Download The Health Benefits of Pickled Umeboshi Plums

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The Health Benefits of Pickled Umeboshi Plums
Far Eastern equivalent to both taking an aspirin and apple everyday
Umeboshi plums are sometimes called the “Japanese Alka-Seltzer” because of
their use in treating digestive upsets like constipation, diarrhea, bad breath,
motion sickness, morning sickness and lack of appetite. They’re also excellent at
treating hangovers due to their ability to relieve symptoms of dizziness, nausea
and fatigue, and because they’re so highly alkalizing. They are useful in
inflammatory stomach conditions like ulcers too, but aren’t aggravating.
Umeboshi plums contain high amounts of citric acid (which occurs naturally in
citrus fruits), making them beneficial in fatigue as the sour plums help to break
down and excrete excess lactic acid, which may build up from eating too many
acidic foods like sugar, refined dairy, refined wheat and other grains, alcohol,
and a sedentary lifestyle.
Umeboshi is found at specialty stores and Asian markets throughout the United
States. Watch out for additives at Asian markets. The name umeboshi translates
to "Japanese salt plum," and the fruit comes from the Japanese ume tree.
Traditionally, umeboshi is eaten with rice as a side dish. The pickling process
gives this small fruit an intensely sour and salty taste, and scientists have found
that it may have benefits for your health.
Contains Ulcer-Preventing Substances
If you've ever had an ulcer, you're
familiar with the abdominal pain and
discomfort it causes, especially after you
eat. An ulcer occurs when the lining of
your stomach or intestines becomes
inflamed. A common bacteria called
Helicobacter pylori causes most cases of
ulcers. Eating umeboshi plums may
protect against ulcers. Scientists have
found that Japanese plums contain
substances that suppress H. pylori and reduce gastrointestinal inflammation. The
authors of a study published in the July 2010 edition of the European Journal of
Nutrition concluded that Japanese plums -- also called Japanese apricots -- have a
strong preventative effect against H. pylori infection.
[email protected]
Contains Heart-Protective Substances
The American Physiological Society presented findings at its 2002 annual
conference showing the skin of the Japanese plum contains substances that may
protect heart health. Researchers hypothesized that the substances, collectively
called bainiku-ekisu, block processes that promote hardening of the arteries,
which may prevent the onset of heart disease. They tested the theory using a
juice concentrate from the Japanese plum, which confirmed their hypothesis.
Provides Antioxidants
A healthy, plant-based diet is abundant in antioxidant compounds called
phytochemicals, which scientists believe play a role in protecting against chronic
diseases. Researchers have isolated more than 20 phytochemicals from Japanese
plum found to have potent antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are substances that
neutralize molecules called free radicals, helping prevent cellular and DNA
damage. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of antioxidant compounds, so it's
important to eat a varied diet with plenty of plant-based foods.
Protects Against Oral Pathogens
Eating umeboshi plums may help keep your gums healthy, reports a study
appearing in the July 2011 edition of the Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. The
authors tested substances from Japanese plums against various pathogenic
bacteria that commonly live in the mouth. Japanese plums exerted antimicrobial
activity against all bacteria tested and was most effective against the bacteria
responsible for gingivitis called P. gingivalis, write the authors. Infection with P.
gingivalis causes gum inflammation that, if untreated, can progress to a more
serious infection called periodontitis.
How to take it:
Umeboshi plums (eaten whole)- A little
more hardcore than taking the vinegar, you
can boil this tangy plum and drink it as a tea
or just eat one a day as a general
preventative and over-all wellbeing booster.
Umeboshi paste- This can be mixed into
sauces or used as a salty condiment (maybe
scrape a little on some sourdough toast with
avocado and poached eggs).Umeboshi
Vinegar- Add a splash of the salty vinegar to
soups, stews, casseroles, on veggies, or
[email protected]