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Chapter 1
The equivalent of
gustar in English is…
to like.
We use the verb “gustar” with
nouns and verbs.
If the noun is singular use…
Me gusta la manzana.
I like the apple.
singular noun
Me gusta el libro.
singular noun
I like the book.
If the noun is plural use…
Me gustan las manzanas.
I like apples.
plural noun
Me gustan los libros.
plural noun
I like books.
When we want to express what we like.
We use…
Me gusta jugar béisbol.
I like to play baseball.
Note: If the noun is singular or plural you still use gusta.
In orther to emphasize what you or other people’s likes
memorize the following grammar structure.
I like
You like
He likes
She likes
You all like
They like
We like
A mi me gusta(n)
A ti te gusta(n)
A él le gusta(n)
A ella le gusta(n)
A ustedes les gusta(n)
A ellos/ellas les gusta(n)
A nosotros nos gusta(n)
Using NO in sentences
In orther to express dislike (s) use NO right after the noun or pronoun.
I like
You like
He likes
She likes
You all like
They like
We like
A mi no me gusta(n)
A ti no te gusta(n)
A él no le gusta(n)
A ella no le gusta(n)
A ustedes no les gusta(n)
A ellos/ellas no les gusta(n)
A nosotros no nos gusta(n)