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A Review of
The Nervous System
 The basic unit of the nervous system is
The Nervous System
 Neuron
The Nervous System
 Label the Parts of a Neuron
1. (outer layer)
7. (inner tube)
5. (gap)
The Nervous System
1. Myelin Sheath
2. Nucleus
3. Cell Body
4. Dendrites
5. Synapse
6. Axon Terminal
7. Axon
The Nervous System
 The nervous system that consists of the brain
and spinal cord.
The Nervous System
 Central Nervous System
The Nervous System
 On your drive to school you just miss being in
an accident. As a result, your heart rate sky
rockets, you start to sweat and your
breathing gets shallow. This is all caused by
which nervous system?
The Nervous System
 Sympathetic N.S.
The Nervous System
 This nervous system takes care of digestion,
heart rate and breathing all without you
having to think to about it.
The Nervous System
 Autonomic N.S.
The Nervous System
 Anytime you move a muscle in your body you
are using this nervous system.
The Nervous System
 Somatic N.S.
The Nervous System
 After giving a speech in class you finally get
to go to your seat and you feel your breathing
slow down, heartbeat slow and you stop
sweating. This is a result of which nervous
The Nervous System
 Parasympathetic N.S.
The Nervous System
 The order of neurons that are involved in a
The Nervous System
 Sensory Neuron-Interneuron-Motor Neuron
The Nervous System
 The receiving ends of a neuron are called…
The Nervous System
 Dendrites
The Nervous System
 Area of the neuron that contains the nucleus.
The Nervous System
 Cell Body
The Nervous System
 The part of a neuron where action potential
takes place.
The Nervous System
 Axon
The Nervous System
 This fatty substance covers the axon and
serves as an insulator to speed up action
 If it degenerates, you have multiple sclerosis
The Nervous System
 Myelin Sheath
The Nervous System
 The end of a neuron is called.
The Nervous System
 Axon Terminals
The Nervous System
 A “trigger” in the environment that causes
action potential. It can be light or pressure or
even a neurotransmitter.
The Nervous System
 Threshold
The Nervous System
 What is happening when you feel intense
pain or pressure?
The Nervous System
 More neurons fire
The Nervous System
 Put the following steps of action potential in
 A. The axon returns to a negative charge
inside with positive on the outside (dominoes
set back up)
 B. A stimulus triggers threshold and positive
ions begin to enter the beginning of the axon
giving it an electrical charge.
 C. A chain reaction occurs and the charge
travels down the axon (like dominoes falling).
The Nervous System
 B-C-A
The Nervous System
 The transfer of a message from one neuron to
another is called…
The Nervous System
 Synaptic Transmission
The Nervous System
 Put the following steps of synaptic transmission
in order:
A. Receptor site opens and allows positive ions to
enter the dendrite.
B. Neurotransmitters act like a key bonding with
the receptor site and unlocking it
C. Action Potential reaches the axon terminals
D. This triggers the release of neurotransmitters
from their vesicles into the synapse
The Nervous System
 C-D-B-A
The Nervous System
 The gap between two neurons is called?
The Nervous System
 Synapse
The Nervous System
 Name the Three Ways that Drugs Impact
Synaptic Transmission.
The Nervous System
 Drug mimics the neurotransmitter and fits to the
receptor sites and triggers more firings of the
 Drug blocks the receptor site so that
neurotransmitters cannot fuse with the receptor
site stopping action potential.
 Drug blocks the reuptake of the
neurotransmitter so that it stays in the synapse
longer and fuses with the receptor sites more
often causing more action potential.
The Nervous System
 Why does it take longer to have a person
squeeze the opposite shoulder of the person
in front of them rather than just squeezing
the same shoulder?
The Nervous System
 Requires Thinking which takes time.
The Nervous System
 How does the Nervous System and Endocrine
System differ?
The Nervous System
 Nervous System – Fast, uses neurons and
action potential to send messages which
don’t last long
 Endocrine System – Slow, uses bloodstream
to send hormones that do last a long a time
once they arrive.
The Nervous System
 Name the type of neuron and order in which
they occur during a reflex.
The Nervous System
 Sensory Neuron – Interneuron – Motor Neuron