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The Planet Neptune
By: Caroline Lafferty
How did Neptune get it’s name?
It was named after the Greek god Neptune.
During the Greek mythology times, astronomers
named the 4 inner planets after the most
important gods. Astronomers eventually found
the outer planets and keep the tradition of
naming them after the gods. Once they got to
Neptune, they decided to name it after
Neptune, the god of the sea. They named it this
because of it’s bluish glow.
Neptune’s Symbol
Neptune’s discovery
Neptune was first discovered by Galileo in 1612.
He recorded it though as a fixed star. It was
found to be a planet in 1846 by Urbian Joseph le
Verner by using mathematics.
Neptune’s distance
• Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun
• It is 4,496.6 km away from the sun
• It is also 4.4 billion km away from the earth!
Neptune’s Measurements
• Neptune’s mass is 1.02747e26 kg
• Neptune’s volume is 102.4e24 kg
• Neptune’s density is 1.64g
Would Neptune Sink or Float in
Neptune would sink because it’s mass is heavier
than 1.10g.
Neptune’s Atmosphere
Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen,
helium and methane. It has a very thin
atmosphere since it has no firm surface.
Neptune’s Orbit and Rotation
• It takes Neptune 165 years to orbit the sun
• One day on Neptune is 16 hours and 6
Neptune’s Temperature
Neptune is very cold. It is considered as the “ice
giant.” The average temperature for Neptune is 346º .
Neptune’s Composition
• Neptune is considered a
“gas giant” because of it’s
• Neptune’s outermost layer
is the cloud top. Then
there are the gases
(Hydrogen, helium and
methane) and the last
layer is rock and ice.
Neptune’s Weather
Neptune has very powerful winds up to 644mph
and very strong storms. The blue spot on the
planet is where the worst storm occurs.
Neptune’s Moons
• Neptune has 13 moons.
• They are called Larissa, Naiad, Thalassa,
Despina, Galata, Proteus, Titron, Nercid,
S/2002/N2, S/2002/N3, S/2002/N4 and
Neptune’s Moons Discovery
Naiad- 1989
Thalassa- 1989
Despina- 1989
Galata- 1989
Proteus- 1989
Titron- 1846
Nercid- 1949
S/2002/N4- 2002
S/2002/N3- 2002
S/2002/N2- 2002
S/2002/N1- 2002
Where is Water found on Neptune?
The only water that is found on Neptune is in
the atmosphere.
Could a Human Survive on Neptune?
The answer is no. Neptune is too cold and does
not have gravity so the human would float into
Fun Facts about Neptune!
Neptune has the most violent storms than any
other planet in our solar system
If you weigh 100 pounds on earth, you would
weigh 119 pounds on Neptune