* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
4.9, 4.11 Received22 September1971;revised8 November1971 The Central Origin of the Pitch of Complex Tones: Evidence ' from Musical Interval Recognition * A. J. M. HOUTSMA ANDJ. L. GOLI)STEINi Centerfor Communications Sciences, Research Laboratoryof Electronics, Massachusetts Institute o.fTechnology, Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139 The human auditory system'sability to recognizesimplemelodiesthat correspond to fundamentalperiods in sequences ofperiodicsounds devoidoffundamental energywasstudiedthroughmusical intervalidentification experiments.Stimuli comprisingtwo randomlychosensuccessive upper harmonicswere presented both monotically(two harmonicsto oneear) and dichotically(oneharmonicto eachear). Subjectscould recognize melodies equallywellwith bothmodesof stimuluspresentation. The resultsimply that thepitchof thesecomplextonesis mediatedby a centralprocessor operatingon neuralsignalsderivedfrom those effectivestimulusharmonicsthat are tonotopicallyresolved. introducedto auditionby Ohm in 1843 (Plomp and Smoorenburg,1970). This earlier work is discussed An essentialbasis for practicing the art of music is morefully in Secs.V and VI. We reportin this papera the human auditory system'sability to perceivemelody number of new psychophysical experimentsthat were in a sequenceof periodic or near-periodicsounds.In designedwithin a musicalframeworkto explorehow Western culture, a musical note scale has been develthe auditorysystemretrievesand encodes the informaoped which characterizesmusical sounds solely by tion of the fundamentalfrequencyfrom a sequence of their fundamentalfrequencies,and a melodycomprises periodicsounds. a sequenceof noteson sucha scale.Musical instruments are designedin sucha way that when a note is played I. METHODS a periodic or quasiperiodicsoundis generatedwhose fundamental frequencyis designatedby the note. On A. General Paradigm listening to a sequenceof suchmusicalsoundsone can In order to simulate musical behavior as closely as easily retrieve the original series of notes from the the basicprocedurewasto presenta subject auditory sensation,regardlessof the particular Fourier possible, consisting of a numberof spectrum generatedby the instrument. Some instru- with a simplemusicalmessage andto havehim respondby identifying ments (e.g., strings) produce sounds with a rich musicalsounds, or melodies spectrum comprising the fundamental and many it. In caseswherethe setof musicalmessages partials; others (e.g., flute) have little more than the was known to the subjectbeforehand,a responsebox bare fundamental; and still others (French horn) was used; otherwisethe subjectwas askedto write melodyusinga relativenote scale. generatelower noteswith relatively little energy at the downthe perceived The musicalsoundswere complextonescomprising lower partials, including the fundamental (Saunders, upperharmonicsof equalintensity;no 1937, 1946). Alsomelodiesplayedon any giveninstru- two successive ment can easily be recognizedafter the soundhas been energyat the fundamentalfrequencyitselfwaspresent. passed through a bandpassfilter with a bandwidth Despitethefact that morecomplex stimulimighthave much narrowerthan the spectraof the originalsounds; provided better simulation of musical-instrument one can readily observethis when listening to music sounds,theserelativelysimplesyntheticstimuliwere they minimizethe numberof free from an inexpensivetransistorradio.This phenomenon preferredbecause of melody invariance over a large class of spectral stimulusparameters,and offerbetter controlover the transformationshas had profoundimpact on auditory locationof spectralenergyin the effectivestimulus. because a largebodyof scienceever sincethe conceptof Fourier spectrumwas In addition,theywereselected INTRODUCTION 520 Volume 51 Number 2 (Part 2) 1972 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 PITCH OSCILLATOR OF COMPLEX TONES DUAL DUAL CHANNEL CHANNEL ELECTRONIC AUDIO I PDP-4 COMPUTER OSCILLATOR 2 SWITCH AMPLIFIER 'I• ATTENUATOR I • ATTENUATOR[ ANSWER BOX FIG. 1. Equipmentdiagramfor all two-toneexperiments. participatedin somemore descriptiveand qualitative experiments. All had at least somedegreeof musical training and were familiar with musical notation and dictation. A few could not perform the required If the same harmonic numbers were chosen for each identification or recognition tests initially and were note, one couldeasilyrecoverthe melody describedby given sometraining (lessthan 1 h) starting with tone harmonics,which the (missing)fundamentalsmerely by tracking one of complexesof up to six successive the two partials, since the frequenciesof harmonic were then graduallyreducedto the two-tonestimuli partialsare alwaysintegralmultiplesof the fundamental usedin the test experiments. frequency. In this situation, both partials would IDENTIFICATION OF describethe same melody as the fundamental, merely II. BASIC EXPERIMENTS: EIGHT KNOWN MUSICAL INTERVALS transposedupward in key. In order to prevent the subject from using this trivial cue, the harmonic A. General Procedures numberswere randomizedfrom note to note, and hence the subject was required to retrieve the notes from Five basicexperiments werecarriedout havingmany possiblyrelevantpsychophysical and physiologicaldata alreadyexistedfor thesestimuli (Goldstein,1967, 1970; Goldstein and Kiang, 1968; Kiang, 1965; Sachs and Kiang, 1968; Sachs,1969). hearing a sequenceof pairs of randomly chosensucces- features in common. The task of the subject was to siveupper harmonics. identify on eachtrial whichout of eightknowntwo-note melodies(or musicalintervals)was presented[-Fig. 2(a)-]. These simple melodieshad identical envelope B. Apparatus time structure[-Fig. 2 (b)-], and all beganwith the same The apparatusconsistedof two programmableoscilnote.The noteswereapproximatelytunedto the natural lators (General Radio 1161-A and KrohnHite 4031 R), scale,that is, frequencyratiosof 16/15, 9/8, 6/5, and an electronic switch (Grason-Stadler), a two-channel 5/4 for the minor and major second,and minor and audio amplifier, and a set of TDH-39 headphones. major third, respectively.The stimuli representing the notes comprisedtwo successive harmonics,the the headphoneswas better than 50 dB below stimulus number of the lower harmonicbeing chosenrandomly level. (In one experiment, where four successive for eachnote over a rangeof three successive integers harmonicswere needed,we useda third programmable [-Fig.2(c)-]. The middleof the lowerharmonicnumber oscillator, KrohnHite 4031 R, and a dual multiplier, range,•, and the fundamentalfrequencyof the first CBL 47.) Subjectswere seatedin an IAC model 1200 note, f0, werechosenasindependent parametersin measound-insulated chamber. Switches and oscillators were suringidentificationperformanceexpressed as the percontrolledby a DEC PDP-4 computerwhich generated centageof correctresponses. We chosethis particular all random events, performedstimuluscomputations, set of musical intervals, not becausewe assumethey stored responses,and controlled feedback. An equiphaveany inherentsignificance, but merelybecause they ment diagram is shownin Fig. 1. provide, at least in the Western culture, a convenient language which musically trained people can C. Subjects Harmonic and intermodulation distortion measured at understand. Three subjectsparticipatedin the basicexperiments. All weremale, between18 and 31 yearsof age, and had quite extensivemusicaltraining and experience(majors in organ,viola, and singing).All subjectscouldperform the required tests with little special training; test sessionswere limited to a maximum of 2 h daily. An additional sevensubjects,four male and three female, The subjectswerefirst testedin preliminaryexperimentsfor their ability to identify musicalintervalsby using periodic sounds with fundamental energy; a control run of 50 trials was carried out, the stimuli beingsquarewaveswith fundamentalfrequencies equal to the notesin Fig. 2(a). Subjectsweregivena "key" ascribinga numberto eachintervalandwereinstructed The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America 521 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 HOUTSMA AND i 1•4• ,4 [x]J '" "' GOLDSTEIN eachtrial,whileNH t•referred nofeedback. A typical I..,1"'-' I..I •'.' 01...11•01,..I i'-' ]'.' 11.4 ]",o II •" o]'.' •1 I I,.l II cl •"',,•] •f(•/fo 5/4 6/5 9/8 16/15 15/168/9 5/6 4/5 run consistedof 50 trials for subjectAH and 25 trials for the other subjects.Fundamentalfrequencieswere incremented in stepsof 100Hz (or sometimes 200 Hz), and for eachfundamentalfrequencya number of runs wastaken,eachtime incrementingthe averageharmonic number ff by one. As many runs were taken as were 500 250 500 TIME (ms) (b) necessaryto make performancedrop from perfect (100%correct)to chance(12.5ø/o correct,corresponding to one out of the eight intervals guessedcorrectly); typicallyaboutsixrunsat eachfundamentalfrequency were required. The resulting psychometricfunctions werethenremappedinto"equal performance contours," relating performance level to both fundamental frequency,f0, and averageharmonicnumber,if. B. Monotic Experiments n-! n-I n n Stimuli were presentedmonotically at a sensation level of 20 dB. Equal performancecontoursare shown n n+l n n+l n+l n+2 n+l f/fo n+2 f/fo concentrated (c) [R•GHT "ILEFT EAR ß -J 50 tn 35 - I, AR [ I • , n 20 • I I ! n-2 n-I n in Fig. 3(a). On onesubject(AH) a controlexperiment wasperformedwith the partials of eachnote presented in time sequence,rather than simultaneously.We chosevaluesfor f0 and ff which had previouslyyielded perfectperformance.Despite the fact that f0 can easily be computedfrom this stimulus,the subjectwas not able to perform better than chance,even after many n+l f/fo (d) Fro. 2. Experimental paradigm for musicalinterval identifica- tion experiments:(a) musical intervals to be identified, (b) time-envelope of the total stimulus,(c) the threepossibletwo-tone stimuli for each of the two notes; for each note a random choice wasmadeamongthe threepossiblestimuli, (d) stimulusconfigura- tion for one note of a dichoticallypresentedmelody,with the efforts. We concluded that randomization of harmonic number forces the subject to use both partials simultaneously. The experimentalresults show clearly that the best performance is achieved with the lowest harmonic numbers, that is, the larger the spacing between harmonics on a log-frequency scale, the better the performance. This finding, together with what is known about the physiologyof cochlearfrequency analysis (Kiang, 1965; Goldstein, Baer, and Kiang, 1971)and the psychophysics of resolutionof partialsin complextones (Plomp, 1964) suggestedthe hypothesis that both harmonicsof the soundsemployed in this experimentare processedthrough separatechannelsof the cochlearoutput to obtain successfulidentification. C. Dichotic Experiments and Relation to Monotic Results addition of simulated combination tones. The separate-channelhypothesiswas tested employing probably the most extreme channelseparationone to push a correspondingbutton on an answer box can think of, namely separateears. We thought that, within 4 sec after each stimuluspresentation,after while negative resultswould not necessarilyinvalidate whichfeedbackwasprovided.All threesubjectsscored the hypothesis,positive results would prove it to be perfectly, which indicatesthat they did possess the correct. The experimentalparadigm was the same as requiredmusicalskills,andthat performance limitations in the monatic experiment,except that the stimulus so often encounteredin identificationexperimentsof this kind and which are commonlyattributed to imperfectmemory (Miller, 1956) were apparently of little significancehere. Next, in the basicexperiments, subjectsweretested individually.AH and SW were given feedbackafter 522 Volume51 Number2 (Part 2) partials were presenteddichotically,one to each ear. The resultsare shownin Fig. 3(b). Comparisonwith the monatic resultsshowsthat eachsubject'sperformance is essentially the same under both stimulus conditions, suggestingthat a central mechanism integratesandprocesses informationfrombothcochleas, 1972 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 PITCH OF COMPLEX SUBJECT SW 14- TONES NH AH _ 12 - MONOTI C IO-Pc;o= _ 20dBSL - 2-IOO• ,•- ' ' ' ' ' 0 ,,;,o •;o,•oo ,;oo •ooo .o-"••o,,,, •o•.s• 4- 20dBSL •, •o•.• 80 2- I00• o, , , , ' " o ,;oo ,;oo ;oo f L• I I I I IF DICHOTIC I2• 50dBSPL IOI- Pc= • (d) •/ •o•-,,•_• 0L • I I I I 14FP c= DICHOTIC '•1- •o,,,,. 50 •a 0t • i i i i 200 400 600 800 I000 fo(Hz) b I I i i • 200 400 600 800 I000 fo(Hz) I J I I i i I 1 I 200 400 600 800 I000 fo(Hz) Fro. 3.Performance contours for musical interval identification experiments with pairs ofrandomly chosen successive upper harmonics. Stimulus conditions: (a)monotic, 20 dBSL, (b) dichotic, 20 dBSL, (c)monoti'c, 50(40) dBSPL, (d)dichotic, 50(40) dBSPL, (e) dichotic, 50 (40)dBSPL, withtwo simulated combination tones. andthattheinputsto thismechanism aresimilarunder andfourthexperiment undertaken at higherstimulus both monoticand dichoticstimulation. intensity levels, 50dBSPLforsubjects AH andSW, Theeffectof stimulus intensity uponbothmonotic and40 dB SPLforsubject NH. Thesesound-pressure anddichotic performance wasinvestigated in a third levels(SPLs)werechosento avoidthe auraldifference TheJournal of theAcoustical Society of America 523 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 HOUTSMA AND GOLDSTEIN tone, f•.--f•, in the monoticcase(Plomp,1965; Goldstein, 1967), and interaural crosstalkin the dichotic case (Zwislocki, 1953). Equal performancecontours are shownin Figs.3(c) and 3(d). human listenexto retrieve the notes representedby a sequenceof periodicsounds.While these experiments provide informationabout the conditionsunder which subjectscan perform a certain interval identification task, they do not show that the subject "hears" D. Influence of Aural Combination Tones melody.The subjectcouldhave learnedto discriminate and identify eight stimuli merely on the basisof some Comparing results from all four experiments,it unspecified, subjective criterion, rather than by appearsthat each subject'sperformanceis essentially recognizing each stimulus as a particular musical the sameunder all four stimulusconditions,exceptthat interval, although each subjectassertedthat the latter for higher-intensitymonotic stimulation[-Fig. 3(c)• was true. performancecontoursare shiftedupwardsby approxTo obtainmoreobjectiveevidencethat the measured imately 2 or 3 harmonic numbers.Such an upward performance truly reflects the musical behavior of shift might be expected becauseof the presenceof aural combinationtones of the type fl--k (f•.-- fl) melody perception,a control experimentwas carried generatedin the peripheral ear for a monotic stimulus out in which subjectswere requiredto name previously unknown four-note melodies using standard musical comprisingthe frequenciesfl and f•. (Zwicker, 1955; notation. On each trial four periodic soundsat 50 dB Plomp, 1965; Goldstein, 1967, 1970; Goldsteinand Kiang, 1968). These combinationtones provide the SPL were presentedin regular time sequence,each sound being a two-tone complexwith frequenciesat ear with two or three harmonics below those contained successiveharmonicsof some (missing) fundamental in the stimulus, which are probably very useful since frequency in the range of 200-400 Hz. The lower all the results thus far indicate that performance harmonic number was chosenrandomly from '3, 4, improves with decreasingharmonic number. These and 5 for each sound. Since each note could be repcombination tones could make the e•ective average resentedby three different sounds,a four-notemelody harmonic number about 2 or 3 lower than the actual could be presentedin 34 (i.e., 81) different ways. value of • in Fig. 3. In the dichotic experiments, Four different four-note melodies were used, which combination tones are not present; in the monotic were unknownto the subjectsprior to the experiment. experimentat 20 dB SL they would be near or below In the first part of the experiment, subjectscould threshold(Goldstein,1967). There are two obviousways to test this combination- determine which of the four melodieswas presented, and their task was to recognize all four by writing tone hypothesis.One approachwould be to repeat the them down using a relative note scale. Since each third experiment(mediumintensity,monotic)and add a number of pure tones to the stimulus having the melody could be representedin 81 different ways, exact frequency, amplitude, and phase to cancel all subjectswere allowedto listen to severalpresentations aurally generatedcombinationtones(Goldstein,1967); of each melody before answering.In the secondpart, all four of the four-note melodiesused in the first part identificationperformanceshouldthen approachthat were presentedat random, and subjectswere askedto for dichotic experiments.The technical and experimental difficultiesof providingthe correctcancellation identify eachmelody presentedby pushingthe approamplitude and phasefor eachnote causedus to eschew priate button on a responsebox. This experimentwas this approach.Instead, an experimentwas carried out performed both with monotically and dichotically presentedtone complexes,using 10 subjectsall of usingdichoticstimuliat 50 dB SPL (40 dB for subject NH) with the additionof two moretonesthat approx- whom were familar with musical dictation. Since our imately simulated the aural combinationtones which principal interest was to investigate whether the reflecteda naturalmusicalbehavior the ear generates under monotic conditions. The subject'sresponse rather than someingeniouslyacquiredskill for performstimulus paradigm is shown in Fig. 2(d) and the experimentalresultsin Fig. 3 (e). Performancecontours ing a complicatedtask, very little time was spent on showedthe same upward shift as is seenin the third training. The results of the monotic experiment were that experiment,and the similaritiesof Figs. 3(c) and 3(e) nine out of ten subjectscharacterized eachsequence of are considered strongevidencethat suchperformance four soundsby the missing fundamentalsin the first differences as occur between monotic and dichotic part and scoredperfectlyor nearperfectlyin the second stimulus conditions can be attributed to combination part. The samewastrue for six subjectsin the dichotic tonesgeneratedin the peripheralauditorysystem. experiment;three had somedifficultiesin both parts, III. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS FOR and the one subjectwho couldnot perceiveconsistent MUSICAL BEHAVIOR melodiesin the first part undermonoticconditionswas The purpose of the experimentsreported in the also unable to do so for dichotic stimuli. The three previoussectionwasto investigatemelodyperception, subjectswho participatedin our previousbasicexperiwhich was taken operationallyas the ability of the ments had no difficulties with either the monotic or 524 Volume 51 Number 2 (Part 2) 1972 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 PITCH OF COMPLEX dichotic tests. These results provide direct evidence that the phenomenonunder study doesindeed reflect normal musical behavior rather than a sophisticated learned skill that is not directly relevant to melody perception. IV. EVIDENCE FOR PERCEPTION Since random TWO OF variations MODES COMPLEX in harmonic OF MUSICAL TONES number from one note to the next are highly unusual in normal musicalpractice,we might wonderwhat would happen in melody recognitionexperimentslike thosediscussed in Sec.III if the harmonicsof eachnotevaried systematically rather than randomly. As was noted earlier, a choice of the same harmonic number for every note would lead to a trivial situation where retrieving the frequencyof either the missingfundamentalor a single upper harmonic would lead to a report of the same melody.A more interestingstimuluswould be onewhere TONES soundshas beenstudiedactively and reportedin terms of musicalpitch perceptionevoked by single sounds with fixedharmonics(Seebeck,1841;Helmholtz, 1863; Hermann, 1912; Fletcher, 1924; Schouten, 1940b; Thurlow and Small, 1955; deBoer,1956; Flanaganand Guttman, 1960; Schouten,Ritsma, and Cardozo,1962; Ritsma, 1962; Smoorenburg,1970). Reviews of this literature have recently been given by Plomp, 1967; Small, 1970; Schouten,1970; and Ritsma, 1970. We have chosento performexperimentsusingsequences of sounds with random harmonic number because we found that successive notesevokedin subjectsa sense of musical interval and provided a context for that feature of each sound that was being contrasted. In addition, this choiceminimized the opportunitiesfor behavioral responsesthat are directly correlated with tracking of partials. Finally, it enabledus to demonstrate directly the role of fundamental retrieval in musical behavior. Despite our departuresfrom earlier procedures,we the fundamental and harmonics describe different believe that our investigations involve the same melodies.Such stimuli are given by any of the sound phenomenon as has been described in earlier work. sequencesused earlier for which the harmonic numbers were not all equal. Of the 81 possible four-sound De Boer (1956) reported pitch matches in which sequences usedin Sec. III to representeach four-note inharmonic complex tones comprisingfive or seven melody, one sequencewas chosen for which no two partials with uniform frequencyspacingwere aurally successive noteswere representedby soundswith the matched to periodiccomplextoneswith a fundamental same harmonic numbers. A recognition experiment that differedsystematicallyfrom the spectralspacing of the inharmonic sound. Schouten, Ritsma, and similar to the first part of the experimentin Sec. III was performed. Four different four-note melodieswere Cardozo (1962) producedsimilar data for AM comused,whichwereunknownto the subjectsprior to the plexes(three partials) which are reproducedin Fig. 4, experiment. Each melody was representedby one and Smoorenburg(1970) found essentiallythe same four-soundsequence.Thesestimuli provideconsistent results using complexesconsistingof only two tones. but different information dependingon whether the All these tone complexeswere presentedmonotically subjectretrievesthe missingfundamentalor a partial. or diotically (i.e., one ear stimulated, or both ears A number of subjectswere asked to listen to such identicallystimulated).Usinga musical-intervalmatchstimuliand to reportwhichnote sequence they would ing paradigm, we obtained very similar results with associatewith each of them. Some reported a note two-tone stimuli presented both monotically and sequence which was consistent with the missing dichotically (Houtsma and Goldstein, 1971). Two fundamentals; othersreporteda melodycorrespondingadditionalexperimentswereperformedto examinethe to one of the partials; one subjectwas able to report relation betweenthe findingsof pitch-matchingexperimelodies described by boththe upperandlowerpartial. ments and our experimentson interval identification. Helmholtz(1863) mentionedthat complexperiodic The first was an interval identification experiment soundscan be perceived "synthetically," i.e., the with the same paradigm as was used in the basic complexis perceivedas one sound,havingone pitch; experiments,except that for each note the two freor "analytically,"i.e., partialsare heard individually, quencies (with successiverandom harmonic numbers) eachonehavingits own pitch. Crossand Lane (1963) were uniformly shifted up or down in frequency by showed that these two modes of musical behavior can be controlledby previoustraining.Our experiments do indeedsupporttheseobservations andshow,moreover, that listeners can switch from one mode to the other when this providesthem with relevant informationfor a particular task. V. RELATION TO EARLIER WORK FUNDAMENTAL RETRIEVAL ON For well over a century,the phenomenon of fundamental retrievalin the perceptionof periodicmusical some random increment less than one-fourth of the fundamental frequency. This limit was imposed to avoid pronouncedpitch ambiguities that are to be expectedfor larger inharmonic frequency shifts from the data shown in Fig. 4. Stimuli were presented monoticallyat 50 dB SPL to one subject{AH) and at 40 dB to another (NH). We chosevaluesfor i and f0 that had yielded perfect identification performance without the random frequencyshift. The results are shown in Fig. 5. It is obvious that performance is considerablyless than perfect, although the relevant The Journal of the AcousticalSocietyof America 525 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 HOUTSMA AND n=7 ,/ 240 GOLDSTEIN n=8 / • // n =9 / o // =. ,•/ Fod' / // n/=I0 ,,/•/ o/ FIG. 4. Pitch as a function of ,..•/c), / • n=II 200 n= 12 18o /•o • /• • 160 / u ,/ 1200 / / //- 1400 / / // •'• /Z / 1600 CENTER / • /•B / '• a ./ / 1800 FREQUENCY /' /• o / /o . _..... z o SUBJECTH ß f• 2000 2200 RR the center frequency for a three-componentcomplextone. Stimulus intensity is 35 dB SL. The fundamental frequency, p, of an amplitude-modulated soundcomprisingthe harmonic frequencies (n- 1)p, np, and (n+l)p is adjusted to match aurally the musical pitch of another amplitude-modulated sound comprisingthe inharmanic frequenciesf-200 Hz, f, and f4-200 Hz. The first effect is defined by the dashed lines of slope 1/n. (From Schouten,Ritsma,andCardozo, 1962, with permission from The Journal of the Acoustical Societyof A •nerica). 2400 (Hz) messagewas preservedin the differencefrequenciesof the complex tones, indicating that inharmonic frequency shift of a complex tone does indeed alter its pitch. Performancewas better than chance (12.5% correct) and improved with increasing harmonic number •. This was predictable from the particular choiceof musicalintervals to be identifiedand the pitch uncertainty introduced by the uniformly distributed random frequency shift by using the simple decision model outlined in the legendof Fig. 5. In the secondexperiment we examinedthe musical relevanceof the empirical relation between pitch of a complex tone and inharmonic frequency shift of its partials by applying this relation to our musicalinterval identification paradigm. The experiment differed from the previous one in that the inharmonic soundswere chosento preserve the original musical intervals. For the first note a random frequencyshift, positive or negative, was chosenwith a maximum of one-fourth of the fundamental frequency; then the empirical"first effect" relation (Schouten,Ritsma, and Cardozo,1962) shownin Fig. 4 was usedto computethe inharmonicfrequencyshift for the secondnote required to give the originalmusicalinterval. Figure 5 showsthe results; identification performanceis almost perfect. Occasionalmistakes are easily accountedfor by the additionaldifficultyfor the subjectof havingto identify eight intervals in a roving key, sinceintervalsno longer (1) Despite differencesin experimental procedure, there is clear evidence that our studies on fundamental retrieval behavior using interval identification reflect the samebasicphenomenon as the work of many other investigatorson "periodicitypitch" or "residuepitch." (2) Inharmonic tone complexesdo have a definite musicalvalue, providedthat the deviation from the harmonic situation is not so large that it will cause pitch ambiguities.This value is, at leastfor the pitch resolutionrequiredin our experiments,well described by what is knownin the literatureas the "first effect" of inharmonicfrequencyshift. (3) The largedeparturesfrom the first effectwhich havebeenreportedto occurundercertainmonaticand diotic stimulusconditions(de Boer, 1956; Schouten, Ritsma, and Cardozo,1962; Ritsma, 1970; Smoorenburg,1970;van denBrink, 1970)reflectonlya stimulus modification attributable to aural combination tones (Goldsteinand Kiang, 1968; Ritsma, 1970; Smoorenburg, 1970), rather than essentialfeatures of the central processorof musicalpitch. VI. DISCUSSION The two currentlypopulartheoriesof musicalpitch perception are the frequencydetectiontheory(Helm- holtz, 1863; Fletcher,1924) and the periodicity-detection theory(Schouten, 1940a;Licklider,1962).According to the formertheory,the cochlearspectrumanalyzer started with the same note because of the random maps the energyof the fundamentalfrequencytonoinharmonicfrequencyshift introducedin the first note. topically,and pitch is associated with spatialposition Having establishedthe relation betweenearlier work of the fundamental; if the stimulushas no energy at on musicalpitch and our basicexperiments,we make the fundamental frequency, nonlinearitiesin the the followingconclusions. peripheralear will introduceit. Accordingto the 526 Volume 51 Number 2 (Part 2) 1972 . Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 PITCH OF COMPLEX TONES ioo 80-- Fro. 5. Effects of inharmonic fre- quency shift on musical interval identification performanceof two subjects. The solid line indicates performancefor the random frequency shift paradigm predicted by a simplifieddecisionmodel which assumesthat (1) the musicalvalue for each note is randomly distributed with a rectangularpdf of width fo/2•, (2) the means of the nine notes in Fig. 2(a) are uniformly separatedby f0/16, and (3) the first note of each interval is ignored,while the secondnote is detected for maximum expected correct answers. 60-- 4O fo = 300 Hz 2O OPEN SYMBOLS' CLOSED 0 2 latter theory, somemechanismis presumedto measure temporal periodicitiesat the output of the cochlear spectrum analyzer and then associate pitch with temporal interval. All the dichotic experimentsdiscussedin this paper prove directly that neither energy at the fundamental frequency nor fundamental periods in the cochlear output are necessaryconditionsfor a subjectto retrieve fundamental frequencies in a sequenceof periodic sounds. This definite inadequacy of the periodicitydetection theory is a new finding. Earlier attempts to reconcile the establishedsensationof a missing fundamental (Seebeck,1841)with Helmholtz'sfrequency-detection theory by meansof aurally generateddistortion tones (Fletcher, 1924) had already proved inadequate. Musical pitch perception could be established for which difference SPL A H(•) 40dB SPL N H (o) CONTROLLED SYMBOLS' RANDOM SHIFT SHIFT • 0 with stimuli 50dB tone distortion had to be ruled out becauseof low stimulusintensity (Schouten, 1938; Plomp, 1967; Goldstein, 1967) or external maskingat the differencefrequency (Licklider, 1954). Furthermore, difference frequency did not designate the musical pitch of inharmonic tone complexes (Hermann, 1912; Schouten, 1940b; de Boer, 1956; Schouten,Ritsma, and Cardozo,1962). Considering these theories from a converse viewpoint, the results of the experimentsreported in this paper show, moreover, that a sufficient condition for fundamental tracking is indeed given by energy at the fundamental, which can very easily be demonstrated, but probably not by fundamental periodsin the cochlear output. The data suggest that such fundamental periods are probably irrelevant for the followingreasons: 4 6 8 (2) With monotic stimuli the possibilitiesfor fundamental periodsin the cochlearoutput are enhancedas the harmonic number n is increased. Nevertheless, interval identification performancealways deteriorates with increasingharmonic number. (3) All monotic stimuli for which identification performancewasbetter than chanceeither consistedof behaviorally resolvabletones, or generatedsuch tones as combinationtones(Plomp, 1964; Goldstein,1967). The similarity of the monoticand dichoticbehavior and the close correlation between the limits on funda- mental retrieval and behavioral frequency resolution strongly suggest that fundamentals of complex-tone stimuli are retrieved by meansof a central mechanism which operateson thosestimulustonesor combination tones that can be resolved in the cochlea. This conclu- sion is a radical departure from the theory of the "residue,"which is definedas' "the joint perceptionof thosehigher Fourier componentswhich the ear fails to resolve" (Schouten,Ritsma, and Cardozo,1962). The experimentsreported here imply that the unresolvedremainderof the harmonicseries,or residue,is not responsible for fundamentalretrieval. The finding that performancefor dichotic stimuli is boundedby harmonicnumbersimilarlyas undermonoticstimulus conditionscannot be accountedfor by cochlearfre- quencyresolution alone;thecause mustbemorecentral. The finding that the only effectiveconveyorsof musicalpitch are thosepartialswhichcanbe resolved behaviorallyis actuallynot new. Ritsma (1962, 1963, 1967a,1967b)found that the existenceregionof the "tonal residue" is bounded by an upper harmonic number whosemagnitudedependson the complexity (1) Monotic stimuli, which can provide cochlear of the stimulusand the experimentalparadigm; in fundamental periods,give no better performancethan addition,he foundthat the mosteffectiveor dominant dichotic stimuli: performance differences between pitch conveyorsare the harmonics3, 4, and 5. Our monotic and dichotic conditions at higher intensities findingthat there is no noticeabledrop in performance are well accounted for bv aural combination tones. for harmonic numbers below 4 is not inconsistent with The Journalof the AcousticalSocietyof America 527 Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see Download to IP: On: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 22:42:40 HOUTSMA AND GOLDSTEIN Ritsma's findings,sincethe effect is probably too small fibersand, at leastfor lowerfrequencies, in the temporal to make performancein our experimentsdeteriorate firing patterns of individual fibers (Kiang, 1965; below perfect (Bilsen, 1971). Smoorenburg(1970) Whitfield, 1970). From our work it appearsthat all concluded from his pitch matching data for two-tone stimuli that the effective harmonic numbers for fundamentalsof 200 Hz have an upper boundof about 9; this conclusionis supported and extended to other fundamentalfrequenciesby our results. The effectivenessof the lower partials alone in conveyingmusical pitch is also consistentwith some readily observedmusical phenomena.First, there are somemusicalinstruments,e.g., piano strings (Young, 1952), which produce soundswhose higher partials are inharmonic. From our results we conclude that this is not necessarilydisturbing, since only the lower partials are effective in communicating the note. Second,Mach's (1881) observation--thatdissonance is equally pronouncedwhen the soundsfrom two mistuned simple tone sourcesare presented to one ear or to separate ears, and can therefore not be attributed to beating effectsin the cochlea--is also quite consistent with our experimental findings. Simple tones whose frequenciesare related by ratios of small integersare effective conveyersof musical pitch independentlyof whether they are presentedmonotically or dichotically. Presumably, stimulus conditionsthat evoke no definitive musicalpitch contributeto a musician'sjudgment of dissonance (cf. Plomp and Levelt, 1965). Little specificcan be said at this point about the neural mechanism that mediates fundamental retrieval. Its closeconnectionwith behavioralfrequencyresolution suggeststhat neural signals that allow one to recognizesimple tones and retrieve the missingfundamental of harmonic complex tones are common in early stages of processing.Whatever kind of neural mechanismis postulated, for complex-tonestimuli it will operateon neural signalsderivedfrom peripherally resolved tones. It is known that information about the frequency of such tones is-preservedafter the neural transformationin the form of the placeof activenerve the constraintscouldconceivablybe met by mechanisms basedon either time or placeinformation.An important simplification for further work on musical pitch is offered by the empirical finding that fundamental retrievals for dichotically and monotically presented two-tone stimuli are essentially identical. Thus, the basicpropertiesof the centralprocessor of musicalpitch can be investigatedwith the two-tone dichoticstimulus that avoids confounding and irrelevant phenomena caused By peripheral interactions among stimulus partials. Earlier efforts to find cochlea-generatedplace (yon B•k•sy, 1961) and time (Schouten,1940a)cuesin responseto the periodicity or missingfundamental of complex input stimuli now appear to be irrelevant; mechanisms more central than the cochlea must be investigated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are deeply indebted to W. F. Kelley, D. J. Callahan, and L. D. Braida for their valuable assistance in developing the instrumentation and computer software that made these experimentspossible. Informative discussions werecontributedby H. S. Colburn, N. !. Durlach, D. M. Epstein, and W. M. Siebert. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 P01 GM14940-05 and Grater5 T01 GM01555-05). * This report is basedon a PhD thesissubmittedto the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Mass. Inst. of Technol., June 1971, by A. J. M. Houtsma, and supervisedby J. L. Goldstein.The basicresultswerepresentedat the 79th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Atlantic City, April 1970, [-A. J. M. Houtsmaand T. L. Goldstein,J. Acoust.Soc.Amer. 48, 88(A) (1970)]. t Also at the Eaton PeabodyLaboratory of Auditory Physiology, MassachusettsEye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Massachusetts 02114. REFERENCES FLANAC, AN, J. L., and GUTTMAN,N. (1960). "Pitch of Periodic Pulseswithout Fundamental Components,"J. 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