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North Yorks and Humber
Local Eye Health Network (LEHN) North Yorks and Humber
Current work locally in North Yorks and Humber area
Integrated working with pharmacy Local pharmacy committees and the local pharmacy network are
keen to work with the local optical committees to promote the eye health message. East Yorks CCG
have agree to fund a training evening for pharmacy and optometry to encourage referrals between
the Minor Ailments service and the Minor eye conditions MECS service as well as promoting the eye
health message via the many patient contacts. This should reduce GP usage and make for quicker
easier patient access for minor conditions. If funding can be identified the intention is to run a training
event around the promotion of eye health for pharmacy in North Yorks. East Yorks CCG are also
funding the direct supply of certain eye medications from pharmacy to optometrists in the MECS
service streamlining the service for patients. Eventually it is hoped that a direct prescribing route
will be possible across the area as other minor ailments and minor eye condition services are
Review of children’s screening services across the North Yorks and Humber area has started with a
review of current provision as there is variability across the area from no service to gold standard
using school nurses trained by orthoptists at reception entry screening. Ean Blair is leading this sub
group if you have any information please email him on [email protected]. At present we are the
scooping stage so full sub group yet to form.
Review of low vision services. This had to be brought forward due to the Eye Health Needs
Assessment in York so a brief survey has already been sent out in North Yorks and York area.
Preparation for Dementia awareness week on 17th May involved sending information to optometry
practices on dementia and on accessing dementia friendly training on line to become a dementia
friendly practice.
Falls team work. The LEHN has been working with the Hull falls team to ensure a consistent target
range of questions are asked during the level one falls assessment to all patients who can then be
signposted to eye services if required. It is hoped to share this work with all falls teams across the
Eye Health week. Beginning 21st Sept 2015 North Yorks Eyecare forum( which is collaborative of all
the charities) have a steering group who plan to have information stands in Scarborough Hospital,
York hosp and city centre, Harrogate library and possibly in Selby. In addition they have information
stands in some larger GP surgeries and are hoping to get press coverage. Currently in East Riding, Eye
Heath bus to be sited in Bridlington and Goole with health trainers plus messages in local press and
radio. HERIB ( Hull and East Riding Institute for the Blind) are leading in Hull with a stand in the
Freedom Centre.The LEHN will be encouraging local practices to arrange for their free resource packs
to be displayed in their practices to support this week. The local messages being given by the charities
is get your eye tested.
The LEHN has supported the commissioning of a MECS service in Harrogate and Scarborough are to a
consistent pathway already present in Hull and East Yorks.
Vale of York review and Eye health needs assessment. The review was completed in March and the
recommendations are being driven by a project group with representatives from all sectors of eyecare
community. An easy win appears to the low vision hub which would provide a fully integrated visual
impairment service of which low vision services is a part. The sub group is being lead by Phillipa
Crowther of Wilberforce Trust. The EHNA is being produced by the public health team with some
collaboration in North Yorks so it may eventually cover all of North Yorks. It should identify what is
available now, what are future needs and where are the gaps in services. The review intends to look
North Yorks and Humber
at all services and devise outcomes driven pathways rather than targets. This means the service will
be judged on things such as the quality of care offered rather than how many patients it has seen.
Stable glaucoma pilots. York Due soon to run for 6 months using the diabetic van with OCT, slit lamp,
Goldmann but no visual fields at present. Screening will be either in the van or room in GP surgery
and run by technicians gathering the data which will be reviewed by the team of optoms at the
hospital under criteria set by consultants. Traffic light system to be used with green to stay in service,
amber next check at hosp and red immediate referral in.. Clinic capacity is expected to increase from
10 to 30 and it is hoped 2,000 patients can use this service. Hull service being developed to using
upskilled community optometrists in their practices with training and support from secondary care.
There are other work areas planned such as engagement events to discuss the community
ophthalmology framework due for released by the Clinical Council for eye health commissioning.
The Local Eye Health Network(LEHN) gives all eye care stakeholders the chance to engage, express their
views and influence in the development of eye care services in the area and the chance to let their
views be fed up to a national level. The LEHN needs your support and input to be the vibrant active
influencing forum it can be. Time commitment is 4 meeting of 2 hours in the evening with a little reading
before each meeting and then the requirement to feedback and take views of other Healthwatch and
users. We are currently looking at using remote conferencing to help with travelling. Please feel free to
contact me about the LEHN work and volunteers are always welcome to work within the various groups
we have running currently. Please get in touch if you want to know more and any ideas you may have.
Liz Greenwood
Chair of the LEHN in North Yorks and Humber
[email protected] mobile 07532298046
Call to Action for Eyes- Key Themes Nationally.
This took place over the summer 2014 and has certainly driven the local work streams. Healthwatch supported
the dissemination of public feedback questionnaire which generated 150 local responses from the public. The
outcomes were fed into the national forum as well as setting our local workplan.
Expanded community health roles more services in the community.
Need for national framework to be implemented locally for some pathways to offer better value and
more consistency
Need for health promotion interventions: public education on risk factors and benefits of eye tests
including national awareness campaign
Need for wider training. Ophthalmology training should be a basic part of eye health professionals
training and more opportunities for continuous development in eye health professionals
Need to incorporate eye health as a standard part of care plans and packages for particular patients
such as stroke, falls, dementia etc.
Fully integrated care pathways that allow optometry to be integrated into the NHS workforce. IT
Patients records can be accessed by all health professionals
Need to increase accessibility of sight tests by mobile clinics, targeting disadvantaged or high risk
groups, disabled home visits and use of technology.
The outcomes are not to published formally but the LEHN is taking the local outcomes and driving forwards.
North Yorks and Humber