibility
of a partnership with the University of Waterloo. A concentrated
effort resulted finally with all parties moving forward with the
drafting of a Memorandum of Agreement that would clearly result
in substantive benefits for both parties. It is hoped that this final
step to actually creating this long awaited initiative will occur in the
next academic year.
This past year also marked large improvements in our office
administrative space capacity to accommodate our ever increasing
activities and administrative responsibilities and address a serious
environmental issue that arose as a result of a construction
project. Due to room conditions that were deemed unhealthy, the CSCP administrator’s office
was forced to relocate. The reschuffling of this space now accommodates the other CSCP
teaching, administrative and other educational needs by our Subcommittee Chairs and
Members as well as other Faculty of Medicine groups who were also feeling the pressure to find
reliable space to conduct student meetings etc.
As the CSCP continues to evolve, outside financial support continues to play a key role in our
ability to continue providing a rich and fulfilling experience to out students. Thanks go to the
HSFO for their support of our Annual Student Research day, while Medtronic, our oldest and
most longstanding industry partner, continued to ensure that our annual travel awards were
available. This support, together with that of the ongoing university support over the past year
and the strong commitment our trainees have to their education, ensured we continued to train
a record number of students (MSc:31; PhD:18) in the Program. (see graph below).
The JCV series of graduate courses was expanded this year to include the developmental
cardiovascular sciences graduate course which had been run through the Department of
Physiology. This makes a welcome addition to the available course selections for our trainees
across faculties and departments. Also, the other JCV3000 series of courses are becoming
oversubscribed, further identifying the need for us to expand our curriculum. Another JCV3000
series course, with a focus on clinical epidemiology of cardiovascular issues, is being discussed
and the Curriculum Committee has been hard at work, led by Dr. Viv Rao, to finalize the
curriculum for this addition. I would personally like to also extend the appreciation of the CSCP
to Dr. Stefan Sebastien Bolz for agreeing to take over one of the JCV courses, replacing Dr.
Tsushima, who has moved to York University. Dr. Bolz has done a great job and the course
continues to be popular with the graduate students.
The Annual Student Research Day, always a highlight of our year, was this year opened up to
Post-doctoral fellows in cardiovascular sciences across campus. This was done in anticipation
of the CSCP eventually incorporating a Post-doctoral program as part of its’ training initiatives.
This would nicely supplement the existing TACTICS program, which trains a very select group
of individuals under mentors across the country. The concept was approved at the annual
CSCP Program Committee meeting and Dr. Scott Thomas was charged with flushing out the
structure of such a venture. It is anticipated that this will be finalized within the next academic
year and be ready for launch after that.
Overall this year has been a busy and satisfying one. Much of our emphasis has been on
curriculum renewal, exploring possible joint initiatives with other universities and adding the
other allied health Faculties. A new perspective and dimension has now been added to the
specialized education experienced by our graduate trainees. A more translational approach is
now possible to a broader extent than ever. I welcome this direction as do all the students and
anticipate significant curriculum expansion in the upcoming years. The timing is appropriate as
the double cohort begins to affect graduate school and our obligations to provide expanded
training at this level must be met. The students are also most enthusiastic and I anticipate even
further increases in our student enrollment in the upcoming years. To that end our objectives
for 2007-2008 change little from this year and we redouble our efforts in all areas as detailed
Establish and launch the joint initiative with the University of Waterloo
Develop innovative curriculum to more appropriately serve the diverse nature of this now
multi-Faculty graduate training initiative
Continue developing endowments to provide permanent infrastructure support
Aggressive student recruitment
Graduate training grant applications for both local and external agencies
Further develop CME programs in cardiovascular sciences
Continue developing web-based courses and web casting
As you read through this report, you will see that the Program continues to enrich our trainee’s
experiences. Specific details on all activities can be found on our web site at I would like to once again recognize the outstanding efforts of Victoria
Simpson, our Business Officer, as well as the Executive Committee for their hard work and
contributions that have made the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program the success it
is today. And finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our faculty and students for
another successful year and to those individuals who have continued to provide both moral and
tangible support for this Program.
I continue to be proud to present this Annual Report that summarizes the achievements of the
Program’s students and faculty over the past academic year.
Dr. Carin Wittnich, O.Ont.
Director, CSCP
Professor of Surgery & Physiology
Northrop Frye Scholar
“The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program, approved by the University and Ontario
Council on Graduate Studies in 1992, and listed in the calendar of the School of Graduate
Studies, exists to give formal, organized expression to cardiovascular studies and research at
the graduate level. It builds on the strengths of all participating academic units, and other
agencies, to enhance the visibility of cardiovascular studies and to facilitate collaborative,
interdisciplinary training and research.”
The above mission is achieved by advertising and promoting the importance of, and
opportunities in, cardiovascular studies, by making known the results of such studies, by
recruitment of excellent students, and by coordinating the graduate collaborative program in
cooperation with the academic units in which they are registered. Students in this collaborative
program must fulfill the requirements of their home units as well as the Program. Upon
graduation the notation “Specialization in Cardiovascular Sciences” will appear on the student’s
academic transcript and the Program will present the student with a certificate and gift.
Physical Education and Health
Social Work
Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Exercise Sciences
Health Policy, Management & Evaluation
Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Medical Biophysics
Medical Science
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Public Health Sciences
Rehabilitation Science
The Executive Committee consists of 4 members of the Program Committee representing as
wide a range of disciplines as possible and includes the Director. They also act as Chairs of the
various subcommittees as noted beside their name. The Executive Committee provides student
counseling, screens applicants, provides advice and acts as a Steering Committee.
Dr. C. Wittnich (Fundraising)
Dr. M. Rand (Scholarships & Awards)
Dr. V. Rao (Membership/Curriculum)
Dr. S. Thomas (Student Affairs)
The Program Committee consists of a representative from each collaborating department as
well as two student representatives. It administers the Program, selects the Director, and
generally meets twice per year.
C. Wittnich (Chair)
D. Brooks (Rehabilitation Science)
S. Wu (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
E. Fuller-Thomson (Social Work)
D. Mazer (Anesthesia)
J. Parker (Pharmacology)
S. Heximer (Physiology)
M. Ojha (Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering)
M. Rand (Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology)
V. Rao (Institute of Medical Science)
H. Tenenbaum (Dentistry)
S. Thomas (Exercise Sciences)
J. Tu (Health Policy, Management and Evaluation)
J. Watt-Watson (Nursing)
G. Wright (Medical Biophysics)
President, CSCP Student Association
Vice-President, CSCP Student Association
Cardiovascular Disease and Exercise
Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Molecular Biology & Heart Signal
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Hormones
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Heart Function
Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Sciences – Vascular
Ultrasound: Theory and Applications in Biology and Medicine
Biomaterials Science
Vascular Pathobiology
Cell and Molecular Biology of Cardiovascular Diseases
Molecular Aspects of Cardiac Function
* Core Courses for PhD Trainees (2 of 4 modules required); JCV denotes joint listing with most of our collaborating
Suggested Courses (Considered valuable but does not fulfill Program requirements)
Introducing Biostatistics for Students in Biological Sciences
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
Fundamentals on Ion Channel Function
Annual Student Research Day
The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program held its 8th Annual Student Research Day
on February 21, 2007. All CSCP trainees were in attendance. The morning session began with
a retreat where the Student Association highlighted activities from the past year as well as
upcoming events. Selected trainees presented their research concepts, designs or results in a
series of 10 minute presentations followed by a question period. The presentations were
especially polished and professional this year, and covered a broad range of hot topics.
SESSION I: Chair -- Eser Adiguzel
Marc Busato (MSc – Exercise Science)
“Cardiac Fatigue with Prolonged Strenuous Exercise”
Zobia Jawed (MSc – Medical Biophysics)
“Studying Protein Networks Common to Endoglin, TGF-beta-receptor 11, and ALK1 in
Endothelial Function and Vascular Disorders”
Jane MacIver (PhD – Institute of Medical Science)
“Understanding the Treatment Preferences of Patients with Advanced Heart Failure”
Jessica Prodger (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)
“Hypoxia-Mediated Endothelial Progenitor Cell Adhesion”
Nazanin Hakimzadeh (MaSc – Biomedical Engineering)
“Stem Cell Conooning for Regenerative Medicine”
SESSION 2: Chair -- Nesime Askin
Galina Kichigina (MSc – Institute of Medical Science)
“Heart Rate Dependent Modulation of Cardiac Myocyte Ca2+ - Handling Protein
Carlo Cifelli (PhD - Physiology)
“Sinoatrial Pacemaker Cell Regulation by Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 4”
Steve Soric (MSc - Physiology)
“Do Sex Hormones Impact on Myocardial Hydrogen Ion and Lactate Accumulation
During Ischemia?”
Emma O’Donnell (PhD – Exercise Science)
“Long Term Estrogen Deficiency Lowers Regional Resting Blood Flow, Heart Rate and
Systolic Blood Pressure in Physically Active Premenopausal Women”
Cindy Yip (PhD – Biomedical Engineering)
“Matrix Stiffness and Mechanoregulation of Cell Phenotypes in Aortic Valve Calcification”
Anton Mihic (MSc - Physiology)
“Regulation of hERG Channel Gating Kinetics and Expression by the SNARE Protein
Prior to lunch, winners of the Phenix Graduate Award, Danny Quaglietta and the Bigelow Book
Prize, Patricia Rose, were announced. We were honoured to have Mrs. Phenix and Kathryn
Phenix present to hand out the Phenix award. Certificates and gifts were presented to students
who had successfully completed the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program. After the
award ceremony, the meeting broke for lunch.
L-R: Mrs. Phenix, Danny Quaglietta, Dr. Carin
L-R: Dr. Carin Wittnich, Pat Rose
The afternoon portion of research day was geared towards showcasing cardiovascular research
in the Faculties of Dentistry, Pharmacy and Department of Health Policy, Management and
Evaluation. We would like to thank Dr. Howard Tenenbaum (left), Dr. Shirley Wu (centre), and
Dr. David Alter (right) for their captivating and enthusiastic presentations.
The Student Research Day met with a resounding success. This day would not have been
possible without the efforts of the Planning Committee;
Student Chair:
Dr. Scott Thomas
Danny Quaglietta
Elissa Tepperman and Albert Tsui
The committee also gratefully acknowledges the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario for
their educational grant and the support of Victoria Simpson in making this a very successful day.
Student Forum Night
The 5th Annual CSCP Forum and Dinner was held on December
12th, 2006 at the Chestnut Residence, were the students enjoyed a
very delicious holiday dinner. The students were able to gather
together in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss their research goals in
cardiovascular sciences, their experiences so far at the University
of Toronto, and to simply have a nice evening out.
This event was an excellent opportunity for new members of the
CSCP to meet one another and for senior participants to catch up
with old friends, and develop relationships with the up and comers. Discussion ranged from
basic research, laboratory trials and triumphs, to exciting holiday plans. Connections for
research collaboration, as well as friendships were developed, and all those in attendance left
the event with their bellies and brains full.
The dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and many thanks to the organizers of this fantastic
evening and for the CSCP Student Association for their sponsorship.
Cardiovascular Summer Initiative – CSI
This summer, the CSCPSA organized and ran a very exciting and very successful program
called the Cardiovascular Summer Initiative. The series was targeted to undergraduate students
involved in cardiovascular summer research, and aimed to give students a more inclusive feel
for the field and to provide a broader frame of reference than just lab experience alone.
The first event was an orientation session outlining what the CSCP is and what the goals of our
student association are. This was a very successful pilot event and altogether, 25 students
signed up for the Cardiovascular Summer Initiative. We had with great student representation
especially from IBBME, Lab Medicine & Pathobiology and Physical Education & Health.
The next event was a mini-symposium showcasing the diversity of research that goes on within
the CSCP. Six students from within the collaborative program gave presentations: Jessica
Jackman (c/o Mitesh Badiwala), Jane MacIver, Geoff De Couto, Steve Soric, Nazanin
Hakimzadeh and Lara Gotha. The students really enjoyed the talks and asked meaningful
questions about research methods and more general questions about graduate studies.
Even more exciting were the trips that we took with the group. First were the lab tours; two past
CSCPSA executive members, Pat Rose and Shathiyah Kulandavelu, were generous enough to
offer our group the opportunity to come in for an interactive tour of their lab facilities. At the
Retinal Blood Flow lab, Pat gave a short presentation about the various measurements and
devices used to diagnose and monitor retinal flow changes and then demonstrated the use of
these instruments using our own summer students as volunteers. At the High Resolution
Imaging lab, Shathiyah demonstrated the use of imaging instruments such as Doppler flow
detector and ultrasound to view the embryos of pregnant mice and visualize developing organs.
As well, she let the students find their own pulses using the flow detector, and showed them
how they take vascular casts and x-ray images. The best part, remarked one student, was when
she used Nair to de-fuzz the mouse!
Our second trip was to the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. We were provided with a
presentation outlining the necessity for and benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and how the
program works. In addition, we received a tour of the facility and were even allowed to watch a
cardiopulmonary fitness study being performed. Our tour guide discussed the varied
backgrounds of the people working in the centre and of particular interest was the fact that
many had previously studied exercise science and physical education. Quite a few of our CSI
students asked about volunteer opportunities and remarked that they were really excited to
learn out about a potential career opportunity for the future.
Finally, we ended the summer program by handing the stage over to our students. Those who
were working in labs during the summer gave short presentations of their research to the rest of
the group. The presentations were very well done and it was exciting to see budding scientists –
the future of the Collaborative Program – in action. At the end of the session, the students
thanked the organizers for our hard work and remarked that they are already looking forward to
next summer’s program. All were in agreement that they were so glad to have such a unique
summer program available to them. Many students also mentioned that they will use the
experience they gained from the CSI this summer to obtain volunteer positions and to form
decisions about what to do after undergrad.
The organizers wish to thank Victoria Simpson for all of her support this summer. We also would
like to thank the CSCP students that gave presentations and lab tours. Last, but not least, we
would like to thank the students who participated so enthusiastically in this year’s CSI. We look
forward to seeing the group as well as some new faces next summer!
Human Biology Undergraduate Student Association Career Fair
The CSCP participated in this event which was held on November 15, 2006. The HBSU hosts
an annual Life Sciences Graduate School Fair where students have the opportunity to visit
different graduate and professional school booths and directly speak with admission
representatives and graduate students in various fields of study.
Medtronic Travel Award
Two competitions were held (spring and fall) for the Medtronic Travel Award. This award,
established in 1995, helps to defray costs of travel for Program students presenting their
research work at recognized scientific meetings. Students supported by this award this
academic year were:
Fall 2006:
Shathiyah Kulandavelu, PhD, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. L. Adamson)
33rd Annual Fetal & Neonatal Physiological Society Meeting, September 2006.
“eNOS augments utero-placental blood flow and uterine artieral enlargement during pregnancy
in mice”
Danny Quaglietta, MSc, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. C. Wittnich)
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Annual Meeting, October 2006.
“Worse outcome in female children post cardiac surgery – Could differences in cardiac
metabolism play a key role?”
“Ventricle-specific metabolic response to global ischemia in the newborn heart”
Rohit Sheshgiri, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor: Dr. V. Rao)
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Annual Meeting, October 2006.
“A single-centre retrospective study on human leukocyte antigen-G expression in heart
transplant recipients prior to, during, and following episodes of rejection”
“The effects of post-transplant stressors on human leukocyte antigen-G expression in the
Mila Kisilevsky, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor: Dr. C. Hudson)
XVII International Congress of Eye Research, Argentina, October 2006.
“Retinal vascular reactivity in isoxic and hyperoxic hypercarbia”
Spring 2007:
Galina Kichigina, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor: Dr. G. Gross)
Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, California, March 2007.
“Heart rate dependent modulation of cardiac myocyte Ca2+ - handling protein expression”
Bigelow Book Prize
This prize was established in 1995 by the Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program to
recognize and honor a pioneer clinician and scientist in the field of cardiovascular sciences.
Awardees should exemplify the personal traits of Dr. Bigelow - curiosity, drive, and scientific
integrity. The award is given in every year that a qualified student is identified. Qualifications
include sustained academic scientific excellence, innovative experimental approaches, original
discoveries and good scientific productivity. Some weight is given to work that has recognizable
clinical relevance, especially that which promises to improve patient care. The Bigelow Book
Prize consists of 2 books written by Dr. W.G. Bigelow entitled “Cold Hearts” and “Mysterious
Heparin” and a keeper plaque created to honor Dr. Bigelow. Appropriate candidates are
identified and the final decision is made by the Program Committee.
1995 – Dr. John S. Ikonomidis
1996 – Ms. Shona M. Torrance
1997 – Dr. Vivek Rao
1998 – Dr. Bryce Cowan
1999 – Dr. Gideon Cohen
2000 – Dr. Michael Borger
2001 – Dr. Saeid Babaei
2002 – Mr. Wm. Jack Wallen
2003 – Dr. Paul W.M. Fedak
2004 – Dr. Nathalie Lapointe
2005 – Dr. Karim Bandali
2006 – Mr. Danny Ramzy
2007 – Ms. Patricia Rose
L-R: Dr. Carin Wittnich, Patricia Rose
Patricia’s doctoral research has focused on ocular blood flow assessment. Study of retinal
autoregulation is important because vascular dysfunction plays a major role in the etiology of
such sight-threatening diseases as diabetic retinopathy, age related maculopathy and
glaucoma. Patricia helped establish age-related normative data on retinal blood flow regulation
in healthy subjects, and correlated retinal vascular changes with novel markers of peripheral
vascular disease, including blood levels of cholesterol, C-reactive protein, homocysteine,
fibrinogen and lipoprotein (a). The ultimate goal of her research is the development of diagnostic
and monitoring procedures that allow the noninvasive assessment of the peripheral vasculature
through the eye.
This award is presented at the Annual Student Research Day and unfortunately Pixie Bigelow
(daughter of Dr. Bigelow) was unable to participate in this years’ award ceremony and interact
with the trainees.
Lorne Phenix Graduate Award
This award was made possible by a generous donation in the memory of Mr. Lorne Phenix by
Mrs. Geraldine Phenix. It is her hope that this award will focus attention on the issue of heart
disease – which is still the #1 killer of both men and women in Canada. In addition, women who
have heart problems are at least equal if not at greater risk than men and Mrs. Phenix hopes
that this award will serve to encourage trainees to pursue this area of research to address this
particular problem. It is awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Medicine on the basis
of research and academic excellence. The award consists of a cash prize and certificate and is
presented to the recipient at the Annual Student Research Day. Appropriate candidates are
identified and a winner is selected by a subcommittee chaired by Dr. Donna Stewart. This
award is presented at the Annual Student Research Day.
2001 – Wm. Jack Wallen
2002 – Wm. Jack Wallen
2003 – Shathiyah Kulandavelu
2004 – Rachel Mitchell
2005 – Nesime Askin
2006 – Danny Quaglietta
L-R: Mrs. Lorne Phenix, Danny Quaglietta,
Dr. Carin Wittnich
Danny Quaglietta is an MSc candidate in the Department of Physiology at the University of
Toronto. Under the supervision of Dr. Carin Wittnich, Danny’s thesis work is looking at whether
gender plays a role in the metabolic response of the newborn heart to global ischemia.
New evidence now suggests that female sex is a risk factor for in-hospital mortality in children
undergoing surgical repair for congenital heart disease. Despite females being younger at time
of surgery, and undergoing less complex procedures, the overall odds of mortality is 51%
greater in female compared to male children. There is evidence in adult literature to suggest that
gender affects the heart’s metabolic response to ischemia resulting in worse post-ischemic
outcome, however whether these differences occur in the newborn heart that could explain
worse outcome in females is currently unknown and was studied.
Danny’s work has shown that the newborn female heart is at a metabolic disadvantage during
ischemia, demonstrating both lower energy levels and greater tissue lactic acidosis. These
results suggest that newborn females are more susceptible to metabolic damage during
ischemia which may offer a potential explanation for increased morbidity and mortality in female
children following heart surgery.
Danny’s work highlights that female gender is also an important factor that regulates cardiac
metabolism in the newborn heart and currently he is investigating possible mechanisms that
may be mediating these differences.
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) Award
The OSOTF award refers to a class of awards that have resulted from the Ontario government’s
“matching” program. Under the program every dollar of donation received for student
assistance has been matched by the government as well as the university on a dollar-for-dollar
basis. The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program participates in this program. There
are two major conditions for all OSOTF awards; recipients must be Ontario residents and
demonstrate financial need. However, the Program has additional eligibility criteria that must be
adhered to, including excellence in science and academic performance. One competition is
held per academic year.
The applications are handled centrally through the Office of the Associate Dean, Inter-Faculty
and Graduate Affairs. Applications pertaining to the CSCP are sent to us and are then
adjudicated by a subcommittee chaired by Dr. Margaret Rand. Committee recommendations
are then forwarded to the OSOTF Awards Committee (Faculty of Medicine).
This year’s recipient was Nesime Askin, PhD, Department of Physiology.
Ontario Graduate School Science and Technology (OGSST)
The OGSST program is designed to encourage excellence in graduate studies in science and
technology. The program is supported through funds provided by the Ministry of Training,
Colleges and Universities and by funds raised by the University of Toronto and the Heart &
Stroke Foundation of Ontario. To be awarded to graduate students at the University of Toronto
who are pursuing cardiovascular/stroke research. Students must have maintained an overall Aaverage over the last two years of study at the post-secondary level and exhibit research
ability/potential, good communication skills and interpersonal/leadership abilities.
Mark David
Michael Sellan
Steven Gu
Erin Mueller
Cindy Yip
Joshua Bell
Charlene Reynolds
Alexandra Rowland
Jason Wasserman
P. Backx
P. Backx
S. Heximer
M. Husain
C. Simmons
A. Baker
W. McIlroy
S. Black
L. Schlicter
The CSCP maintains and updates its web site ( Faculty information is
updated whenever we are notified of relevant changes. Collaborating departments are
encouraged to provide hypertext links to the CSCP on their web site.
I. Eser Adiguzel
Nesime Askin
Mitesh Badiwala
Jessica Bronsoiler
Gian-Marco Busato
Kirsteen Burton
Carlo Cifelli
Geoff de Couto
Katharine Currie
Lara Gotha
Adam Gwozdz
Nazanin Hakimzadeh
Christy Hamilton
Judith Hoefer
Jessica (Jackman) Prodger
Zobia Jawed
Galina Kichigina
Mila Kisilevsky
Shathiyah Kulandavelu
Michael Lekas
Jane MacIver
Vaska Micevski
Anton Mihic
Forough Mohammadzadeh
Emma O’Donnell
Mark Ormiston
Maral Ouzounian
Kumar Perampaladas
Tenille Ragoonanan
Danny Ramzy
Patricia Rose
Meghan Sauve
Rohit Sheshgiri
Stjepan Soric
Luka Srejic
Renee Suen
Elissa Tepperman
Albert Tsui
Michael Ward
Cindy Yip
M. Bendeck
C. Wittnich
V. Rao
M. Hough
J. Goodman
G. Tomlinson
S. Heximer
P. Liu
J. Goodman
B. Strauss
M. Rand
D. Courtman
M. Locke
M. Husain
V. Rao
M. Letarte
G. Gross
C. Hudson
L. Adamson
D. Stewart
V. Rao
D. Stewart
R. Tsushima
T. Parker
J. Goodman
D. Courtman
P. Liu
J. Parker
G. Hare
V. Rao
C. Hudson
D. Drucker
V. Rao
C. Wittnich
W. Hutchison
D. Stewart
V. Rao
G. Hare
D. Stewart
C. Simmons
CHL (inactive status)
IMS (inactive status)
Convocated Students/Follow-Up
Rami Bishay, MSc, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. L. West):
“High-Frequency Ultrasound Assessment of Cardiac Graft Rejection in
Heterotopically Transplanted Mice”
(Medical School)
Tetyana Bodnaruk, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor: Dr.
Alek Hinek): “Neuraminidase-1, a Subunit of the Elastin Receptor, Alters
Mitogenic Growth Factor Receptors and Down-Regulates Proliferation of
Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells”
(Medicine, Pharmaceutical Research)
Erin Butler, MSc, Institute of Medical Science (Supervisor: Dr. Tom
Parker): “Critical Dependence on Timing of Cardiac Injection for
Retention of Endothelial Progenitor cells and Functional Benefit PostMyocardial Infarction”
(PhD, Germany)
Grace Chan, MSc, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. Peter Liu):
“The Role of Interferon-β in the Attenuation of Cardiac Fibrosis in
Coxsackievirus B3-Induced Myocarditis”
(Patent agent training)
Danny Quaglietta, MSc, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. C.
Wittnich): “Ventricle- and Sex-Specific Differences in Newborn Heart
Metabolism and Response to Global Myocardial Ischemia”
John Sun, MSc, Department of Physiology (Supervisor: Dr. Lee
Adamson): “The Effects of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1
on Pre- and Postnatal Cardiac Morphology and Function”
(PhD training or start career)
Liana Zucco, MSc, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology
(Supervisor: Dr. Duncan Stewart): “Genotypic/Phenotypic Analysis of
Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial
Hypertension and Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia”
(Medicine, University College of London)
Note: Should discrepancy arise between total number of students enrolled and the number convocated, it can be
accounted for students that are incomplete or terminate graduate studies.
Awards and Honors
Eser Adiguzel
Heart & Stroke/Richard Lewar Centre of Excellence Scholarship
Nesime Askin
Mitchell & Venn Graduate Fellowship in Women’s Health
OSOTF Student Fund, CSCP
2006 Lorne Phenix Graduate Award, CSCP
Mitesh Badiwala
Telomerase Regulation by C-Reactive Protein. PSI, 2005-2006
Gian-Marco Busato
2006 Governor General Silver Medal Nomination
Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Award 2006
The Social Science and Humanities Award 2006
The 2006 Mavis E. Berridge Scholarship
Carlo Cifelli
University of Toronto Fellowship
Katharine Currie
Glenn H. Carter Fellowship, Exercise Intervention and Disease
Prevention Award, UofT
Geoff de Couto
University of Toronto Fellowship
Lara Gotha
Institute of Medical Science Entry Award, 2006
Institute of Medical Science Open Award, 2006
UofT Life Science Student Research Scholarship, 2006
Christy Hamilton
University of Toronto Graduate Fellowship
Graduate Fellowship for Research in Health & Physical Activity
Glenn H. Carter Fellowship, Exercise Intervention & Disease
Prevention, UofT
Jessica (Jackman) Prodger Alan Wu Poster Competition, Honorable Mention, Institute of
Medical Science, UofT
Galina Kichigina
Research Grant in History of Medicine, Fondation Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme, France
Research Funding in Cardiovascular Science – HSFC/HSC
Research Institute
Mila Kisilevsky
Vision Science Research Program – OSOTF Student Award, UofT
Shathiyah Kulandavelu
Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology/Heart &
Stroke Fellowship
Oral Presentation 1st Place, 6th Annual Perinatal Neonatal
Research Day
Oral Presentation 1st Place, 33rd Fetal and Neonatal Physiological
Society Conference, Cambridge, England
RTC Travel Award
Michael Lekas
Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Student Presentation Award,
Basic Science (runner-up)
C. Walton Lillehei Resident Forum Session Finalist, 86th Annual
Meeting of the American Association of Thoracic Surgery
Jane MacIver
Medical Staff Association, Nursing Excellence Award, 2006
Anton Mihic
Poster Competition 2nd Place, HSRLCE Scientific Day, 2007
University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 2006
Emma O’Donnell
Terry Kavanagh Fellowship, UofT
Mark Ormiston
PGS-D Scholarship, NSERC 2005-2007
Maral Ouzounian
Heart & Stroke Foundation Research Fellowship
Canadian Institute of Health Research Fellowship
Heart Failure Society of American Research Fellowship
Patricia Rose
Bigelow Book Prize, CSCP, UofT
Rohit Sheshgiri
HSRLCE Studentship, UofT
Medtronic Travel Award, CSCP, UofT
University of Toronto Open Fellowship
Stjepan Soric
Department of Physiology Fellowship, UofT
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Renee Suen
Doctoral Thesis Completion Grant, UofT
Bigelow Book Prize Nomination, CSCP, UofT
Elissa Tepperman
Ontario Graduate Scholarship
OGSST/Heart & Stroke Foundation Scholarship
University of Toronto Open Fellowship
Institute of Medical Science Entrance Scholarship
Albert Tsui
University of Toronto Open Fellowship
A.C. Bryan Award for Best Poster, Shields Day
Best Poster Award, Critical Care Medicine Meeting
Cindy Yip
HSRLCE Travel Award
BIOTECanada/TVG Student Scholarship, Technology Vision
Group LLC and BIOTECanada Biopartnering Meeting
HSRLCE Studentship
University of Toronto Fellowship – Biomedical Engineering
Centre of Theoretical Biological Physics Travel Award
Alsoufi B, Karamlou T, Osaki M, Badiwala MV, Ching CC, Dipchand A, et al: Surgical repair of
multiple muscular ventricular septal defects: The role of re-endocardialization strategy. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg, 2006;132:1072-80.
Anderson CL, De Repentigny Y, Cifelli C, Marshall P, Renaud JM, Worton RG, Kothary R: The
mouse dystrophin muscle promoter/enhancer drives expression of mini-dystrophin in transgenic
mdx mice and rescues the dystrophy in these mice. Mol Ther, 2006;14(5):724-34.
Arab S, Gramolini AO, Ping P, Kislinger T, Stanley B, Van Eyk J, Ouzounian M, et al:
Cardiovascular proteomics: Tools to develop novel biomarkers and potential applications.
JACC, 2006;48(9):1733-41.
Badiwala MV, Rao V: Tricuspid valve surgery after cardiac transplantation. Curr Opin Cardiol,
Cifelli C, Bourassa F, Gariepy L, Banas K, Benkhalti M, Renaud JM: KATP channel deficiency in
mouse flexor digitorum brevis causes fiber damage and impairs Ca2+ release and force
development during fatigue in vitro. J Physiol, 2007;582(2):843-57.
Hansmann G, Wagner RA, Schellong S, de Jesus Perez VA, Urashima T, Wang L, Suen RS,
Stewart DJ, Rabinovitch M: Pulmonary artieral hypertension is linked to insulin resistance and
reversed by PPARγ activation. Circulation, 2007;115:1275-84.
Jackman J, Noesthodan M, Moffat D, Pezacki J, Findlay S, Ben R: Assessing antifreeze
activity of AFGP8 using domain recognition software. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,
Lekas M, Lekas P, Latter DA, Kutryk MJB, Stewart DJ: Growth factor-induced therapeutic
neovascularization for ischaemic vascular disease: Time for a re-evaluation? Curr Opin Cardiol,
Leung R, Gwozdz AM, Wang H, Bang KWA, Packham MA, Freedman J, Rand ML:
Persistence of procoagulant surface expression on activated human platelets: Involvement of
apoptosis and aminophospholipid translocase activity. J Throm Haemost, 2007;5:560-70.
Lui S, Wang W, Moos E, Jackman J, Mealing G, Monnet R, Ben RN: In vitro studies of
antifreeze glycoprotein (AFGP) and a C-linked AFGP analogue. Biomacromolecules,
Maekawa Y, Ouzounian M, Opavsky MA, Liu P: Connecting the missing link between dilated
cardiomyopathy and viral myocarditis: Virus, cytoskeleton, and innate immunity. Circulation,
McCarter SD, Mei SH-J, Lai PFH, Zhang QW, Parker CH, Suen RS, et al: Cell-based
angiopoietin-1 gene therapy for the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir/Crit Care
Med, 2007;175:1014-26.
McLaren A, Marsden PA, Mazer CD, Baker AJ, Stewart DJ, Tsui A, et al: Increased expression
of HIF-1α, nNOS and VEGF in the cerebral cortex of anemic rats. Am J Physiol, Regul Integr
Comp Physiol, 2007;292(1):R403-14.
O’Donnell E, Harvey PJ, Goodman JM, De Souza MJ: Long term estrogen deficiency lowers
calf blood flow, resting systolic blood pressure and heart rate in premenopausal exercising
women. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 2007;292(5):E1401-9.
Ouzounian M, Hasson A, Johnstone DEJ, Cox J, Howlett J: The effect of spironolactone use
on heart failure mortality: A population-based study. J Card Fail, 2007;13(3):165-9.
Ramzy D, Rao V, Tumiati LC, Xu N, Sheshgiri R, Jackman J, Delgado DH, Ross HJ:
Endothelin-1 accentuates the proatherosclerotic effects associated with C-reactive protein. J
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2007;133:1137-46.
Rose P, Hudson C: Comparison of arteriolar and venular variability in retinal blood flow
measurements. Microvasc Res, 2007;73:35-8.
Circulation Rounds
The CSCP Student Association organizes and runs this event which highlights the diverse
nature of research carried out by our faculty. These academic rounds rotate through the various
research sites at the University of Toronto and each event is hosted by a faculty member where
their research focus is the topic of the day. The goal of this event is to provide graduate
students, post-doctoral fellows, research associates, undergraduates and project/summer
students with the chance to develop an appreciation of the vast range of excellent research
being conducted in our widespread community.
The first Circulation Rounds for the 2006-2007 academic year and the 9th Circulation Rounds
overall took place in the Terrence Donnelly Cardiovascular Laboratories at St. Michael’s
Hospital, Toronto on November 6, 2006. Dr. David Courtman was the speaker for the evening,
who presented an interesting talk entitled “Vascular Biology of Arterial Aneurysms.” Dr.
Courtman discussed the rising prevalence in the last few decades of abdominal aortic
aneurysms, predominately in the aging male population. Human abdominal aortic aneurysms
have very disorganized collagen structures and Dr. Courtman described how his laboratory is
now using laser capture microscopy to examine smooth muscle cells from abdominal aortic
aneurysm samples and elucidate their gene expression profiles compared to the whole
structure. He also presented a very helpful synopsis on vascular remodeling as a whole and
thoroughly illustrated how remodeling is an adaptive response which depends on the extent and
direction of rearrangement of vascular matrix and the balance of this response can lead to either
stenosis (inward remodeling) or aneurysm (outward remodeling) formation. The event was well
attended by a variety of research enthusiasts, largely consisting of students, post-doctoral
fellows and research associates. The topic brought forth much discussion as there was a lot of
interest in the development of and treatments for aneurysms.
On February 19, 2007 the second Circulation Rounds was held at the
Toronto Western Hospital in the lab of Dr. Chris Hudson. Dr.
Hudson, jointly appointed with the School of Optometry, University of
Waterloo, and the Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science,
University of Toronto, spoke on "Retinal Blood Flow in Health and
Disease". He outlined the methodology used in his lab to noninvasively measure retinal blood flow in patients and in healthy
subjects. His talk focused specifically on diabetic retinopathy and he
emphasized how careful categorization of the stage of diabetic eye
disease and absolute flow measurements have allowed the discovery of
vascular changes in pre-retinal edema patients. He also described how the treatment of
diabetic eye disease has undergone rapid advancement, and his future research plans
to investigate retinal metabolism, and the assessment of new diabetes treatments.
The third Circulation Rounds seminar of the 2006-07 academic year was
held at the Toronto General Hospital on April 2, 2007. The speaker for
this event was Dr. Vivek Rao, the Surgical Director of the Heart
Transplant Program and an Associate Professor of Surgery at the
University of Toronto. Dr. Rao’s talk, entitled “Contemporary Issues in
Cardiac Transplantation” focused on a discussion of the symptoms and
management of patients suffering from end stage heart failure. He also
described the research being conducted in his laboratory, including
mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction caused by immunosuppressive
therapy, and the search for induction and detection of cardiac allograft tolerance in heart
transplant patients.
The Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program would like to thank the following sponsors
for their generous support: Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Medtronic Canada, Biovail
Pharmaceuticals Canada, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Aventis Pharma
Faculty are divided into 3 categories (Full, Associate, Affiliate). Details on faculty research
interests and contact information are available on the web site. Departmental affiliations listed
are those within the CSCP.
Departmental Affiliation(s)
Lee Adamson
Khosrow Adeli
Jaques Belik
Michelle Bendeck
Sandra Black
Douglas Bradley
Dina Brooks
John Coles
Philip Connelly
David Courtman
Paul Dorian
Daniel Drucker
C. Ross Ethier
John Flanagan
John S. Floras
Christopher Forrest
Stephen Fremes
Eser Fuller-Thomson
Adria Giacca
Jack M. Goodman
Len S. Goodman
Avrum I. Gotlieb
Aleksander Hinek
David Hampson
Margaret Hough
Chris Hudson
Mansoor Husain
K. Wayne Johnston
Peter G. Kalman
Fred Keeley
B. Lowell Langille
Michelle Letarte
Gary F. Lewis
Ren-Ke Li
Peter Liu
Marius Locke
Peter McLaughlin
Alan Moody
David Naylor
Heyu Ni
Social Work
Pharmaceutical Science
Mount Sinai Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
Hospital for Sick Children
UofT – MSB
Sunnybrook Health Centre
Toronto General Hospital
UofT – Rehabilitation
Hospital for Sick Children
St. Michael’s Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
UofT – Mechanical
Toronto Western Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
Sunnybrook Health Centre
UofT - MSB
UofT - Physical Ed & Health
Def & Civil Inst Environ Med
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
UofT – Pharmacy
Sunnybrook Health Centre
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
UofT – Physical Ed & Health
Toronto General Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Centre
UofT – MSB
St. Michael’s Hospital
Peter O’Brien
Matadial Ojha
John Parker
Tom Parker
Margaret Rand
Vivek Rao
Michael Sefton
Craig Simmons
Arthur S. Slutsky
Donna E. Stewart
Duncan Stewart
Bradley Strauss
Howard Tenenbaum
Scott G. Thomas
George Tomlinson
Jack Tu
Robert Wald
Judy Watt-Watson
Richard D. Weisel
Peter Wells
Gregory Wilson
Carin Wittnich
Graham Wright
Shirley Wu
Tai-Wing Wu
Burton Yang
Terry Yau
Erik L. Yeo
Yeni Yücel
UofT - Pharmacy
UofT – Rosebrugh Bldg.
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto General Hospital
UofT – Wallberg Bldg.
UofT – Mechanical
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
UofT - Dentistry
UofT – Physical Ed & Health
Toronto General Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Centre
Mount Sinai Hospital
UofT - Nursing
Toronto General Hospital
UofT - Pharmacy
Toronto General Hospital
UofT - MSB
Sunnybrook Health Centre
UofT - Pharmacy
Toronto General Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Centre
Toronto General Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Hospital for Sick Children
St. Michael’s Hospital
UofT - MSB
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
UofT - MSB
Toronto General Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Centre
Toronto General Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
Toronto General Hospital
Joel Fisher
Gil Gross
Gregory Hare
Scott Heximer
William Hutchison
Jane Irvine
Valery Leytin
Tom Lindsay
Steffen-Sebastian Bolz
Jagdish Butany
Gideon Cohen
Chris M. Feindel
David Mazer
Patricia Murphy
Adamson, L
Pregnancy Program
Adeli, K
Belik, J
Bendeck, M
RSNA Research &
Education Foundation
Bolz, SS
Maintenance of the advanced bioimaging centre (2006-11)
Development and fetal health (2005-10)
Cardiovascular phenotyping in embryonic and newborn mice
Generation and physiological analysis of genome-wide
mutations in mice (2004-09)
Cardiovascular phenotyping in embryonic and newborn mice
Canadian mouse mutant repository: a core resource for mouse
models of human disease (2006-11)
A murine model to investigate the mechanisms underlying
DOHαD (2006-09)
Fetal growth restriction: mechanisms and outcomes (2005-10)
Centre for modeling human disease (2004-09)
Three dimensional quantification of the placenta vascular tree:
relationship with normal and abnormal fetal growth and
hemodynamics (2006-08)
Mechanisms of hepatic VLDL overproduction in insulin
resistance (2007-12)
Translational control of apolipoprotein B mRNA (2007-12)
Mechanisms of intestinal lipoprotein production and
deregulation in insulin resistant states (2005-10)
Mechanisms and regulation of apolipoprotein B degradation
Mechanisms of VLDL overproduction in insulin resistance
Translational control of apolipoprotein B mRNA (2002-07)
Airway modulation of pulmonary vascular tone during
development and following pulmonary hypertension (2004-09)
Group in lung development (2004-09)
Endothelial eNOS uncoupling and role of BMP-9 in the
regulation of pulmonary vascular tone during development and
following pulmonary hypertension (2007-09)
Functional MR imaging for early detection and physiologic
characterization of inflammatory arthritis in a rabbit model
The effect of doxycycline on the smooth muscle cell response
to injury (2004-07)
The role of discoidin domain receptors in atherosclerosis
Cadherins and regulation of smooth muscle function (2004-07)
The cell biology of atherosclerosis group grant (2005-10)
Discoidin domain receptor 1 in atherosclerosis (2007-09)
The role of type VIII collagen in vascular disease (2006-11)
Cadherins and regulation of smooth muscle cell function (200712)
Mechanisms that regulate the pressure-dependent activation of
the sphingosine-1-phosphate signalling pathway in resistance
Role of subcellular localization of key sphingosine-1-phosphate
(S1P)-related signalling proteins in microvascular function
Bolz, SS
Deutsche ForschungSgemeinschaft (DFG)
Brooks, D
Christian Blind Mission
Ontario Neurotrauma
Lung Association
Physiotherapy Fdtn
Ontario Lung Assoc
Butany, J
CIHR Team Grant
Dorian, P
Fisher, JA
Floras, J
Ministry of Health: Long
Term Care Res Prog
Forrest, CR
Caveolae-Location of the interaction between endogenous
sphingosine-1-phosphate and Kv channels in vascular smooth
muscle cells that modulates the contractility of small resistance
Caveolen als Orte der konstriktions-modulierenden
Wechselwirkung zwischen endogenem Sphingosin-1-Phosphat
und Kv Kanalen glatter Muskelzellen in isolierten
Novel mechanisms determining the activation state of
Sphingosine kinase in resistance arteries
Factors contribute to success in raising major funds for
international NGO’s (2006-07)
Partners in fitness: A pilot program to enhance community
integration in adults with brain injury (2006-07)
Cardiac rehabilitation for individuals after stroke (2006-09)
Crossing the chasm – More inspiratory muscle training for
people with COPD (2006-07)
Evidence-based suctioning: A systematic review (2006-07)
Satisfaction with rollators among individuals with COPD living
in the community (2006-07)
The personal therapist: A smart ambulatory monitoring system
to facilitate recovery following stroke (2006-09)
Timely access and seamless transitions in rural palliative/end
of life care (2006-11)
Improving sensorimotor recovery, aerobic capacity and
functional walking (2006-09)
Chronic total occlusion (2006-09)
Local tissue changes in dilated ascending aortas (2005-08)
Molecular mechanisms for oxidation of high density lipoproteins
Comparative studies of paraoxonase 1 and paraoxonase 3
Longitudinal associations of adipocytokines and markers of
sub-clinical inflammation with changes in insulin resistance and
beta-cell function in women with a history of gestational
diabetes mellitus (2004-07)
Selective strategy to manage arrhythmia risk and therapy with
ICD (2007-12)
Multi-modal imaging studies of the relationship between age,
physical activity level, cerebral physiology, and cognitive
performance (2007-11)
CIHR Tier I Chair (2004- )
Career investigator Award (2001-11)
Multidisciplinary group for the investigation and therapy of
human cardiovascular disease (2003-08)
Cardiovascular, autonomic and neurohormonal impact of
nocturnal hemodialysis (2005-10)
Pathophysiology sleep apnea in heart&renal failure (2007-12)
Effects of continuous positive airway pressure on myocardial
energetics and sympathetic nerve function in patients with
heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea (2005-08)
Global protection of skeletal muscle against ischemic necrosis
and vascular dysfunction by non-invasive remote ischemic
preconditioning: Efficacy and mechanism (2003-2006)
Forrest, CR
Fremes, S
Canada Fdtn for
Giacca, A
Gotlieb, AI
Gramolini, A
Gross G
Genome Canada
Hare, G
Hinek, A
Bristol-Myers SquibbCareer Scientist Award
Soc Cardiovascular
Can Anesthesiologist’
Soc Wynands Res
Human Matrix Sciences
Perioperative protection and post-ischemic salvage of skeletal
muscle from ischemia/reperfusion injury (2005)
Blood conservation using antifibrinolytics: A randomized trial in
high risk cardiac surgery – The BART Trial
Imaging Research Centre for Cardiac Intervention – IRCCI
Multicentre radial artery patient study: 5 year results
Biochemical and genetic predictors of coronary bypass graft
Graft imaging to improve patency (GRIIP) study
Unraveling the black box of adverse events in cardiac surgery
FREEDOM Trial – Future revascularization evaluation in
patients with diabetes mellitus: optimal management of
multivessel disease
Anti-atherogenic effect of insulin (2005-08)
Mechanisms of fatty acid induced insulin resistance (2004-06)
Interaction between lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity on glucose
stimulated insulin secretion (2004-07)
Glucose toxicity: prevention of complications and preservation
of beta cell function (2002-07)
Investigation of the biological effects of the polyphenol
resveratrol on skeletal muscle glucose transport (2004-07)
Cell biology of atherosclerosis (2005-10)
The endothelium in atherogenesis: Influences of hemodynamic
stresses (2001-06)
Cell biology of heart valve interstitial cells (2007-09)
Molecular basis of phospholamban regulation and function
Protein biomarkers in cardiovascular disease (2004-07)
New investigator
Characterization of circulating effectors and temporal profiling
of remote ischaemic preconditioning (2006-09)
Ventricular repolarization in complete heart block (2004-07)
Contractile and electrophysiologic adaptations to constrained
heart rate conditions (2006-08)
Molecular expression and physiology in developing
atrioventricular nodal cells (2006-09)
Ventricular repolarization in bradycardic electrical remodeling
Mechanisms of cerebral protection and injury during acute
hemodilutional anemia (2005-08)
The threshold hematocrit for cerebral hyposia is maintained by
protective cardiovascular mechanisms: The role for neuronal
metric oxide synthase (nNOS) (2007-09)
Does beta-1 adrenergic antagonism increase tissue hypoxia
following acute hemodilution? (2007-08)
Elastin and elastin receptor in pathobiology of cardiovascular
disease (2006-11)
Elastin and elastin receptor in control of cellular proliferation
Comparison of biological effects of different preparations of
elastin-derived peptides on skin fibroblasts (2004-08)
Career Investigator Award (2004-07)
Hinek, A
Hudson, C
Glaucoma Res. Society
Canada Fdtn
CIHR-New Investigator
Husain, M
CIHR- Operating
Irvine, MJ
Keeley, F
Aldosterone receptor and non-receptor based mechanism of
repair and remodeling following cardiac injury (2004-07)
Age-related changes in retinal vascular autoregulation in
normal and atherosclerotic patients (2003-2006)
Retinal vascular reactivity in response to isoxic hypercapnia in
primary open-angle glaucoma (2005-2006)
Sight-threatening retinal complications in type 2 diabetes
Establishment of a multi-disciplinary laboratory for the research
of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy (2000-2006)
Pre-clinical detection, and improved monitoring, of early sightthreatening diabetic retinopathy (2001-2006)
Role of glucagons-like peptides in cardiac health and disease
c-Myb-dependent vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation
The role of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoforms in
vascular smooth muscle cell biology (2003-08)
Controlling bioreactor condition to optimize regenerative
potential of cardiomyocytes (2007-09)
Pathophysiological relevance of endothelin-1 (2005-10)
Targeted over-expression of inducible NO synthase: relevance
for the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease (2005-08)
Role of ACE2 in the regulation of cardiac and vascular function
Cell biology of atherosclerosis (2005-10)
Determinants of host susceptibilities of heart failure (2003-08)
Neurophysiological studies of human subthalamic nucleus
Self-monitoring of blood pressure in primary care in older
(45+years) diabetic patients with uncontrolled systolic
hypertension (2006-09)
Psychological support for patients with an implantable
cardioverter defibrillator (2006-08)
Longitudinal Canadian Alzheimer’s disease quality of life study
Sexual dysfunction and adaptation in couples affected by
prostate cancer surgery: steps towards a biopsychosocial
model of treatment (2005-08)
Molecular determinants of elastin self-assembly and
mechanical properties (2007-10)
Recombinantly expressed polypeptides of human elastin as a
novel tool for investigations of the structure and assembly of
elastin (2004-09)
A combined theoretical/experimental approach to
understanding sequence-structure-function relationships in
elastin and elastin-like peptides (2005-07) (2007-09)
Non-collagenous cartilages: Matrix proteins, development,
physical properties and phylogeny (2005-10)
Post-transcriptionsl regulation of vascular elastin synthesis in
development and disease (2006-07)
Controlling peptide self-assembly: approaches to the rational
design of nanostructured food-derived materials (2006-09)
Langille, L
Letarte, M
HHT Foundation Int’l
Dept Defense (USA)
Leytin, V
Li, R-K
Ont Min Energy, Sci
Ont Min Agriculture and
Food/Univ. of Guelph
Food Res. Program
Liu, PP
Genome Canada
Influence of hemodynamics on arterial endothelium (2001-06)
Arterial responses to hemodynamic stresses (2002-07)
Cadherins and regulation of smooth muscle cell function (200407)
A new concept underlying the control of myometrial contractility
during pregnancy (2005-10)
Cell biology of atherosclerosis (2005-10)
Development and fetal health (2005-10)
TGF-β activates eNOS and regulates vasomotor function by an
endoglin-and ALK-1-dependent mechanism (2006-07)
Endoglin, ALK-1 and BMPRII networks: role in vascular
disorders (2005-10)
Role of endoglin in the normal vasculature and in the pathology
of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (2005-09)
Functional characterization of androgen-altered genes with a
putative role during early events in ovarian carcinogenesis
Physiology of systemic and pulmonary microangiectasias
eNOS uncoupling and role of bone morphogenetic protein in
the regulation of pulmonary vascular tone during development
and following pulmonary hypertension (2007-09)
Fallopian tube epithelial cells as a source of serious cancer in
BRAC mutation carriers (2006-09)
Platelet apoptosis induced by chemical agonists and shear
stresses (2005-08)
Use of normal physiologic inhibitors of matrix
metalloproteinases to improve viability and function of platelet
concentrates (2006-09)
Cell transplantation for cardiovascular disease (2001-06)
Cell transplantation to improve heart function (2001-06)
Autologous tissue-engineered grafts for congenital heart
surgery (2003-08)
Vasculogenesis induced by cell transplantation (2003-07)
Gene-enhanced cell transplantation to reverse heart failure
Functionality of resistant starch and bioactive peptides in
preventing chronic diseases and promoting gut functions in
studies with the pig model (2004-08)
The interplay of recruited stem cells and the matrix after
myocardial infarction: shifting balance toward repair (2004-09)
Development of a new, portable biomedical device for in vivo
measurement of regional heart tissue elasticity (2004-07)
Interplay of recruited stem cells and the matrix after myocardial
infarction: Shifting the balance toward repair (2004-09)
Development of a new, portable biomedical device for in vivo
measurement of regional heart tissue elasticity (2004-07)
Biomarkers in cardiovascular disease (2005-08)
Gene-environment factors in heart failure (CHFNET) (2002-07)
Host response patterns in heart failure (CHF-CORE) (2003-08)
Molecular mechanisms of viral myocarditis (2004-09)
Cytokines in heart failure (2006-10)
Oxidative stress and iron overload cardiomyopathy (2006-10)
Chlamydia and atherosclerosis: Immune insights (2003-08)
Liu, PP
Mazer, CD
Ni, H
CIHR-Cdn Blood
CIHR/Cdn Blood
Parker, T
Rand, M
Rao, V
Sefton, M
Simmons, C
Ont Early Researcher
Danger signal and host immune response (2006-10)
Role of inflammation in stem cell homing post cardiac injury
High fidelity simulation versus traditional didactic seminars for
teaching trainees separation from cardiopulmonary bypass
Unravelling the black box of adverse events in cardiac surgery
Novel mechanisms of platelet aggregation: roles of alternative
ligands of β3 integrins in thrombosis and hemostasis (2005-08)
Pathogenesis of fetal and neonatal alloimmune
thrombocytopenia and mechanism of action of IVIG in a novel
mouse model (2004-07)
Investigation of pathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenia and
efficacy and mechanism of action of intravenous IgG (OVOG)
Study of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia in a
novel mouse model and investigation of efficacy and
mechanisms of action of IVIG in these disorders (2006-07)
Investigation of lysophospatidic acid (LPA) generation and
platelet function in newly developed lpdlr phospholipase
deficient mice (2007-09)
Role of S100B-dependent pathways in the cardiac response to
disease (2005-10)
Regulation of cardiac structure and function by the EF-hand
proteins, S100A1 and S100A6 (2003-07)
Coordinated original research in elucidation of mechanisms in
heart failure (CORE-CHF) (2003-08)
Dysfunctional endothelial cell repair in diabetes: pathogenetic
mechanisms and regenerative strategies (2007-12
Procoagulant surface of activated platelets: Persistence in vivo
and in vitro
The influence of heart failure on the organization of human
ventricular fibrillation
Erythropoietin and hypertonic saline for cardiac transplantation
Mechanisms of transplant related vascular injury
Establishment of an advanced reconstructive tissue
engineering centre (2003-08)
Tissue engineering: Immune response and vascularisation
Tissue engineering (2003-08)
Training program in regenerative medicine (2002-07)
Quantum dot-based biomolecular imaging (2005-10)
The cardiac regeneration (CARE) project (2006-11)
The regenerative medicine (REMEDI) project (2006-11)
Investigation of mesenchymal progenitor cell response to
mechanobiological stimuli using a novel MEMS-based array
platform (2006-09)
Heart valve cell biomechanics and mechanobiology (2006-11)
Micropipette aspiration system for cell mechanics (2006-07)
Infrastructure for a state-of-the-art lab for cellular
mechanobiology (2006-09)
Canadian Research Chair in mechanobiology (2006-11)
Tissue engineered heart valves (2006-11)
Simmons, C
Slutsky, AS
Connaught New Staff
Stewart, DE
Ont Min Health Long
and Term Care
Int Dev Res Centre
Stewart, DJ
Public Health Agency
Systematic investigations of control strategies for stem cellbased osteochondral tissue engineering (2005-07)
Biotrauma: mechanisms of lung injury and distal organ
dysfunction (2004-09)
Clinical research consortium to improve resuscitation
outcomes: from bench to bedside to curbside (2004-09)
Improving health and promoting equity for the women of
Ontario (2006-09)
International comparisons of the perinatal health and care of
migrant women (2006-07)
Cardiovascular secondary prevention for vulnerable
populations: an interdisciplinary approach to improving access
to services and outcomes (2006-11)
New mothers in a new country: understanding postpartum
depression among recent immigrant and Canadian-born
Chinese women (2006-07)
Assessing the feasibility to measure and compare gendersensitive mental health indicators in Peru, Colombia and
Canada (2006-08)
Neurochemical aspects of depression in women: monoamine
oxidase A in the postpartum period (2007-10)
Measuring and understanding gender equity in access to care
Political violence, natural disasters and mental health
outcomes: developing innovative health policies and
interventions (2007-11)
Health indicator research (2006-07)
AT-cell based immune mechanisms of clamydia vascular injury
Coordinated original research in elucidation of mechanism in
heart failure (CHF-CORE) (2004-09)
Regenerative medicine and nanomedicine: innovative
approaches in health research(NET) cardiovascular/respiratory
stem cell plasticity (2004-09)
Does nutrient supplementation influence cardiac structure and
function following MI by altering energy metabolism? (2005-07)
Pathophysiological relevance of endothelin-1 overexpression
NO-synthase in cardiovascular health and disease (2005-08)
Arterial remodeling (2005-07)
Cell biology and atherosclerosis (2005-10)
Microvascular endothelial cell loss in pulmonary arterial
hypertension (2005-11)
Effect of organic nitrates on osteoporosis (2005-11)
Stem cell factor/c-KIT axis is a novel target of vascular
remodeling (2006-07)
Molecular mechanisms for oxidation of high density lipoproteins
in vivo (2006-08)
Ultrasound-targeted gene delivery for therapeutic angiogenesis
Site-targeted imaging & delivery cell-based therapy (2006-08)
Genotype/phenotype of endothelial progenitor cells in
pulmonary arterial hypertension ((2006-07)
Role of angiopoietins in regulation of angiogenesis (2006-10)
Weisel, RD
Wells, PG
Methanol Fdtn (USA)
Wittnich, C
Wright, GA
Ont Res Develop Fund
Cdn Fdtn Innovation
Yang, B
Cdn Fdtn Innovation
Cdn Fdtn Innovation
CIHR-Health Canada
Yang, B
Yücel, YH
Cdn Breast Cancer
Fdnt, Ont Chapter
Sci Tech Dept,
Guangdong Gov
Glaucoma Res Society
Cdn Glaucoma Clinical
Research Council
Merck Frosst Canada
Cardiac regeneration by cell transplantation
Enhanced endogenous repair by cell therapy
The cardiac regeneration project: Quantitative cell tracking and
response for cardiac regenerative approaches (CARE project)
The regenerative medicine (REMEDI) project
Molecular basis of methanol developmental toxicity (2006-10)
Toxicology of drugs bioactivated to a reactive intermediate
Free radical determinants of meurodegenerative diseases
Fetal DNA oxidation and repair in neurodegeneration (2006-08)
Oxygen stress in newborn hearts (2003-07)
Training program in cardiovascular research: Molecules to
populations, heart failure to prevention (2002-07)
Impact of gender on myocardial pathology & ischemia
reperfusion (2004-08)
Magnetic resonance imaging for ischemic heart disease (200307)
Ontario consortium for cardiac imaging (2000-07)
Imaging research centre for cardiac intervention (2002-08)
Microvessel formation in chronic total occlusions:
pathophysiology and role in successful guide-wire crossing
Centre for research using magnetic resonance at Sunnybrook
and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre (2005-10)
Magnetic resonance imaging for ischemia (2005-10)
Development of an in vivo animal model and non-invasive high
resolution imaging techniques for the study of atherosclerotic
intraplaque haemorrhage (2006-09)
ICRH New Frontiers Program in clinical imaging research
CIHR team in occlusive vascular disease (2007-10)
Biomedical multimodality hybrid imaging (2007-11)
Regenerative medicine project (REMEDI) (2007-11)
Role of versican in angiogenesis (2005-08)
Effect of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum on
tumor cell activities (2005-08)
Versican in endothelial cell morphogenesis, adhesion,
migration, and wound healing (2006-09)
Product processing of proteoglycan versican (2006-11)
Analysis of microRNA functioning in breast carincoma (200609)
Translational research on Ganoderma lucidum (2004-07)
Effects of microRNAs on the expression of angiogenic factors
in hypoxia-stimulated cells during myocardial and cerebral
ischemia, myocardial infarction and stroke (2006-09)
Vascular injury to vision brain centers mimics normal tension
glaucoma (2006-07)
Novel vision testing paradigms for patients with glaucoma
Human glaucoma: Blood vessels and perivascular pathology
Neuroprotective effects of memantine in monkey brains with
early and moderate experimental glaucoma (2005-07)
Adamson, L
Bendeck, M
Bolz, S
Brooks, D
Butany, J
Connelly, P
Dorian, P
Fisher, JA
Forrest, CR
Gotlieb, AI
Hare, G
Husain, M
Leytin, V
Li, R-K
Liu, P
Murphy, P
Ni, H
Rand, M
Sefton, MV
Simmons, C
Stewart, DE
- Anne and Max Tanenbaum Chair in Molecular Medicine, Samuel Lunenfeld Research
Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital
- Career Investigator Award, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario (2004-2009)
- Ontario Hypertension Society Research Recognition Award
- Microcirculatory Society August Krogh Award
- APS Cardiovascular Section Recognition Award
- HSRLCE Research Day Poster Award
- Meritous Award of the Lung Association 2007
- Silver Quill Research Article Award of Excellence in Physiotherapy Canada 2006
- Recognition in Teaching Award, Dept. Physical Therapy, UofT 2006-06
- Nomination, Ontario Confederation of Universities Association (OCUFA) Teaching
- Vice President and President Elect, International Society for Cardiovascular Pathology
- Vice President and President Elect, Canadian Association of Pathologists (2005-07)
- President, Canadian Association of Pathologists (2006-08)
- Certificate: Lipid Standardization Program for Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride and High
Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Centers for Disease Control, National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute
Squires Club Mentorship Award, St. Michael’s Hospital, 2006
- Abstract presented at Canadian Anesthesiology Society meeting; picked as “Top 50”
- UofT medical student poster competition: Winner – Basic Science and Best Overall.
Selected to represent UofT at the Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum, Miami,
- UHN Inventor of the Year 2005
- Visiting Professor, John’s Hopkins School of Medicine, University of Maryland,
Baltimore, 2006
- Professor, Division of Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, UofT, 2006
- Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Fellow
- William Boyd Lectureship, Canadian Association of Pathology
- Canadian anesthesiologists’ Society, Best Presentation, Richard Knill research Award,
- Career Investigator Award, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario (2004-09)
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, UofT
- Canada Research Chair in Cardiac Regeneration, 2006
- Career Investigator Award, HSFC
- Chinese American Medical Society Scientific Award
- Eldon Smith Lectureship, University of Calgary, 2006
- Award of Merit, Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals for Research, 2006
- Faculty of Medicine, Graduate Mentorship Award, University of Toronto, 2006
- Dr. Gerald Edelist Award for Postgraduate Teaching, Dept. of Anesthesia, UofT, 2006
- Invited speaker/Travel Award, 4th Asia-Pacific Congress on thrombosis and Hemostasis
- Member, Board of Directors, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
- Fellow Royal Society of Canada
- Invited Speaker, Dept of Chemical Engineering Centennial Celebration, Queen’s
- Keynote Speaker, UHN Science Day
- Invited Speaker, American Association of Anatomists, FASEB, San Francisco
- Early Researcher Award, Ministry of Research and Innovation, Government of Ontario
- Co-Chair, International Committee to Review Abuses of Psychiatry, World Psychiatric
Stewart, DJ
Weisel, RD
Wells, PG
Wittnich, C
Wright, GA
Yang, B
Yücel, YH
Association (2006-12)
- Inaugural Honorary Fellow, Canadian Psychiatric Association (2006-Present)
- Elected to AOA, Faculty Member (2006-Present)
- Institutional Advisory Board of CIHR Institute of Gender and Health (2006-09)
- Senior Advisor to World Health Organization on Women’s Mental Health (2007-Present)
- Recipient, St. Michael’s Hospital Philanthropy Award
- Member, International Advisory Board of the Excellence Cluster Cardiopulmonary
System (2007-12)
- Presenter, William W.L. Glenn Lecture, American Heart Association Scientific Session,
- Grass Traveling Scientist Award, Saskatchewan Neuroscience Network and the
University of Saskatchewan
- Chair, John Charles Polanyi Prizes Selection Committee, Ontario Council on Graduate
Studies (2007)
- Alan C. Burton Lecture, Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of Western, London,
- Career Investigator Award, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
- New Investigator Award, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- Nominee, Alcon Institute Award
- Nominee, Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Prize
- Global Best Scientific Article Award 2006, Association of International Glaucoma
Ahmad F, Hogg-Johnson S, Stewart DE, Levinson W: Violence involving intimate partners:
Prevalence in Canadian family practice. Can Fam Physician, 2007;53:460-8.
Akikusa JD, Feldman BM, Gross JG, Silverman ED, Schneider R: Sinus bradycardia following
intravenous ‘pulse’ methylprednisolone. Pediatrics, 2007;119:E778-82.
Alghamdi AA, Moussa F, Fremes SE: Does the use of preoperative aspirin increase the risk of
bleeding in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery? Systematic review and
meta-analysis. J Cardiac Surg, 2007;22(3):247-56.
Al-Hesayen A, Floras JS, Parker JD: The effects of intravenous sildenafil on hemodynamics
and cardiac sympathetic activity in chronic human heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail, 2006;8:864-8.
Al-Kwifi O, Farb R, Stainsby J, Wright GA: Evaluating contrast kinetics by acquiring 2D images
during 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2006;24(2):434-8.
Al-Kwifi O, Shelef I, Farb RI, Stainsby J, Wright GA: High resolution imaging of the intracranial
arterial and venous system following a single contrast injection. J Magn Reson Imaging,
Al-Kwifi O, Stainsby J, Foltz W, Sussman MS, Huang Y, Wright GA: Characterizing coronary
motion and its effect on MR coronary angiography. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2006;24(4):842-50.
Allo JC, Beck JC, Brander L, Brunet F, Slutsky AS, Sinderby CA: Influence of neurally
adjusted ventilatory assist and positive end-expiratory pressure on breathing pattern in rabbits
with acute lung injury. Crit Care Med, 2006;34(12):2997-3004.
Anand N, McCrindle BW, Chiu-Man C, Hamilton RM, Kirsh JA, Stephenson E, Gross GJ:
Chronotropic incompetence in young patients with late-postoperative atrial flutter: A case-control
study. Eur Heart J, 2006;27:2069-73.
Arab S, Gramolini AO, Ping P, Kislinger T, et al, Liu PP: Cardiovascular proteomics: Tools to
develop novel biomarkers and potential applications. J Am Coll Cardiol, 2006;48:1733-41.
Arnold JM, Howlett JG, Dorian P, Ducharme A,…Liu P, Mann E, McKelvie RS, Moe GW,
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Arribas SM, Hinek A, González C: Elastic fibers and vascular structure in hypertension.
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Arzt M, Floras JS, Logan AG, Kimoff J,…Tomlinson G, Bradley TD, for the CANPAP
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Ayach B, Yoshimitsu M, Dawood F, Sun M,…Liu PP: Stem cell factor receptor induces
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Azizi B, Buehler H, Venkataraman ST, Hudson C: Impact of simulated light scatter upon the
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Badiwala M, Rao V: Tricuspid valve replacement after cardiac transplantation. Curr Opin
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Belik J, Hehne N, Pan J, Behrends S: Soluble guanylate cyclase-dependent relaxation is
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Bentkover JD, Dorian P, Thibault B, Gardner M: Economic analysis of a randomized trial of
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Bhuller Y, Jeng W, Wells PG: Variable in vivo embryoprotective role for ataxia telangiectasiamutated (ATM) against constitutive and phenytoin-enhanced oxidative stress in atm knockout
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Bhuller, Wells PG: A developmental role for ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) in protecting
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Blackmore ER, Carroll J, Reid A, Biringer A,…Stewart DE: The use of the antenatal
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Borger MA, Murphy PM, Alam A, Fazel S, Maganti M, Armstrong S, Rao V, David TE: Initial
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Bronzetti G, Chiu C, Stephenson EA, Gross GJ, Hamilton RM, Dong-Sheng G, Neilson AL,
Kirsh JA: Simultaneous wide and narrow QRS complex tachycardias in a child: What is the
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Brooks D, Davis A, Naglie G: The feasibility of six-minute and two-minute walk tests in
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Brooks D, MacKay-Lyons M: Survival of the fittest: The role of exercise in physiotherapy
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Brooks D, Solway S: Should the endurance shuttle walk test replace the six-minute walk test in
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Brooks D, Sottana R, Bell B, Hanna M, Laframboise L, Selvanayagarajah S, Goldstein R:
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Bunda S, Liu P, Wang Y, Liu K, Hinek A: Aldosterone induces elastin production in cardiac
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Burra TA, Chen E, McIntyre RS, Grace SL, Blackmore ER, Stewart DE: Predictors of selfreported antidepressant adherence. Behav Med, 2007;32:127-34.
Butany J: Left atrial myxoma presenting as acute inferior wall infarction-a case report. J
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Butany J, Bahl NE, Morales K, Thangaroopan M, Ross H, Rao V, Leong SW: The intricacies of
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Butany J, Dev V, Leong SW, Soor GS, Thangaroopan M, Borger MA: Infective endocarditis of
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Butany JW, Kesarwani R, Yau TM, Singh G, Thangaroopan M, Nair V, Leong SW: The role of
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Butany J, Leask RL, Desai ND, Jegatheeswaran A, Silversides C, Scully HE, Feindel C:
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Butany J, Leung SW, Cunningham KS, D’Cruz G, Carmichael K, Yau TM: A 10-year
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Butany J, Leung SW, Rao V, Borger MA, David TE, Cunningham KS, Daniel L: Early changes
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Butany J, Luk A, Leong SW, Leong MM, Singh, Thangaroopan M, Williams W: A CarpentierEdwards porcine-valved Dacron conduit: At twenty-five years. Int J Cardiol, 2007;117(1):e13-6.
Butany J, Nair V, Leong SW, Soor GS, Feindel C: Carpentier-Edwards perimount valvesmorphological findings in surgical explants. J Cardiac Surg, 2007;22(1):7-12.
Chen CS, Wells PG: Enhanced tumorigenesis in p53 knockout mice exposed in utero to highdose vitamin E. Carcinogenesis, 2006;27(7):1358-68.
Chen S, Lam TK, Park E, Burdett E,…Giacca A: Oleate-induced decrease in hepatocyte
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Ophthalmol, 2006;90:674-8.
Gupta R, Brooks D: Aerobic exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
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Gupta R, Brooks D, Lacasse Y, Goldstein RS: Effect of rollator on health-related quality of life
in individuals with COPD. Chest, 2006;130:1089-95.
Gupta R, Goldstein R, Brooks D: The actue effects of a rollator in individuals with COPD. J
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Gupta N, Krishnadev N, Hamstra S, Yücel YH: Depth perception deficits in glaucoma suspects.
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Gupta N, Park E, Sandhu H, Goh T, Tchipashvili V, Giacca A: Direct and indirect effects of
insulin on hepatic glucose production in diabetic depancreatized dogs during euglycemia. J
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