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Comparing and Contrasting between Earth and Saturn
The Planet’s name
Other planets are named after Greek
and Roman gods and goddesses. But,
Earth’s name as and English/
German name which means the
It comes from the Old English words
'eor(th)e' and 'ertha'. In German it is
'erde'. The name
Saturn was named after the roman god
of agriculture. Saturn was Jupiter’s
Position in the Solar
Their planet is
named after the
Roman gods and
Even though they are
named after the Roman
gods and goddess, it
still has different name
and different meaning.
Position in the
Solar System
Earth is the third planet from the
sun. Earth orbit the Sun, from an
average distance of
approximately 150 million
kilometers away.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.
Saturn orbits the Sun at an average
distance of 1.43 billion km.
Earth is in the inside
the asteroid belt and
Saturn is outside of the
asteroid belt.
Rotation of its Axis
The earth took 23 hours, 56
minutes and 04 seconds to Spin
around once.
The mass of Earth is 5.97219 ×
1024 kilograms. The diameter of
Earth is 12.756 km.
Saturn took 10 ¼ Earth hours to spin
around once.
The mass of Saturn is 5.6846×1026
kg. It’s about 95 times the mass of the
Earth and the mass of Saturn is only 1/3
of the mass of Jupiter. The diameter of
Saturn is 108,728 km.
Their planet is
round so there
are diameter and
also mass.
Saturn took longer time
to spin around once
rather than Earth.
They have different
mass and diameter.
Saturn’s diameter and
mass are bigger than
The gravity of Earth at the
equator is 9.789 m/s2, but the
force of gravity at the poles is
9.832 m/s2.
Saturn’s gravity has a little stronger
force than the force on Earth’s gravity.
If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth
you would weight about 106 pounds on
Both planets
have gravity.
Saturn has more
gravity than earth
Earth takes over a year to orbit
the Sun (365.25 Earth days). The
Earth revolves around the Sun at
a speed of about 18.5 miles/sec
(30 km/sec).
Saturn orbits around the sun once every
29.4 Earth years. Saturn travels at an
average speed of 21,637 miles per hour
/34,821 kilometers per hour in its orbit
around the sun.
Both planets
orbit the sun.
Saturn need longer
time to orbit the sun
and Saturn’s average
speed is faster than
Earth when orbiting the
Earth’s atmosphere consist of
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9%
argon, 0.03% carbon dioxide and
other gases. The atmosphere traps
the heat from the sun so that
Earth doesn’t get much sunlight
because if it’s too much we’ll get
burn. The Earth's atmosphere is
about 300 miles (480 km) thick.
And the Earth’s atmosphere is
getting thinner and thinner.
Saturn’s atmosphere consists of 96.3%
molecular hydrogen and 3.25% helium.
Ammonia, acetylene, Ethan, propane,
phosphine, and methane have been
detected in Saturn's atmosphere.
Saturn and Earth Earth has oxygen that
have atmosphere helps living things to
that both contain breath. Saturn has more
dangerous gases than
Earth’s temperature is about
Saturn's temperature is about -270
degrees Fahrenheit or -168 degrees
They both have
different temperature.
Saturn is really colder
because it’s farther
from the sun than
Composition of
your planet and its
Earth is a terrestrial planet. It has
inner core, outer core, mantle and
Saturn is a gas giant planet. It is mostly
compost of hydrogen and helium.
Earth is a terrestrial
planet but, Saturn is a
gas giant planet.
Moons/ Natural
Earth only have 1 moon. Moon is
the fifth largest satellites in the
solar system. It’s temperature is
around -143.15. The moon’s
mass is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.
Saturn has more moons that any other
planet in the solar system. There more
than twenty moon that have been
discovered and there maybe others.
Saturn has one large moon, six that are
medium-sized, and many smaller ones.
Most of the moons are covered by ice
and pockmarked with craters. Some of
its moons was taken from a number of
photographs taken by Voyager 1.
- Enceladus: Enceladus is the next
outer moon after Mimas. It’s about
310 miles across.
- Tethys: Tethys is about 600 miles
across and is mostly ice.
- Dione: Dione is about the same size
as Tethys, but it is much heavier. It is
made of ice with a rocky center.
- Rhea: Rhea is the second largest of
Saturn’s moons, about 950 miles
- Titan: Titan is the largest of Saturn’s
moons, about 3190 miles across. That
is bigger than our own moon and
even bigger than the planet Mercury
and Pluto. Titan is the only moon in
the Solar System known to have an
atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is
mostly nitrogen gas with some
methane. Titan is very, very cold
place. The temperature is 300 degrees
(F) below zero. No live as we know it
could live on Titan.
- Hyperion: Hyperion is shaped
something like a giant pickle. It is
about 250 miles long and about 160
Both planets
have moons.
Saturn has more moons
that Earth.
to 140 miles wide. Some scientists
think that Hyperion was once a much
larger moon, but another object in
space crashed into it and broke
Hyperion apart.
- Iapetus: Iapetus is about 900 miles
across. It has one side that is much
brighter than the other side. The
bright side may be ice and the dark
side may be rocky. But no one knows
for sure.
- Tiny Phoebe: Tiny Phoebe is only
about 135 miles across. It is far away
from Saturn, about eight million
miles, that is takes 550 days to circle
the planet.
The large rings are made of thousands
of smaller rings. The pieces in the rings
are not spinning off into space because
it’s pulled by Saturn’s gravity. The
rings are wide but not very thick.
How would a
Human Being Fare
on Your Planet:
On Earth, everything is just
perfect. It has oxygen in the
Earth’s atmosphere. Our gravity
is also not more, not less. We’re
not crushed and we’re also not
floating in the air.
We would just weight a little more in
Saturn. If you weigh 100 pounds on
Earth, you would weight 115 on Saturn.
We cannot stand on Saturn because it’s
mostly made of gases.
Something special
Earth was originally born as a
twin to the planet Theia,
which was about half of
Earth, about the size of Mars.
The two planets shared an
orbit for several million years
until they collided (crash).
Earth absorbed Theia, and the
remaining debris eventually
coagulated into Earth’s
moon. The mass
donated/given by Theia gave
Earth the gravity
Storms on Saturn can last of
months or even years. A long-lived
2004 storm on Saturn, named the
“Dragon Storm,” created megalightning 1,000 times more
powerful than lightning on Earth
Saturn is sometimes called “The
Jewel of the Solar System.”
Saturn is the only planet that could
float in water.
A day on Saturn is 10 hours and 14
The day Saturday is named after
Earth have no rings
but, Saturn have.
Still can stand
on the planet
(not floating)
If human live in Saturn,
it’s different from
Both planets have
different history and
Discovery of your
Create own
Before, people believed that
Earth is the center of the Solar
System. This belief was pushed
by Claudius Ptolemaeus, also
known as Ptolemy. Ptolemy
believed that the stars and the
other planets orbited the Earth.
 Why Earth is the only planet
that support live?
 Why only some of the planets
have rings? Why Earth
doesn’t have rings?
 Why terrestrial planet is
placed on the inner of the
asteroid belt?
On July 1, 2004, the Cassini-Huygens
was the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn.
Launched on October 15, 1997, It
traveled over 2,000,000,000 miles at a
speed of 70,700 miles per hour before it
reached the ringed planet. Its mission
has been extended to 2012.
 What if Saturn has 2 rings not just
 If Saturn is the first planet from the
sun, will it sometimes block the
other planet to get the sunlight?
 Why gas giant’s planet is placed on
the outer of the asteroid belt?
These planets were
discovered by different
Earth is the places where it can support live. No other creatures have been discovered in other planets (yet). Earth has the right atmosphere,
gravity, temperature and others. The atmosphere gave us oxygen. The gravity is not too little that it could make us float or even too much gravity.
The temperature is also not too hot and not too cold. Earth also has day and night and also seasons that could help human or even other living
Claybourne, Anna. “Planet Earth.” The Usborne Encyclopedia of Planet Earth, 1999.
“Axial tilt” (online) [available] 17 September 2012
“Earth” (online) [available] 19 September 2012
“The Earth’s Atmosphere” (online) [available]
“Gravity of the Earth” (online) [available]
“45 Amazing Facts about… Earth” (online) [available] September 17,2009
“Who discovered Earth” (online) [available]
 “How long does it take Saturn to go around the sun?” (online) [available]
 “The solar system- the planet Saturn”
(online) [available]
 “Size of Saturn” [available]
 “Saturn” [available]
 “How far is Saturn form the sun?”
 “Saturn” [available]
 “The planet Saturn” [available] 2nd June 2012
 “Saturn fun facts” (online)
[available] 07.01.04
“50 interesting facts about… Saturn” (online)
[available] May 3, 2010