Download 227 years ago...on July 4th, 1776 This great nation, the United

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227 years ago...on July 4th, 1776
This great nation, the United States of America,
In a struggle for what was right and free,
Was proudly born...
May we celebrate that precious freedom
For which our forbears fought so bravely...
The freedom that is inherent
In the Stars and Stripes, our revered flag...
Celebrate Freedom
This Fourth of July!
The flag of the United States is red, white, and blue. The
fifty stars represent the fifty states. The thirteen red and
white stripes represent the first thirteen colonies
Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, New York,
Connecticut, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
Virginia, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia
George Washington was
the first president of the
United States of America.
He was the Commander in
Chief of the Continental
Army. We celebrate his
birthday on February 22
with a holiday.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the people of the
United States from the people of France. She stands in
the middle of the harbor of New York City. She is a symbol
of hope and freedom for immigrants.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless,
tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden
The Liberty Bell is the bell
of Independence Hall in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
It was rung on July 8,
1776 to proclaim the
independence of the
United States of America
from England. It cracked
in 1835.
The Bald Eagle is the
symbol bird of the United
States of America. The
Bald Eagle represents the
traits of courage,
independence, and
strength. It is a large
eagle with white-feathered
head and neck.
The Declaration of Independence
was signed on July 4, 1776. This
is the birthday of the United
States of America. It is usually
celebrated with fireworks
displays. Fireworks represent the
battle of the War of 1812 Francis
Scott Keys saw when he wrote
the Star-Spangled Banner, the
National Anthem.