Download The Hot Zone: Part I

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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The Hot Zone: Chapter 1 & 2 Reading Questions
The Shadow of Mt. Elgon
As you read, write the answer to these questions on your own piece of paper. When you have
completed all questions, go to the questionnaire on the website and fill in your answers. This must be
emailed /submitted by April 21, 2014. Completing these reading questions will help you prepare for
your project presentation.
1. Who is Charles Monet? Describe what happens to Monet?
(page 2) The author uses a sensory image of hot and cold in describing the case. What is it?
3. Why were workers burning the fields?
4. As of page 10, list three possible sources of infection from the cave.
5. How did the pillar in the cave get scored and marked?
6. List the symptoms, feelings, and progression of the disease as it struck Monet.
7. (page 13) What is the reference to “bomb” in this sequence?
8. What does it mean for his bloodstream to “throw clots”?
9. The toxic agent has an active voice as the chapter ends. What is it doing?
10. Is the agent that killed Charles Monet a character in The Hot Zone? If it is a character, what
sort of a character is it and what role does it seem to play?
Chapter 2: JUMPER
1. What happened to Dr. Shem Musoke, who worked on Charles Monet?
2. Describe the kidneys and liver during the autopsy.
3. What did Dr. Musoke do that contributed to the spread of the disease?
4. Describe the findings of the exploratory surgery performed on Dr. Musoke.
5. Why did Dr. David Silverstein purify the serum? What is this?
6. Where did Dr. Silverstein send the samples? Why?
7. What is the significance of the title of this chapter?
Project Questions
What presentation option are you and your partner(s) choosing for this project?
What is the virus you will be using for your pandemic? Describe some of the traits of this
Describe the location of your pandemic.
Describe the vector for your pandemic. (A vector is any agent (person, animal or
microorganism) that carries and transmits an infectious pathogen into another living