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Ecology-How living things and the environment
Habitats (p. 705-709)
1. The place where an organism lives and that provides the things
the organism needs is called its _______Habitat_
2. What needs of an organism are provided by its habitat? Shelter,
food, water
3. List four biotic factors in a rainforest ecosystem (answers will
vary) Monkeys, pumas, broad leaf trees, palm trees, snakes,
4. List the abiotic factors in an organism’s habitat. Air, water,
sunlight, temperature, soil
5. The process in which plants and algae make food (carbohydrate)
using water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide is called
6. Define species. A group of organisms that are physically similar
and can mate with each other and produce offspring
7. Put the following levels of organization in an ecosystem in order
from the smallest unit of organization to the largest.
Community, ecosystem, organism ,population ,biome
___organism, population, community, ecosystem,
___Studying Populations (p. 711-718)
8. What are the different ways that a population can be measured?
Direct observation, indirect observation, sampling, mark-andrecapture studies
9. How can population size change? List 4 ways
Birth and Deaths, Immigration or Emigration, The Population
An environmental factor that causes a population to
decrease is called a _limiting factor__(food, water, natural
The largest population that an area can support is called
its __carrying capacity_ ___________
What are some ways weather conditions can limit
population growth? Temperature, Amount of Rainfall___
Adapting to the Environment/Competition (p. 723-724)
What are adaptations? The behaviors and physical
characteristics that enables an organism to live successfully in
an environment.
The way a species makes its living. _niche__ _____
The process in which a species becomes better suited to its
environment. __adaptation ______
The three major types of interactions among organisms
are competition,_ predation________ , and symbiosis.
Predation (p. 725-727)
An interaction in which one organism kills and eats another
is called _predation_____. The organism that does the killing is
the __predator_____. The organism that is killed is the
Circle True or False: If a prey population decreases, the
population of its predator probably will decrease as well.
List two adaptations of predators
Cheetah can run fast to catch and kill prey.
Sundew has sticky substance on leaves to catch the prey
Jellyfish’s tentacles has poisonous substance that can kill the pre y
List five defense strategies of organisms
Mimicry, protectice covering, false coloring, warning coloring,
Symbiosis (p. 728-729)
Symbiosis is a close relationship between two
_species__species_ that benefits at least one of the
Complete the compare/contrast table.
Types of Symbiotic
How Species Are Affected
An example
A relationship between
two species when both
One species benefits, the
other species is
One species benefits, the
other species is harmed.
Long ear bats and
Insects and plants
Red tailed hawk and
saguaro plant
Ticks , fleas, mites,
worms are parasites
that harm the host
25.In a parasitic relationship, the organism that benefits is called
__parasite_____, and the organism it lives on or in is called
a(n) _host_____.
26. What are pioneer species?
The first species to live in an area
27. What is primary and secondary succession?