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Yearly Transits and Progressions
Barack Obama
January 1 2013 - January 2 2014
Planetary Positions at Birth
Barack Obama
Aug 4 1961
7:24:00 PM AHST
Honolulu, HI
21°N 18'00", 157°W 51'00"
Geocentric Chart, Tropical Zodiac, Placidus House System
N. Node
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Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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Your Yearly Transits and Progressions Report
Including both transits and progressions, this report aims to give a rounded overview of your major trends during
the year. To make big picture stand out, it concentrates on the progressed planets, which all move slowly, and on
the slow-moving transiting planets, which take from 12 (Jupiter) to 240 years (Pluto) to go around the zodiac.
During the period covered by this report, these moving points will make relatively few aspects and entrances into
new houses and signs. When they do, the effect on your life will tend to be relatively long-lasting and major.
Below are some explanations of what you will find in this report. (If you know all this already, by all means skip
ahead to your forecast!)
Transiting and Progressed Planets. “Transits” are an astrological forecasting technique that compares the
present positions of the planets with where the planets and houses were in your birth chart.
“Secondary Progressions” are similar, except that each successive day of transits after your birth moment is taken
to symbolize not the trends for a single day, but those for a whole year of your life. Thus the motion of the planets
in the first twenty-four hours of your life symbolizes events from age 0 to 1, that in the second twenty- four hours
symbolizes events from age 1 to 2, etc. In this system, the day becomes a fractal of the the year, twelve hours
corresponds to six months, and every two hours corresponds to one month.
Progressions take the transits that happened during your first few months on earth, and apply them to your whole
life. These months of infancy were when you were at your most impressionable and when you were forming
lifelong patterns. Progressions show how these earliest astrological influences are echoed much later at specific
points in your life. Because the progressed motion of a planet is only 1/365th the speed of its real or transiting
motion, progressed aspects last a very long time and their effects tend to be major.
Aspects between Planets. When a transiting or progressed planet moves into the same sign and degree as a
planet in your birth chart, the symbolism of both those planets is activated in your life. Such a zero-degree
separation between two points is a form of aspect -- in this case, a “conjunction” aspect. The conjunction is the
strongest kind of linkage, but certain other angles, too, can stimulate the energies of the pair of planets involved.
These other aspects include the trine (when the two points in the pair are 120 degrees apart), square (90 degrees),
opposition (180 degrees) and sextile (60 degrees). There are also the so-called minor aspects: the semisextile (30
degrees), quincunx (150 degrees), semisquare (45 degrees) and sesquare (135 degrees). These can be potent
when they last a long time -- as progressions and the slower-moving transits do.
The Planets Used in This Report. To make the important trends of the year more obvious, we filter out the
influences of the transiting inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). Moving swiftly around the
zodiac, the transiting inner planets will aspect everything in your chart during a given year. Their aspects won’t
usually last long enough to be felt as anything more than a fleeting, short-term influence.
While we include only the slower-moving transiting planets, we include all the progressed planets, plus the
progressed North Node of the Moon, and the progressed Ascendant and Midheaven. Because progressions move
so slowly, even the fast-moving planets like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars can have a major impact
when they are progressed.
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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As for the progressed outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -- and also the lunar Node), their
motion is exceedingly slow. So slow, in fact, that these points will stay very close to their natal positions for your
entire life. Only when a progressed aspect from one of these points becomes exact will it be significant. Chances
are, that planet was already close to being in that aspect when you were born. When it becomes exact by
progression, you can think of the promise of the natal aspect as being fulfilled.
Very rarely, a progressed planet may make a “station,” turning from direct motion to retrograde, or vice versa.
Such an event can mark a subtle but profound shift in your consciousness, one that may last for the rest of your
The Progressed Moon. The progressed Moon is a special case, because it travels thirteen times faster than the
next-fastest planets (the Sun, Mercury and Venus, which all travel at about the same average speed). While these
faster progressed planets move only slightly more than three signs during a human lifetime, the progressed Moon
goes entirely around the zodiac every twenty-eight years. This means that about every two-and-a-half years the
progressed Moon will go into a new sign or house. When one of the other progressed planets enters a new sign or
house, signals a really major change of orientation, a new chapter in one’s life. When the progressed Moon enters
a new sign or house, this, too, will cast a new light on things, but it will be more like beginning a new paragraph.
Because the progressed Moon is so much faster than the others, it accounts for by far the majority of progressed
aspects. Each progressed Moon aspect highlights the issues of the planet that the Moon is aspecting, and this
influence lasts for a couple of months.
The Asterisks. To help you see the relative importance of each transiting or progressed aspect, you will find from
zero to five asterisks next to it in your forecast report. An aspect’s strength depends on a number of things. The
strongest aspect of all would be a conjunction of a very slow-moving planet (like Pluto or Neptune) with a
fast-moving natal point (like your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven). This would definitely have five
asterisks -- and you would undoubtedly notice something major going on in your life and psyche.
“Exact,” “Begins” and “Ends” Dates. The interpretations in this report are arranged in order of the dates when
the transiting and progressed aspects become exact. However, the influence of these aspects begins well before it
becomes exact and ends some time after. Following the practice of many astrologers, this report considers that a
transit or progression “Begins” when the moving planet is one degree away from being in an exact aspect to the
natal planet. It “Ends” when the moving planet is again one degree away separating from the aspect. In other
words, the “orb of influence” given to these aspects is one degree on either side of being exact. These cutoff
points are somewhat arbitrary, but they do give a rough idea of the time period over which you can expect an
aspect to be working. (If a “Begin” or “End” date is missing, it means that the aspect begins or ends before or
after the period covered by this report.)
Contrary to what you might think, a long-lasting transiting or progressed aspect usually doesn’t manifest as an
event or sudden mood change right at the “Exact” point. Usually there needs to be some “trigger” -- a fastermoving point’s aspect to the same degree areas during the time that the longer-lasting aspect is in effect. Though
the effect of an aspect tends to be stronger the closer it is to being exact, an aspect can be triggered into obvious
manifestation any time between the “Begins” and “Ends” dates. You should therefore be on the lookout for
manifestations of the aspect during the whole period indicated.
Planets Changing Signs and Houses. As for the ingress of a planet into a different sign or house, the “Exact”
date is the only date that is shown. This date is when the planet begins its stay in that new area of the chart. The
influence will last pretty much until the planet enters the next sign or house.
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Something to keep in mind is that the boundaries separating houses are less definite than those separating signs.
This is partly because astrologers have various mathematical formulas for calculating houses. The cusps of houses
1, 4, 7 and 10 are exactly the same in most house systems, but the positions of the other house cusps vary
according to the house system used. In the author’s experience, there are four house systems whose cusps seem to
register transits and progressions better than other systems. These are Porphyry, Koch, Meridian and Placidus
(which is the house system used in this report).
Besides there being disagreement on where most of the house cusps fall, many astrologers consider that as a
planet nears a house cusp, it starts to be influenced by the house it will soon enter. For both of these reasons, you
should consider the times of entrance into a new house fairly approximate.
Sometimes, when a planet is traveling retrograde, it will dip back into a previous sign or house. When the planet
is transiting, this will usually be a brief and minor event, not worthy of any stars. For all intents and purposes, the
planet has entered the new house and the new life chapter has begun. The retrograde passage into the previous
house is just a brief revisiting. However, when the planet is progressed, even these retrograde entries into the
previous house can be important. Chances are, a retrograding progressed planet will stay in that previous house
for the rest of your life.
The Zodiacal Degrees. In the headings for each interpretation, the first degree, minute and sign shown is for the
first planet or other point mentioned in the heading. The second degree, minute and sign is for the secondmentioned point. A transit or progression will be especially strong if you see the same or adjacent degrees
repeated in another aspect around the same time. The effect will be strongest if the degrees are in the same sign.
However, it will also be strong if the degrees are similar but the signs are different.
The End of the Report. At the end of this report you will find all the transits and progressions handily listed,
roughly in order of their importance. This helps you see at a glance which are the most important during this
period in your life, and which are less significant.
You will also find a copy of your birth chart in wheel form. This shows the planets in the twelve houses
(numbered counterclockwise, starting from the first house at the left). The degrees, minutes and zodiacal signs
around the outer edge of the wheel are the positions of the cusps, or beginnings, of the houses that are mentioned
in the body of this report.
You’ll also find two additional chart wheels -- a progressed chart for the beginning date of this report, and one for
the end date. These will show you where and how far the progressed Moon traveled during the year. They will
also show you the current signs of your progressed Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Unless you are quite young,
these are likely to be in different signs from where they were when you were born. Your birth chart shows your
basic disposition, but as you age, your progressed chart shows how you develop in new directions. These two
progressed chart wheels will also show that the slow-moving progressed points (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Pluto and the North Node) have moved hardly at all during your life.
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The Author of This Report. Bruce Scofield wrote the interpretations in this report. An astrological consultant
since 1980, he has professional level certification from the National Council for Geocosmic Research
(CA-NCGR), for which he served as an education director until 2003. He maintains a private practice based in
Amherst, Massachusetts, working with clients by telephone and mail. Bruce speaks on astrology several times a
year at astrology conferences and is also the author of numerous articles and fifteen books. Currently he is
working toward a PhD and is teaching at Kepler College in Seattle, an accredited higher educational institution
that offers degrees with a major in astrology.
And now for your forecast. . . At this point you might be inclined to plunge ahead and read your forecast from
start to finish. However, it will make much more sense if you first familiarize yourself with the main pattern of the
year. To do this, you can skim through with a highlighter in hand, and mark the five-star aspects and the entry of
planets into a new house or sign. Only a few of these five-star events occur each year, and these set the overall
tone. Once you understand the main trends, you can then go back and see how the details are filled in by aspects
made by the transiting Jupiter and Saturn and the progressed Moon. (If you want greater detail, there are also
Daily Planning Guide reports that will help you arrange your schedule to take advantage of the very short-term
transiting astrological tides.)
Jan 3 2013
11:53:55 PM EST Progressed Moon semisquare natal Moon - Exact. ****
18° 21` Aries to 03° 21` Gemini
Ends Jan 28 2013 11:04:40 PM EST
This may be a time of strong reactions and wide mood swings. Psychologically, you may not be at your clearest,
but it is necessary to take action now. If you must make any big changes, make them in stages.
Jan 10 2013
8:32:12 AM EST Progressed Sun sextile natal Mercury - Exact. *****
02° 19` Libra to 02° 19` Leo
You will probably notice now that your relations with people, and also with your environment in general, are
positive. Relatives may be more prominent in your life and you may receive benefits through them.
Communications and transportation issues may be more important now, and any success that you experience now
will likely come through these two general areas. Through traveling and conversation you will become more
familiar with your local surroundings. This a good time for important communications, including writing and
4:18:21 PM EST Transiting Jupiter square natal Pluto - Exact. **
06° 58` Gemini to 06° 58` Virgo
Ends Mar 3 2013 1:35:12 AM EST
Your ambitions, and also those of others near you, may be stimulated now. Bigger seems to be better. Changes
seem more desirable than the status quo. Biological drives and the desire for power, territory, and success are
stronger than usual. Too much of everything could be the biggest problem. Think before taking risks.
Jan 12 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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9:16:51 AM EST Progressed Moon square progressed Midheaven - Exact. *****
18° 40` Aries to 18° 41` Capricorn
Ends Feb 8 2013 3:52:38 AM EST
You are experiencing the challenges of some new developments in your life, or at least adjusting to a new way of
living. Your feeling of being at home, your sense of direction and social position, and your professional aims, are
areas that are likely to be most affected by changes.
Jan 19 2013
11:20:52 PM EST Transiting North Node sextile natal Mars - Exact. ***
22° 34` Scorpio to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins Jan 1 2013 2:07:20 AM EST
Ends Feb 7 2013 8:34:23 PM EST
Cooperation and joint efforts to get things done are a theme now. Connections with males or assertive females,
and also sexual connections, may also be formed.
Jan 23 2013
10:50:44 PM EST Transiting Neptune trine natal Venus - Exact. *****
01° 47` Pisces to 01° 47` Cancer
Ends Feb 20 2013 3:01:55 AM EST
Your feelings toward others are changing. Given the right circumstances, there may be some positive episodes in
your love life. This is a transit that stimulates idealism, romance, appreciation of art, harmony and balance,
creativity, and charitable behaviors. Activities in any of these areas should be satisfying and productive. Your
desire for perfection causes you to see the best in others. A willingness to sacrifice part of oneself to another, or to
simply give to those in need, becomes a theme also.
Feb 8 2013
12:01:20 AM EST Transiting Neptune quincunx natal Mercury - Exact. ***
02° 19` Pisces to 02° 19` Leo
Begins Jan 9 2013 9:28:03 PM EST
Ends Mar 6 2013 11:43:07 AM EST
Whenever you make an evaluation or decision during this transit, it is wise to proceed carefully. This is a period
when matters are likely to be confused by misunderstandings, misinformation or even outright deception. Also,
your imagination may be overactive, and transportation and communication may be more confused and chaotic
than usual.
Feb 18 2013
11:36:44 PM EST Transiting Jupiter square natal Pluto - Exact. **
06° 58` Gemini to 06° 58` Virgo
Ends Mar 3 2013 1:35:12 AM EST
Your ambitions, and also those of others near you, may be stimulated now. Bigger seems to be better. Changes
seem more desirable than the status quo. Biological drives and the desire for power, territory, and success are
stronger than usual. Too much of everything could be the biggest problem. Think before taking risks.
Mar 1 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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5:09:53 PM EST Transiting Uranus quincunx natal Pluto - Exact. *
06° 58` Aries to 06° 58` Virgo
Begins Feb 9 2013 4:58:43 AM EST
Ends Mar 19 2013 8:53:35 PM EST
Transformations, renewals, and healings are in the works. Pressures to change are resisted. Re-examine your true
feelings about others. Sexual matters may be important issues during this time.
Mar 7 2013
4:57:12 AM EST Transiting Neptune square natal Moon - Exact. *****
03° 21` Pisces to 03° 21` Gemini
Begins Feb 8 2013 5:13:21 PM EST
Ends Apr 5 2013 9:43:06 AM EST
At its worst, this transit can bring on hypersensitivity, confusion, mental and emotional flooding, and chaos. Such
emotional upsets can lead to illness, depression and escapism. At its best, however, this transit can make you more
sensitive to your own and other’s feelings.
Your emotions are likely to be stimulated by changes that take place around you. Relationships with females, as
well as home and family matters, are highlighted. Insofar as you can stay away from deceptions, a lack of clarity,
and unrealistic expectations, you may be able to avoid emotional disappointments.
Mar 8 2013
9:27:41 PM EST Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Neptune - Exact. *
08° 36` Gemini to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Feb 27 2013 3:00:49 AM EST
Ends Mar 16 2013 9:11:32 PM EST
Concerns for those in need may present some problems now. Are these needs legitimate? Don’t let your feelings
get the best of you. You have to be realistic or others will take advantage of you. Steer clear of sloppy and
exaggerated conditions. Use your imagination constructively.
Mar 30 2013
9:13:22 PM EST Transiting Uranus quincunx natal Neptune - Exact. *
08° 36` Aries to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Mar 13 2013 6:04:38 AM EST
Ends Apr 17 2013 4:18:37 PM EDT
This transit tends to challenge your vision of the future. Sudden or unexpected events may occur that force you to
adapt to needed changes. Be open to new ideas and visions. Believe in yourself and believe that you can make a
difference in the future.
Apr 4 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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10:24:29 PM EST Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Sun - Exact. **
12° 32` Gemini to 12° 32` Leo
Begins Mar 29 2013 10:46:55 PM EST
Ends Apr 10 2013 3:00:54 PM EDT
Confidence in yourself can make you feel like stretching out a bit and taking a few chances. This is a good time to
learn, travel, reach out, and enjoy life. You are in a position to make some substantial gains, but you must act on
the opportunities that are presenting themselves now and develop them carefully.
Apr 15 2013
4:48:55 AM EDT Transiting North Node square natal Ascendant - Exact. ****
18° 03` Scorpio to 18° 03` Aquarius
Begins Mar 27 2013 6:35:23 AM EST
Ends May 4 2013 2:02:26 AM EDT
This can be a time of challenging interactions with others, particularly family, community, and groups. There may
even be some stress and discomfort in relationships and complications in your social life. Cooperation for
purposes of accomplishment is more appropriate now than casual socializing. This period is best for temporary
associations with clearly defined goals.
Apr 19 2013
2:35:35 PM EDT Progressed Moon quincunx natal Mars - Exact. ***
22° 33` Aries to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins Mar 25 2013 11:26:36 AM EST
Ends May 14 2013 5:43:09 PM EDT
Your dilemma now is to do what you want and still be considerate of others’ needs. Are you willing to accept
tradeoffs? It may be difficult, if not impossible, to have it all now. This is a time for building projects, problem
solving, and doing solo work. It is not a time for unsatisfying compromises. Think things out, and don’t be a
Apr 23 2013
12:07:13 AM EDT Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune - Exact. *****
08° 36` Scorpio to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Apr 9 2013 6:23:43 AM EDT
Ends May 6 2013 5:29:28 AM EDT
This transit works on a subtle level. At its best, it can be a time when dreams come down to earth, illusions are
made real, and perceptions become clear. However, if your perceptions are false, it can also bring disappointment.
Any kind of unconscious process, like sleep or creativity, may be disturbed for a time. During this period, strive to
consolidate and organize unfinished business. It’s a time for practicality and solid planning for the future, a time
for giving form to the formless. Information from unusual sources may offer much in understanding this period.
Apr 30 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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1:45:07 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal Mercury - Exact. *
17° 19` Gemini to 02° 19` Leo
Begins Apr 25 2013 3:44:01 AM EDT
Ends May 4 2013 8:58:15 PM EDT
There’s a lot on your mind now. You may be full of your own opinions, or you may have to deal with the strong
beliefs and positions of others. Some of this may even involve legalities. Before you act, take a good look at the
whole picture. You will need to learn quickly and to assimilate many pieces of information. In general, there will
be intensification in matters involving communication and transportation.
May 3 2013
2:02:49 AM EDT Progressed Mercury sextile progressed Uranus - Exact. *****
28° 23` Libra to 28° 23` Leo
This is a year for experimentation, for trying things you haven’t done before. It’s best to keep your schedule as
free as possible and allow for spontaneity.
2:34:32 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter trine natal Ascendant - Exact. **
18° 03` Gemini to 18° 03` Aquarius
Begins Apr 28 2013 6:39:46 PM EDT
Ends May 8 2013 8:02:21 AM EDT
Your self-image and self-esteem are improving now and this should correlate with improvements in your social
life. You may gain some recognition and success as an individual, which may in turn increase your confidence
and incline you to be more optimistic. Belief in yourself is good fortune. This is a time for expanding the circle of
contacts in your social life, for taking classes, and for traveling or participating in sports with others.
May 6 2013
6:01:05 AM EDT Progressed Moon square progressed Saturn - Exact. ****
23° 13` Aries to 23° 14` Capricorn
Begins Apr 11 2013 3:21:08 AM EDT
Ends May 31 2013 9:40:49 AM EDT
This is a period that may coincide with some emotional distance or separations. Look at your relationships
realistically and see the value in separations, temporary or permanent. Anticipate delays, be patient and
responsible. (Note: Progressed Saturn moves very slowly. This progression will occur fairly close in time to
progressed Moon square natal Saturn, extending the Saturn’s influence over a longer period.)
2:49:53 PM EDT Transiting Saturn semisquare natal Mars - Exact. **
07° 34` Scorpio to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins Apr 23 2013 9:22:01 AM EDT
Ends May 20 2013 4:44:46 PM EDT
Life may feel a little heavier now and the constraints a little tighter. You’ve got challenges and stresses to contend
with, delays to tolerate, and crises to contend with. The days around this transit will be times of problem solving
and constructive activities. If you look at things that way, you’ll get the most out of this period. Progress may be
slow, and patience is the key.
May 14 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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8:09:09 PM EDT Transiting Saturn sextile natal Pluto - Exact. **
06° 58` Scorpio to 06° 58` Virgo
Begins May 1 2013 6:54:54 AM EDT
Ends May 30 2013 9:46:39 AM EDT
Endurance and persistence will bring you closer to your goals now. Focus your mind, work hard, and plan
carefully. Working with others for a common good, sharing things, and reorganization are appropriate themes
May 24 2013
8:29:15 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter square natal Mars - Exact. **
22° 34` Gemini to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins May 19 2013 8:42:17 PM EDT
Ends May 28 2013 7:15:12 PM EDT
This transit excites and energizes. You could be active and productive now, or you could get carried away with
yourself. Don’t get caught up in your own ego needs. Regulate your impulses and competitive instincts; sports
and outdoor activities offer safe outlets. Avoid rash risks; don’t make quick judgments. Handle legal and
philosophical conflicts with restraint. Think before you act. Separate opinion from fact.
May 30 2013
3:18:34 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter enters your Fifth House - Exact. *
23° 59` Gemini to 23° 59` Gemini
You’ll probably find that your personal confidence and optimism (your self-worth) is on the rise, and this should
bring with it many benefits and opportunities. Risks may pay off. Life may become more pleasurable now and
you may have some creative success. Love affairs, recreation, hobbies and dealings with children offer rewards.
Increased self-confidence helps you to promote yourself as an artist, sportsman, salesperson, or even a lover.
Jun 5 2013
6:24:02 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Uranus - Exact. *
25° 16` Gemini to 25° 16` Leo
Begins May 31 2013 8:53:58 PM EDT
Ends Jun 9 2013 3:23:18 PM EDT
This is a time for spontaneity, independence and experimentation, during which you can learn much and grow.
New ideas and new experiences flood in and stimulate your mind. It’s a good idea to stay open to alternatives in
your social life.
12:41:38 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Saturn - Exact. *
25° 19` Gemini to 25° 19` Capricorn
Begins Jun 1 2013 3:13:42 AM EDT
Ends Jun 9 2013 9:39:26 PM EDT
This transit brings a deeper awareness of the incompatible elements of your life. Decisions are necessary and you
may need to compromise with reality. Dissatisfaction forces changes requiring adjustments and the acceptance of
some social limitations.
Jun 14 2013
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3:02:53 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter sextile natal North Node - Exact. *
27° 17` Gemini to 27° 17` Leo
Begins Jun 9 2013 6:22:10 PM EDT
Ends Jun 18 2013 11:37:11 AM EDT
You feel more willing to join in and share things with others. Being adaptable comes easy now. There may be
some benefits coming to you through your social connections. This is a time of successful interactions with
groups or networks of persons.
Jun 15 2013
5:02:09 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal Sun - Exact. *
27° 32` Gemini to 12° 32` Leo
Begins Jun 10 2013 8:23:56 PM EDT
Ends Jun 19 2013 1:36:12 PM EDT
During this transit, circumstances will provide you with excesses of one thing or another. If you are motivated,
you may become more productive. Don’t waste time. Strive to reach long-range goals and extend your usual
boundaries. Be realistic and patient, have realistic expectations and guard against over-optimism.
Jun 21 2013
2:52:41 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Midheaven - Exact. *
28° 54` Gemini to 28° 54` Scorpio
Begins Jun 16 2013 6:18:09 PM EDT
Ends Jun 25 2013 11:34:41 AM EDT
Look carefully at opportunities that come your way now. While they may not deliver all that is promised, still
there may be some growth or publicity in your professional life.
Jun 23 2013
6:51:41 AM EDT Progressed Moon trine progressed North Node - Exact. *****
25° 08` Aries to 25° 08` Leo
Begins May 29 2013 4:21:05 AM EDT
Ends Jul 18 2013 10:23:59 AM EDT
During this progression you will form connections with others, probably female, with whom you feel quite
comfortable and secure. It is a good time for networking, socializing, and contributing to the welfare of a
Jun 26 2013
9:55:20 AM EDT Progressed Moon trine natal Uranus - Exact. ****
25° 15` Aries to 25° 16` Leo
Begins Jun 1 2013 5:05:09 AM EDT
Ends Jul 21 2013 3:48:06 PM EDT
This progression is a time for following your bliss, for seeking what you think might make you happy. Right now
you have a special need to express yourself freely, and indeed you may find a new wellspring of spontaneity,
creativity and inventiveness within you. You may also become more gregarious and outgoing, and find yourself
excited by associations with groups and friends. You could meet some unusual and highly independent
characters, and from them you may learn something about yourself. Under this progression, you want to follow
your intuitions and interests without interference, and the world is likely to cooperate with this wish.
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Jun 27 2013
10:08:20 PM EDT Progressed Moon square natal Saturn - Exact. ****
25° 17` Aries to 25° 19` Capricorn
Begins Jun 2 2013 5:14:27 PM EDT
Ends Jul 23 2013 4:04:53 AM EDT
This may prove to be a time of emotional distance or actual separations from others. You are struggling with the
the prospect of losing security that you felt in the past. You may be called upon to look at your relationships
realistically, and to find the value in any temporary or permanent separations. This is a time for getting beyond the
“you” who is responding to obligations and the expectations of others, and to find out who you really are.
Instead of getting depressed, get to work. Older people may figure in your life now, and it behooves you to listen
to what they have to say.
Jun 29 2013
3:46:40 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Jupiter - Exact. *
00° 51` Cancer to 00° 51` Aquarius
Begins Jun 25 2013 6:48:36 AM EDT
Ends Jul 4 2013 1:09:58 AM EDT
Some of your problems now have to do with too much, too many, and excess growth. Others have to do with
conflicts of opinion or basic philosophical differences. Trust and confidence in others may be shaken. Make
decisions carefully. Be realistic.
Jul 3 2013
5:48:54 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Venus - Exact. ****
01° 47` Cancer to 01° 47` Cancer
Begins Jun 29 2013 8:27:38 AM EDT
Ends Jul 8 2013 3:45:00 AM EDT
Your social life is front and center. Friendships and partnerships prosper and you should see progress wherever
teamwork and cooperation is important. You find that you have more faith in others and are more willing to join
in. Meetings and large gatherings, such as weddings and parties, are appropriate during this transit, and they
should be successful and pleasurable. Artistic and creative matters are favored also.
Jul 19 2013
4:46:26 PM EDT Progressed Moon opposite progressed Mars - Exact. *****
26° 09` Aries to 26° 11` Libra
Begins Jun 23 2013 5:33:51 AM EDT
Ends Aug 15 2013 5:12:55 AM EDT
There is a sense of urgency in your life now. Your need to act on your own behalf may be in conflict with the
needs of others, resulting in possible stress and conflict. Your feelings tell you that it is time to take some risks that
are necessary for personal growth. If you have felt held back, your patience is just about used up. This is a good
time for building projects, problem solving, and technical work. It is not a time for unsatisfying compromises.
Jul 27 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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2:50:56 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Pluto - Exact. *
06° 58` Cancer to 06° 58` Virgo
Begins Jul 22 2013 12:01:47 PM EDT
Ends Jul 31 2013 7:28:41 PM EDT
You may feel compelled to extend your reach, to improve your financial conditions, and to increase your personal
power. This is a time to explore your potentials and embrace deep changes in your life that are needed to facilitate
such growth.
Jul 28 2013
9:37:15 AM EDT Transiting North Node square natal Sun - Exact. ****
12° 32` Scorpio to 12° 32` Leo
Begins Jul 9 2013 12:23:44 PM EDT
Ends Aug 16 2013 6:50:46 AM EDT
Connections with others, particularly males, may be a challenge during this transit. Ego problems may get in the
way of relationships and different styles of leadership may clash. Physical or very active interactions with others
are also possible, some of which may actually be quite productive.
Aug 3 2013
7:15:32 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter trine natal Neptune - Exact. *
08° 36` Cancer to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Jul 30 2013 1:19:17 AM EDT
Ends Aug 8 2013 3:39:46 PM EDT
You may feel strong humanitarian impulses now, or you may be the recipient of generosity. You are open to
impressions, your imagination is fertile, and your mind is on the future. You feel more spiritually attuned to life
and may strive for perfection in all that is important to you. Your imagination will find a good outlet in matters of
art and aesthetics.
Aug 5 2013
11:08:18 AM EDT Progressed Moon conjunct progressed Ascendant - Exact. *****
26° 50` Aries to 26° 51` Aries
Begins Jul 8 2013 4:27:24 PM EDT
Ends Sep 2 2013 7:13:31 AM EDT
You are more than usually impressionable and receptive now. Your intuition should be higher than usual now
and it will tell you what is right for you and what is not. Choose your environments and company carefully, and
put yourself in calm and stable surroundings. Be open to frequent changes. Move if you must, and be ready for
some activity and serious work on family relations over the next few months.
Aug 11 2013
10:43:31 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal Uranus - Exact. *
10° 16` Cancer to 25° 16` Leo
Begins Aug 7 2013 12:23:35 AM EDT
Ends Aug 17 2013 12:25:09 AM EDT
Interactions with others may be strained, or at least awkward, during this transit. Be ready for changes in plans
and expect some surprises. Matters connected with friends, groups, and associations may be prominent.
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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Aug 16 2013
4:01:46 PM EDT Progressed Moon trine natal North Node - Exact. *****
27° 16` Aries to 27° 17` Leo
Begins Jul 22 2013 9:03:08 AM EDT
Ends Sep 11 2013 12:05:54 AM EDT
During this progression you may form connections with others, particularly females, and these people will
probably make you feel comfortable and secure. Networking, socializing, and contributing to the welfare of a
community are likely to go smoothly and well. The linkages that you form during this period are valuable and
worth cultivating, mainly because they will help you to grow.
Aug 17 2013
10:06:38 AM EDT Progressed Moon square progressed Jupiter - Exact. ****
27° 18` Aries to 27° 19` Capricorn
Begins Jul 23 2013 2:44:55 AM EDT
Ends Sep 11 2013 6:34:36 PM EDT
Your emotional life is strained and changes need to occur. You may have too much going on now and your
judgment may be strained. Others are a challenge and you may be engaged in conflicts of a moral or legal nature.
Be pragmatic and don’t hold onto ideas or situations that are unrealistic or over-optimistic.
Aug 22 2013
9:50:06 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal North Node - Exact. *
12° 17` Cancer to 27° 17` Leo
Begins Aug 17 2013 3:56:12 AM EDT
Ends Aug 27 2013 8:44:06 PM EDT
Large meetings or gatherings are probable under this transit. Obligations must be met and you may feel somewhat
pressured by it all. This is a time for networking with others.
Aug 29 2013
4:11:32 PM EDT Transiting Saturn sextile natal Pluto - Exact. **
06° 58` Scorpio to 06° 58` Virgo
Begins Aug 15 2013 3:08:34 AM EDT
Ends Sep 10 2013 12:07:01 PM EDT
Endurance and persistence will bring you closer to your goals now. Focus your mind, work hard, and plan
carefully. Working with others for a common good, sharing things, and reorganization are appropriate themes
Sep 5 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
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11:17:54 PM EDT Transiting Saturn semisquare natal Mars - Exact. **
07° 34` Scorpio to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins Aug 24 2013 7:03:16 AM EDT
Ends Sep 16 2013 9:05:48 PM EDT
Life may feel a little heavier now and the constraints a little tighter. You’ve got challenges and stresses to contend
with, delays to tolerate, and crises to contend with. The days around this transit will be times of problem solving
and constructive activities. If you look at things that way, you’ll get the most out of this period. Progress may be
slow, and patience is the key.
Sep 13 2013
10:02:24 PM EDT Progressed Moon trine progressed Uranus - Exact. ****
28° 22` Aries to 28° 24` Leo
Begins Aug 19 2013 11:33:22 AM EDT
Ends Oct 9 2013 9:39:16 AM EDT
You feel a strong need to do your own thing now. With this progression you may find yourself having more free
time than usual, or at least making some. Various unusual and highly independent characters may enter your life.
Your need to be creative, inventive, spontaneous, and outgoing will most likely be higher. Also, involvements
with groups, associations, and friends may be more prominent and exciting now.
Sep 17 2013
4:17:27 AM EDT Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune - Exact. ****
08° 36` Scorpio to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Sep 6 2013 7:23:01 AM EDT
Ends Sep 27 2013 1:22:59 AM EDT
This transit works on a subtle level. At its best, it can be a time when dreams come down to earth, illusions are
made real, and perceptions become clear. However, if your perceptions are false, it can also bring disappointment.
Any kind of unconscious process, like sleep or creativity, may be disturbed for a time. During this period, strive to
consolidate and organize unfinished business. It’s a time for practicality and solid planning for the future, a time
for giving form to the formless. Information from unusual sources may offer much in understanding this period.
Sep 18 2013
6:59:00 PM EDT Transiting Neptune square natal Moon - Exact. *****
03° 21` Pisces to 03° 21` Gemini
Begins Aug 12 2013 8:51:42 AM EDT
At its worst, this transit can bring on hypersensitivity, confusion, mental and emotional flooding, and chaos. Such
emotional upsets can lead to illness, depression and escapism. At its best, however, this transit can make you more
sensitive to your own and other’s feelings.
Your emotions are likely to be stimulated by changes that take place around you. Relationships with females, as
well as home and family matters, are highlighted. Insofar as you can stay away from deceptions, a lack of clarity,
and unrealistic expectations, you may be able to avoid emotional disappointments.
Sep 24 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 17
1:11:34 AM EDT Progressed Moon opposite progressed Mercury - Exact. *****
28° 48` Aries to 28° 48` Libra
Begins Aug 27 2013 4:22:53 PM EDT
Ends Oct 21 2013 11:16:57 AM EDT
You are probably doing a lot more thinking than usual about how you feel. If you’ve been rationalizing how you
feel or have been denying the reality of certain feelings, then you may feel nervous and experience emotional
tension and even separations from others. This is the internal manifestation. The external manifestation is when
you and another person oppose each other, one represents logic, the other emotion. Areas where this progression
may be felt strongly include family and home life, relations with females, mental work, signings and paperwork,
and various forms of transportation.
Sep 26 2013
8:26:05 AM EDT Progressed Moon quincunx natal Midheaven - Exact. ***
28° 53` Aries to 28° 54` Scorpio
Begins Aug 31 2013 11:41:36 PM EDT
Ends Oct 21 2013 6:18:22 PM EDT
You are experiencing the challenges of some new developments in your life, or at least adjusting to a new way of
living. Activities or work in which you deal directly with the public may arise and offer challenges. Moving about
your environment, and communication with others, may be not be completely satisfying now.
Sep 28 2013
11:16:34 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Ascendant - Exact. *
18° 03` Cancer to 18° 03` Aquarius
Begins Sep 20 2013 1:50:03 PM EDT
Ends Oct 7 2013 11:04:04 PM EDT
You may attend large gatherings or meetings during this transit. While your social horizons may be expanding,
there may also be some conflicts in values that make the process somewhat uncomfortable at times. Excesses and
extravagance are a problem now.
Oct 1 2013
12:44:55 AM EDT Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal Moon - Exact. **
18° 21` Cancer to 03° 21` Gemini
Begins Sep 22 2013 6:34:43 PM EDT
Ends Oct 11 2013 6:38:11 AM EDT
Your emotions and feelings are now a major factor in home and family matters. Be reasonable and mature, help
others but don’t create obligations. Female persons may figure into your life at this time and raise issues that
require judgment calls.
Oct 7 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 18
2:59:56 PM EDT Transiting Jupiter enters your Sixth House - Exact. ***
19° 02` Cancer to 19° 02` Cancer
This is a time for adapting to changing needs and circumstances in matters of work and health, and much positive
growth may occur in these areas. You may need to improve your technical skills now in order to keep things
going. You go through schedule changes and transitions successfully and you may seek better working
conditions. Your health should be good also, but if there is a problem, it will be due to excesses and this should
not pose a serious threat to you at all.
Oct 10 2013
8:19:37 PM EDT Transiting North Node conjunct natal Neptune - Exact. *****
08° 36` Scorpio to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Sep 21 2013 11:06:06 PM EDT
Ends Oct 29 2013 4:33:08 PM EST
You are broadening your social horizons now and may connect with spiritual or artistic types. This is a time for
sharing good feelings in ideal settings and conditions. Positive expectations bring out the best in others.
Oct 14 2013
2:38:03 PM EDT Progressed Venus square natal Moon - Exact. *****
03° 21` Virgo to 03° 21` Gemini
Your feelings of love and your involvements with the feminine side of life are full of charged emotion now. This
is a time of difficult adjustments and changes in your relationships, in the lives of close females, and in your
relations with them. Feelings may become so strong that separations are necessary, or separations may stir up
strong feelings. You need to be objective about your feeling side and find appropriate outlets for your feelings and
emotions, such as decorating, gardening, caring for others, artistry, etc. An important issue now has to do with
your notions about femininity in general. What are the differences between woman as mother and woman as
Oct 23 2013
4:16:00 AM EDT Transiting Saturn square natal Sun - Exact. ***
12° 32` Scorpio to 12° 32` Leo
Begins Oct 14 2013 2:41:47 PM EDT
Ends Oct 31 2013 12:53:17 PM EST
Responsibilities loom large, there may be some obstacles in your path, and you may experience setbacks and
delays. Be patient and tolerant of such things and have respect for the limitations of your body and its vitality.
Personal (and possibly physical) challenges require hard work and effort. Take your responsibilities seriously;
exercise your authority intelligently. You may also be cut off or separated from others for any number of reasons.
Relations with authority figures, parents, the law, and rules and regulations in general may be challenging or
strained. Be protective of your reputation.
Oct 30 2013
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 19
5:43:39 AM EST Transiting North Node semisquare natal Mars - Exact. ***
07° 34` Scorpio to 22° 34` Virgo
Begins Oct 11 2013 9:30:08 AM EDT
Ends Nov 18 2013 2:57:10 AM EST
Cooperation with others becomes a little more difficult now. Relationships may become more competitive,
marriages may become strained, and minor sexual/emotional upsets are possible.
Nov 1 2013
1:32:32 AM EST Progressed Moon enters your Third House - Exact. *
00° 18` Taurus to 00° 18` Taurus
Communicating on an emotional level takes on greater importance during this period of about two years. You feel
more motivated to express your feelings, and you may find others showing more interest and concern. This period
is also good for traveling with others to places of natural beauty, particularly places that are near water.
Nov 10 2013
1:03:55 PM EST Transiting North Node sextile natal Pluto - Exact. **
06° 58` Scorpio to 06° 58` Virgo
Begins Oct 22 2013 4:50:24 PM EDT
Ends Nov 29 2013 10:17:26 AM EST
The people you meet and interact with now may be intense and in the midst of a life passage. You will probably
share many things with others now, including some deep and moving experiences and group transformations.
Nov 15 2013
12:30:27 AM EST Progressed Moon square natal Jupiter - Exact. ****
00° 51` Taurus to 00° 51` Aquarius
Begins Oct 20 2013 2:32:08 PM EDT
Ends Dec 10 2013 12:39:20 PM EST
You may feel overwhelmed by the force and pace of events occurring in your life now. Big changes are in the
works and you may have some difficulty processing all of it on the emotional level. The changes happening now
need to occur in order for you to grow out of your present situation. It may also be the case that you simply have
too much going on now and are being pushed over the top — so that decisions are hard to make. Relations with
others may be challenging, and you may be engaged in conflicts of a moral, ethical or legal nature. In order to sort
out right from wrong, you may need to consult your own moral code. Remember, however, to be pragmatic, and
don’t hold onto ideas or situations that are unrealistic or overly- optimistic.
Dec 7 2013
4:18:16 AM EST Transiting Jupiter, retrograde, re-enters your Fifth House - Exact.
19° 02` Cancer to 19° 02` Cancer
Once more there is a period when you may find that your personal confidence, optimism, and self-worth is on the
rise, bringing benefits and opportunities, and helping you promote yourself as an artist, sportsman, salesperson, or
lover. Risks are more likely to pay off during this time. Also, life may become more pleasurable, and you may
have some creative success. Love affairs, recreation, hobbies and dealings with children may bring you special
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 20
10:05:39 AM EST Progressed Ascendant trine natal North Node - Exact. *
27° 17` Aries to 27° 17` Leo
Begins Mar 2 2013 5:52:52 PM EST
You are passing though a phase of life characterized by connections and linkages to others that are supportive of
your personal identity. You are meeting others who are like you, or at least have similar goals. You can grow
considerably as a person through these connections. This is a time for joining groups, for family gatherings, and
for community activities. Your personal style is important now and may be crucial to making things happen.
Dec 8 2013
6:00:55 PM EST Progressed Moon sextile natal Venus - Exact. ****
01° 45` Taurus to 01° 47` Cancer
Begins Nov 13 2013 5:57:00 AM EST
This progression involves the harmonization of the two most feminine symbols in astrology. It can be a time of
close bonding with other women and with family. You may feel a need to partner and nest now, or perhaps you
will seek creative outlets for these feelings in social life, artistry, and domestic activities.
Dec 9 2013
2:26:59 AM EST Transiting Saturn square natal Ascendant - Exact. ***
18° 03` Scorpio to 18° 03` Aquarius
Begins Nov 30 2013 4:54:49 AM EST
Ends Dec 18 2013 11:41:37 AM EST
This transit will test your sense of personal identity. During it, you may feel inhibited and self-conscious, and you
may feel challenges to your sense of self-worth. Relationships with others are critical now, and separations are
possible. They may actually be necessary for you to grow as an individual. There may also be delays, obstacles,
heavy burdens and limitations of movement. Let these problems build your character, not tear it down. Face the
truth, and make an effort to work within these confines in an organized, mature and logical way. This transit
won’t last forever. Insofar as you meet its challenges in a responsible and dignified way, you will gain in maturity
and power.
Dec 11 2013
9:46:46 AM EST Transiting Uranus quincunx natal Neptune - Exact. *****
08° 36` Aries to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Oct 27 2013 5:21:39 AM EST
This transit tends to challenge your vision of the future. Sudden or unexpected events may occur that force you to
adapt to needed changes. Be open to new ideas and visions. Believe in yourself and believe that you can make a
difference in the future.
Dec 13 2013
6:51:40 PM EST Transiting Jupiter semisquare natal Moon - Exact. **
18° 21` Cancer to 03° 21` Gemini
Begins Dec 3 2013 1:23:52 PM EST
Ends Dec 22 2013 6:31:17 AM EST
Your emotions and feelings are now a major factor in home and family matters. Be reasonable and mature, help
others but don’t create obligations. Female persons may figure into your life at this time and raise issues that
require judgment calls.
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 21
Dec 16 2013
9:19:08 AM EST Transiting Jupiter quincunx natal Ascendant - Exact. *
18° 03` Cancer to 18° 03` Aquarius
Begins Dec 6 2013 8:17:00 PM EST
Ends Dec 24 2013 2:02:09 PM EST
You may attend large gatherings or meetings during this transit. While your social horizons may be expanding,
there may also be some conflicts in values that make the process somewhat uncomfortable at times. Excesses and
extravagance are a problem now.
2:33:01 PM EST Progressed Jupiter square progressed Ascendant - Exact. *****
27° 19` Capricorn to 27° 19` Aries
Begins Mar 10 2013 2:17:25 AM EST
Relationships with others may present challenges to your self-esteem and sense of self-worth now. Your social
life is likely to be excessive, large-scale, and possibly superfluous. Your identity and self-image will be
challenged by others who hold to philosophies or beliefs that you cannot accept.
Dec 22 2013
2:31:13 PM EST Progressed Moon square natal Mercury - Exact. *****
02° 18` Taurus to 02° 19` Leo
Begins Nov 27 2013 1:48:30 AM EST
You are doing a lot more thinking these days, perhaps too much. You may even be so overwhelmed by your
thoughts that you feel anxious and find it difficult to sleep. Your progressed Moon is out of phase with Mercury, a
condition symbolic of your right brain (the intuitive, feeling mind) conflicting with your left brain (the rational,
logical mind). It is possible that this theme may be manifesting externally, in the lives of people around you,
where one person embodies logic and the other, emotions. Areas where the energies of this progression may be
felt strongly include family and home life, relations with females, mental work, signings and paperwork, and in
matters of transportation. Before making any important choices, eat right and get plenty of rest.
Dec 23 2013
3:51:03 PM EST Transiting Uranus quincunx natal Neptune - Exact. *****
08° 36` Aries to 08° 36` Scorpio
Begins Oct 27 2013 5:21:39 AM EST
This transit tends to challenge your vision of the future. Sudden or unexpected events may occur that force you to
adapt to needed changes. Be open to new ideas and visions. Believe in yourself and believe that you can make a
difference in the future.
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Page 22
Events Sorted by Impact on Your Life.
y Jupiter
r Venus
q Sun
w Moon
e Mercury
w Moon
w Moon
o Neptune
o Neptune
l N. Node
o Neptune
i Uranus
w Moon
i Uranus
u Saturn
w Moon
w Moon
w Moon
l N. Node
l N. Node
u Saturn
w Moon
w Moon
w Moon
w Moon
y Jupiter
w Moon
w Moon
w Moon
w Moon
l N. Node
u Saturn
w Moon
u Saturn
y Jupiter
o Neptune
l N. Node
w Moon
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
u Saturn
u Saturn
l N. Node
y Jupiter
j Ascendant
w Moon
e Mercury
j Ascendant
i Uranus
e Mercury
t Mars
w Moon
r Venus
o Neptune
w Moon
o Neptune
k Midheaven
o Neptune
o Neptune
e Mercury
l N. Node
l N. Node
j Ascendant
q Sun
o Neptune
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
u Saturn
u Saturn
r Venus
r Venus
i Uranus
i Uranus
w Moon
t Mars
j Ascendant
k Midheaven
q Sun
House 6
e Mercury
t Mars
t Mars
j Ascendant
p Pluto
p Pluto
t Mars
t Mars
p Pluto
w Moon
Dec 16 2013
Oct 14 2013
Jan 10 2013
Aug 5 2013
May 3 2013
Sep 24 2013
Jul 19 2013
Sep 18 2013
Jan 23 2013
Oct 10 2013
Mar 7 2013
Dec 11 2013
Jan 12 2013
Dec 23 2013
Apr 23 2013
Dec 22 2013
Aug 16 2013
Jun 23 2013
Apr 15 2013
Jul 28 2013
Sep 17 2013
Nov 15 2013
Aug 17 2013
Jun 27 2013
May 6 2013
Jul 3 2013
Dec 8 2013
Sep 13 2013
Jun 26 2013
Jan 3 2013
Jan 19 2013
Dec 9 2013
Sep 26 2013
Oct 23 2013
Oct 7 2013
Feb 8 2013
Oct 30 2013
Apr 19 2013
May 3 2013
Feb 18 2013
Jan 10 2013
May 6 2013
Sep 5 2013
Nov 10 2013
Dec 13 2013
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Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
u Saturn
y Jupiter
u Saturn
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
i Uranus
i Uranus
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
y Jupiter
j Ascendant Trine
w Moon
w Moon
k Midheaven Enters
y Jupiter
w Moon
q Sun
p Pluto
t Mars
p Pluto
House 5
j Ascendant
j Ascendant
o Neptune
p Pluto
o Neptune
q Sun
e Mercury
l N. Node
l N. Node
k Midheaven
p Pluto
i Uranus
o Neptune
i Uranus
u Saturn
y Jupiter
l N. Node
House 3
House 12
House 5 Rx
Software Copyright © 1998 Astrolabe, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Oct 1 2013
Apr 4 2013
May 14 2013
May 24 2013
Aug 29 2013
May 30 2013
Dec 16 2013
Sep 28 2013
Aug 3 2013
Mar 1 2013
Mar 30 2013
Jun 15 2013
Apr 30 2013
Jun 14 2013
Aug 22 2013
Jun 21 2013
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Oct 24 2013
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Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Honolulu, HI
Aug 4 1961
7:24:00 PM AHST
21°N 18'00"
157°W 51'00"
Page 24
Birth Chart
28` x 54'
u 25`
y 00`
06` p
g 27`
16 g 25` i
g 12` q
g 02`
28` s 54'
Symbols of the Planets and Signs
q = Sun
w = Moon
e = Mercury
r = Venus
t = Mars
y = Jupiter
u = Saturn
i = Uranus
o = Neptune
p = Pluto
l = N. Node
j = Ascendant
k = Midheaven
m = Retrograde
a = Aries
s = Taurus
d = Gemini
f = Cancer
g = Leo
h = Virgo
z = Libra
x = Scorpio
c = Sagittarius
v = Capricorn
b = Aquarius
n = Pisces
Astrolabe Software
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Barack Obama Progressed
Honolulu, HI
Jan 1 2013
4:00:00 PM AHST
21°N 18'00"
157°W 51'00"
Page 25
Progressed Chart
18` v 39'
y u
27` 23`
v v
19 14
w 18` a
z 28` e
z 25` t
x 09`
h 08` p
18` f 39'
Symbols of the Planets and Signs
q = Sun
w = Moon
e = Mercury
r = Venus
t = Mars
y = Jupiter
u = Saturn
i = Uranus
o = Neptune
p = Pluto
l = N. Node
j = Ascendant
k = Midheaven
m = Retrograde
a = Aries
s = Taurus
d = Gemini
f = Cancer
g = Leo
h = Virgo
z = Libra
x = Scorpio
c = Sagittarius
v = Capricorn
b = Aquarius
n = Pisces
Astrolabe Software
Yearly Transits and Progressions for Barack Obama
Barack Obama Progressed
Honolulu, HI
Jan 2 2014
4:00:00 PM AHST
21°N 18'00"
157°W 51'00"
Page 26
Progressed Chart
19` v 38'
y u
27` 23`
v v
19 14
w 02` s
x 09`
z 29` e
z 26` t
h 08` p
19` f 38'
Symbols of the Planets and Signs
q = Sun
w = Moon
e = Mercury
r = Venus
t = Mars
y = Jupiter
u = Saturn
i = Uranus
o = Neptune
p = Pluto
l = N. Node
j = Ascendant
k = Midheaven
m = Retrograde
a = Aries
s = Taurus
d = Gemini
f = Cancer
g = Leo
h = Virgo
z = Libra
x = Scorpio
c = Sagittarius
v = Capricorn
b = Aquarius
n = Pisces
Astrolabe Software