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Emma West
Research: #2
Darshan : Sight, vision, apparition or glimpse.
Zoomorphism : The shaping of something in animal form or terms.
Manna : Divine or spiritual food.
Sufi : A member of an ascetic, mystical Muslim sect.
Swami : An honorific title given to a Hindu religious teacher.
Hajj : The pilgrimage to Mecca, which every adult Muslim is supposed to make at least once in
his or her lifetime.
Agnostic : A person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential
nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to
Ashram : A secluded building, often the residence of a guru, used for religious retreat or
instruction in Hinduism.
Imam : Title for a Muslim religious leader or chief.
Sikh : A member of a monotheistic religion, founded in the Punjab c1500 by the guru Nanak,
that refuses to recognize the Hindu caste system or the Brahmanical priesthood.
Brahman : A member of the highest, or priestly, class among the Hindus.
Bapu Gandhi : Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.
Atman : The known principle of life in the Hindu religion.
Sallam alaykum : An Arabic greeting often used by Muslims around the world.
Pandit : A man in India esteemed for his wisdom or learning.
Kabbalist : An ancient Jewish mystical tradition based on an esoteric interpretation of the Old
Samskara : Hindu passage rite.
Lakshmi : Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), fortune, and the
embodiment of beauty.
Limbo : An intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.
Ganesa : The Hindu god of wisdom or prudence.
Qur’an : Koran, the sacred text of Islam.
Patriarch : The male head of a family or tribal line.
Emma West
Virgin Mary of Guadalupe : A celebrated Roman Catholic icon of the Virgin Mary.
Miracle : An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human
or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
Vision : The act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.
Krishna : An avatar of Vishnu and one of the most popular of Indian deities, who appears in the
Bhagavad-Gita as the teacher of Arjuna in the Hindu religion.
Dhikr : A meeting of dervishes at which a phrase containing a name of God is chanted
rhythmically to induce a state of ecstasy.
Hafiz : A title of respect for a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart.
Kaaba : The most sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine, into which is built the black stone believed to
have been given by Gabriel to Abraham.
Literalism : Exact representation or portrayal, without idealization, as in art or literature.
Fundamentalism : Strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles.
Nataraja : A depiction of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy
a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.
Shakti : The female principle or organ of generative power.
Parvati : The wife of Shiva and the benevolent form of the Mother Goddess within the Hindu
Boli :
Yashoda : Was wife of Nanda within the Puranic texts of Hinduism.
Rabbi : A title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher.
Prayer rug : A small rug upon which a Muslim kneels and prostrates himself during his
Mosque : Muslim temple or place of public worship.
Temple : An edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities.
Idolater : A person who is an immoderate admirer.
Piety : Reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations.
Jesus : The source of the Christian religion, son of God.
Pope Plus : Head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City State.
Hare Krishna : A religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful
congregational chanting of Krishna's name.
Emma West
Sanctum :Aa sacred or holy place.
Vishnu : (In later Hinduism) “The Preserver,” the second member of the Trimurti, along with
Brahma the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer.
Muhammad : Founder of Islam.
Allah : The Supreme Being, God, in the Islam religion.
Shiva : The third member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the
Baptism : A ceremonial immersion in water, or application of water, as an initiatory rite or
sacrament of the Christian church.
Holy of holies : A place of special sacredness.
Mystic : Involving or characterized by esoteric, otherworldly, or symbolic practices or content,
as certain religious ceremonies and art, spiritually significant, ethereal.
Emma West
Applies to all
Not applied to religion or other
Research: #2 (EDITED)
Darshan : Sight, vision, apparition or glimpse.
Zoomorphism : The shaping of something in animal form or terms.
Manna : Divine or spiritual food.
Sufi : A member of an ascetic, mystical Muslim sect.
Swami : An honorific title given to a Hindu religious teacher.
Hajj : The pilgrimage to Mecca, which every adult Muslim is supposed to make at least once in
his or her lifetime.
Agnostic : A person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential
nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to
Ashram : A secluded building, often the residence of a guru, used for religious retreat or
instruction in Hinduism.
Imam : Title for a Muslim religious leader or chief.
Sikh : A member of a monotheistic religion, founded in the Punjab c1500 by the guru Nanak,
that refuses to recognize the Hindu caste system or the Brahmanical priesthood.
Brahman : A member of the highest, or priestly, class among the Hindus.
Bapu Gandhi : Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.
Atman : The known principle of life in the Hindu religion.
Sallam alaykum : An Arabic greeting often used by Muslims around the world.
Pandit : A man in India esteemed for his wisdom or learning.
Kabbalist : An ancient Jewish mystical tradition based on an esoteric interpretation of the Old
Samskara : Hindu passage rite.
Emma West
Lakshmi : Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), fortune, and the
embodiment of beauty.
Limbo : An intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.
Ganesa : The Hindu god of wisdom or prudence.
Qur’an : Koran, the sacred text of Islam.
Patriarch : The male head of a family or tribal line.
Virgin Mary of Guadalupe : A celebrated Roman Catholic icon of the Virgin Mary.
Miracle : An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human
or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
Vision : The act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.
Krishna : An avatar of Vishnu and one of the most popular of Indian deities, who appears in the
Bhagavad-Gita as the teacher of Arjuna in the Hindu religion.
Dhikr : A meeting of dervishes at which a phrase containing a name of God is chanted
rhythmically to induce a state of ecstasy.
Hafiz : A title of respect for a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart.
Kaaba : The most sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine, into which is built the black stone believed to
have been given by Gabriel to Abraham.
Literalism : Exact representation or portrayal, without idealization, as in art or literature.
Fundamentalism : Strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles.
Nataraja : A depiction of the god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy
a weary universe and make preparations for the god Brahma to start the process of creation.
Shakti : The female principle or organ of generative power.
Parvati : The wife of Shiva and the benevolent form of the Mother Goddess within the Hindu
Boli : ???
Yashoda : Was wife of Nanda within the Puranic texts of Hinduism.
Rabbi : A title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher.
Prayer rug : A small rug upon which a Muslim kneels and prostrates himself during his
Mosque : Muslim temple or place of public worship.
Temple : An edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities.
Emma West
Idolater : A person who is an immoderate admirer.
Piety : Reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations.
Jesus : The source of the Christian religion, son of God.
Pope Plus : Head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of Vatican City State.
Hare Krishna : A religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful
congregational chanting of Krishna's name.
Sanctum : A sacred or holy place.
Vishnu : (In later Hinduism) “The Preserver,” the second member of the Trimurti, along with
Brahma the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer.
Muhammad : Founder of Islam.
Allah : The Supreme Being, God, in the Islam religion.
Shiva : The third member of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the
Baptism : A ceremonial immersion in water, or application of water, as an initiatory rite or
sacrament of the Christian church.
Holy of holies : A place of special sacredness.
Mystic : Involving or characterized by esoteric, otherworldly, or symbolic practices or content,
as certain religious ceremonies and art, spiritually significant, ethereal.