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WHH Study Guide for Unit 4: Qin and Han China, Mauryan and Gupta India, and
State Standards: 2(a), 2(d), 2(e); 4(b), 4(f); 5(d); 6(a); 7(e)
People and Places
Huang-di (“first emperor”)
Liu Bang (Bio)
First Han Emperor
Biography (crime disappearing,
- How could humans be
Lao Zi
- Dao De Ching
- Beliefs
Great Wall of China (purpose;
expansion under Qin)
Tomb of Shi Huang di
- Terra Cotta soldiers
Great Mauryan Kings
- Chandragupta
- Ashoka
Siddhartha Guatama
Story of his youth
Search for enlightenment
Became “Buddha”
(meaning what?)
DBQ Skills
- Document analysis
- Organizing information
- Creating thesis
- Outlining / writing
Qin Dynasty
Legalist dynasty
Authoritarian dictatorship
- Internal strategy to conquer
- Built great wall, emperor’s
- Downfall of Qin
Han Dynasty
Rebellion against Qin
(Mandate of Heaven?)
- Technological achievements
“Silk Road”
- Trade route westward
- Traded envoys w/ Rome
Han Dynasty Civil Service
Exam based on Confucian
- Ability, not merit, mattered
Origins of Silk
Mauryan Empire
What motivated it to form?
- Fall of Mauryan Empire
Mauryan culture
- Religious tolerance
- Treatment of caste
- Primary religions?
Gupta Dynasty
- “Golden Age” of Hindu
- Extent of Gupta rule
- Decline / fall of Gupta
3 philosophies emerged to re-unify
China, restore culture
- Education was key
- Personal virtue important
- Restore Chinese culture w/ 5
- Teachings in Analects
Government and laws key
Duty to government revered
Harsh punishments
Applied in Qin Dynasty
Daoism (“The Way”)
- Personal reflection, balance
- Yin & Yang (represented
Three Philosophies in today’s China
- Confucianism: personal
virtue, gov’t cares for people
- Daoism: individual freedom,
hand’s off government
- 3 Legalist ideas (rule of law,
utilitarianism, uniformity)
Buddhism Beliefs
- Four Noble Truths (all life
is…; cause of …end S & S
by… End desire by…
- Eightfold Path to Wisdom
and the “Middle Way”
- Goal = Nirvana
- Other beliefs?
Centralized Government of Han
- Bureaucracy / civil service
Key Questions
 For each of the Chinese philosophies we studied (Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism), you should be able
to describe when and why it started (this answer will be the same for all three), identify three of the
philosophy’s teachings or beliefs, and give one example of how the philosophy influences China, today.
How did the Han dynasty attempt to unify their geographically large empire? Were they successful? Why
or why not?
Was Shi Huang di a positive or negative figure, in Chinese history?
Be able to summarize the teachings of Buddhism, especially the way the Four Noble Truths lead to the
Eightfold Path to the Middle Way and, ultimately, Nirvana.
Discuss Ashoka’s rule. How did it change, midway through? Why? What did Ashoka do to demonstrate
his new found devotion?