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PATIENT NAME ____________________________________ SOC _________
Define pneumonia.
______ ______ A. It is an inflammation of the lung.
______ ______ B. The disease progresses from filling of the airways and air sacs to
hardening of the lung tissue as exudate collects.
______ ______ C. Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, aspiration, or
Factors that increase risk.
______ ______ A. Smoking and air pollution.
______ ______ B. Upper-respiratory infection.
______ ______ C. Prolonged immobility.
______ ______ D. Malnutrition.
______ ______ E. Chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer, renal disease,
______ ______ F. Exposure to intense cold, damp weather.
______ ______ G. Inhalation of noxious substances.
______ ______ H. Immunosuppressive drugs.
______ ______ I. Age (very young or very old).
______ ______ J. Frequent intoxication from alcohol.
Signs and symptoms.
______ ______ A. Chest pain.
______ ______ B. Fever and chills.
______ ______ C. Cough (may be productive).
______ ______ D. Green, yellow, or rust-colored sputum.
______ ______ E. Malaise.
______ ______ F. Loss of appetite.
______ ______ G. Rapid pulse and respirations.
______ ______ H. Shortness of breath.
______ ______ I. Anxiety.
Measures to prevent or manage pneumonia.
______ ______ A. Exercise moderately as tolerated with frequent rest periods.
______ ______ B. Prevent a reoccurrence of infection:
______ ______ 1. Avoid persons with upper-respiratory infections.
______ ______ 2. Get prompt treatment for early symptoms of infection.
______ ______ 3. Get influenza and pneumonia shots.
______ ______ C. Use a vaporizer or humidifier to prevent dryness.
______ ______ D. Drink two to three quarts of fluid daily to thin secretions and replace
fluid loss unless contraindicated.
______ ______ E. Avoid the spread of infection:
PATIENT NAME ____________________________________ SOC _________
______ ______ 1. Wash hands thoroughly.
______ ______ 2. Cover mouth with tissue when coughing.
______ ______ 3. Dispose of used tissues properly.
______ ______ F. Avoid smoking because it destroys ciliary action and increases
______ ______ G. Avoid excessive alcohol, which lowers resistance to infection.
______ ______ H. Perform coughing and deep-breathing exercises. (Give “Effective
Coughing” teaching guide [14.6].)
______ ______ I. Take medications as ordered.
______ ______ J. Eat a well-balanced diet.
______ ______ K. Report continued symptoms or an increase of symptoms to
Possible complications.
______ ______ A. Pleural effusion.
______ ______ B. Collapsed lung.
______ ______ C. Lung abscess.
______ ______ D. Empyema (accumulation of purulent exudate).
______ ______ E. Meningitis, pericarditis, endocarditis.
______ ______ F. Arthritis.
______ ______ I. Septic shock.
______ ______ J. Congestive heart failure.