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Interactive View Instructions
DEFINITION.......................................................................................................................................... 2
NAVIGATOR ........................................................................................................................................ 2
IVIEW TOOL BAR ................................................................................................................................ 3
VIEW PANE .......................................................................................................................................... 3
CHARTING ........................................................................................................................................... 4
BACK CHARTING ................................................................................................................................ 4
CORRECTING CHARTING ERRORS .................................................................................................. 4
COPY DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................... 6
CHARTING DYNAMIC GROUPS ......................................................................................................... 6
CUSTOMIZING ................................................................................................................................... 10
SETTING USER PREFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 11
CHANGING NAVIGATION BANDS ................................................................................................... 12
FILTER AND FLOWSHEET SEEKER ............................................................................................... 12
SEARCH CRITERIA BAR .................................................................................................................. 14
TIMESCALE ....................................................................................................................................... 14
GRAPHS............................................................................................................................................. 15
I&O BAND .......................................................................................................................................... 17
NA I&O ............................................................................................................................................... 18
CHARTING IV VOLUMES .................................................................................................................. 19
CHARTING MEDICATION DRIP RATES ........................................................................................... 19
CHARTING FREQUENT IV MEDICATION DRIP CHANGES ............................................................ 20
DISCONTINUED IVS. ......................................................................................................................... 20
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Interactive View (hereafter referred to as IView) is a tab in Powerchart that allows the user to chart
and organize patient data in a meaningful manner. There are 3 main sections: Navigator, View Pane
and Filter and Seeker.
View Pane
The Navigator is made up of a number of bands and sections.
Click the band to open to the defaulted view.
Click the sections to open a specific section of the band.
Indicates data is charted.
Indicates a critical value.
The sections are color-coded.
Blue means the section will default open when the band is
Yellow indicates the section displaying at the top of the
White indicates sections that are not defaulted open. Click
the section to open.
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IView Tool Bar
Collapses the Navigator allowing more room for the View Pane.
Splits the window to view data from 2 different bands.
Hides or shows empty rows and columns.
Signs charting.
Cancels charting.
Associates monitor in PowerChart. Used in the critical care units only.
Creates a label for a new Dynamic group
Actions- Duplicates entered data or clears unsigned data
Opens the Add Order window (A future function.)
Open the Orders for Signature window. This button is active when you click the Sign Later
button on the Orders window. (A future function.)
View Pane
The view pane is used for charting and viewing patient data. The flowsheet view is determined by
location and/or user position. The display can be customized to fit the patient.
View Pane Tool Bar
Customizes the flowsheet.
Inserts columns for back charting.
Changes start time of I&O totals.
Indicates an order in the section that is
associated with a task.
Indicates a calculated result. Hover to view
Indicates the value requires manual
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1. Double-click the time cell to activate charting in all the sections open on the flowsheet.
 Double-click the section header to activate just one section
 To chart in one cell only: right-click and select Add Result.
2. Use the keyboard instead of the mouse for easier and quicker charting.
 Press the Tab key until you reach the correct cell and enter data.
 Use the Arrow key to select an option from a drop-down menu.
 Use the Space bar to select options with a check box.
 Or use the Tab key with the mouse.
3. To enter a comment, right-click on cell and select Add Comment.
4. Review charting.
5. Click the Sign icon.
Double-click the time cell
to activate all the sections.
Double-click the section
header (blue or yellow) to
activate one section.
Back Charting
Click the Insert Column icon.
Right-click the new time cell.
Click Change Date/Time.
Enter correct time.
Chart patient information.
Click the Sign icon.
Correcting Charting Errors
If patient information was charted by a form
through Ad Hoc Charting or PAL, go to Forms to
make corrections.
1. Right-click the data to be corrected.
2. Select Modify, Unchart, Change Date/Time
or Add Comment.
3. Unchart is used for duplicate charting or
charting on the wrong visit or patient.
1. Select Modify.
2. Enter correct information in the cell.
3. Click the Sign icon.
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1. Select Unchart.
2. Click the yellow Reason field or the Reason field in the lower window and select an option.
3. Click Sign.
Select a reason from either field.
Reason is required
as indicated by the
yellow field and the
dithered Sign button.
Change Date/Time
1. Select Change Date/Time.
2. Enter correct date/time.
3. Enter a comment.
4. Click the Sign icon.
Add Comment
Comments can be added prior to signing and after signing.
1. Select Add Comment.
2. Enter data.
3. Click OK.
Note: Uncharting and Change Date/Time allows multiple cells to be changed simultaneously.
Depress the Ctrl key while clicking the cells to be changed. Right-click on any one of the cells and
select an option.
Correcting Calculations
When you modify a contributor, the calculation will automatically recalculate unless the contributor
values are from outside IView. The system will notify if a manual recalculation is needed with the
To manually recalculate:
1. Right click on the cell.
2. Click Recalculate.
3. Click OK.
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Copy Documentation
1. Find the time header for the documentation that you want to copy.
NOTE: Do Not highlight a column with another disciplines data.
2. Click blue (label) section header
o Column becomes highlighted
3. Click Actions icon on tool bar
4. Click Duplicate Results
5. Enter Date/Time of documentation and click OK
6. Results populate new column.
7. Click in cell to make additions and subtractions as needed.
Charting Dynamic Groups
1. Select the desired band
 To chart wounds select Assessment & Interventions band
To chart IV’s, arterial lines, chest tubes, drains select Lines/Tubes/Drains band
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2. Click the “Add a Dynamic Group” icon to create a label if not present
The new subsection or placeholder displays
3. Click the label placeholder to define the label
4. Define the label by selecting the appropriate options
Yellow indicates the field is required
Scroll to view all choices
5. Verify Label is correct
6. Click “OK” to close the window
7. The label is
displayed inside brackets until it is signed.
8. Click Sign
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To Unchart a Dynamic Group
Once the label is signed it cannot be modified, however it can be uncharted.
All results within that subsection must be uncharted from each cell.
1. Make sure all data has been uncharted from each cell
2. Right-click the dynamic group label
3. Click Unchart
4. Select a reason from the Unchart window
6. The uncharted label will display as “In Error”
and the section will be dithered.
7. Once data is Uncharted the subsection cannot be Reactivated. The user needs to create a
new label.
To Inactivate and Activate a Dynamic Group
Always chart “discontinue” and then inactivate a dynamic group subsection when it is no longer
needed, such as when a drain or tube is removed or an IV is discontinued.
When a label is incorrect and multiple staff have already documented on it:
1. Right-click in the Activity field
2. Click “Inactivate-site clarification
3. Sign
4. Follow steps below to then Inactivate incorrect label
To Inactivate a subsection
1. Right-click label to be inactivated
2. Click Inactivate
3. Inactivating a group will dither entire section
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To reactivate a subsection that has been accidently inactivated:
1. Right-click label
2. Click Activate
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You can customize the display for the patient that affects all clinicians who chart. The display can
also be altered for the current charting session only. (Settings return to the default when the chart is
To customize for the patient (changes retained after chart is closed or refreshed):
1. Click the Customize View Icon.
2. Select and de-select the items by clicking the check boxes.
3. Click OK.
Click the Default Open box to
display the section on the
flowsheet when IView is opened.
Checking On View puts the
section on the Navigator and
leaves it closed on the flowsheet.
Shaded boxes cannot
be deselected.
Use this field if looking for a
specific item.
It’s easier to find a section if
you click Collapse All.
When the section with data has been deselected, the Navigator will have a checkmark indicating
data is present. Click the section on the Navigator to view.
To customize on the flowsheet :
1. Right click on section or item.
2. Select option.
Collapse: Collapses section for current session.
Close: Removes section from View Pane and leaves
section name on Navigator for current session.
Remove: Removes section from View Pane and Navigator for all users and retains the change
after closing the chart or refreshing.
To Split the window to view data from 2 different bands:
Click the Split Window icon.
Click within the 2nd window to highlight.
Click the 2nd band.
Click the section to display in
the 2nd window.
5. Click
to remove the split.
To hide empty rows/columns
1. Click the Show Empty Columns/Rows icon.
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Setting User Preferences
The user can change preferences, such as search criteria or the I&O display. Changing Preferences
is user specific and for all patient charts.
1. Click the Customize View icon.
2. Click the Preferences tab.
3. Make changes in the All My Views or the current view column. For example, to change the
search criteria, click the drop-down arrow on Default Retrieval Type and select an option.
4. To change the defaults for just one band:
a. Click the band on the Navigator.
b. Click the Customize View icon.
c. Click Preferences tab.
d. Make changes in the middle column with the band name.
Make changes in this
column to affect all the
The current band column. Change
options in this column if you want
just the one band affected.
This column is the
system default.
Changes cannot be
made here.
Click the Reset System Defaults
to restore the original defaults.
5. Click OK.
6. It is not recommended to change:
Encounter Filter -defaulted to current encounter
Display Rule - defaulted to last charted value
Reverse Chronological order, unless changing all bands
Order Statuses - defaulted to discontinued and ordered
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Changing Navigation Bands
To add a band or change the order of the bands on the Navigator:
1. Click View on the Menu Bar.
2. Click Layout.
3. Click Navigator Bands.
4. To add a band:
a. Click the band in the Available Document Types window.
b. Click the arrow pointing right.
5. To change the order of the bands on the Navigator:
a. Click the band to be moved in the Current Document Types window.
b. Click the up or down arrow.
6. Click OK.
Click the band to be added in
the Available Document
Types window.
Click the arrow pointing right.
To change the order of the
bands, click the band to be
Click the up or
down arrow.
To remove a band, click the band in
the Current Document Types window.
Click the arrow pointing left.
After clicking OK on the Navigator
Documents window, this alert
displays. Do not exit PowerChart.
Close and re-open the patient’s
Filter and Flowsheet Seeker
The Filter and Seeker are used to quickly find results.
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The Flowsheet Seeker (This function was removed in 2008 but may be activated in the future.)
The Flowsheet Seeker pane displays a map of the flowsheet that is color-coded by result status
(critical, high, low, etc.) The display is based on the search criteria and sections that are opened.
1. Click and drag the black box to the color-coded results.
The Filter
The Filter pane is used to search for a specific result or result status of critical, high, low and
To search for a specific result:
1. Enter the name in the Find field.
2. Select the correct item.
3. Click the result to move the result into view. The result cells will turn green.
To search by result status:
1. Click the check box next to the status.
Click the result to move the flowsheet. The result cells will turn green.
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Search Criteria Bar
The Search Criteria Bar determines time frame for the data.
Change the bar to view different data by one of the following:
1. Click the arrows at either end of the bar.
2. Right click and select an option.
The time columns can be set for actual or time increments
from q30 sec to q120hrs.
1. Right click on the date or time cell.
2. Click one of the options.
Changes can be made to the Search Criteria Bar and the Time intervals that are specific to the user
and affect all patient charts. Go to Setting User Preferences on page 7.
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IView has a Graphs band that has prebuilt graphs, and also allows the user to build graphs.
To build a graph:
1. Click the New Graph Icon.
Graph Tool Bar
2. Enter a name for the graph.
3. Select a type of graph; Standard or BMDI (Bedside Monitoring Device Information – INet).
4. Click Next.
Enter a name.
Select one of the options.
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Enter item in Search Item field.
Click Search.
Click an item from the Search Results field.
Click Move.
Click Finish.
Click Symbol to change to a
line graph.
10. Click the Save icon
. The graph will save to Favorites folder. The graphs you created will
be available for any patient chart.
Graphs can be modified, such as adding components. Click the Modify icon.
To delete a graph, click.
To close the graph, click the Close icon.
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I&O Band
The band’s Navigator and View Pane function the same as the other IView bands:
 Click on a section in the Navigator to open or move it to the top of the flowsheet.
 Double-click the section header or time cell to activate charting.
 Right–click to Modify, Add a Result, Unchart, Change Date/Time, Add a Comment and View
Result Details.
 Add items to the I&O band by clicking the Customize button. For example, to enter blood
product volumes go to Transfusions section on the Customize window.
Additional functions and fields:
 Summary of today’s and yesterday’s I&O are at the top of the flowsheet.
 Fluid Balances are listed at the bottom of the flowsheet.
 Shift and 24 hour total columns display corresponding totals
 Intake-No Longer used and Output-No Longer used sections: Do not use these sections for
charting. The sections are present for historical data from the old I&O.
 The Continuous Infusions rows are created by IV orders entered into PowerChart.
 Drip and Continuous IV volumes will automatically populate when the cell is activated. Rightclick and select Modify to change the volume.
 The Medications section is created when an IVPB is charted.
 Diluents will be used for IVs that pharmacy does not enter.
 The band allows textural documentation such as urine color.
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Nursing Assistants document I&O on the Nursing Assistant Monitoring band. The I&O sections work
the same as the other sections, such as Vital Signs.
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Charting IV Volumes
Once a continuous IV or a medication drip has been scanned, the rate will default to I&O when the
time column is activated. The rate defaults as a volume. If the Begin Bag is not done, the
volumes will not default to I&O (inpatient units chart in CareMobile, ED chart on the MAR).
125 and 5.25 auto- populated the
cells when the column was
Charting Medication Drip Rates
Charting medication drip dose/rate and changes on IV Drips section will auto-calculate the volume on
I&O when the column is activated. IV drip rates are to be charted hourly.
Rate changed on IV Drips section of
the Monitoring band. The charting
must be signed before it will populate
After refreshing the I&O band, the
new volume auto-populated the I&O
when the time column is activated.
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Charting Frequent IV Medication Drip Changes
Multiple rate changes within one hour will auto-calculate the volume correctly when entered on the IV
Drips section.
1. If your flowsheet is set to 1 hour increments, click the Insert Date/Time Icon to add a current
time column
. You will not need to change the time.
2. Enter the changed rate/dose and sign.
Actual time.
Dose changed from
4 to 6 mcg/kg/min.
Rate was auto-calculated
with rate change.
The next hour, the volume
defaulted from the last
rate entered.
6mcg/kg/min = 15.75 ml/hr
Discontinued IVs.
Discontinued IVs, including medication drips will not auto-populate I&O. A volume may be entered
Manually enter a volume when
charting has not been
completed prior to pharmacy
discontinuing the IV.
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