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New York City College of Technology
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology Department
Lab 2 Graphical Programming
EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments
Spring 2015 E-260
Professor Viviana Vladutescu
Group 5 Wilfredo Gonzalez
Table of Content
1. Objective
2. Introduction
3. Theory/Background
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. Reference
1. This lab main goal is to become familiar with the software of the NI ELVIS II
and LabVIEW.
2. Create Virtual Instrument in LabVIEW
In this first lab, we went hands-on with the equipment we are going to use
this semester NI ELVIS II and LabVIEW. NI ELVIS II is the preliminary physical
representation of the circuit. Here you can find out all the problems before
implementing the design.
In the Graphical Programming lab we learned about graphical blocks in
labveiw are called Icons. They are several types of icons:
1. Objects Icons, which allow you only data input, or output for the program.
2. Function Icons, which allow you to apply simply to complex operations.
3. SubIVs Icons, which is an icon within an icon.
These Icons can be connected, so the data and flow through the program.
In this lab had us make a program where temperature is proportional to
voltage. In one of our SubIV we placed all three different measures of recording
temperature: Kelvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit. The following formulas were used to
get the temperature of each. This will be represented in result 2-1.
1. Kelvin: t[K] = U[V]*a
2. Celsius: t[C] = U[V]*a – 273.15
3. Fahrenheit: t[F] = (U[V]*a)*1.8 – 459.67
Loops are used very commonly in programs. In the lab the use of “while” and
“for” were use to build the last two applications. A finite repetitive structure is called
a For Loop, and an infinite repetitive structure is a While Loop. A For loop has a set
number of repetitions that needs to be completed. A condition has to be met for a
While Loop to stop.
The figure above shows the outcome of how voltage and the temperature
correlate with the formula provided. I wish I could have shown all the different
temperature with the same given value represented with the figure above.
For Loop
While Loop
I need to take more screen shots of our progression through the lab, instead
of just the end result. There are many figures I would have liked to place in the lab
report, like the Temperature block diagrams and all the usage of new terms we
learned. Also, another vital lesson learned is getting a before and after picture of the
program not running and while it is. Since this is a graphical program lab having
picture of the model without any graphical depictions defects the purpose.
I had a problem structuring the while loop. I kept on getting errors and could
not run the program. I will also take notes on the errors and how to fix them in the
1. Labortary Manual
2. The National Instrument Website