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Pluto’s Promise for Humanity:
Spiritual Evolutionary Growth
One Generation at a Time
Evolutionary Astrologer Donna Lee Steele
In Evolutionary Astrology, the planet Pluto represents spiritual evolutionary
growth individually and collectively. It takes 248 years for Pluto to complete one
revolution around our Sun. Due to its highly elliptical orbit, Pluto spends
anywhere from 12 to 32 years in each of the twelve zodiac signs. Its passage
through each sign represents an entire ‘astrological generation.’ After all,
millions of people are born during the time it takes Pluto to move through a sign.
Since every ‘astrological generation’ shares the same natal Pluto sign position,
they also share a particular set of spiritual evolutionary growth intentions. Those
intentions are symbolized by the archetypes associated with the sign Pluto
occupied at the time of their birth. Each generation serves the whole of humanity
by integrating the spiritual wisdom of their natal Pluto sign into the collective to
ensure ongoing spiritual evolutionary growth for all mankind.
Almost everyone alive on the planet today has natal Pluto in one of the following
signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius. Children born this year
(2008) between January 25 and June 13th and after November 26th have natal
Pluto in Capricorn. And there are surely a few people still alive who were born
with Pluto in Gemini (born before September 10, 1912). If you’re one of them,
call me! I will be delighted to offer you a free personal consultation about how
Pluto’s current change into Capricorn is likely to affect you!
The following paragraphs offer general interpretations that are meant to provide
insight and guidance for members of each ‘Pluto generation.’ This information
describes the kinds of issues and circumstances each generation is likely to
experience as Pluto now transits or moves through Capricorn in the coming years.
These issues and circumstances will represent opportunities for your generation to
continue its spiritual evolutionary growth intentions for this lifetime personally as
individuals, and collectively as a generation contributing to the ongoing spiritual
evolution of humanity as a whole.
If you already know what sign Pluto occupied at your birth, just proceed to that
paragraph below. If you don’t already know your natal Pluto sign, you can figure
out which Pluto generation you belong to by finding your birthday within the dates
listed below for each sign. Multiple dates listed for each sign are due to Pluto’s
apparent retrograde motion. And remember, Pluto will be in Capricorn from 2008
until 2024 so we’ll all have plenty of time to learn and integrate these new
spiritual evolutionary growth lessons!
Many Blessings, Donna
September 10 to October 20, 1912
July 9 to December 28, 1913
May 26, 1914 to October 7, 1937
November 25 to August 3, 1938
February 7 to June 14, 1939
Your generation has been learning to develop INNER EMOTIONAL SECURITY. This
has occurred through necessary detachments from all outer sources of
dependency. This has forced you to learn how to take care of yourself. Realizing
that true emotional security can only be established from within, you’ve had to
take personal responsibility for your own emotional security and well-being. This
process has also helped you develop a healthier self-image. Your new
evolutionary growth challenges are likely to manifest through changes in
relationships and changes to the status quo in your home, family or career/social
position. You must now learn to be in relationships as an equal. Power
imbalances must be addressed. Stereotypical gender role assignments you were
raised with may not work now or be relevant any longer. Further, a lifetime of
conditioning about the inherent social hierarchy expected in relationships may
become troublesome or conflicted in order to promote a necessary rebalancing
that replaces dominance and subservience with greater self-respect and equality.
October 7 to November 25, 1938
August 3, 1938 to February 7, 1939
June 14, 1939 to October 20, 1956
January 15 to August 19, 1957
April 11 to June 10, 1958
Your generation has been learning to CREATIVELY SELF-ACTUALIZE. This forced
you to learn to take charge of your life. Through the power of your creativity and
force of your own personal will, you’ve established a life path that reflects your
own special destiny. You’ve had to detach from an ego-centric orientation to life
and consider the needs of others. In this way, you’ve been able to utilize your
special gifts to benefit everyone thus earning the recognition and appreciation you
desire. Your new evolutionary growth challenge is likely to manifest through
criticism from others, self-doubt and crises with children, work/career and health.
The purpose of these crises is to teach you to recognize your own worth. You may
also recognize that you created some of those fires you keep putting out in order
to feel important. Take greater responsibility for your own life. Make necessary
adjustments in personal behaviors that repeatedly create these crises. You must
now learn to love yourself instead of seeking outer praise, recognition or attention
from others. A natural maturity will result from deep self-love that enables you to
effectively help others creatively self-actualize too.
October 20, 1956 to January 15, 1957
August 19, 1957 to April 11, 1958
June 10, 1958 to October 5, 1971
April 17 to July 30, 1972
Your generation has been learning to be of SERVICE TO OTHERS/SOCIETY and to
HUMBLE THE SELF in order to do so. This has required a complete dissolution of
your ego and all self-aggrandizing behavior. A tendency toward obsessive selfanalysis has enabled you to see what self-improvements were necessary in order
to be a more effective servant of the Divine. This ongoing personal work requires
a steadfast commitment to simply putting one foot in front of the other in order to
overcome the fear of making mistakes that can utterly paralyze you. You must
now learn a greater compassion for yourself and others. You’ve also been
concerned with purification of the mind and body that facilitates physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual healing. Hopefully, you’ve learned to forgive personal
failings and shortcomings and to let go of the need to be perfect. Your current
evolutionary growth challenges are likely to manifest through a newfound sense of
personal creativity and responsibility as well as a greater desire to fulfill your life
purpose. You’ll learn how to more easily express your natural gifts and abilities
especially through work/career/service commitments.
October 5, 1971 to April 17, 1972
July 30, 1972 to November 5, 1983
May 18 to August 28, 1984
Your generation has been learning EQUALITY IN RELATIONSHIPS and how to listen
very carefully to others so that you give and receive in healthy ways that promote
independence, not co-dependence. Your ongoing process of self-discovery has
been teaching you to take care of your own needs so you don’t project fulfillment
of personal needs and expectations onto partners. This self-development has
required that you learn to listen to your intuition in order to know when to
immerse yourself in socializing with others and when to be alone so you don’t
‘lose yourself’ in relationships. Your new evolutionary growth challenges are
likely to come through changes in work and career and/or increasing
responsibilities to family or society. You must figure out the best way to honor
your commitments to others without losing your own sense of self. Let your own
personal values direct you in making choices about how you will fulfill important
duties and obligations. This requires a steadfast commitment to your self first.
You must learn to trust, honor and respect your own unique sense of right and
wrong and what has personal meaning to you. Only then will you be able to more
successfully manifest your unique purpose in the world.
November 5, 1983 to May 18, 1984
August 28, 1984 to January 17, 1995
April 21 to November 10, 1995
Your generation is learning RIGHT USE OF POWER. This requires that you first
confront your own fears about powerlessness and all perceived personal
limitations. The key word here is ‘perceived!’ In facing your own ghosts and
demons, you’ve been learning just how powerful you really are and how to wield
that power through conscious choice-making. Intense attractions to ‘perceived’
outer sources of power may have resulted in painful betrayals or loss. The
purpose of these experiences is to teach you about the true source of power.
True power is not outside of you or beyond your grasp. All the power you need is
inside of you. Your new evolutionary growth challenges are likely to come
through a desire to withdrawal from the world in order to continue this important
inner work. You must learn to ask and answer your own questions and to decide
for your self what is true and meaningful for you personally. In doing so, you’ll
grow in self-responsibility and develop a greater sense of your own authority. In
the end, this will help you choose the proper place for your self in society in
pursuit of right work that is powerfully healing and transformative.
January 17 to April 21, 1995
November 10, 1995 to January 26, 2008
June 13 to November 26, 2008
Your generation SEEKS TRUTH and understanding on a cosmic scale. Compelled to
seek answers to life’s biggest questions, you’ll always pursue higher levels of
study. Your restless nature keeps you searching and traveling and studying, all in
attempts to understand the whole universe and how you fit into it. This search
requires that you continuously develop your intuitive faculties since that’s how
you’ll be led to the knowledge and experiences necessary in order to find the
truth you seek. Ironically, your search requires disillusionment and alienation
from the very sources of truth, knowledge and understanding you seek comfort in.
This occurs for the purpose of teaching you how vast the truth really is and that in
fact, truth is relative! Ultimately, you must discover your own truth while
learning to honor all the different beliefs and perspectives that others hold dear
and perceive as their personal truth. Defense of your own beliefs to the exclusion
of others will result in confrontations that expose you to new information that
effectively undermines the validity of what you thought was undeniably true.
Your new evolutionary growth challenges will bring awareness about the
limitations in your philosophies and beliefs. Like an old pair of shoes your feet
have outgrown, you’ll outgrow old, limited belief structures now as well.
Copyright 2008 for Threshold Consulting and Donna Lee Steele.
All rights reserved. Excerpted from Heavenly Help Newsletter December 2008.