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[The Wonderful Wildlife of Samloem]
Mapping Koh Rong Samloems ecosystem
and the benefits it provides to develop
more sustainable practices on the island
This Project Proposal Form is created for you by the simple project management tool
SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 4
NEEDS/PROBLEMS ............................................................................................. 5
GOALS/OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 7
PROCEDURES/SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................. 8
TIMETABLE ..........................................................................................................11
BUDGET .................................................................................................................12
VIII. KEY PERSONNEL................................................................................................13
EVALUATION .......................................................................................................13
ENDORSEMENTS ...............................................................................................14
NEXT STEPS .........................................................................................................14
APPENDIX .............................................................................................................14
This Project Proposal Form is created for you by the simple project management tool
The wonderful wildlife of Samloem was established Nov 2015 through a partnership with the
diveshop Cambodia. Our mission is to educate the residents, fishermen and visitors to the
island the importance of the wildlife on Samloem and how it supports them through
ecosystem services and processes. With this data we will assist businesses and locals how to
utilize the island more sustainably and provide educational booklets of the flora and fauna,
offering an ecological aspect to the island. This project aims to reduce and eradicate
destructive practices on and around the island and promote a more eco-friendly use of the
island. Improve the collective mentality towards wildlife and incite understanding and
awareness of human impacts. The organization is currently conducting preliminary studies on
the island to begin building the foundations of the wildlife database and to help establish what
surveys and equipment will be required for the official project. To achieve the goals and
objectives we need to establish the current wildlife database over a period of 12-18 months.
This will require continual funding during this time frame for the itemized budget included in
this proposal. We are expecting to budget to total £64,331.96(1year time period) or
£86.831.96 (1.5 year period). We are working with the MFMA a local organization established
to protected the waters of the Koh Rong archipelago, flora and fauna international and the
song saa foundation on some local projects as well as conducting small side projects
promoting an ecological presence on the island.
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The Wonderful Wildlife of Samloem (WWS) was established as a project to offer an alternative
to the current unsustainable practices locals and residents have on the islands by educating
them about the wildlife and their importance to the longevity of the island and it residents.
The project began with the completion of Stephanie Young’s open water diving course, after
which Stephanie Young began to compile a marine life database of the species found at the
dive sites to educate and fascinate divers before and during their scuba experience. This
developed into recording the terrestrial species as well until a partnership with a local diving
company (The Diveshop, Cambodia) to promote this idea developing it into a project and the
idea of WWS was created 2015. Our mission is to protect the island ecosystem by educating
its guests and residents the importance of habitats and species and offering alternative
practices and regulations that support the ecology and the community.
The island of Koh Rong Samloem (KRS) is a popular destination island mostly covered by
jungle and surrounded by coral reefs, the island also offers a variety of other habitats;
Mangroves, sea grass beds, ancient dunes and many more just as sophisticated and diverse.
But due to the lack of knowledge and understanding the beauty of the island (along with many
other islands and mainland Cambodia) is being lost due to unsustainable development,
deforestation, unsustainable fishing practices, harmful ecotourism attractions among other
smaller scaled practices and behaviours. The idea behind this project is to map the islands
ecosystem both interspecific and intraspecific interactions, highlighting the keystone species
and habitats that provide the ecosystem processes and services especially tourism which is
the islands sole revenue. In countries where there are high levels of corruption it is difficult to
implement ecological practices when there is so much desperation. For actual change to
happen the community needs to want to change which is why The wonderful Wildlife of
Samloem is a community project made available for everyone to be part of. Through the use of
coalition with law enforcement & businesses on the island, social media, websites and apps
the information will be available to use to educate and facilitate more sustainable and
ecological behaviours by showing the real beauty of nature. The field studies will map both
the terrestrial and marine habitats with video, photographs, various surveys specific to taxon.
With the data collected and analyzed the project intends to educate the younger generation
through educational programs (Schools & NGO’s), also offering lectures and seminars to
promote the projects ideals to other interested parties and improving current marine
legislation and infrastructure to combat exploitation.
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 The target population are the residents, fishermen and visitors on the island
 12 – 18 months for the preliminary studies of the island, presence and absence
 Minimal knowledge of the island and its ecosystem
 Deforestation and illegal logging
 Resort development is not too detrimental because it is not over populated however
land is being cleared unnecessarily fragmenting the island, impacting the larger species
on the island (i.e. Long tailed macaques, Northern slow loris, Sunda pangolins, monitor
lizards) and removing colonies of insect species important for pollination and
decomposing to allow for secondary succession. Also the land is being sold off to large
developers before any in depth ecological surveys can be conducted. The terrestrial
specie populations are impacted by the deforestation making way for new resorts,
logging trees which are ultimately useless and are then wasted. Many species of birds
and reptiles reside here but locals will kill and many times not eat as this has become a
sport to cure boredom.
 A group called the Koh Rong Samloem nature conservancy established some protected
areas on the island but contact to them is severed and little enforcement of the
protected site occurs. Small businesses assist in the enforcement of illegal activities but
it is difficult to prevent unless the culprits are caught in the act. The MFMA
organization works with the Cambodian government to improve marine fisheries and
the private sector infrastructure and work with small local groups and local NGO’s but
this is marine orientated only. The organization is addressing the current issues but
this is a slow process as the infrastructure needs to be put in place before action can be
taken. There is limited research on the islands terrestrial species and ecosystem
infrastructure which is why WWS is interested to determine how bio-insular evolution
has influenced the flora and fauna.
 Harmful fishing practices (dynamite, cyanide, trawler nets, anchoring on reef, fishing
undersized catch, by catch). There is no specific target population as this project
encompasses the whole island and the habitats that comprise its ecosystem. Marine
habitats are degraded worse than most due to dynamite fishing & cyanide fishing
killing the fish and the coral habitat causing the loss of habitat foundations, similar
impacts are caused by trawler nets and anchors which are also impacting sea grass
beds. Many fish population whether they are commercial or tropical are diminishing
because fishermen are catching juveniles and excessive by-catch which unbalances the
ecosystem and has resulted in depleted stocks of commercial fish.
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 Tourism has a huge impact especially when it comes to waste much of which ends up
in the sea as proper sewage treatment and systems haven’t been established.
Businesses abuse the limited water available on the island as too many businesses are
being built for the islands water sources to handle as well as logging which is lowering
the water table causing species to migrate outland (i.e. snakes, monitor lizards).
Ecotourism has also had severe impacts on ecosystem health. Many businesses
conduct boat tours to the same sites resulting in large groups snorkeling along reefs
which can stress the species present, the locals throw their rubbish overboard, anchor
on the reef, they also burn areas of land unnecessarily removing large areas of jungle
reducing the habitat areas.
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Our goals and objective are to establish solutions to the problems discussed earlier and to
develop a more sustainable island:
• Improve the collective mentality of the islands resident to raise awareness of their
human impacts, reducing destructive practices and offer alternative solutions that
benefit the livelihood of both the residents and the wildlife. This will be accomplished
by building information plaques about the island and the wildlife. Reducing human
impacts with rubbish bins on jungle walks and regular meetings with the navy and
business owners to combat current ecological issues on the island.
 Reduce deforestation and worthless produce (cutting down trees that cannot be used)
by educating locals and business owners and implementing ways to contact the
governing bodies to stop illegal activities.
 Resort development impacts can be reduced by involving businesses in the project
through regular island meetings with business owners, educational seminars, online
information and apps. Cohesion with the project and the business owners is vital to
promote the projects ideals and to establish more eco-friendly practices. This will be
done by outlining and highlighting the resulting destruction if practices are not
 Marine impacts will be reduced by working with local diving companies and assisting
MFMA with data collections and research analysis, also offering alternative or modified
fishing practices to reduce by-catch and unnecessary destruction to marine habitats.
Improving the MPA of the Koh Rong archipelago will reduce the impacts of harmful
fishing practices, improve the policing of the MPA, establishing a no take zone (NTZ) to
allow exploited reefs and populations to re-establish and fully develop until they
overspill into fishing zones. Set up mooring buoys to reduce coral damage from
 Setting up an eco-house for visitors and residents to visit and learn about the wildlife
specific to the island. Designing literature specific to the island to offer a better
experience and understanding of the wildlife and overall fascination to the islands
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Procedures/Scope of Work
As this is a community project it is unclear how many people will be involved in execution of
each stage until the end or whether any training would be required as we do not know the
knowledge and expertise of future volunteers and staff. Any training for marine surveys will
be provided through the diveshop including a species ID course. WWS has been able to
ascertain the survey methods which are specifically suited to the taxon being recorded which
is detailed in each stage below. Specialists in the field of botany, conservation, marine
ecosystems and Cambodian residents with local knowledge of the island species will be
involved in the data collection and organization of surveys sites. With each species recorded
relevant background information will be provided to offer wider knowledge on the individual
and its importance to the islands ecosystem. After each stage is complete a report will be
written to assess the success of the surveys conducted and highlight any anomalies that may
have occurred including why. A daily dairy will be kept for the evaluation of each stage.
1. The first stage of the project is to document the wildlife (both flora and fauna) found
along the main jungle trails and beaches (sunset beach and trail, Saracen beach, lazy
beach and trail, lighthouse trail and military beach, M’pai bai trail and beach) providing
any details about their location, type of day (sunny, windy, raining, cloudy etc) and
temperature; adding background data about the species and any inter and intraspecific
connections to other species. Using their GPS coordinates each species will be input
into a GIS map (made in phase 3) which will be used to educate visitors and residents.
This data will be made available through the use of an interactive website (this will be
available once this stage has been completed) and application for educational purposes
to raise awareness and offer an ecological aspect to the tourism on the island. This will
establish the foundations of ecological awareness. The creation and establishment of
mooring buoys will begin during the first stage of data collection at the most active
dive sites. This will reduce any impact the projects marine data surveys may have on
the reef and any other dive companies or boats that are in the area.
2. Stage 2 is conducted the same as stage 1 but this is the recording the dive sites around
the island and the sites will be recorded as well as photographed to gather as much
information about the coral reef systems, reef profiles and the species that reside in it.
This data will be added to the GIS map with the relevant background data and inter
and intraspecific relations. A marine booklet will be designed specific to the species on
Samloem to improve knowledge and interest. We intend to record the dawn, day and
night at each dive site as the ecology changes with the time of day.
3. Phase 3 is the creation of a GIS map and layout of terrestrial survey sites across the
island. Due to the size of the island it will have to be segmented into sites small enough
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to survey efficiently (the current boundaries will be established on completion of the
GIS map). Once the boundaries are established an initial walk to mark out safe transect
routes with paint (the topography varies throughout the island and there are several
venomous snakes, insects and other dangerous species), to minimalize risk and
maximize health and safety throughout the project. Markers will be made using GPS
and paint. This stage will also establish the points of interest (also marked by GPS
point and paint); areas of high biodiversity, water sources, animal activity which will
be conducted nocturnally and diurnally recording footage of the specie presence. The
transects will be established along the accessible routes through the different habitats
of each site (using a compass as well as GPS and paint) until it reaches the site or island
boundary. Transect point and points of interest will be colour coordinated (one colour
for transect walk another colour to mark a point of interest) to prevent confusion. This
process will be repeated for every site established but the transects may vary between
site to due to topography and elevation.
4. Stage four will be the set up and execution of the survey methods established for each
site (in phase 3) and taxon, the time period between survey set up and data collection
will vary between the species being collected. Mammal surveys will encompass visual
surveys; spotting, photographs, video footage, food traps and humane traps for release
after capture (small rodents). Bird surveys will include visual sighting, photographs,
video footage and vocal recordings. Reptile surveys are kept relatively simple just
visual records; photographs and video footage, this is due to health and safety reasons
as well as for the species wellbeing. Amphibian surveys are comprised of visual
methods; photographs, video footage and spot light surveys. Insect surveys are more
diverse to document the wide variety of families within this ecosystem; pitfall traps,
moth lights, honey traps, butterfly nets, soil samples, canopy beating. Marine specie
surveys are being kept simple; visual surveys, photographs and video footage as we are
just recording presence and inter and intraspecific relationships.
5. Stage five is the recording of the marine areas between the dive sites using video
photographs to record the habitats and species. This is to ensure all areas of the island
are recorded. There may be a reason why the coral cover is low or the area is low in
productivity and diversity.
6. Stage six will comprise all the data both terrestrial and marine on a map with
background information about each species will be included, some of this data may
have been taken from the corresponding social media page for this project. The data
will also be put on the website. The length of time this stage will take is dependent on
the number of volunteers available and data collected.
7. The final stage of this project is the data analysis where we establish relationships
between the different plants, plants and animals, animal and animals, animals and
habitat, between habitats and finally terrestrial and marine systems to establish the
complete cycle of the islands ecosystem. A final ecosystem map will be made available
online on the WWS website as well as the final report detailing key areas and species
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that provide benefits for the resident’s livelihood. The report will be made indicating
these areas and educational presentations will be produce using the data to outline a
step by step from the relationships between the species and habitat to how it produces
the ecosystem services and processes and finally outlining how we utilize it and the
impacts the current ways are causing then providing alternative solutions. The final
report will also be forwarded to any organizations (i.e. MFMA, song saa foundation etc)
involved to be used for educational purposes and to improve governing infrastructure.
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Due to the style of project and resources available some of the phases will overlap throughout
the project time frame, but each phase will be documented accordingly and detail any changes
to the timetable including why.
Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three
Phase four
Phase five
Phase six
Phase seven
Description of Work
Trail and beach terrestrial data
recordings, mooring buoy creation
and deployment
Dive site data collection will be
collected throughout project time
Island map and transect set up
throughout the island
Once transects established in phase 3
data collection will be continual
throughout project time frame
Recording marine species in areas
between the island dive sites
Updating map (created in phase 3)
with pictures and background
information of the individual species
(continual updates will be made
throughout the project as data is
Data analysis and final project report
Time frame of phase
4-6 week period
Throughout project
1year time frame
2 weeks to create map
4-6 weeks period
Throughout project
1year time frame
3 months
Throughout project
1year time frame
3 months
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Key Personnel
Project manager
Koh Rong Samloem
Stephanie Young (partner The Diveshop)
Diveshop personnel (names will be confirmed nearer the date of initiation)
Sophie Bossmann (Botanist & advisor)
Volunteers names unconfirmed
University students
Due to the variability of this project a daily diary will be made to account for any changes
positive and negative and also record the conditions that day. Random yet relevant
information will be recorded as well. To monitor and evaluate the projects progress after each
phase a report will be completed summarizing the results as well as at the end of the project
time frame. Indicators for the goals and objective set will be; Goal 1 – a reduction in waste on
the island, a change in the mentality of the islands residents and a change towards more
sustainable practices. Goal 2 – logging activity reduced or diminished. Goal 3 – businesses
converting to more ecofriendly and sustainable practices. Goal 4 – increased use of the
mooring buoys, eradication of detrimental fishing practices and the establishment of no take
zones and protected areas. A reduction of fishing in coastal reefs and more policing around
the island. Goal 5 – the completion of an eco-center and information booklets about the island.
Cohesion with the navy and local police will enforce the objectives for the projects goal. All
evaluations will be carried out by Stephanie Young as stated earlier after each phase has been
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Stephanie Young – The diveshop, Koh Rong Samloem, Sihanoukville, kampong som, Cambodia
Dennis Funke – The Diveshop, serendipity road, Sihanoukville, kampong som, Cambodia
Other funding requests have been made but currently the project receives no other funding
After Nov 2015 when the organization was created it has set several small goals to establish
and ecological presence on the island, The diveshop has been made –over with educational
pictures and information on the marine life. We have been coordinating our efforts with the
MFMA, flora and fauna international and song saa foundation to combat detrimental fishing
practices around the island. Equipping frequented dive sites with trawler net defenses,
facilitating information and evidence to the law enforcements of destructive fishing and
logging practices.
After our initial project we will continue our efforts through a 5 year plan to maintain and
improve the projects achievements. This will be achieved through the buildings of an
ecological house for visitors and locals to learn about the island and offering an ecological
aspect to visiting the island. We will continue to collect terrestrial and marine data keeping
the database up to date as the success of the project will increase the biodiversity. More in
depth studies will be conducted establishing soil chemistry around the island and how this
influences floral diversity and growth. Our efforts will be coordinated with NGO’s local and
international for educational and scientific purposes as well as to improve ecological growth,
within the island community.
This Project Proposal Form is created for you by the simple project management tool