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Prevalence of Left Ventricular Regional Dysfunction in
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia
A Tagged MRI Study
Aditya Jain, MD, MPH; Monda L. Shehata, MD; Matthias Stuber, PhD; Seth J. Berkowitz, MD;
Hugh Calkins, MD; João A.C. Lima, MD; David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD; Harikrishna Tandri, MD
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Background—Although arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) predominantly affects the right ventricle
(RV), genetic/molecular and histological changes are biventricular. Regional left ventricular (LV) function has not been
systematically studied in ARVD.
Methods and Results—The study population included 21 patients with suspected ARVD who underwent evaluation with
MRI including tagging. Eleven healthy volunteers served as control subjects. Peak systolic regional circumferential
strain (Ecc, %) was calculated by harmonic phase from tagged MRI based on the 16-segment model. Patients who met
ARVD Task Force criteria were classified as definite ARVD, whereas patients with a positive family history who had
1 additional minor criterion and patients without a family history with 1 major or 2 minor criteria were classified as
probable ARVD. Of the 21 ARVD subjects, 11 had definite ARVD and 10 had probable ARVD. Compared with control
subjects, probable ARVD patients had similar RV ejection fraction (58.9⫾6.2% versus 53.5⫾7.6%, P⫽0.20), but
definite ARVD patients had significantly reduced RV ejection fraction (58.9⫾6.2% versus 45.2⫾6.0%, P⫽0.001). LV
ejection fraction was similar in all 3 groups. Compared with control subjects, peak systolic Ecc was significantly less
negative in 6 of 16 (37.5%) segments in definite ARVD and 3 of 16 segments (18.7%) in probable ARVD (all P⬍0.05).
Conclusions—ARVD is associated with regional LV dysfunction, which appears to parallel degree of RV dysfunction.
Further large studies are needed to validate this finding and to better define implications of subclinical segmental LV
dysfunction. (Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010;3:290-297.)
Key Words: ARVD 䡲 LV involvement 䡲 MRI tagging 䡲 regional strain
rrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is a
familial cardiomyopathy that is characterized by predominant right ventricular (RV) dysfunction, myocyte loss,
and fibro-fatty infiltration of the myocardium.1 Defective
cell-to-cell adhesion caused by mutations in genes encoding
desmosomal proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of ARVD. The result is disruption of the cardiac gap
junction apparatus, which has been thought to result both in
the functional impairment and the failure of impulse transmission with subsequent arrhythmogenesis. The ultrastructural and molecular consequences are expressed in both
ventricles alike, and this has promoted the notion that ARVD
is a biventricular cardiomyopathy, with predominant involvement of the thin-walled RV.1
When present, left ventricular (LV) dysfunction is often
associated with significantly more adverse clinical outcomes such as ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure.2,3
LV contraction abnormalities have been demonstrated in
ARVD in association with advanced RV disease by previous imaging studies using radionuclide angiography,4,5
echocardiography6,7 and electron-beam computed tomography.8 More recently, ARVD with dominant LV involvement has also been reported in the United Kingdom9,10 but
not yet in the United States.
Regional contraction abnormalities often precede global
dysfunction but have not previously been quantified using
tagged cardiovascular MRI for the RV or LV for ARVD.
Unfortunately, the thin wall of the RV makes regional motion
tracking extremely challenging. However, tagged MRI of the
heart provides objective measurements of regional LV function11 with great precision and reliability.12 The purpose of
this study was to quantify regional LV function in patients
with high clinical suspicion for ARVD using tagged MRI.
Clinical Perspective on p 297
Patients with advanced or end-stage ARVD are observed
with clinically obvious biventricular dysfunction that can
be readily identified using echocardiography or MRI.
Received September 22, 2009; accepted February 16, 2010.
From the Department of Radiology (A.J., M.L.S., M.S., S.J.B., J.A.C.L., D.A.B.), Division of Cardiology (H.C., J.A.C.L., D.A.B., H.T.), Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md; and Radiology and Imaging Sciences (D.A.B.), National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Md.
Correspondence to Harikrishna Tandri, MD, Carnegie 565D, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 600 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD, 21287. E-mail
[email protected]
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.109.911313
Jain et al
LV Regional Dysfunction in ARVD by Tagged MRI
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The study population included 21 patients who were evaluated for
ARVD at the Johns Hopkins ARVD program with a positive family
history (n⫽13, 62%) or left bundle-branch block morphology ventricular tachycardia (n⫽8, 38%). Eleven healthy volunteers served as
control subjects. All of these patients underwent initial noninvasive
testing according to a standardized protocol including an ECG,
signal-averaged ECG, Holter monitoring, echocardiography, exercise testing, and cardiac MRI. They underwent further invasive
testing at the discretion of the cardiologist, which included electrophysiological study, RV angiography, and endomyocardial biopsy.
Diagnosis of ARVD was established based on the results of
noninvasive tests including MRI and invasive tests according to the
criteria set by the Task Force of the Working Group of Myocardial
and Pericardial Disease of the European Society of Cardiology and
of the Scientific Council on Cardiomyopathies of the International
Society and Federation of Cardiology.13 Among those who did not
meet the Task Force criteria, patients with a positive family history
who had 1 additional minor criterion and patients without a family
history with 1 major or 2 minor criteria were classified as
probable ARVD.
MR Imaging Protocol
MR images of study subjects were obtained on 1.5-T scanners
(CV/I, GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wis, or Philips Medical
Systems, Best, The Netherlands) at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
and included both fast spin-echo and gradient-echo sequences.
Fat-suppressed and non–fat-suppressed fast spin-echo sequences
were acquired in the axial and short-axis planes with breath-hold
double-inversion recovery blood suppression pulses with repetition time (TR) of 1 or 2 R-R intervals, time to excitation (TE) of
10 to 20 ms, slice thickness of 5 to 10 mm, and slice gap of 2 to
5 mm. The matrix and field of view (FOV) were 256⫻256 and 24
to 36 cm, respectively. Cine functional images were obtained in
the axial and short-axis planes using breath-hold steady-state free
precession imaging. The flip angle was 40° to 60° and TE was set
to minimum. For steady-state free precession imaging, the slice
thickness was 5 to 8 mm, with a slice gap of 2 to 6 mm. The
matrix and FOV were 256⫻160 and 36 to 40 cm, respectively.
Inversion recovery prepared breath-hold 2D cine gradient-echo
images were obtained 20 minutes after contrast agent injection
(0.2 mmol/kg of gadodiamide (Omniscan, Amersham Health,
Princeton, NJ)). Imaging parameters included TR/TE, 7.2/3.2; inversion time optimized, 150 to 250 ms; flip angle, 25°; slice thickness,
8 mm; slice gap, 2 mm; number of excitations, 2; matrix, 256⫻192;
and FOV, 36⫻27 cm. Two-dimensional myocardial delayed enhancement MRI scans were obtained in the short-axis and axial
planes at 10-mm intervals, covering the entire RV and LV. All
studies used a phased-array surface coil for signal reception. The
temporal resolution of the cine images was ⱕ50 ms.
Tagging Protocol
After completing the standard imaging protocol, 3 tagged short-axis
slices (base to apex) were obtained. Parallel striped tags were
prescribed in 2 orthogonal orientations (0° and 90°) using ECGtriggered fast gradient-echo sequence with spatial modulation of
magnetization.14,15 The parameters for tagged MR images were
FOV, 40 cm; slice thickness, 8 to 10 mm; TR, 3.5 to 7.2 ms; echo
time, 2.0 to 4.2 ms; flip angle, 10° to 12°; matrix size, 256⫻96 to
140; temporal resolution, 20 to 40 ms; and tag spacing, 7 mm.
MR Image Analysis
MR images were assessed by experienced cardiac MRI readers at the
Johns Hopkins Hospital who were blinded to all clinical and other
diagnostic information. MR images were transferred to an Advantage windows workstation (GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wis)
for analysis. Quantitative analysis was performed using dedicated
commercially available MASS software program (Medis, Leiden,
The Netherlands). This software was used to view images using
standardized window width and level settings. The first image after
the R-wave trigger represented the end-diastolic image. End-systolic
image was defined visually as the one with the smallest ventricular
cavity size. Quantitative MR parameters included end-diastolic
volume (EDV), end-systolic volume (ESV), and ejection fraction for
both ventricles. Diastolic and systolic ventricular volume measurements were obtained by summation of planimetered areas obtained
from serial short-axis images. The MR images were qualitatively
assessed for ventricular enlargement, aneurysms, global hypokinesis,
regional wall motion abnormalities, intramyocardial fat, and delayed
Strain Analysis
Horizontal and vertical striped tags were superimposed as grid
images (Figure 1). Short-axis tagged slices were analyzed for
midwall regional circumferential strain (Ecc,%) by the HARP
(Figure 1) method (Harmonic Phase, Diagnosoft, Palo Alto,
Calif),16,17 based on the 16-segment heart model.18 LV was
divided into 3 circular basal, mid, and apical short-axis slices
perpendicular to the long axis of the heart; the basal and mid
slices were divided into 6 circumferential segments of 60°
each—anterior, anteroseptal, inferoseptal, inferior, inferolateral,
and anterolateral; and the apical slice was divided into 4 segments
of 90° each—anterior, septal, inferior, and lateral. Because Ecc
represents circumferential shortening, its value during systole is
negative. A more negative value (eg, ⫺25%) reflects greater
contraction (healthier), whereas a relatively less negative value
(eg, ⫺10%) implies weaker contraction. Peak systolic value of
Ecc, which refers to Ecc noted around peak systole, was considered for the analysis as the contractile effort tends to be at its
maximum at this phase during the cardiac cycle. One of our
previous studies has demonstrated excellent interobserver and
intraobserver agreement for peak systolic midwall Ecc (correlation coefficient ⬎0.8 for both) in myocardial tagged MRI analysis
using the HARP technique.19
Statistical Analysis
All continuous variables are reported as mean⫾standard deviation. All categorical variables are reported as frequency (%). The
ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were indexed
to body surface area (in m2). Kruskal-Wallis and single Fisher
exact tests were used for overall comparison of continuous and
categorical data, respectively, among the 3 study groups. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney and Fisher exact tests were used for post hoc
pairwise comparisons of continuous and categorical data, respectively, with Bonferroni correction of the ␣ to maintain the overall
probability of a type I error at 0.05. Statistical analyses were
performed in STATA statistical software (Version 9.0, College
Station, Tex). A 2-tailed probability value ⬍0.05 was considered
statistically significant. The major goal of this research, as an
exploratory study, was hypothesis generation, and no adjustment
was made for examining multiple factors.
Baseline Characteristics
Table 1 describes the demographics and electrophysiological and structural abnormalities of the study population,
which was composed of 21 patients with ARVD and 11
control subjects. Of the 21 patients with ARVD, 11 (52%)
were classified as having definite ARVD and 10 (48%) as
probable ARVD. Among the definite ARVD group, 45%
patients fulfilled 4 Task Force criteria points, and the
remaining 55% fulfilled ⬎4. Among the probable ARVD
group, 20% patients satisfied 2 points and remaining 80%
patients satisfied 3 points. The mean age of the definite
ARVD and probable ARVD patients was 41.2⫾14.2 years
and 34.9⫾12.1 years, and 7 (64%) and 3 (30%) were men,
respectively. The mean age of control subjects was
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
May 2010
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Figure 1. Examples from a healthy control subject (i) and a definite ARVD patient (ii) showing HARP analysis of short-axis tagged MR
images at the mid slice level. Circular mesh (left) is defined by the user to represent the region of measurement in the LV wall (yellow
subendocardial layer, red midwall, green subepicardial layer). The mesh deforms with the motion of the heart, and the changes in the
geometry of the mesh can then be measured. By tracking the motion of different segments of the heart using a mesh, the measured
strain can be represented numerically in a trajectory by plotting the changes in local strain during the cardiac cycle. Circumferential
strain at the midwall (Ecc) was obtained as an average across each segment at each timeframe. i, Individual mesh points comprise 6
different segments; corresponding Ecc plots represent the evolution of average strain across each segment with time. The peak (or the
most negative) value of each Ecc plot is the peak systolic Ecc for the corresponding segment because it usually coincides with the
height of systole. Note the generalized less-negative peak systolic Ecc peaks in the definite ARVD patient as compared with the control
subject. Segments are labeled as A, anterior; AS, anteroseptal; IS, inferoseptal; I, inferior; IL, inferolateral; and AL, anterolateral.
29.8⫾6.7 years, and 6 (55%) were men. Mean age and sex
distribution across all 3 groups of study participants were
similar (Kruskal-Wallis, P⫽0.14; single Fisher exact,
P⫽0.37, respectively). The presence of ⬎1000 premature
ventricular contractions on a 24-hour Holter monitor was
significantly more often seen in the definite ARVD group
as compared with the probable ARVD group (Fisher exact,
P⫽0.004). None of the definite or probable ARVD patients
showed evidence of LV wall motion abnormalities on
echocardiography. None of the control subjects had any
prior symptoms, family history, or electric or structural
abnormalities consistent with ARVD.
Characteristics of the RV and LV on MRI
Shown in Table 2 are the detailed MRI findings of subjects
included in the study. In general, definite ARVD patients
demonstrated a higher degree of RV structural abnormalities on MRI and showed a significantly higher presence of
varying degrees of dilatation and delayed enhancement of
the RV as compared with patients with probable ARVD
(Fisher exact, P⫽0.001 and P⫽0.02, respectively). Among
the 3 groups of participants, definite ARVD patients had
significantly higher RVEDV and RVESV as well as lower
RV ejection fraction (EF) than control subjects (KruskalWallis, P⫽0.006, P⫽0.0009, and P⫽0.0007, respectively;
post hoc tests, P⫽0.004, P⫽0.0009, and P⫽0.001, respectively). Definite ARVD patients also showed significantly
lower RVEF than probable ARVD patients (post hoc test,
P⫽0.04). Probable ARVD patients reported higher global
RV volumes and lower RVEF than control subjects, but the
differences did not reach statistical significance (post hoc
tests, P⫽0.12, P⫽0.07, and P⫽0.20, respectively).
Among the definite ARVD group, the most commonly
seen LV abnormality was intramyocardial fat (3/11, 27%),
followed by regional wall motion defects (2/11, 18%), dilation (1/11, 9%), and delayed enhancement (1/11, 9%). Similarly, among the probable ARVD group, the LV abnormalities observed were intramyocardial fat (1/10, 10%) and
delayed enhancement (1/10, 10%). Quantitatively, LVEDV,
LVESV, and LV ejection fraction were similar across all 3
Jain et al
Table 1.
LV Regional Dysfunction in ARVD by Tagged MRI
Demographics of the Study Population
Age, y
Men, %
4 (36)
5 (45)
6 (60)
Right ventricle
7 (70)
11 (100)
3 (30)
0 (0)
0 (0)
2 (18)
2 (20)
0 (0)
1 (9)
3 (33)
0 (0)
2 (18)
4 (40)
0 (0)
ARVD by HP evidence
4 (36)
2 (20)
0 (0)
Depolarization, %
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Abnormal SAECG
8 (73)
5 (50)
0 (0)
Epsilon wave
1 (9)
0 (0)
0 (0)
T-wave inversions, %
Beyond V1
8 (73)
4 (40)
0 (0)
Beyond V2
5 (45)
3 (30)
0 (0)
Incomplete RBBB
3 (30)
0 (0)
Complete RBBB
0 (0)
0 (0)
Arrhythmia, %
7 (64)
4 (36)
0 (0)
3 (30)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Structural abnormalities
on echo, %
8 (73)
4 (50)
0 (0)
Impaired RV function
6 (55)
1 (13)
0 (0)
RV wall motion
1 (9)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Global LV dilatation
Global RV dilatation
SCD ⬍35 years of age
LBBB type VT
0 (0)
Family history, %
⬎1000 PVCs on a
24-hour holter monitor*
Table 2. Global and Regional Characteristics of the Right and
Left Ventricles on MRI
Qualitative parameters, %
Prior symptoms, %
1 (9)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Impaired LV function
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
LV wall motion
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
6 (55)
0 (0)
0 (0)
5 (45)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
8 (80)
0 (0)
0 (0)
2 (20)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Criteria points for ARVD diagnosis
SCD indicates sudden cardiac death; TFC, Task Force criteria; HP, histopathological; SAECG, signal-averaged ECG; RBBB, right bundle-branch block;
LBBB, left bundle-branch block; and VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Values are expressed as n (%) or mean⫾SD. Among those who did not meet
the Task Force criteria, patients with a positive family history who had 1
additional minor criterion and patients without a family history with 1 major or
2 minor criteria were classified as probable ARVD. Criteria points were
calculated by adding the major (2 points each) and minor (1 point each) criteria
fulfilled by the individual. The presence of 4 or more points is indicative of
ARVD diagnosis by Task Force criteria.
*P⬍0.05 for comparison between definite ARVD and probable ARVD
Global hypokinesis
6 (55)
2 (20)
0 (0)
Regional hypokinesis/
8 (73)
3 (30)
0 (0)
Intramyocardial fat
4 (36)
1 (10)
0 (0)
Delayed enhancement*
7 (64)
1 (10)
0 (0)
Quantitative parameters,
End-diastolic volume†
End-systolic volume†
Ejection fraction*†
1 (9)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Left ventricle
Qualitative parameters, %
Global hypokinesis
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Regional hypokinesis/
2 (18)
0 (0)
0 (0)
Intramyocardial fat
3 (27)
1 (10)
0 (0)
Delayed enhancement
1 (9)
1 (10)
0 (0)
Quantitative parameters,
End-diastolic volume
End-systolic volume
Ejection fraction
Values are expressed as n (%) or mean⫾SD.
*P⬍0.05 for comparison between definite ARVD and probable ARVD
†P⬍0.05 for comparison between definite ARVD patients and control
All P values were Bonferroni-adjusted to account for multiple comparisons,
wherever required.
groups (Kruskal-Wallis, P⫽0.29, P⫽0.59, and P⫽0.50,
Regional LV Systolic Function
Table 3 shows mean (SD) peak systolic Ecc at the 16
myocardial segments by study groups and the corresponding probability values for Kruskal-Wallis and post hoc
comparisons. Patients with definite ARVD revealed significantly less negative Ecc (as stated earlier, less negative
Ecc denotes weaker contraction) than control subjects in 6
of 16 (37.5%) segments: basal inferior, basal anterolateral,
mid inferior, mid inferolateral, mid anterolateral, and
apical lateral (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Ecc was significantly less negative in probable ARVD compared with
control subjects in 3 of 16 (18.7%) segments: basal
anterolateral, mid anterolateral, and apical lateral.
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
Table 3.
May 2010
Peak Systolic Circumferential Strain (Ecc %) at the 16 Myocardial Segments by Study Groups
Post Hoc*
P Value
Post Hoc†
Post Hoc‡
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All strain values denote mean⫾SD.
*Kruskal-Wallis test compares the 3 groups together for an overall difference in strain.
*Pairwise comparison between definite ARVD patients and control subjects.
†Pairwise comparison between probable ARVD patients and control subjects.
‡Pairwise comparison between definite and probable ARVD patients.
All post hoc pairwise P values were Bonferroni-adjusted to account for multiple comparisons.
Figure 3a shows mean (95% confidence interval) peak
systolic Ecc according to the study groups across myocardial regions along the longitudinal axis of the heart.
Definite ARVD patients demonstrated less negative strain
at the basal and mid LV slice levels in contrast to control
subjects (Kruskal-Wallis, P⫽0.01 and P⫽0.009, respectively; post hoc tests, P⫽0.01 and P⫽0.01, respectively).
No differences in basal, mid, or apical strain were observed between probable ARVD patients and control
subjects. Figure 3b depicts distribution of mean (95%
confidence interval) peak systolic Ecc circumferentially
around the heart in the study population. Of the anterior,
septal, inferior, and lateral regions, definite ARVD reported a less negative strain in anterior, inferior, and lateral
regions compared with control subjects (Kruskal-Wallis,
P⫽0.04, P⫽0.005, and P⫽0.0003, respectively; post hoc
tests, P⫽0.03, P⫽0.005, and P⫽0.0006, respectively).
This is in contrast to probable ARVD, which showed less
negative strain in the lateral region alone (post hoc test,
P⫽0.006). No differences in regional strain were found
between definite and probable ARVD patients (Table 3 and
Figure 3a and 3b).
To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantitatively
assess regional LV function in ARVD using MRI strain
analysis. This approach revealed regional LV systolic dysfunction despite a preserved global LV function. Further, the
extent of LV dysfunction appeared to parallel RV dysfunction, with definite ARVD showing worse LV regional
Probable ARVD
Patients with a strong clinical suspicion of ARVD but
satisfying less than the required number of Task Force criteria
for the definite diagnosis of the disease were considered to
have probable ARVD. Probable ARVD may represent an
early spectrum of the disease with possible progression to
diagnostically more overt forms with time. In a high-risk
population (such as positive mutation carrier status or positive family history), the classification of probable ARVD may
be particularly relevant. Such patients may not fulfill traditional ARVD criteria but may have a higher pretest probability for disease. In our practice, patients fulfilling several if
not all ARVD criteria frequently mandate closer clinical
LV Involvement in ARVD
Left-sided involvement in ARVD has been described, but it is
frequently considered a late manifestation of advanced disease.20,21 However, the recent and important advances in the
field of genetic characterization of the disease led to the
Jain et al
LV Regional Dysfunction in ARVD by Tagged MRI
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Figure 2. a and b are color-coded maps superimposed on tagged MR short-axis images from a healthy control subject and a definite
ARVD patient, respectively. Bar color demonstrates the spectrum in change of cardiac systolic function: Blue color identifies normal
contractile state and red color represents dysfunctional areas. The green-dominant myocardium of the ARVD patient indicates generalized weaker systolic function in contrast to the blue-dominant myocardium in the healthy control subject.
hypothesis of a potential LV affliction in ARVD from its
early stages.10 Most disease-causing mutations have been
found to involve genes encoding different component proteins of the cardiac desmosome such as desmoplakin,
plakophilin-2, junctional plakoglobin, desmoglein-2, and
desmocollin-2.1 Although different mutations may affect
ventricles differentially,10 the spectrum of their phenotypic
expression should involve both ventricles concomitantly because right and left sides of the heart are similar with respect
to desmosomal structure and gene expression. Our findings
are plausible with the purported common genetic substrate
between the 2 ventricles. The findings support the emerging
evidence in favor of LV involvement and favor the need of a
contemporaneous revision of Task Force criteria to include
LV descriptions.10,22
With respect to qualitative changes, LV functional abnormalities in ARVD have been previously reported.1,8,23 However, a systematic regional quantification of LV contractile
function in context to global function in ARVD has not been
previously undertaken. Using myocardial tagging, we discovered decreased regional LV contraction in probable ARVD
that had a higher prevalence in definite ARVD. Less negative
strain noted first in 3 of 16 myocardial segments in probable
ARVD appeared to progress to 6 of 16 segments, with
increase in disease severity to definite ARVD. Similarly, less
negative strain in the basal and mid slice levels of the LV in
definite ARVD was not observed in probable ARVD. The
lateral region showed a predilection for less negative strain in
probable ARVD patients, whereas definite disease involved
the lateral as well as anterior and inferior regions. These
subclinical reductions in regional LV contractility as demonstrated by less negative systolic circumferential shortening
showed an association with increasing RV impairment and
existed without significant morphological abnormalities of
the LV in the context of normal global LV function. Regional
contraction derangement appears to be a more sensitive
indicator of LV involvement, and this may be of great
relevance in the classic disease paradigm in which the RV is
consistently more severely affected than the LV and conspicuous signs of LV involvement may not set in until later in the
course of the disease.9,10
Prognostic Significance of LV Involvement
The “left-sidedness” of ARVD is known to portend an
increased likelihood of an eventful clinical course. Prospective and retrospective studies have highlighted LV involvement to be associated with an increased risk of palpitations,
syncopal episodes, potentially lethal arrhythmias, and heart
failure than isolated RV disease alone, which explains why
LV involvement can help in identifying those ARVD patients
who would benefit the most from timely implantable
cardioverter-defibrillator placement.2,3 In the light of the
aforementioned, the interpretation of the findings of our study
of a possible LV involvement in ARVD in the form of a
subclinical reduction in myocardial contraction may be critical from the prognostic standpoint.
Study Strengths and Limitations
Strengths of this study include nonsubjective analysis of
regional LV function by the novel application of myocardial
tagging in ARVD, comparative assessment of probable and
definite ARVD patients against normal subjects, and cardiac
MRI scanning for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of
ARVD. One of the main limitations of the study is the small
sample size, and the study may not have had sufficient power
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging
May 2010
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Figure 3. a, Distribution of peak systolic
Ecc at basal, mid, and apical slice levels
across the study population; b, peak
systolic Ecc in anterior, septal, inferior,
and lateral regions. Asterisk and dagger
refer to region(s) of the heart in which
the mean peak systolic Ecc was found
to be significantly different between definite ARVD patients and control subjects
and between probable ARVD patients
and control subjects, respectively (all
post hoc, P⬍0.05).
to detect differences in global LV function between ARVD
patients and control subjects. The results should be interpreted in context to this important limitation and validated in
a large-scale genotyped cohort of ARVD patients. Although
the inclusion of individuals who do not fulfill adequate
number of Task Force criteria may imply inclusion of early
ARVD patients, it could also lead to a loss of specificity and
admittance of false-positively identified patients with similar
disorders such as idiopathic ventricular tachycardia and other
types of cardiomyopathy. Because of the cross-sectional
nature of our study, temporal trends in LV involvement and
disease progression in ARVD patients over time could not be
prognostic implications of this asymptomatic segmental LV
dysfunction in ARVD in larger cohorts of patients.
We thank the ARVD patients and families who have made this work
possible. More information on the Johns Hopkins ARVD program
can be found at
Sources of Funding
This study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute (K23HL093350 to Dr Tandri) and the St Jude Medical
Foundation, Medtronic Inc, and Boston Scientific Corp. The Johns
Hopkins ARVD Program is supported by the Bogle Foundation, the
Healing Hearts Foundation, the Campanella family, and the Wilmerding Endowments.
Clinical Implications
Although the study is limited by a small sample size, our
results for the first time show regional LV dysfunction in
patients with ARVD despite preserved global LV systolic
function. Even patients with probable ARVD had minor LV
regional functional alterations compared with control subjects. These results support the current molecular/genetic
basis of ARVD with biventricular disease expression, since
early in the course of the disease. Abnormal strain measurements may be the first indication of an incipient overt LV
dysfunction, warranting closer clinical follow-up and surveillance. Future longitudinal studies are needed to validate this
finding and to better understand the natural history and
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Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy or dysplasia (ARVC/D) predominantly affects the right ventricle;
however, histological and molecular involvement of the left ventricle (LV) is well documented. Global LV function is
usually affected in the advanced stages and is an important determinant for the need for heart transplantation. We evaluated
regional LV strain in ARVC/D patients without overt LV dysfunction using MRI tagging. Patients with definite ARVC/D
showed worse regional LV function compared with control subjects. Regional LV function was also significantly decreased
in probable ARVC/D patients compared with control subjects, although right ventricular function was comparable between
the groups. Thus, we report a high prevalence of regional LV dysfunction in ARVC/D despite preserved global LV
function. This is in agreement with the current literature that supports the notion that ARVC/D is a biventricular disease;
however, the exact significance of this finding is unclear. It is not known whether LV dysfunction is progressive in these
patients, and future long-term studies addressing the prognostic significance of minor LV regional abnormalities are
Prevalence of Left Ventricular Regional Dysfunction in Arrhythmogenic Right
Ventricular Dysplasia: A Tagged MRI Study
Aditya Jain, Monda L. Shehata, Matthias Stuber, Seth J. Berkowitz, Hugh Calkins, João A.C.
Lima, David A. Bluemke and Harikrishna Tandri
Downloaded from by guest on May 11, 2017
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2010;3:290-297; originally published online March 2, 2010;
doi: 10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.109.911313
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