Download Stats 156 * Calculator Stuff

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Statistics – Calculator Stuff
Summary of a List of Data
Put the data in L1 inside the STAT “EDIT” menu
Go back to the STAT menu and go over to “CALC
Choose 1-Var Stats
x is the mean
Sx is the standard deviation assuming the data was a sample
x is the standard deviation assuming the data was the entire population
Q1 is the lower quartile (25%)
Q3 is the upper quartile (75%)
Med is the median
Linear Regressions
1. put inputs (x’s) in L1 and outputs (y’s) in L2
2. Turn plot1 on, then use ZOOM 9 to see scatter plot
3. In STAT, CALC, choose LinReg(a + bx)
4. Put formula in Y1
Standard Normal Distribution
1. normalcdf(a, b) gives the standard normal probability P(a < z < b)
2. invNorm(#) gives the z – value z* such that P(z < z*) = #
t Distribution
1. tcdf(a, b, m) gives the probability that P(a < t < b) on the t curve with m df
χ2 Distribution
1. χ2cdf(a, b, m) gives the probability that P(a < χ2 < b) on the χ2 curve with m df
1 Sample Confidence Interval for p
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 1-PropZInt
x = # successes, n = sample size, C – Level = desired confidence level
2 Sample Confidence Interval for p
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 2-PropZInt
x1 = # successes in sample 1, n1 = sample 1 size
x2 = # successes in sample 2, n2 = sample 2 size
C – Level = desired confidence level
One Sample z Test for a Population Proportion
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 1-PropZTest
p0 = hypothesized value of proportion
x = number of successes
n = sample size
Two Sample z Test for Difference in 2 Population Proportions
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 2PropZTest
x1 = number of successes in sample 1
n1= sample 1 size
x2= number of successes in sample 2
n2= sample 2 size
Confidence Interval for a Single Population Mean
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. ZInterval (if  is known) or
2. TInterval (if  is unknown)
Choose “Data” if data is in L1
Choose “Stats” if x , n, and standard deviation (population or sample) is known
One Sample Test for a Population Mean
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. Z-Test… (if  is known) or
2. T-Test… (if  is unknown)
Choose “Data” if data is in L1
Choose “Stats” if x , n, and standard deviation (population or sample) are known
Confidence Interval for Diference in 2 Population Means
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 2-SampZInt (if  ‘s are known) or
2. 2-SampTInt (if  is unknown)
Choose “Data” if data is in L1 and L2
Choose “Stats” if x1 , n1, s1, x 2 , n2, s2 are known
Two Sample Test for Difference in 2 Population Means
In STAT – inside TESTS
1. 2-SampZTest…(if  is known) or
2. 2-SampTTest…(if  is unknown)
Choose “Data” if data is in L1 and L2
Choose “Stats” if x1 , n1, s1, x 2 , n2, s2 are known
χ2 Goodness of Fit Test
1. Put observed counts
 in L
1 and hypothesized p’s in L2
Go to PRGM
Choose CHI2