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Planet Earth
Planet Earth
We live on planet Earth. Earth is a
large sphere. Most of the Earth is
covered by water. The rest is covered
by land. There is air all around the
Earth. This air is called the
Which is the Earth?
Is the land brown or blue?
Is there a lot of water or a little water?
A lot of water
Lets label the Earth!
The Earth is a large sphere. There is water and dry land on the
surface. The Earth is surrounded by air.
Day and Night
The Earth moves
The Sun does not move. The Earth moves. It spins like a
top. It turns once every 24 hours. This is a day. Half the
Earth always gets light from the Sun. In this half it is day.
The other half does not get light. In this half, it is night. The
Earth also moves around the Sun. This takes one year.
Different times of the day
Light and heat are necessary for life. The Earth gets light
and heat from the Sun. Every day, the Sun rises at dawn
and sets at dusk. At midday the Sun is high in the sky. At
night, the Sun is hidden.
Look at the position of the Sun in each picture.
The Earth moves round the Sun.
a day
The Earth turns round.
a year
True or False?
The Sun moves round the Earth.
The Earth turns round once every 24 hours.
It moves round the Sun once every year.
The Moon and the Stars
The Moon
You can see the Moon in the sky at night. The Moon
moves round the Earth. The Moon shines because the Sun
illuminates it. The Moon is smaller than the Earth. It does
not have any water or air.
The Moon and the Stars
The stars
You can see lots of stars in the sky at night. They look very
small because they are very far away from Earth. You
cannot see the stars during the day. This is because there
is a lot of light from the Sun. The Sun is a star. It is the
nearest star to Earth. It gives the Earth light and heat.
The constellation Orion.
Stars form groups in the sky called constellations.
Complete the sentences.
Cross out the incorrect word.
The Moon is bigger than / smaller than the Earth.
The Earth moves round the Moon / Sun.
The Moon shines because it is illuminated by
the Sun / Earth.
The stars look small because they are very near /
far away.
We see the Moon and the stars at night.
The Moon moves round the Earth.
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