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for the
South Carolina
United States History and the Constitution
End of Course (EOC) Exam
Wren High School
May 15 2012
Standard 5
Standard 5.1
Change from Isolationism to Imperialism
Based on Social Darwinism
Isolationism to Imperialism
Westward Expansion of the mid
American Expansion of the late
Manifest Destiny
Social Darwinism
Isolationism : Concerning yourself with your own country instead of foreign affairs
Imperialism: Expanding to gain new lands and resources
American expansionism was also influenced by the domestic tensions of the 1890’s, Social Darwinism
and a growing population. In order to protect American markets and spread Christianity around the
world the United States constructed an empire.
One negative result of American expansionism was that some foreign countries resisted the American
Define Social Darwinism: The theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject
to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals
Standard 5.2
Spanish American War
Territories gained
1 Treaty Agreement
1 Puerto Rico
2 Treaty Agreement
2 Guam
3 Purchased from Spain
3 Philippines
4 Taken From Spain
4 Cuba
5 Annexed Empty Territory
5 Wake Island
What was the world view of the U.S.? “Champion of Liberty” or “Colonial Power”
The fight over the Philippines
_____________________ opened trade with China. Some Chinese resented the American presence
and revolted in an event that was known as the ___________________________.
Standard 5.3
American Imperialist Policies
"Big Stick Diplomacy"
Use force or the threat
of it.
"Dollar Diplomacy"
Use money to influence
"Moral Diplomacy"
Teach them to elect
good moral people
The Roosevelt Colliery established the U.S. as the “policeman” In Latin America.
The United States helped Panama gain independence from Colombia in order to gain access rights to
construct the Panama Canal during Roosevelt’s administration.
The U.S. imperialist policies caused revolts in Latin America and Asia.
Standard 5.4
World War I
Major Causes of the war (M.A.I.N.A)
1. M. Militarism 2. A. Alliances
3. I. Imperialism 4. N. Nationalism
5. A. Assassination
The “spark” was the assassination of Austrian Archduke
When was the war? 1914 - 1918
From 1914 until 1917 the U.S policy was Neutrality , because the U.S. did not
want to enter the war.
Why did the U.S. enter the war?
1. Sinking of the RMS Lusitania 2. Zimmerman Note
3. Unrestricted German Submarines 4. Supplying the British
The most important new weapon of World War I was the Airplane.
The U.S. helped bring the war to an end by using the Third Army to give the Allied
army a boost and stop the last major German push of the war.
Most Americans supported the war due to Propaganda that portrayed the
Germans as “Huns”. The government also passed the Sedition Acts in order to
curb anti war statements on the home front.
The creation of the U.S.S.R and anti-immigrant sentiment carried over after the
war and led to a Red Scare
Wilson intended to “make the world safe for democracy” and issued his 14 Points
as a plan for peace after the war.
President Wilson also wanted to create a League of Nations in order to stop
future wars.
Paris Peace Conference
The Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war.
Great Britain, France, and Italy sought to punish Germany for World War I by
including Blaming Germany and Reparation payments in the treaty.
President Wilson was able to convince the European leaders to include the
14 Points in the treaty.
The map of Europe was redrawn based on the idea of Nations, but this could not
accommodate the ethnic complexity of the region and eventually led to the start
of WWII.
Standard 5.5
United States Reaction to the Treaty
The U.S. Senate failed to ratify the treaty and never joined the League of Nations
because they feared the U.S. would be drawn into future conflicts.
U.S. foreign policy turned to Isolationism after the war.
Standard 6
Standard 6.1
The Roaring Twenties and Harlem Renaissance
The Roaring Twenties
Mass Production
Henry Ford
Assembly Line
Household Appliances
Charles Lindbergh (Pilot)
1920s Literature
Harlem Renaissance
The “Lost Generation”
Langston Hughes
F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
An outpouring of African-American
literature, art, and poetry
Ernest Hemingway
The Entertainment Industry
The Movies
Movies like Rise of a Nation
influenced cultural attitudes.
The popularity of Birth of a
Nation is partially responsible
for the re-emergence of the Ku
Klux Klan in the 1920s.
Twenties Culture
Flappers – Women who wanted to shock society by cutting hair short wearing short dresses
Nativism - Prejudice against all who were not born in America
Standard 6.2
[First] Red Scare
Immigration Quota Acts
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
Reflected American fears of a
Communist takeover
following the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia
Placed quotas on immigration
from Asia and Eastern Europe
(New Immigrants)
Two Italian immigrants were
found guilty of murder and
executed based on
questionable evidence of guilt
[Second] Ku Klux Klan
Provided an outlet for nativist sentiment against African Americans, Jews and Catholics in
addition to continuing the First Klan’s commitment to white supremacy. The Klan’s
membership exceeded four million in the 1920s, and the organization was strongest in the
Midwest (Indiana, Ohio, etc.)
FACT: The phrase, “Monkey Trial,” was
coined by H.L. Mencken, a reporter
The Scopes “Monkey” Trial
covering the trial for the Baltimore Sun.
Fundamentalism: Strict Adherence to a doctrine e.g. Christianity
The Tennessee legislature passed a law forbidding the teaching of Charles Darwin’s theory of
Evolution in public schools. John Scopes, a substitute teacher and football coach, taught a
lesson on evolution so that the town of Dayton, Tenn., could host a trial.
William Jennings Bryan, a Fundamentalist, volunteered to prosecute the case against Scopes.
He was opposed by Clarence Darrow, who represented the
American Civil Liberties Union.
Standard 6.3
The Great Depression
“Easy Money” Policies
During the 1920s, the Federal
Reserve kept interest rates low,
which encouraged borrowing.
Consumers borrowed money to
pay for new appliances and
other consumer goods,
purchasing these items on credit
Stock Market Speculation
Since the stock market was
doing so well, many people
borrowed money to speculate in
the market. Borrowing money
to invest in stocks is called
buying on the Margin.
By the late 1920s, consumers had so much debt that they could no longer
pay for expensive consumer goods, which lowered demand. This resulted
in overproduction, resulting in decreased profits for companies.
STOCK MARKET Crash (1929)
The Dust Bowl
Shanty Towns
Dust Storms in the West
Skyrockets to near 25%
President Herbert Hoover tried many things, such as increasing tax rates and the tariff, but his efforts
failed to bring about recovery. Many historians contend that Hoover’s meddling only made things
worse, while others criticize him for not doing enough. Hoover rejected the idea of DIRECT RELIEF
(payments from the government to individuals).
Standard 6.4
The New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Wife: Eleanor
The “Darkest Days”
Bank Shut Down
The “Three R’s”
of the New Deal:
FDR’s Alphabet Soup (New Deal Agencies created by the FDR administration)
AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Administration
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
National Recovery Administration
SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission
TVA: Tennessee Valley Authority
NLRB:National Labor Relations Board Established by the Wagner Act
SSA: Social Security Act
Criticisms of the New Deal
From the “Left”
From the “Right”
Huey Long, Townsend, Father Coughlin: Didn’t do
Former President Hoover: Too much
Government Intervention
The Supreme Court and the New Deal
In Schechter v. United States (1935), the Supreme Court declared the National
Recovery Act Unconstitutional. This is an example of judicial Review a principle
established by John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison.
In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, FDR
presented a plan to Congress to Enlarge the Supreme Court, which would
have allowed the president to appoint more justices to the Court. This
plan undermined the system of Checks and Balances that are enshrined in
the U.S. Constitution. Congress rejected the “court packing” plan,
handing FDR his first major legislative defeat
Standard 7
Standard 7.1
World War II
Fascist regimes took control in German and Italy during the 1930’s due to the results of WWI, the impact
of the Treaty of Versailles, and the world wide Depression.
Fascism was a radical authoritarian nationalist ideology that was adopted by Mussolini in Italy.
American Neutrality (1933-1941)
Hitler Militarizes Germany and Expands Germany’s Borders
European response
U.S. Response
“Giving in to avoid war”
“Isolationist policies” driven by the fear
of war and the memories of WWI
Hitler’s invasion of Poland violated the Munich Agreement and ended the European Policy of
Roosevelt (FDR) used Lend and Lease Act as ways to circumvent the U.S. Neutrality Acts of the 1930’s.
Roosevelt’s commitment to halting German and Japanese aggression is evident by his signing of the
Declaration of War
America at War (1941-1945)
The U.S. officially entered WWII when the Japanese Navy launched its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on
December 7th, 1941
WWII Alliances
THE Axis
United States
Leader: Hitler
Leader: FDR
Soviet Union
Leader: Mussolini
Leader: Stalin
Leader: Tojo
Leader: Churchill
Decisive Battles
European Theater
Pacific Theater
Operation Overlord
Battle of Midway
Allied invasion of North France
Patton = America’s response to blitzkrieg
U.S. Pacific Fleet destroyed ______ Japanese
aircraft carriers – the Battle of Midway is often
called the “turning point” of the naval war in the
Battle of ________ ___________
Allied invasion of ______________, in Northern
France – opened the “Western Front,” setting up
an allied invasion of Germany
Capturing Iwo Jima provided a base for U.S. heavy
bombers to strike the Japanese mainland.
Battle of the _______________
Allied troops halted the last major German
Battle of _______________
Provided a base for the invasion of Japan –
casualties in the hundreds of thousands
(including around 100,000 civilian casualties)
The Bomb
August, 1945 – After demanding an unconditional surrender
from Japan and making it clear that continued resistance would
bring about massive destruction, the U.S. dropped atomic bombs
on the cities of _________________ and _________________.
Japan surrendered a few days after the bomb was dropped on
“The Buck Stops ___________________”
Why did President Harry Truman drop atomic bombs instead of invading Japan?
Standard 7.2
The Home Front
_________________________ - gov’t raised money with people making “safe” investments
Rationing -____ ____________________________________________________________________
Victory Gardens: ___________________________________________________________________
Women: _________________________________ and ___________________________________
African Americans still faced ______________________________ in the workforce and armed forces.
Japanese Americans: Discrimination shown by ________________________________
Standard 7.3
The Big Three
Standard 7.4
The Holocaust
In the 1930s, the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party became the ruling party in Germany.
The Nazis, led by Adolf ________________, were anti-__________________ and passed several laws
limiting the rights of Jews. On ____________________________, meaning “The Night of Broken Glass,”
the Nazi regime orchestrated mob violence against Jewish businesses and synagogues (places of
The __________________________, otherwise known as the “Final Solution,” was the German plan to
eliminate the Jews.
After the war 24 Nazi war criminals were prosecuted at the _______________________ Trials.
Impact of WWII
New Technologies: _______________________, _________________________,
___________________, ____________________, _____________________________.
Producing this new technology created more __________________, and caused the American
__________________________ of living to increase.
The postwar period also saw improvements in __________________________ which enabled
Americans to be vaccinated against diseases and caused the mortality rate to decrease.
The prosperity of the postwar period also caused improvements in agricultural technology with the
development of ____________________ and ______________________ which increased food
Standard 7.5
Cold War-Foreign Policy
_____________________ period of tension between the free world and communist world.
How did the US try to CONTAIN the spread of communism?
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
Divided: _____East___________________vs ______West____________________
Supported by: ______________________
*Tried to blockade Berlin
*Responded by ____________
Built the
Divided: ____
_Communist ________ vs ______Nationalist__________________
Supported by: _______________________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________________
Divided: _____
North ______________ vs ______South____________ Supported by: _____________________ _________________________
**Attacked First
-General --_________ jumped in on the north side
_______________was created due to the Holocaust and supported by _____________ __
___________________gave money/support to any nation in Middle East that resisted communism.
Spy Planes - ____________________ shot down over USSR and ruined peace talks
Space Race - ____________________ 1st satellite in orbit by the _______________
President ___________________ started Space Race to put ________________________
*New Revolutionary leader ___________________________
* Supported by: _________________
USA planned an invasion ___________________________ under President _______________.
USSR was caught by _____________ photographs putting nuclear bombs in Cuba.
USA blockaded Cuba which led to the ____________________________________
Standard 7.6
Contemporary America
Social and Political Changes in post War America
_________________ passed to help servicemen adjust to post war world.
_________________ explosion of birthrate after WWII
People moved out of the cities to the ______________________________. This was accelerated by
Eisenhower’s ________________________________ which constructed the Interstate Highway system.
Demand for goods caused an increase in production that helped recreate a ______________________
where people purchased goods to satisfy their “wants”. This included buying items for recreation like
The Supreme Court ruled to allow__________________, to end _____________________.
The consumer culture and the Supreme Court Rulings helped to ____________________ American
Society and this eventually leads to the reemergence of _______________________________. By the
1970s political organizations like the _______________________ and ____________________ were
created to elect “Moral Candidates”
The Women’s Rights movement was aided by the publication of ________________________ by Betty
Impact of WWII
New Technology: _______________________, _________________________, ___________________,
____________________, _____________________________.
Producing this new technology created more __________________, and caused the American
__________________________ of living to increase.
The postwar period also saw improvements in __________________________ which enabled
Americans to be vaccinated against diseases and caused the mortality rate to decrease.
The prosperity of the postwar period also caused improvements in agricultural technology with the
development of ____________________ and ______________________ which increased food
Standard 8.1
Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King-Malcolm X—
Major events/protest tactics_____________________ __________,_____________________________
__________________________, ___________________________, _____________________________
_________________________Case overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson case, and outlawed segregation in
the public school system.
____________________, segregation by law. _____________________ segregation by fact
President Truman’s support for the Civil Rights Movement Caused a new party to emerge called the
_____________________________. _________________________ party support of civil rights
legislation and Nixon’s southern strategy caused the South to move from the Democratic Party to the
________________________ Party.
The Civil Rights Movement also had an impact on the ________________ rights movement with the
passage of the ___________________________. The land mark Supreme Court cases of _________
_____________, and _____________________ further protected the rights of accused.
Standard 8.2/8.3
Divided: _____
North______________ vs ______South____________________
Supported by: ____________________ ________________________________
Leader: __________________________ ________________________________
Kennedy’s policy in Vietnam was one in which the U.S. served as ________________________
______________________—gave President Johnson the power to escalate the war in Vietnam
_____________________ major North Vietnamese offensive of the war
_____________________ massacre led by American Troops
________________________ student protest of the war where students were killed by members of
the National Guard.
President Nixon’s policy of _______________________________ turned the war over to South Vietnam.
New Frontier
Great Society
New Federalism
Space Race
Civil Rights Acts of 1965,
Voting Rights Act, Fair
Housing Act of 1968
Creation of the E.P.A.
Camp David
Civil Rights Bill (failed)
War on poverty
Rapprochement with
Iran Hostage Crisis
Peace Corps
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Détente with the U.S.S.R
Bay of Pigs/Cuban
Missile Crisis
Lost the support of American
Standard 8.4
Reagan Administration
Conservatism- Holding traditional values or attitudes in politics.
What traditional values were challenged during the Culture Wars
during Reagan’s administration?
Why did we see this movement toward Conservatism during the
Reagan administration?
Standard 8.5
Globalization- The spread of _________________ across the
entire world’s population.
Why do some cultures oppose Globalization?
North American _________ ________ Agreement
Agreement between which three countries?
Clintons Reforms
Health Care
Education Reforms
Bush Reforms
Bush Tax Reform
Why Was it
What did it do?
Was it successful
in improving the
Standard 8.6
Global Terrorism/Middle East
How has the rise and fall of countries affected the situation in
the Middle East? Think Israel, Palestine, and the Soviet Union.
Goals of terrorism?
Using terror to achieve world ________________ of
their cause.
Challenge of fighting a terrorist organization?