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McKenzie Doran
1. Why do you think nutritional information is listed per serving and not per package? What are the
pros and cons to this method?
Nutritional information is listed per serving and not per package because it reminds the people
that they should be eating the serving and not the whole package. Without this information being
per serving, people would be eating the whole package and not knowing when they should stop
causing them to become unhealthy. People with diseases such as diabetes are able to use this
information to track the amount of food they are eating and the amount that of macromolecules
that are going in too. Since it only show the information in regards to one serving, then it is harder
to calculate the macromolecules and amount of food if more than one serving is eaten.
2. Based on your analysis of the food labels from the four foods, would you change your opinion of
which foods you considered to be healthy (Step 4)? Explain your answer.
No because we decided that Cheerios and peanuts were the healthiest because we based our
decision on which foods had the highest amounts in molecules we need in our bodies and the
lowest in the stuff that is not good for our body.
3. Describe at least one reason for limiting each of the following in a well-balanced diet - saturated
fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
Saturated fat raises the amount of cholesterol, and without limiting it, then the amount of
cholesterol can get to high causing heart issues. Cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular
problems, and without limiting it, then the person has a much greater risk of heart issues
occurring. Sodium absorbs water, and without limiting it, the risk of dehydration in the body
4. Choose one food label and calculate the grams of fat consumed if you ate the entire package.
What percentage of your daily value of fat would be used at this meal? Show your work.
About 17 servings per package
8 grams of fat per 1 oz (1 serving)
8 times 17= 136 grams of fat for the whole package.
Based on a 2,000 calorie diet- 65 total grams of fat
About 209.2% of your daily value of fat if entire package was eaten
5. Given what you have learned about the function of key vitamins and minerals, explain why it is
most often recommended for adults to consume a multi-vitamin once a day along with their
regular meals.
For many people even after they eat, they do not get all the vitamins and minerals their bodies
need to function normally, so with a multivitamin it gives the body the nutrients that it needs.
6. Explain why DRIs are now the preferred value for nutritional intake but are not shown on food
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are not shown on food labels because they are based on a
specific person’s amount of intake on calories, their height and weight, and other factors such as
activity level. Not everyone’s DRIs will be the same, so they aren’t shown on food labels.
7. Describe at least two changes Anna would have to make to her diet to increase her overall health
and fitness.
She would have to lower her intake on sugar producing foods which increases her blood sugar to
a higher number than it needs to be and increase her intake on vegetables with a lower starch
amount that won’t increase her blood sugar too much.
8. Did Anna appear to be following a diet appropriate for a person with Type 1 diabetes? Why or
why not?
No because she was eating foods with a lot of sugar which would make her blood sugar increase
which could cause many problems with her insulin. She was also eating fatty foods which turns
into sugar in the body which can also increase her blood sugar levels, and she doesn’t have any
insulin in her body to allow this sugar to go into her cells and the amount of insulin she is taking
won’t be able to keep up with such a high amount of sugar.