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IFIP pig institute, France
INRA, France
Three major environmental impacts depend on gaseous emissions: acidification (ammonia),
climate change (greenhouse gases) and eutrophication. For pig production at farm gate, the
main emissions of greenhouse gases occur during the feed ingredients production (60%). At
this step, innovative feeds were built using, data on the environmental impacts of feedstuff
(Wilfart et al., 2016), and a multi-objective feed formulation (Garcia-Launay et al., 2016) to
minimize the cost of the feed mix and its environmental impacts (MOF). For the ammonia
emissions the main part (60%) is emitted on the farm with the manure management. Multiphase
feeding strategies which reduce the nitrogen excretions (FS) contribute to reduce the ammonia
losses. The objective of this study was to combine the best available practices (MOF and FS)
and to measure the environmental consequences on pig at farm gate. Five different FS were
assessed for the fattening period: a two phase feeding (FS1), additional two phase feedings with
a degradation of the animal performances due respectively to a reduction of the energy amount
in the feeds (FS2) and a reduction of amino acids (FS3), and two multiphase strategies with
respectively two feeds (FS4) and four feeds (FS5). FS2 and FS3 were tested to see if wider
environmental reduction could be obtained at the level of feed production, and compensate the
increase of environmental fluxes at farm scale. For each FS, the feeds were formulated with an
optimisation on the cost (scenario C) and with a multi-objective feed formulation (scenario
MOF). The animal performances (INRA porc), their excretions (RMT, 2016), and the gaseous
emissions induced by the feeding strategies were modelled.
In each FS, scenario MOF reduce the impacts of the kilogram of pig compared to scenario C
from -1% to -15% depending on FS and the impact. By comparing all the FS to the scenario C
of FS1, the results show that the FS which bring to a reduction of the animal performances bring
also to an increase of the climate change (FS2, FS4 and FS5): the marginal environmental
benefit reached at the feed ton is lost at farm gate. For impacts acidification and eutrophication
the results indicate lower impacts for FS4 and FS5 because of the reduction of the nitrogen
excretion. The environmental benefit is mainly due to the FS and not the MOF.
This study underlines the necessity to optimize FS globally including the feed production, the
animal performances and the manure management.
Keywords: GHG, N2O, CH4, NH3, Swine, feeding strategies, Farm, modelization,
Environmental evaluation
EMILI 2017. St-Malo, France, 21-24 May 2017.
References :
RMT, 2016. Évaluation des rejets d’azote, phosphore, potassium, cuivre et zinc des
porcs - Influence de l’alimentation, du mode de logement et de la gestion des effluents. 28p.
Garcia-Launay F., Wilfart A., Dusart L., Nzally C., Drone Y., Gaudré D., Espagnol S.,
2016. Multiobjective formulation is an efficient methodology to reduce environmental
impacts of pig feeds. LCA 2016
Wilfart A., Dauguet S., Tailleur A., Willmann S., Laustriat M., Magnin M., GarciaLaunay F., Gac A., Espagnol S., 2016. ECOALIM: a Dataset of the Environmental Impacts of
Feed Ingredients Used for Animal Production in France. Symposium LCAfood 2016
EMILI 2017. St-Malo, France, 21-24 May 2017.