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Name: ______________________________ Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Self Assessment: Newton’s Laws of Motion
1. Defined unbalanced forces. How can you tell by looking at an object if the forces on
it are unbalanced?
2. Explain what inertia is and what other property of matter it depends on.
3. Which object has more inertia, a golf ball or bowling ball? Explain.
4. Earth is pulling me down. We call that gravity. If gravity is the action, what is the
equal and opposite reaction?
Identify which Law of Motion each is by placing a 1, 2 or 3 in the blank
5. _______ You’re in a car that slams on the brakes and you go flying forward
6. _______ When you hit a nail with a hammer, they both feel the same force
7. _______ The nail in #2 moves more than the hammer does.
8. _______ I can throw a baseball farther than a shotput.
9. _______ When I throw the baseball, it would go straight, if it weren’t for gravity and
air resistance.
10. _______ It takes more effort to push a full shopping cart than an empty one.
11. _______ The weight of an object is its mass times the acceleration due to gravity.
12. _______ I hit a ball with a bat. The same force is exerted on both objects.
13. _______ I spin a yoyo in a circle. If I let go of the string, it flies off in a straight line.
True or False. Explain.
14. When forces are balanced something does not move.
15. When forces are balanced something moves at a constant speed.
16. When forces are balanced something accelerates.
17. When forces are unbalanced something does not move.
18. When forces are unbalanced something moves at a constant speed.
19. When forces are unbalanced something accelerates.
20. Draw the forces acting on a ball as I drop it.
21. Draw the forces acting on a soccer ball while I’m kicking it.
22. Draw the forces acting on a soccer ball after I kick it and it’s flying into the goal.
Use the formula F=ma to solve the following. Show your work! Don’t forget the correct
units and sig figs.
23. ____________________ What is the acceleration of a truck with a mass of 1200 kg
moving because of a 7800 N force?
24. ____________________ What is the mass of a soccer ball that is accelerating at
11.5 m/s/s because of an applied force of 167 N?
Answer key__
Name: __
Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Self Assessment: Newton’s Laws of Motion
1. Defined unbalanced forces. How can you tell by looking at an object if the forces on
it are unbalanced?
Total forces are not equal
The object accelerates (changes speed,
direction or both)
2. Explain what inertia is and what other property of matter it depends on.
Tendency of an object to resist changes in
Depends on mass. More mass = more inertia
3. Which object has more inertia, a golf ball or bowling ball? Explain.
Bowling ball. It has more mass.
4. Earth is pulling me down. We call that gravity. If gravity is the action, what is the
equal and opposite reaction?
You are pulling back on the Earth!
doesn’t the Earth move then? Well, technically it does, but
not a whole lot because it has more inertia)
Identify which Law of Motion each is by placing a 1, 2 or 3 in the blank
1___ You’re in a car that slams on the brakes and you go flying forward
5. ___
3___ When you hit a nail with a hammer, they both feel the same force
6. ___
2___ The nail in #2 moves more than the hammer does.
7. ___
2___ I can throw a baseball farther than a shotput.
8. ___
1__ When I throw the baseball, it would go straight, if it weren’t for gravity and
9. ___
air resistance.
2___ It takes more effort to push a full shopping cart than an empty one.
10. ___
2___ The weight of an object is its mass times the acceleration due to gravity.
11. ___
3___ I hit a ball with a bat. The same force is exerted on both objects.
12. ___
1__ I spin a yoyo in a circle. If I let go of the string, it flies off in a straight line.
13. __
True or False. Explain.
14. When forces are balanced something does not move.
True…it can be not moving. But it is also
true that it can move with a constant speed.
15. When forces are balanced something moves at a constant speed.
True. If the forces are balanced there is no
change in motion, so it keeps doing whatever it
was doing.
16. When forces are balanced something accelerates.
False. It takes unbalanced forces to change
motion (accelerate) see Newton’s First Law of
17. When forces are unbalanced something does not move.
False. According to Newton’s First Law of
Motion, unbalanced forces lead to
18. When forces are unbalanced something moves at a constant speed.
False. According to Newton’s First Law of
Motion, unbalanced forces lead to acceleration
(change in speed or direction or both).
19. When forces are unbalanced something accelerates.
True. Newton’s First Law of Motion says so.
20. Draw the forces acting on a ball as I drop it.
Friction/air resistance
21. Draw the forces acting on a soccer ball while I’m kicking it.
Normal force
Friction/air resistance
Kick (applied force)
22. Draw the forces acting on a soccer ball after I kick it and it’s flying into the goal.
Friction/air resistance
Use the formula F=ma to solve the following. Show your work! Don’t forget the correct
units and sig figs.
6.5 m/s2_ What is the acceleration of a truck with a mass of 1200 kg
23. _
F = ma
moving because of a 7800 N force?
7800 = 1200 (a)
a = 7800/1200
a = 6.5
(div. both sides by 1200)
(2 sig figs)
14.5 kg _ What is the mass of a soccer ball that is accelerating at
24. _
F = ma
11.5 m/s/s because of an applied force of 167 N?
167 = (m) 11.5 (div. both sides by 11.5)
m = 167/11.5
m = 14.521739813
(3 sig figs)