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Chapter 4: Pregnancy
________ is the smallest unit of life that is able to reproduce itself
___________ is the male germ cell
_____________ is the female germ cell
___________________ occurs when ovum and sperm combine
__________________ is a single cell formed at conception
– also called a fertilized egg
______________________ extend from the sides of the uterus
____________________ is the organ in which the baby develops
– where the ovum is fertilized
Genetic Factors and the Unborn Baby
Genetic factors are traits passed through the genes
– _____________________ all stages of growth and development
________________________ is a genetic blueprint that guides growth and
development during pregnancy
– gives cells instructions for family-like traits that will unfold throughout life
___________________________ is the center of the cell
Genetic code is a set of instructions for development
_______________________ store the genetic code
Chromosomes carry the DNA
Chromosomes and Genes
Chapter 4: Pregnancy
– each person has ____________, pairs of 23
– half from sperm, half from egg
– contains _____,000 genes
– each human cell contains about ________ million genes
– a gene, or group of genes, decides a trait
Dominant and Recessive Traits
______________________________ traits always show in a person even if
only one gene of the pair is inherited for that trait
______________________________ traits typically do not show in a person
unless both genes for the trait are inherited
– one from each parent
– person who inherits only one recessive gene for a trait becomes a carrier of
that trait
Sex Chromosomes
Sex chromosomes determine genetic sex of baby
– _________ female
ovum always carries only _____ chromosomes
– _____________ male
sperm can carry either X or Y chromosome
boys’ sex-linked traits are determined only by their ________________
Multiple Pregnancy
Chapter 4: Pregnancy
______________________ pregnancy occurs when two or more babies
develop in the same pregnancy
____________________ children develop from two or more ova
– most common
– each baby has own chorion (which is:
_________________________ children develop from same ova and sperm
Mixed types of pregnancy must include fraternal and identical babies
Stages in Prenatal Development
Prenatal development takes place between conception and birth
______________________________ stage
________________________________ stage
Germinal Stage
Germinal stage is the ___________ stage of development
______________________ is a fluid-filled sac that surrounds the baby in the
______________________ is an organ filled with blood vessels that nourish the
baby in the uterus
Umbilical cord is a cord that connects the baby to the placenta
Embryonic Stage
Embryonic stage is the second stage of development, lasts about six weeks
– most _____________________ to development
– baby is called an ___________________
Chapter 4: Pregnancy
– development of most _______________________ systems
– ______________________ begins to beat
– ___________________________ is present before bones form
– substances pass from mother’s placenta through the umbilical cord
Fetal Stage
Fetal stage is the third stage of pregnancy, lasts from about nine weeks after
conception until birth
– _____________________ starts to replace cartilage
– baby is known as a ______________________
During the fetal stage,
– all parts of the body mature
– overall size increases quickly
– hear heartbeat in the third month
– ____________________________ begins between the fourth and fifth
months; which is ____________________________________________
Age of ___________________________ is the age at which a baby could
survive if born, 28 weeks
– still need extensive medical care
– better chance of survival each week the baby is not born
During last two months of pregnancy,
– inner layer of ______________ produces substance that allows for breathing
– receives immunities from mother in the ninth month