* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Problem Set 8 Chapter 9: The Complete Response of Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements Due: see website for due date P 9.2-2 Find the differential equation for iL(t) using the operator method. 8 2 8 Answer: 1.1 10 iL 11000siL s iL 1 10 is P 9.2-3 Find the differential equation for iL(t) for t > 0 for the circuit. Answer: d2iL R1 R1 R di 1 diL R1 1 1 dv s is 1 s iL 2 dt R2LC L dt L dt L R2C dt R2LC LC P 9.3-3 Find the characteristic equation and its roots for the circuit shown. Answer: s2 102000s 3 108 0; s1 3031, s2 98969 P 9.4-2 The switch has been open for a long time (vC(0−) = 2V) before closing at t = 0. Determine and plot vC(t). Answer: et 3e3t V P 9.5-3 Police often use stun guns to incapacitate potentially dangerous felons. The hand-held device provides a series of high-voltage, low-current pulses. The power of the pulses is far below lethal levels, but it is enough to cause muscles to contract and put the person out of action. The device provides a pulse of up to 50,000 V, and a current of 1 mA flows through an arc. A model of the circuit for one period is shown. Find v(t) for 0 < t < 1 ms. The resistor R represents the spark gap. Select C so that the response is critically damped. 7 Answer: 1012 te510 t 1 P 9.6-3 A 240-W power supply circuit is shown. This circuit employs a large inductor and a large capacitor. Find iL(t) for t > 0. Answer: e2 t 4 cos t 2 sin t A P 9.8-2 Determine i(t) for t > 0 for the circuit. Answer: 0.2 0.246 e3.62 t 0.646 e1.38 t A Hint: d2i di 5 5i 1. 2 dt dt P 9.8-8 Find vC(t) for t > 0 for the circuit. Answer: 0.123 e 5.65 t 0.877 e 0.35 t 1 V 2 Hint: d vC dv 6 C 2v C 2 . 2 dt dt P 9.8-14 Determine vC(t) for t > 0. Answer: 16 e 2.5 t 16 cos 9.682 t 4.131sin 9.682 t V SP 9-3 Determine and plot the capacitor voltage v(t) for 0 < t < 300 μs for the circuit shown. The sources are also shown below. 2