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BIOL 104 Test 4 11/10/11
Name fdYl?i I d
How many chromosomes does a sperm contain?
@23 C.24 0.46 E.48
@nitosiS B. meiosis
3.which of the following is not part of the male reproductive system? A. testes
C. epididymides O. prostate gland E. urethra
4.Which structure of the male reproductive system is also part of the urinary system?
A. bulbourethral gland
B.prostate gland @rethra
O. vas deferens
5. Which of the following contributes to the semen?
@ulbourethral gland
B. epididymides
C.urethra O. penis
WhiCh of the following are not found in the testes? ollicle
B. ertoli cells
D. seminiferous tubules
7. Which of the following parts of the female reproductive system is not present in pairs? @uterus
B. ovary
C. oviduct
8. Which of the following is part of the external genital organs of the female? A. cervix
(j) glans clitoris
C. vagina
D. ovary
E. oviduct
9. Where does fertilization of the egg usually occur?
A. ovary
B. abdominal cavity
C.fimbria @OViduct E. vagina
10. During implantation, the zygote can be found Win the endometrium.
B. in the oviduct.
C. in the abdominal cavity.
D. in the labium majora.
E. in the labium minora.
12. What is present within a follicle? A. the labia
B. mucus-secreting glands <JJan oocyte
o the clitoris
E. vaginal cleft
13. Menstruation occurs during what days of the uterine cycle?
B. days 1-13
C. days 6-13
D. days 15-28
14. Which form of birth control is 100% effective?
B. natural family planning
C. male condom
D. birth control pills
E. hormone patch
y6uring IVF, where does conception occur? A. in the vagina
@n the uterus C. in the oviducts
16. All of the following are viral infections, except A. hepatitis.
C. warts.
D. herpes.
17. The development of a hard chancre (an ulcerated sore with hard edges) is indication of what type
of STD?
A. hepatitis
B.papillomavirus @SYPhiliS
C. yeast infection
D. gonorrhea
rWhiCh STD is characterized by a foul-smelling, yellow-green frothy discharge and itching of the
A. yeast infection
B.trichomoniasis @gOnorrhea
C. genital warts
D. genital herpes
7WhiCh of the following is not associated with the egg? A. corona radiata
C. zona pellucida
D.cortical granule @ertilization membrane
20. Which of the following gives the correct order of layers the sperm crosses when entering the egg?
CEJ corona radiata, zona pellucida, oocyte plasma membrane
B. zona pellucida, oocyte plasma membrane, corona radiata
C. oocyte plasma membrane, corona radiata, zona pellucida
D. corona radiata, oocyyte plasma membrane, zona pellucida
E. zona pellucida, corona radiata, oocyte plasma membrane
z:!. The adhering follicular cells that surround the egg are called the 0prOnUClei.
B. zona pellucida.
C. corona radiata.
D. cortical granule cells.
E. outer cell mass.
22. Which part of the sperm contains the chromosomes?
A. tail
B.middle piece (£) head
23. Which of the following occurs during the embryonic stage of development? A. Chorion appears.
@Nose, eyes, and ear become noticeable.
C. Testes descend into scrotum.
24. The nervous system develops enough to permit reflex actions during which period of
development? ~ pre-embryonic
C. fetal
~hen does the heart begin to develop? A. one week
B. three weeks @fiveweeks
D. seven weeks
26. Embryonic development begins with
A. fertilization.
B. the first cell division.
C. the development of the blastocyst.
E. gastrulation.
/. Which of these is associated with pre-embryonic development? A. morula
@embrYOniC disk
C. gastru lation
D. primary germ layers
E. formation of the umbilical cord
f€. The nervous system is to the ectoderm as the skeleton is to the
A. mesoderm.
C. chorion.
D. allantois.
E. blastula.
'f. Which of the following is not derived from the endoderm? A. epithelial
lining of digestive tract
@epitheliallining of respiratory tract
C. glands of the digestive tract
D. lining of the urinary bladder
E. urinary system
31 When cells take on specific structure and function, this is called
A. cleavage.
B.growth. @mOrphOgenesis.
D. differentiation.
31. The first system in the body to become visibly differentiated during development is the
A. digestive system.
B. cardiovascular system.
C.respiratory system. @nervous system.
E. reproductive system.
YThe yolk sac of the chick provides nutrients to the developing embryo. What does that in humans? A.
(§ allantois
C. yolk sac
D. amnion
33. The amnion is to the amniotic fluid as the allantois is to the
A. blood cell precursors.
B.chorionic villi. @umbilical blood vessels.
D. amniotic cavity.
)f'WhiCh of the following is not true concerning the fetus during the third month of development?
A. Bone begins to be replaced with cartilage in certain areas of the skeleton.
B. The nose, eyes, and ears are present.
@FingernaiIS, nipples, eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair on the head appear.
D. Head growth slows down as the rest of the body increases in length.
E. It is possible to distinguish males from females.
'¥'. Which of the following problems is not associated with pregnancy? ®Iordosis
B. lower back pain
C. gastrointestinal reflux
36. What occurs during stage 3 of labor? A. The cervix dilates.
B. The baby is born.
C. Effacement occurs.
D. The amniotic sac ruptures. @The placenta is expelled.
V If Dan lives longer than his father did because Dan takes better care of himself than his
father did, thi supports which theory of aging?
A. genetic in origin
~ whole-body process ~ extrinsic factors
;rt. Which hypothesis of aging involves mitochondria?
A. genetic in origin
B.whole-body process ~extrinsic factors
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